3rd Washington, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-02

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3rd Washington Purse 1200 2yearol1s jraidcns Fillies Claiming Mile Jimmy 3Ioran June 3 1929 59 2 116 NOTE Claiming price 2500 Weight 116 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt RPP RPPJ80911 J80911 7 Sun Porter CD 115 101 ISlftO 4 Susarland Was 113 101 101479G3 479G3 8 Tavy CD 110 102 4703 2 Generola Was 110 101 4GGG4 3Suasta Snow Ind PP Horse Wt Rec Rec4SOSG 4SOSG 1 Entice Was 110 103 47937 5 Happy Holiday Was 11G 105 47780 C Tca Gown 4S139 9 Englcwood Was 113 103V The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workoui and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Sun Porter 1 HessianJL 1 R B f 2 M by The Porter In the Sun by Hessian JL JL O Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean McLeanJtv2930CD Jtv2930CD g l01sl 4J 115 2 1 2h 2k AmbroseE 15 SiigarKissllOOldXanllOFairManiia 115 C May 230 Plm 4 f 55VSft 23 110 G G 5J 5 3IcTasrtJ 11 AlpineGl lOSUlmsLd llOEspIorc 102 C APn2430 = HdG 4J f 54ft 4Jf 109 G 5 6 GJ HuffN 15 Shield 112 Zebra 112 Prince Zeus 122 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 0 1 0 200 200Sllgarlaild Sllgarlaild 1 I f Bl 2 M Bondage Rasola by McGee McGeeLast Last work 144 12 52gd JL JL O Trainer J Tigue Owner Paradise Stock Farm Stable Mv3030 = Was g l00ft 165 113 4 5 4J 4 AnrsonA S DandvDanllCIIomerL llOCharmer 110 31 May27303Waa g l02gd 7 11G 4 3 2 2 = J AndcrsonA S GreyKitty llGOurPet llGGeneroIa 110 31 Maj2230Aur 4X f 54ft 5 112 G 3 S8 2 DePremaR 10 Wigrosell2ThreeInarow 112RedTamll2 31 Majl9303Aur gl01m G 115 10 11 111130 DcPmaR 12 Allegretto 113RedTam lOGDkPrice 113 C MajlSSOAur 4J f 54 ft 12f 112 5 4 3s 2s AyraudR3 12 AuntDebll2Belbanell5BlkStkings 115 31 Mai2930JP 3J f 43sl 43e 109 S G G ° i SJ CavcnsJ1 11 RitXowll2LraNeglcyll5PpleIadyll2 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 9 0 3 0 400 Taw 1 I C h f 2 M by St Germans Alster Cress by Watercress WatercressLast Last work 130 38 3Grt JL JL O Trainer E Haughton Owner Greentree Stable Maj2730 = CD g l01ft 3e 115 5 7 7S2 7 i ChvettaF6 11 XornialiallinGradisetllSInBetween 115 31 Ma2430CD g l01gd 5 11G 9 7 7 7i SpshireE3 12 OutburstllGRestEasy 110RegalLadyllG 31 May 330 = Lex 4J f 55ft 7 116 8 8 Gi 43 JonesL 11 IlumgellGEbIiLesterllGSIliaJoncsllC A Apc2S30Lex 4J f 54 ft 11 115 12 12 10 9 3IoneyJD l TanFacell5Sister3Iaryl09ArrowlikeJ09 C starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 4Generola Generola 1 RonaldL 1 C s f 2 M b General Thatcher Gladiola by Dark Ronald L L O Trainer R F Carman Jr Owner Nevada Stock Farm Stable StableMa2730JWas Ma2730JWas g l02gd 22 11G 3 5 4J 4 MorsonR3 S GreyKitty HCSugarland llGOurPct 110 31 30HdG 41 f 55 ft 37 115 9 5 5J 7J 3IorsonR 15 BroadA 115 Sedgie 114Noisy3Iiss 113 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 Shasta Snow mB f 2 M by Bistouri Drusilla by Celt Trainer W H Hoag Owner El Galivan Stable AprlG30 = Tan 4J f 37V sl 109 4 3 3 = J G TaplinE0 12 SIscherll3narsbawlOGPrcsDiabo 112 C