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151 HOME WOOD 111 May 31 Todays train ¬ ing gallops included the following ASIIIXGTOX PAmC Weather clear track fast 1 17 Alfred Trude 37h 131 La Golondrina 111 Beiitifl Rose RoseBelieveitornot 37 u 147 Marjory Xell Xell31h Believeitornot 31h 14G Pittsburghcr 142 Calgary Kay t8b Bough House House39ib 143 Hy Chandler 39ib 147 Belline 147 Ida ODay 3Jl b 1 12 Star Lighter Lighter33h 143 Irene T 33h 143 Tomau 12 MILE 113 Angela Lavin 49 h llGMike Carey Carey5l 148 Auntdire 5l h 148 Mgaret Scott Scott50b 148 Brkdalc Miss 50b 141 Morsel 145 Chicago 49h 115 Our Pet 142 Chicago Girl 50 b Quecna Pal Pal50i 1 15 Canaan 50i 145 Boy Gibson Gibsonr 119 Dryilock r 2 i 142 Stop Gap Gap48d 117 Falmlh Belle 48d 147Kneet Joe Joe51b 140 Grey Kilty 51b 112 The Alderman 1 10 Gambol 48 h 140 Wncker Drive Drive52VJb 119 Garlic 52VJb 148 Windy City llSAfrost l03Jih 122 Ly Parlridgffl02 b 148 Busy Betty 100 I 149 Lady March 1OG b 149 Ft Dcarbornl03 b 148 Miss Keatoul03h 149 Gov Christiel09 e 142 May Upset l03h 143 Garnish 103 b 147 Ncgodale lOGs lOGs14J 14J Hyman l02h 148 Norias l03 h 141 Hy Schneider 02 li 121 Silver Cord 102 d 130 Honey Grove 108 130 Santorio l03h 108 Knockabout 101 140 Wicker l02h 131 Josephine Dl02h 34 MILE MILEBig Big Star 118 b 14i La Fiesta 119 b 148 Btered TcastllG b 14i Iy Coventrvl h 119 Camp Prince l17b 148 Most Unruly 118 h hC C nfli liu 148Medley l13 l131i 1i 148 Die Dreamerl13Jih 130 Outer Harbor 19 b Elfish 112 1 145 PVess Edith 114 = 41 41HSGbye HSGbye SumerinG1 i 150 Picadome 119 b 1 llih1JO 49 Ilorendeen l10i 148 Pendergast llih 1JO Hal Bileyl20 i 150 Ripficld l14d 147 Jean ICKaiblel2t i 150 Two Dans1 Dans1Longwood Longwood 123 150 Very Well 119 b 1 MILE 128 Belle Rivel45i i 140 Pride Irinsili IrinsililIGBay lIGBay Limitedli5 i 143 Bed Face l13 h 119 First Missionl42d 145 Biver Forest l44h l44hHOlRlam HOlRlam l41d IX Sir John Kl43 Kl43sh = sh 144 Jennifer 144 h llSVermajo 115 1 149 Nostaw l43i l43itl tl Gov Christie and Negodale sulked Thirst Mission and Nostaw were together in their work workElfish Elfish was under a drive Pittsburgher showed a high turn of speed LOUISVILLE Ky May 31 Todays train ¬ ing gallops included the following CHUKCHILTr DOWNS Weather clear track fast 148 Arrowlike 30h 145 Plucky Zipp 3GJ d 144 Fairy King 37 b 148 Silver Lace 3Gh 139 Naughty Slie 35 d 137 Sir Percival 37h 149 Oswego 33 b 117 White Hoops 3G 113 Patricia Kly 30h 12 MILE 148 Apple Brandy MSd 148 High Fruit 5t b 140Agincourt 49b 149 Major Tom 53 b 110 Black Paul 52 b 147 Trcntonian 51 b 143 Bee Hive 32b 58 MILE 148 All Girls 101 b 148 Freshet 102U 111 Bubble On 101 b 147 Mtha Jonesl01h 148 Billy Champ l0jh 149 Soria Braalel0123d 148 Chief John l01 = id 143 Stimulant l02b 34 MILE llGBezonian l10 b 143 Illegitimate l15h 148 Culloden 114 i i148Eilice 145 Lady Fingcrsl17 b 148Eilice 114 i 148 Martinique l14d 149 Esme 110 144 My No 118 b 149 Glenuo 118 140 Orerbrook 118 b 149 Gden Backetl20 149 Squabbler 117 b 149 George Wbrelir 149 Town Talk 120 b 144 Hot Time 117 118 Wisdom 110 b 130Hieover llGs 148 Ben Machrce 144 b 148 Tannery l41 li 143 