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: j CONFER WITH RUSSIAN OFFICIAL LONDON, England, April 11. Soviet Ambassador Ivan Maisky conferred with British foreign secretary, Lord Halifax, for half an hour at the foreign office today, exchanging views on the European crisis. -Maisky visited the foreign office at the invitation of Lord! Halifax. It was stated they discussed the situation particularly as it applied to the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. It was learned that Lord Halifax told Maisky that Britain is definitely giving a guarantee of aid, in the event of aggression, to Greece and that negotiations are now in progress for a similar gurantee to Turkey. A source close to Maisky revealed that he was keenly disappointed over the fact that Viscount Halifax had given him no indication that Britain wanted the Soviets to join the anti-aggression line-up. The Russian ambassador told the foreign secretary that Moscow was disturbed over the Roumanian attitude toward the Democratic stand against Reichs-Uiehrer Adolf Hitler.