Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-04

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A Abbe Boy — 4 th Jam Abbes First — 3d Suf on Abim — 3dL.D St Abrek— 7th L.D •— Academic — 1st Suf Acme— 6th G.S - Acondale— 3d G.S Admirals Aide — 1st G.S 2 Air Commander — 5th Spt Air Gee— 8th L.D - Alairne — 6th Jam Alan C— 4th HdG " Alert Sun— 7th L.D i£ Alex Barth— 8th Jam 2 Alluring— 6th HdG uj AlmaB.— 2dG.S Alpine Astarte— 8th L.D -. Angling — 5th CD 5 Appease Not — 5th G.S S£ Approach — 4th G.S iL April Air— 2d G.S Ardent Miss— 3d G.S - Aridisical — 2dL.D r: Ariel Gift— 5th L.D Armed Man— 2d Spt ec Armelle — 4th Jam _ Arthur J. — 1st G.S J Astral— 8th HdG Ataman — 7th HdG Q Azure — 1st Jam B Baby Blue— 2d Spt Back Interest — 8th CD Baguio — 7th Spt Balbar— 1st G.S Balliol— 8th HdG Bare Cupboard — 1st G.S Battle Scarred— 2d Spt Baumbach — 7th HdG Beau Sweep — 3d L.D Beau Vite— 2d G.S Beaus First— 2d G.S Beaus Nurse — 3d G.S Beautiful Time— 8th Suf Beauty Poise — 4th CD Bennington — 4th Jam Besita — 4th Jam Bessie Vance — 4th Spt Best Go— 4th G.S Betty Queen— 3d L.D Beverly Burks — 1st CD Biair — 4th LJJ Big Chris— 8th HdG Big Ping — 4th CD Big Wig— 3d CD Bill Howk — 3d Jam Bill Keef e— 2d Jam Blue Row — 5 th Jam Bo Way— 1st G.S Bobs Ace — 2d CD Bohemia Bid — 1st L.D Bold Byrd— 4th G.S Bold King— 7th CD Bold Mate — 1st Jam Boot Boy — 4 th Jam Born To Win — 6th Spt Bosmond — 5th Jam Bougent— 2d HdG Bow Bunting — 2d Spt Bow Pen — 7th G.S Bowery Hall— 7th G.S Break Thru— 4th Spt Breakage — 7th CD Bridal Shower — 2d G.S Bright Player— 1st G.S Broad Cross — 1st HdG Broad Margin — 1st G.S Brown Bourbon — 2d Spt Brunon — 7th Jam Bubble Gum— 5th CD Buckiegirl — 2d Jam Bullet Bill— 7th L.D Bulmont — 2d Spt Bunk— 8th HdG Busy Pony— 2d Spt c Cabin Creek — 6th L.D Cadet Carl — 7th L.D Cadet Dan— 6th Suf Cake Walk— 1st Spt Calladico — 8th CD Canada— 7th G.S Canteen Lad— 8th CD Cantrun — 2d Jam Cape Hatteras— 8th G.S Carolina Miss — 4th Suf Carreau — 3d Spt Carysf ort— 3d L.D Cast Off— 1st Spt Castleman — 3d L.D Cecrops — 1st Suf Cee Raf— 8th L.D Chaldson — 5th Suf Chalk — 3d Jam Chance Bea — 7th Spt Cherish— 6th G.S Cherry Soda— 7th G.S Chesty — 1st Jam Chloe— 2d HdG Choice Cut — 5th G.S Choppy Sea — 5th CD Cincy Miss— 2d CD Cinder Foot — 5th L.D City Hall— 1st Spt Clarence — 1st HdG Clip Clop — 3d L.D Clyde T.