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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XLII. NUMBER 243 rOUKUED IN 1894 Entered at teroDd class matter. April 2, 1896. at the post office at Cblraco. lllinoia, under Act of Marco 3. 1873. DAILY EXCEIT SUNDAY A da II J reflection of tlie American torf bj telegraph. Publiined tj REGAL PRESS, INC. 441 PLYMOUTH COUBT CHICAGO, ILL. 313 W. 28TH STBEET NEW YORK CITY, . Y. S12 CALHOUN AVE. HOUSTON. TEXAS : 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST TORONTO. ONT. 2134 MIAMI COURT. N. W. MIAMI, FLA. . " 1145 HARRISON ST. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. 2107 THIRD AVE. SEATTLE, WASH. TEI.ElIIONE IIAUItlSON 7508 For business and circulation purposes, onlj. This telephone bas no connection, with ibe sens or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with tbem. For Free lbone Itcsults Call Wabatb 7000. SUISSCItllTlON 1IY KlItST CLASS MAIL: J8.50 IElt 110NT1I. J2C0 EXTItA FOR SlElIAI, DE-LIVEKY. 5.00 IKU MONTH UY Allt MAIL. I2.C0 EXTItA FOIt SPECIAL IlEl.lVEItY. PAYAIII.E IN ADVANCE. BACK NUMIIEKS BY MAIL. 25 CENTS EACH. To be considered and ansnered. all queries to Daily Racing Form must be sent orer tbe full name and with I lie address of writer. The names and addressea are subject to a local and foreign director test. Address ail communications, make all remittances and send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING F.EM 441 Plymouth Court Chicseo, III. 22060 Is First Index of 1936