Cilio Case Again Up Before Board: Rules His Application for Trainers License Should Be Filed in Regular Manner, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-04


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Cilio Case Again Up Before Board Rules His Application for Trainers License Should Be Filed in Regular Manner Angelo Cilio, trainer, whose license was revoked on June 15, 1948, and who now is under an indefinite suspension, was heard briefly by the Illinois Racing Board yesterday. Cilio was implicated in the alleged stimulation of the horse Richwall. winner of the first race on June 1, 1948, during the Lincoln Fields meeting at Washington Park. Attorney Michael Romano again represented Cilio, and briefly reviewed the case for the two new members of the board, Stuyvesant Peabody, chairman, and Bernard Fallon, member. Romano asked the board to expunge the ruling of the previous board so that Cilio might apply for a license. He argued that the states case rested on the testimony of a groom. John Francis Stanton, who testified at previous hearing of the case that he held the horse, Richwall, while Cilio administered a hyperdermic needle said to contain benzedrine. Romano asked that two exhibits, two bottles found in Stantons trunk, shown at the original hearing be examined by the state chemist, if the state still had them in its possession. He contended that this was denied them at the time. Disclaims Stantons Testimony Romano went on to disclaim the testimony of Stanton, pointing out that even if Stantons statement was correct, which Romano and Cilio deny, it would be the testimony of an accomplice and should not be accepted. The attorney reviewed Stantons previous record, wherein he said he was in trouble in Louisiana and Ohio. It was also brought out by Romano that following the old commissions ruling against Cilio, the evidence in the case was turned over to the state attorneys office for grand jury action. The matter came before Judge Roberts, Romano stated, and Cilio was acquitted on the grounds that his action didnt constitute a crime. Romano pleaded that his client was being deprived of making a livelihood in work he was best fitted to do and under any circumstances he was suspended long enough. The board refused Romanos plea to expunge the previous boards ruling and on being advised that Cilio had filed an application for a trainers license for the year 1949, held that the application should go through the regular channels, that is, referred to the license committee and then back to the board with the committees recommendation. Chairman Peabody advised Romano and Cilio that the board would give the case full consideration and inform them of its decision. Other Cases Heard The board also took under advisement the cases of Philip Dominguez, jockey Clifford Dale Klinder, owner and trainer Jesse Arp, Irving Pfeiffer and groom Clarence Peter Folz. Dominguez was suspended in 1943 in a stimulation case at Fairmount Park. Klinder was denied a license in Illinois last year because of suspension in West Virginia. Arp was suspended at the current Sportsmans meeting for falsifying his application. It was brought out at the hearing that Arp, who held a federal license to sell liquor, attempted to do so in a "dry" state and faced court action as a result. Pfeiffer, a bartender, was set down in 1947 in a case involving the claiming of a horse by Tom Calumet. The board also approved the license committees recommendation, approved bonds for the Lincoln Fields meeting as well as officials for that meeting and informed its secretary, Joseph Broderick, to inform William B. Harrison and B. Ray to apply for a hearing in their respective cases. At yesterdays meeting, which also was attended by member Frank Mandel in addition to Peabody, Fallon and Broderick and Joseph Hill, first assistant attorney general, the appointment of Fallon as chairman of the Board of Relief for Horsemen and of Broderick as secretary, was announced.

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