— 3d Suf . Combine — 1st Jam Comic Ann — 1st Jam Connie Sam — 8th Jam Conspire — 4 th HdG Coon Tail— 1st CD Corydon — 2d Spt Cotton Joe — 6th CD Count Did — 3d Jam Count JL — 8th Jam Count Of f— 4th G.S Countess In — 6th CD County Judge — 4th Jam Court Ruler — 4th G.S Courts Maude — 7th Spt Craline— 5th Spt Creole Babe — 3d L.D Crotchety — 2d L.D Croupier — 1st Jam Cuban Bomb — 3d Suf Cunning Miss — 6th G.S Czech Lass — 3d Suf D Dan Scotch — 1st L.D Dance Pretty — 1st Suf Dancing Gob — 5th L.D Dandy Pete — 1st HdG Dark Ebony — 3d G.S Dark Ship — 4th L.D Dawn Can — 1st G.S Dee Wash— 1st CD Delhannah — 7th Spt Delorah— 8th Spt Detach — 1st L.D Devils Guide — 3d L.D Devotedly — 1st Suf Director— 8th CD Doc Stearn — 1st HdG Doit Easy — 2d Suf Donna Dale — 7th L.D Donnas Ace — 7th G.S Dorada— 8th G.S Doranna — 2d G.S Dots Risk — 3d Spt Double Brandy — 6th HdG Dragerton — 1st Suf Dreamer — 3d Jam Duck Berry— 5th CD Dude W.— 3d CD Duke B. — 1st Jam Dunde— 7th HdG E Easter Patch — 1st L.D Easy Chance — 7th G.S Easy Joy— 3d CD Efhad— 2d Suf Elastic — 1st Jam Electron— 8th HdG Elktonia Queen — 3d CD Ellie S.— 4th HdG Empty Noose— 8th HdG Endorsement — 1st Spt Entranced — 1st G.S Escort — Is tL.D Espiritu — 8th Spt Eternal News — 7th HdG Eternallea — 3d Jam Eugo — 2d Jam Ever On — 8th CD Excitement — 7th Jam F F.B. Eye— 8th Suf Fair Ann— 8th HdG Fairy Bread — 2d Spt Famine — 1st Spt Fantom Venture — 5 th Suf Farmers Girl— 3d G.S Farmington — 7th Suf Faustin— 2d HdG Favonian — 4th CD Fifteenth— 5th CD Fighting Mad— 6th G.S Final Touch — 6th Jam Fire Kabo— 2d L.D First Citizen— 6th G.S First Pal— 1st G.S Fitful Fire— 4th Suf Five A. M.— 5th Spt Flag Drill— 6th Suf Fleet Lady — 3d Jam Flight Nurse — 8th Jam Flint Heart— 1st CD Floating— 4th G.S Floating Clown — 7th CD Flos Herbert— 8th L.D Flourtown — 3d L.D Fluid Drive— 4th G.S Fly Demon — 3d Spt Fly Menow — 5th CD Flying Missel — 6th Jam Flying Tartar — 3d Jam Forest Knight — 1st Jam Foxwick — 4th L.D Foxy Pate — 1st CD Frapia— 3d Suf Free Valley— 6th L.D Freedom Ring — 4th L.D Fresh Breeze — 3d HdG Friar Teddy — 8th Jam Furbelow— 2d HdG G Gain A Foot— 3d HdG Galbrae— 7th HdG Galla Babe— 6th Spt Garden Pot— 2d L.D Gay Band — 2d Spt Gay Clown — 1st L.D Gay Date— 5th Suf Gay Henrietta — 4th CD Gay Lookout — 4th L.D Genies Mate — 3d Spt Gerties Last — 4th Suf Gigolo— 5th HdG Gilded Cage— 3d L.D Gilded Hour— 2d G.S Ginargie— 6th G.S Gino Gold— 8th G.S Glory Be— 2d Suf Goat Head— 8th HdG Golden Cross — 4th Spt Golden Thorn — 7th Suf Good Gossip— 2d HdG Good Heavens — 1st CD Good Hunting — 4th L.D Good Pick— 1st HdG Good Service— 8th HdG Gracie Son — 6th Suf Graf airchan — 4th L.D Grain Market — 4th CD Grandma G. — 1st Jam Grateful— 3d G.S Gray Star— 6th Suf Great Beyond — 3d Suf Great Fun — 7th Suf Great Shuffle— 6th HdG Gremlin — 7th G.S Gunnison — 5 th Suf Gypsy Actress — 2d Spt H Hachette — 1st Jam Hairanette — 3d G.S Halcyara — 5th Jam Hals Linda — 4th CD Hand in Glove — 3d G.S Happy Pilot — 1st Spt Happy Smiles — 7th Suf Harbinger — 7th HdG Harrys Pride — 1st CD Hasher— 2d Suf Hazel Gold— 1st HdG Headoverheels — 7th HdG Heartiest — 8th Suf Hefty— 3d HdG Heine — 5 th Spt Helen May — 4th Suf Helpit — 2d Jam Heramore — 1st L.D Here I Am— 7th G.S Hex — 1st L.D Heyorta — 1st L.D Hi Comedienne — 4th Suf Hi Neighbor — 1st Jam High Ego— 3d CD Hill Fox— 8th L.D Hill Sun— 7th L.D Holiday Girl — 7th Jam Honeytown — 7th Jam Hush Money — 4th Suf Hy Spread — 7th L.D Hyade— 3d L.D I I Conquer — 8th L.D I. Mean— 2d L.D Ida C— 2d G.S Ill Be— 6th G.S Inf aith— 2d HdG Infinotto— 3d Spt Irish Sun— 6th C.U Isigny — 6th Jam Islam Prince — 7th Suf Island Hop — 3d Jam Iwo Jima— 7th HdG J Jack Rubens — 2d L.D Jacks Niece — 1st Spt Jatak — 1st CD Jean Ann — 2d L.D Jellico — 7th L.D Jet Job— 2d G.S Jimjoe — 8th Jam Joe Spagat — 2d Suf Joes Gal — 6th L.D Johnnie C. — 1st Suf Johnnie Maginn — 3d L.D Joyce W.— 7th Spt Juan — 1st Suf Juana — 4th Suf K Kankeekee — 6th L.D Keep Bright— 7th L.D Keep Moving — 6th Spt Kenayr— 2d Suf Key Miss — 2d L.D Kid Caution — 1st G.S King Chico — 5th G.S Kings Mount — 2d L.D Knight Cappy — 1st Spt L Lady Airy— 3d G.S Lady Jacopo — 2d HdG Lady Joan — 6th CD Lady Rheanelle — 8th Spt Lady Welch— 3d Spt Land Cruiser — 3d Suf Larry D. — 1st Jam Lass Quest — 7th Spt Late Sleeper — 3d G.S Law Book — 2d Jam Leadership — 7th G.S Leavetaking — 8th Suf Lebanon — 7th L.D Leber — 8th Spt Librab — 2d Jam Lictor— 7th G.S Lieut. Dan— 8th CD Light Count — 1st Suf Lightning Play — 1st Suf Little Bimbi— 5th CD Little Bobbles— 6th Spt Little Imp — 2d CD Little Ken — 8th CD Little Rip — 3d Jam Lolling — 5th Suf Long Gone— 2d HdG Longtide — 5th CD Lookinrosey — 2d Suf Loraine — 5 th Jam Lost and Found — 7th L.D Love Lock — 2d HdG Lovi Lovi — 1st G.S Lytta-Jane — 4th Spt M Macks First — 4th CD Magic Reward — 3d Spt Magic Touch — 2d Spt Majalis — 8th G.S Marcion — 4th HdG Marled — 4th L.D Manadru — 2d Suf Manuela — 4th Suf Marblehead— 3d Suf Market Out — 5th L.D Mary Like— 3d G.S Master Bid — 6th Spt Maximont — 3d Suf Mechaniador — 7th L.D Mediator — 2d CD Mella Valenti — 1st Spt Merrick Belle — 2d Suf Mightiest— 4th L.D Mint OMorn— 5th Suf Miss Clara — 4th Spt Miss Cupe — 7th G.S Miss Flares — 3d L.D Miss Hill— 2d Suf Miss Hurricane — 4th Suf Miss Lelia H. — 8th CD Miss Louanna — 4th