Miss Alabamal45 b 137 United Armyl45b 149 Pigeon Hole l435fb 143 Whiskery 144 h 140 Bushing l4Gb l4GbTannery Tannery was the standout of the morning He was well in hand all the way wayMartha Martha Jones was under restraint restraintEllice Ellice and Culloden went single file and well in hand handMartinique Martinique did a very good move moveNaughty Naughty Sallie showed speed COLLIXSVILLE 111 May 31 Todays training gallops were as follows Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILE3Sfib 148 Beau Wrack 3Sfib Napia SCyih 147 Crucero 36 h Orford 37 h h3GHd 148 Ephesian 3GHd 14C Rdt Fwer 371ih 371ih3713h 140 Fig Leaf 3713h Sethlette 3Gifli 3Gifli3Stib 142 Lady Emblem 3Stib 149 White Spot 38b 38b38b 130 Molly Hogan HoganAdministrate 38b 147 Wild Party 3G ih 12 MILE MILE51h Administrate 51h 149 Linger 49h 49h50h 149 Calome 50h 07 My Toots 51 h h50h 14 1 Gold Mint 50h 142 The Padre 49h 49h34b 147Justina 34b 129 Watchword ISvih Just It 1 Druggist 101 li Muffin Boy 102311 141 Grge Van SlOSb 149 Princeton l01h 146 Hattic Sethl02d 148 Pncess DarelOG ib 147 Le Florc l03 = ib 40 Shark l07b 34 MILE 143 Alex Wdliffel18iib 148 Particular 110 li liUS US Belli Casusl19Jib 147 Sambo G l14h l14hEdie j Edie Lelimnl15yl 14S Sly Polly 118 1 148 Ilerade lasfell 140 Water Lad l19b 142 Kingsport l205ib 1 MILE 143 Flab Bearerl45 b 143 Reveille Boy 149 b 149 Longus 147 b 150 Sea Rocket l447 h 133 LHa G l51 b 141 True Boy l4Sb 148 Nsery Rniesl44h Rniesl44hFlagbearer Flagbearer was breezing all the way waySea Sea Rocket is rounding to his best form formSambo Sambo G showed good speed and was well in hand throughout throughoutMuffin Muffin Boy very speedy is on the improve improveIlerade Ilerade was in company the first six fur ¬ longs with Nursery Rhymes TORONTO Ont May SI Todays training gallops were as follows THOIIXCLIFFE PAKK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE MILE14GFakir 14GFakir 37ih 100 Keith 3Gd 12 MILE 150 Assail tfl rt 130 Fcss 52 h hDairy Dairy 51 h 58 MILE 143 Circulet l03h 147 Sp of Boantyl0 1 149 Dance Circle l0th 141 Table Talk 101 li 140 French Lassl03h 141 Ulvcrstou 104 d 133 Gilded Casinol04 = fd 34 MILE 149 Benda l18 = io 149 Propus 113 c 143 Daisy Fair 118 li 91 Beigh Shotl18h 97 Kvanston l18 l18so = so 148 Select llGo 147 Granite Roekl17h 149 Vellas l17d l17diOMacil iOMacil ll id 147 Vacillate 118 c 140 Marie Gaictyl20 h 1 MILE 120 B of Govansl51 e 150 Full Cloud 145 o 140 Hilly Warren 31 o 141 Golden Luxl47e 118 Cogwheel l4Gh 12G Jnsta Flapperl5l h Flamingo 148 d 130 Lamp Black l4G = h Propus was under restraint Macil was driving Select went handily handilyLamp Lamp Black and Cogwheel went handily together Benda and Evanston were together CLEVELAND Ohio May 31 Todays training gallops included the following followingTHISTLE THISTLE IXnVA PARK Weather clear track fast 33 MILE 150 Boom 38b Xae Brocks 38h 148 Bob lingers 39 b 148 Ondora 37 d 149 Cmp De Mrs 3Gd 147 Pardon 39 h 118 Full Measure 37 h 128 Ilhubarb 40 b OSNigricant 39 h 133 Troubanova 39h 39h3S 140 Night Itim ItimNobody 3S h 113 Type 4l7ib Nobody 40 li 147 Vandiou 38 d 12 MILE 147 Brunswick 50 h