CApt Apt S30lTan 19ft 107 G G STi S9i TaplinE a Warlight 103 StarBoat 103 Oaten 108 C CApr Apr 5C03Tan J 19ft 112 4 2 2 32 TaplinE10 11 Siracodell5Harsliawll2SamIschcr 113 31 30AC 4J f 53ft 35 105 9 G G3J G3 LyonsD 12 StarBoat 1033IiConcha 112FairEster 103 C FA 4303AC g 33ft 30 115 7 GU01C PhilpotH5 12 VoltabushlluPcessDblollSSliCchallj 31 2930 AC 3 36hy3110e 111 7 5J 5 InzeloneJ3 10 3IissChnell2JWGrItl07FinaiR ng 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 7 0 0 1 CO Entice 1 1 fi B f 2 M by KaiSang Scoots by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 129 38 3Sft JLLU Trainer F M Taylor Ownsr Rancocas Stable StableMay2930Was May2930Was 0 101 ft 73 101 7 8 71I10 HildrethW1 10 DonAlvaro 113Zebra 1003IissChilIa 113 C May27303Was g l02gd 11 11G 5 4 5 J 5SJ AyraudR S GreyKitty llGSugarland llGOurPet 110 31 MaylO30 = Pim 4J t 53 ft 122 119 5 8 Su S HildrethW 12 All Hail 122 Soil Gills 122 Colono 122 31 J 4Sft 29f 119 11 11 11 S12 BurgardP 12 StAgnsllOOvrShdy IWQnHrd 11931 119312S30 2S30 Pim J 4S ft 24f 119 9 10 WIO BurgardP 12 SnowWhitell9Qnnerodll9JJyKingl22 31 Arc2330HdG 4J f 55 ft 9f 106 8 7 7 910 HildrthW 13 BroadA 113 Sedgie 114NoisyJIiss 113 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year G Ifainy Holiday 1 BroomstickJL 1 B f 2 M by Baigneur Faithful by Broomstick JL JL O Trainer W Pinch Owner 0 W Lehmann M r27303Was g l02gd 40 11G 7 7 711 8 McCrosnC5 8 GreyKitty llGSugarland llGOurPet 110 31 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Tea Tea GoWli 111 Ch 2 M by Tea Caaay Oriental Dress by Delhi DelhiLast Last work 133 38 35 ft J JL JL Trainer J Dreyer Owner J Dreyer DreyerMa2230Aur Ma2230Aur 4J f 54ft 3e 112 2 4 4J S16 MoranW3 10 Wigrosell2Sugarrdll2TlireeInarowll2 31 Uay2030Aur 4 f 3Ghy 10 105 5 5 GIS G AyraudR1 7 3IissJoan 101 Zebra 107GoodFriend 97 C Apcl230Bow J 47ft llf 115 3 1 45J 4 LcylandJ 11 Squab 115OverSliadvll53ryEnderly 115 31 Ape 530Bow 4Sft 9i 115 2 4 G G SteffenE 12 Saki 115 Atilularia 115 3Iagothy 115 M Mac22COStJ 50 sy 49 107 4 4 5aJ 542 DePmaR10 UDoflie 120 BlucBerry 112 PlayEm 112 A Macl730StJ i 50 ft G 111 G 5 5 = 5 33 erraJ3 12 BlueBcrrylllBlackStkgsllSEarly 111 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 9 0 0 2 170 EllglCWOod 1 1 B f 2 M by Supremus Arcadia by Gnome GnomeLast Last work 123 58 l03ft JLLU Trainer R White Owner Palos Park Stock Farm Stable StableMar3030 Mar3030 = Was g l00ft 36 113 8 8 S 6 = CookWJ1 8 DandyDanllGIIomerL llCCharmer 110 31 Ma27303Was g l02gd 37 11G C G G11 6s J LeylandJ S GreyKitty llGSugarland llGOurPet 110 31 Maj2230 = Aur 4 f 34ft 3G 112 4 5 1010e CooperS3 10 Wigfosell2Sngarrdll2Tbreelnarowll2 31 Ma19303Aur g l01m 15 115 S 10 10 5 DellowAV 12 Allegretto llSRedTam lOGDkPricc 113 0 MaTl3303Aur 4J f 54 ft 33 112 G 9 S3 8 LoganL 12 AuntDeb 112Sugarland 112Belbanc 110 31 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Woa Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060201/drf1930060201_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060201_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800