Suf Miss Menifee — 2d HdG Miss Mirth — 1st Jam Miss Sun Beau — 1st Suf Mite— 1st CD Momo Flag— 7th HdG Monifieth — 5th Suf Montage — 1st Jam Montree — 7th L.D Mr. Chap — 7th Jam Mr. Squirrel — 1st HdG Music Lesson — 1st G.S My Discovery — 5th L.D My Butterfly— 1st L.D N Native Rose — 2d Jam Naughty s Dier— 3d Suf Navy Award — 3d Jam Near Miss — 8th Suf Neat Kee— 3d Suf Nehalem — 4th Jam Never Tell— 7th Spt Newtown — 8th G.S Nickey W.— 6th CX Nickie C— 5th HdG Nineteen Four — 8th Spt No Bull— 3d Jam Normrich — 6th G.S Not Sorry — 2d CD Nuptial— 1st HdG 0 Ocean Play — 8th G.S Octorora — 6th Suf Off enbach— 8th Spt Olio— 7th Suf Olos Star — 4th Spt One Loch — 4th HdG One to Two — 3d L.D Opening Day — 7th G.S Osculoria — 1st Suf P Pad Lock — 6th Spt Panacea — 3d G.S Pappys Rebel — 4th CD Paramount — 1st G.S Patch Buck — 2d L.D Patmiboy — 5th CD Patruska — 1st Spt Pennant O War — 8th L.D Pentin — 7th Jam Persiflage — 2d Spt Petee Dee— 3d HdG Phara Surprise — 3d G.S Pharack — 8th G.S Play Again — 6th Spt Play Eda— 5th Spt Play Kitty— 3d L.D Play Some— 8th L.D Play Tag— 6th Suf Podium — 2d Jam Podner — 4th CD Pole Ace — 1st L.D Pompagle — 7th HdG Pompous — 5th G.S Ponceau — 4th HdG Porters Broom — 6th C J Post War Style— 6th L.D Princess Irene — 3d G.S Pro Tanto — 5th HdG Problem Child — 7th HdG Psychic Fancy — 5th L.D Puritan Tulip — 2d HdG Put and Call — 3d Jam Put and Take — 2d L.D Q Questuary — 5th Suf Quiz Show— 5th HdG I Raffle House — 4th Spt Rakemup — 7th L.D Ramadan — 6th G.S Rappahannock — 1st Jam Reade Castle — 7th G.S Reborn — 6th Suf Red Camelia — 5th Jam Red Flare— 3d Suf Red Rob— 1st Suf Rem Rye— 3d Spt Resojet— 8th HdG Rex Romanus — 7th G.S Richavoo — 6th Spt Richwood Boy — 3d CD Ringneck — 6th G.S Risking All — 8th Suf Rita Dugan — 1st CD River Jack — 1st Spt Rockwood Argo — 8th G.S Roman Grace — 2d Spt Roman Holiday — 7th CD Roman Road — 6th G.S Rosalu — 8th Jam Roscoe Goose — 5th CD Rose Bed — 6th Spt Rose Canyon — 7th Jam Rose Hairan — 1st Suf Rotate — 1st Spt Roy Elmo — 4th HdG Roy Jay — 8th G.S Roy O.— 6th HdG Royal Son — 4th Jam Rudys Star— 5th L.D S Safe Arrival — 6th Jam Sagittaire — 3d Suf Sam Bernard — 3d HdG Sam Norris — 2d Suf Sandy Trail— 7th HdG Sax Bee — 2d Spt Scotch Plains— 8th HdG Sea Bees — 3d Suf Sea Victory — 1st L.D Seamans Pal — 3d Spt Second Son — 6th Suf Service Badge — 2d G.S Service Bound — 2d L.D Shaffie— 5th Suf Sharp — 2d TdG Shaws Pride— 5th CD Shockoe — 1st Jam Shuckins — 2d Suf Shut Eye— 7th CD Sierra Gene — 3d L.D Sightseer — 8th G.S Signal Knob — 3d Suf Silent