Nosduli 52 5d 5d53ib 149 Courier 53ib 143 Retort 49 li 128 Cles t First 53 h 14G Senora 52 d 125 Doctor T 50id 148 Sland Chief 50 h 149 Foggy 32 d 141 Steen Sixty 53h 147 Golden Cloud 53h 147 ProConsul 51 d 14GMote 35 h 58 MILE 121 Bucado l0d 150 Gagliardo Jnl03 = d 129 Bounding Rkl03il 109 Kingbird l01h 147 Cnlzona 108 b 150 Lnt Mansfldl04 h 129 Drastella 103 1 148 Partake 104 h hFair Fair Esther 101 h 102 Saddle Skirtsl03h Fair Meddle 101 h 1 MILE 149 Bwnie Rmilel4G h 147 Sunny Saint 141 h hKing King Carter 147 h 148 Tanist 147 b b14G 14G Godiva 147 b bSunny Sunny Saint went a nice mile Champ de Mars showed good speed Saddle Skirts went handily Boom was not extended NEW YORIC N T May 31 Todays train ¬ ing gallops over the local courses were as follows 3JELMOXT PAltK Weather clear track good 38 MILE 148 Bide a Wee 3G 149 Osmand 3fi h h14U 14U Biislimuii Mi 148 Peter Simple 37 h 147 CzarlKt 38 147 Paradise Lost 39 b 147 Clieckerberry 37 149 Uave 39 b 147 Capture 38 Satin Spinner 37 h 112 Exalted 3G 123 Sakura 38 b b11C 11C Grace Darling 7 Spears 38 h 147 Ladsou 3G UlSetador 37 li 143 Mowlee 33 b Very Light 37 u 12 MILE 133 Brighton 50 b 147 Bubio 31 b br 140 Blk Mammy r 50 b 149 Royal Tree 30 U 148 Byrd 48 h Sloper 52 It 80 Brig 50 b 51 Stephanus 51 li lis 149 Cf Executive s 53 b MSSarazcn II 48 li 143 DraconU 50 b 149 Subchaser 50 1 117 Ducat 33 b 117 Sturdy 3t h 141 Devils Due 5l b 137 Shield 5l 147 Irish Polly b 121 The Gen 51 It 149 Jubilate 53 b 111 Totem 50 li 117 Little Toots 5l b 133 Tomboy Pat 49 li 149 Pretense 53 b 140 War Flag ll li 150 Porter Di 50 b 149 Wrestler 50 h 1anascttc 48 h Zelid 43 U 58 MILE 137 Abduction 103 d 141 Mombasa lC5 b 142 Austerlitz 101 b 147 Miss Grace 103 b 150 Burgoo 102 1 117 Mad Career 101 It 150 Banal Girl 101 1 Noa Joyce 103 b 147 Charleigh 102 I 143 Old Sport 108 It Friar Bsacou 100 150 Patroness 100 b 14G Gabrielle 103 b 1Ul Polyfou 101 It 117 Gay Widow 103 140 Royal Play 10 1 b 147 Green Light 103 1 149 Sublevado 104 b 149 High Day 105 1 150 Soarcr 103 h 148 Live Oak 101 b 148 Simba l0li 142 Mucker 103 b 123 Traumagne 105 It 144 Moonlit 10 h Welsh Maidl03v li 31 MILE 148 Argonaut 11S Jib 14 New Broom 118 h hh 142 Alchemist 118 h 147 On Her Toes 11G It 143 Apple CartllG ill 147 Polydor 118 b bb 144 Angry 123 b 118 Polygamous llGh llGhli 118 Agua Calientol 2l li 119 Scatter 121 b bb 117 Bron Admiral 20 b 150 Spish Dancerl20 b bli 133 Dunlins SonllG li 147 Squeaky 121 b bh 147 Full Dress 11G h 148 Spellbound 117 Ji JiIt 148 Finite 117 It 138 Strongheart 117 It Itb 143 Folamile 118 b 118 The Heathen lGli lGlib 118 Hatbroom 121 b 1 3 The Spare 117 U 143 Luggage 110 ill 150 Voodoo 121 b bb 145 Mr Cavalier 120 b 149 War Saint 121 b 114 Battling On l285oli 114 kee DoodIel2S7sh 137 Shipmaster l29h 1 HILE 134 Balko 1431 147 Gay Knight l49b 119 Capstone 113 147 Madder l44h 147 Coin Collector 45 147 Phillip 148 b 148 Comstockery 143 144 Protector 14G It 14 Dr Freclandl40vs 147 B Cs Sisterl45 h 149 Fche dArgtl49 b 144 Bed Bag 144 h 150 Golden Angcrl4G = i 150 Seventeen 150 b 110 Goose Egg 143 1 18 MILES 148 Believe Sallyl57 h 147 Quest inairo 137 h