Partner— 6th L.D Silvolo — 4th Jam Simple Lady— 2d G.S Single Up— 1st Spt Singular— 7th HdG Sis Brier — 3d Jam Sir Domenick — 2d Jam Sir Flint — 3d Jam Sir Gallascene — 1st Jam Sir Gorhill — 1st Jam Sir Jinx— 7th HdG Sir Sprite— 6th CD Sivesel — 1st L.D Sky Miracle— 5th G.S Sky Roamer — 3d HdG Skylarker — 1st Jam Skywave — 4th Spt Smart Eve — 2d Suf Solater — 5th L.D Soleda— 1st HdG Son o Diz — 1st HdG Sonoma Belle— 7th Jam Sons Twinkle — 1st Spt Speedee Bozo — 2d Suf Speedy Baby— 4th CD Speedy Jo— 4th Suf Split the Wind— 5th Suf Spy Queen— 2d HdG Squint — 2d CD Stage Set — 2d L.D Stefanella — 2d G.S Steppin Lively— 4th Spt Stormy Mate— 4th L.D Strabane — 2d G.S Stride Well— 8th Suf Sun Bahrain— 6th HdG Sun Bound— 8th L.D Sun Tannery— 5th Spt Sunaway— 3d Suf Sunny River— 4th L.D Sure Sleepy— 7th L.D Suzanette — 1st G.S Swap Out — 6th HdG Sweet Irene — 2d Spt Syndicate — 6th CD T Tacara— 2d HdG Take It Off— 2d G.S Tellanrun — 4th HdG Templemoyle — 7th Spt Ten Oaks — 2d Suf Third Spin— 8th G.S Three Passes — 1st Suf Thunder Hoof— 5th CD Tidy Sum— 6th CD Tiger Fore — 1st G.S Token Reward — 5th Suf Tommy Gentry — 5th Spt Tomsive — 3d Jam Tootsie McCabe — 1st CD Trance Sleeper— 7th HdG Transair — 6th G.S Traveler— 6th CD Trident — 2d L.D Triflin Neibor— 1st HdG Trombejim — 2d Jam True Pilate— 7th L.D Truk— 4th L.D Try Again— 7th Spt Turned Trick— 3d G.S Turret — 4th Jam Tween Meals — 3d CD Two Day Air — 8th Suf Two Deuce — 1st Suf U Uncle Don— 2d HdG Uncle Drew — 1st CD Uncle Pierre— 4th HdG V V. P. I. Clef— 8th G.S Valleys Pal— 8th Spt Valse Bleue — 5th Jam Valsida— 4th Suf Vanslam — 6th G.S Vardell— 2d HdG Vera Connelly — 3d G.S Victor Nance — 3d CD Vinita Rev— 7th Suf Vinita Toney— 1st CD Virginia R. W.— 1st Suf Vixa— 8th L.D Vona— 1st HdG W Walkie Talkie— 6th C.U War Anchor — 5th G.S War Fund— 4th L.D War Miss — 7th Spt War Page— 4th Spt War Sword — 8th G.S Warrior Prince — 7th Suf Wary Flight — 8th G.S Wasp Waist — 3d Spt Waverly— 5th L.D Waymark — 3d Jam Wee Mistress — 7th CD Westwood Miss — 1st CD Wherrie — 2d Suf Whiteford Tet — 3d CD Widdimere — 5th Jam Willamar — 7th HdG Willis E.— 5th Spt Wilmar— 3d Jam Windy — 4th HdG Wishful Miss — 1st HdG Wisktiger — 5th CD Wolf Whistle— 2d CD Wolf ess — 1st Spt Woodside — 4th Jam Word of Honor— 6th Jam Y Yard Wide — 1st Spt Yazdegerd — 5th G.S Yes You— 5th G.S Young Geordie — 5th Spt Your Highness— 6th L.D Z Zaca Girl— 8th CD

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Local Identifier: drf1949050401_42_1
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