hQuestionnaire Questionnaire showed a good move moveShipmaster Shipmaster went handily handilyBanal Banal Girl showed speed speedFull Full Dress showed a good move moveDraconis Draconis went handily Comstockery and Goose Egg went together j Mad Career is coming back to his gooih form formPanaselte Panaselte went handily handilySoarer Soarer showed speed Finite went handily handilyAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT Weather clear track good 33 MILE 109 Aurica 33 h 148 Quackcr 37 hi 149 Ala Carte 37 It 119 Boan Anlopa 37 h 149 Brueoil 37 h Romanesque 37 b 147 Cane Heart 37 h 147 Bcportress 37 h 150 Harlem 38 b 147 Tancrcd 37 li 149 Morroll 37 h 150 Wcome Dgr 33 b 130 Billy Long Jr 32 b 148 Jak Campbell 49 h 140 Broken Stone 49ih 147 Moreyes 33 b 149 Black Watch 55 b 149 Morse Code 53 b 148 Corsage 35 b 140 Mine Sweeper 50 b 149 Chapln 307Ii 1J9 My Sin 53 b 147 Dall 30 h 1G Ronald Grey 53 b b1421unwell 1421unwell 3075h 122 Royal Officer 52 b 147 Flossine 55 b 149 Snn Cup 49h 140 Happy Scot 53 b 149 Tat 50 h 58 MILE 149 Bonnie Bard 105 b 118 Rocky News 103 b 112 Draing Boardl03 b 34 MILE 148 Cdllington I15h 147Lightswcep 117 h hHSCrossco HSCrossco 117 h 149 Poinciana 117 h 144 Candy Heart 117 h 147 Rubbarneck l137sh 147 Dunlins Elk 120 b 148 Stanton 123 b b117EIeu 117EIeu 120 b 118 Soother l15h 148 Fire Line 118 b 148 SgandDeManl24 b 149 Grey Coat 113 h 14S Tuskegee l15h 140 Hornpipe 118 b 140 Woody Long 122 b 149 Keep Clear 122 b 1 MILE MILE149Alayer 149Alayer 147 b 130 Rumor 149 b 148 Best Man 144 h 149 St Ileuell 144 h 144 GeorgeDeMarl43 li 147 Scot Free 153 b 149 Lillian M 14G h 149 Wood God 143 h 150 MaceOon l43h 114 MILES 139 Erin 211 b 147 Gallant Fox 209 I 143 Flylu Gal 211 b bGallant Gallant Fox went handily all the way Erin and Flying Gal worked together haiw dily dilyTat Tat showed good speed St Henell went handily JA3EAICA JA3EAICAWeather Weather clear track good 38 MILE 148 Airliner 385b 149 Lost Agnes 351Sil 351Sil14G 14G Douie 39 b 149 Prime 3G U 144 Equipoise 38 b 148 Rayo 37 b 130 38T3b14SMaIaita Mordfne 37 b 148 Smear 38T3b 14SMaIaita 3S = ib 12 MILE MILE149Foxim 149Foxim 51b 1JS Recede 49b 143 Gunther 55b 144 Sign Off 5l7sb 147 My Btd Gl 31 31sb sb sb5S 5S MILE 149 Black Shirt l01b 149 Mardie 103 b 149 Beguile 103 h 149 One Grand l01 = b 147 Fnces St Ll01b 141 Rose Hogau 103 h 149 French Leave 07 b 149 Sunny Star 103 h 147 Dustbroom lOGTib 149 Williford 103 b b3i 3i MILE 143 Blie Iconardl13fb 149 Murky CIoudl13b 149 Cymbal l10fh 147 My Call Boyl2l b 148 Cannae l18b 147 Metzies IVdyl21 b 147 Cootie l18 = li 140 Raway Lnssl15iih 146 Dunrock 117 h 111 Ruby Keller 115 h 141 Fantad llG ib 149 Sweet Verbsal13 b 149 Flimsy l18b 1 MILE MILE14SBosky 14SBosky 144 1 143 My Son 130 vb 149 Brown Trap 145 b 149 Bamoneur l43b 1481011 Pedro 140 b 150 The Fshmanl45 = h 147 Dtor Rauklnl44 h 147 Xylophone 152 b 118 MILES 149 Crucifixion l3GVh l3GVhFrances Frances St L did a good speed test testMurky Murky Cloud and Flimsy went easily to gether Ruby Keller went well wellDoctor Doctor RanKin is in good shape shapeBosky Bosky looks good goodCrucifixion Crucifixion went handily