Official Racing Charts: Sportsmans Park, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-04

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I - ■ Official Racing Charts — » SPORTSMANS PARK I Copyright. 1949. by Triangle Publications. Inc. CICERO, ILL.. TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1949— SPORTSMANS PARK 1-2 MILE. Eighth day of eighteen-day meeting April 25 to May 14. National Jockey Club, Inc. Automatic starting gate. Harveys Eye-in-the-Sky Camera. Weather clear. t Steward representing Illinois Racing Board, William A. Hamilton. Stewards, Thomas J. Brown and Monte * I Weil. Placing Judges, R. P. McAuliffe, W. A. Reagan and E. A. Rouleau. Patrol Judges, F. C. Oaf ten. Vasco " Parke and George Swain. Paddock Judge, T. A. Steele. Clerk of- Scales, Floyd Alsbury. Assistant Clerk of t- Scales, F. T. Miller. Starter, Roy Dickerson. Timer, J. J. Klucina. Identifier, Francis Angel. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, Horace Wade. Assistant Racing Secretary, R. P. McAuliffe. £ Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Central Daylight Time. Saturdays 2:00 p. m. Percentage of winning favorites c corresponding meeting 1948, .32; current meeting, .30. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. Mutuel take, 13 per cent State 5, track 8. - J § Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. * Five lbs. claimed, t Seven lbs. claimed. W Whip. S Spurs. i. ; B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. 2 Complete finish of each race confirmed by Harveys Eye-ln-The-Sky Camera 3 FIRST RACE 7-8 MILE out of chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932— 1:26%— 7— 105. Purse ,000. U !7 " fl • 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners fc I / O J U J since April 23 or two races in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; since February 19, 5 lbs.; one race May 3-49 — Spt in 1949, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. £ Net value to winner ,300; second, 00; third. 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 4,840. £ Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to *. 73220 POPPA GEORGE wbG120 7 3 42 4 33 33 1" H Keene 3000 W H Bishop 2.80 „ 73047 RIPPLING SAND wb 5 113 2 7 3* 1" V 1h 21 A Skoronski 3000 M H Van Berg 18.10 i 72963 BORDER MAN wb8113 5 2 2 21 1h 22 32J E J Knappt 3000 Mrs C Blair 3.60 ± 72981 FRISK w4106 1 9 6 5* 5J 41 44 A J Lindsy* 3000 Miss L Weber 1.90 J 733143 PURE CHANCE W5111J4 8 8* 82 8*0 8« 5* V Bovine 3000 Mrs C Graber 6.40 588343 GEE TEECEE wb4113 3 6 7« 72 7| 7* 6h T Williams 3000 Mr and Mrs F Froehbrodt 33.40 * 7X47 FREE CITIZEN w6113 8 4 5* 62 61 61 71 H Manifold 3000 Mrs S Smith 24.20 *- 65692 GOLD PROXY w6108 6 1 HJ 3h 41 54 8« D Wagner 3000 R Nunnery 16.20 J 586032 OH BOY wb 6 113 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 D Jessop 3000 Rakickas and Gillespie 33.40 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. 3 Time, :23%, M%, 1:16%, 1:30%. Track fast. r-V Mutuels Paid— * , Odds to , k4. .«-..»! D~:~?0PP* GEORGE 7.60 4.20 3.20 2.80 1.10 .60 Mutuel rricesi rippling sand 10.60 5.60 4.30 1 so V BORDER MAN 4.20 1 10 Winner— B. g, by Benefactor— Rifted Clouds, by Insco, trained by W. H. Bishop; bred by Mrs. Esther R. Williams. WENT TO POST-2:16J. OFF AT 2:17 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start poor from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. POPPA GEORGE, never far back, went up on the outside in the final furlong and wore down RIPPLING SAND. The latter went up on the rail to reach command, shook off BORDER MAN and drew clear between calls in the closing furlong, tired and just missed. BORDER MAN was carried wids on the first turn under urging, went up to be on even terms for the lead and tired. FRISK was unprepared at the break. PURE CHANCE was off poorly, then bore out on the first turn. GOLD PROXY ran extremely wide on the first turn while holding a clear lead and quit. Scratched— 73103 Journal, 108; 73230 Heine, 108; 73045 Raffle House, 120. Overweight— Frisk, 1 pound; Pure Chance, 3J. — SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE out of chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934 — 1:00% — 4 — 105. Purse ,000. 7 0 C f /L 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 J J V D allowed 3 lbs.; since February 19, 5 lbs.; in 1949. 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 3-49 — Spt Net value to winner S1,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 6.610. i "index Horses EqtAWtPPSt and % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 71108 CHANCE DAY wb7 110 8 7 2J 11 12 12 A Skoronski 2000 F E Hollingsworth 2.80 53192 0KAPI LANCER wb 8 113J 2 5 4J 4h 4h 2J H Manifold 2000 R R Johnson 1210 730452 SONS STYLE w7106 3 4 5« 5 5 i 3 i L Batchler* 2000 J and W Soper 290 63852 COUNT CHAT wb 11 111 6 1 in 2 J 21 4J H Keene 2000 B Petsch 2160 70872 JOIS wb9112 7 8 7 6 63 52 M Duhon 2000 H Sneiderman 14 80 732233 INFINITY K. wb6111 13 32 3i 3* 63 T Bates 2000 Mrs L Wander 3 20 71498 GIFT MAEDIC wb4111 10 10 10 10 10 7i R Norman 2000 Mrs G Dority 64 20 73224 RED MESSAGE w 8 111 4 2 8 84 7 84 T Williams 2000 M Dzik 9120 731004 EL CABRILL0 wb 10111 5 6 6" 74 82 9" D Jessop 2000 C C Caudle 1140 73048 MISS NAVAN0D wb4110 9 9 9 92 9J 10 A Carr 2000 Eddy and De Marco 6.60 Time, :23%, :49%, 1:03. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to « L1..*..AI D £HA£CE DAY 7W 46° 3.20 2.80 1.30 .60 ArlUTUel rriCeSi -*.,.«,. OKAPI LANCER 9.20 6.00 3 60 200 ISONS STYLE 3.00 50 Winner— B. m, by Chance Play— Some Day, by Supremus. trained by W. N. Rishel; bred by Calumet Farm and Thos. M. Rose. WENT TO POST-2:46. OFF AT 2:46J CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. CHANCE DAY came to the inside when clear in the backstretch, drew out under light pressure and was energetically handled until the end. 0KAPI LANCER made up ground on the rail throughout and closed resolutely. SONS STYLE bore out and went wide on the first turn. COUNT CHAT flashed speed and weakened after being headed. JOIS was forced wide on the first turn. INFINITY K. had no excuse. RED MESSAGE and MISS NAVANOD were forced wide on the first turn. Scratched-73044 Head Me, 111; 70567 Federal Agent, 106; 73221 Genies Mate, 118; 33184 Grinning Girl, 106; 73321 Faff, 105; 71270 K. Dorko, 111. Overweight— Okapi Lancer, 2J pounds; Jois, 1; Miss Navanod, 4. - Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 3.20 — Double Pool, 3,348. THIRD RACE 5-8 MILE out of chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934— 1:00y5— 4— 105. Purse ,000. •f O C A 7 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners in 1949. Weight, 118 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. / J J J I Net yaiue t0 winner 3QQ. wq. y j. fourth 00. May 3-49 — Spt Mutuel Pool, 6,704. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A~ % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to a 731024 BE RNZ IE wb113 9 3 1" H 1* 110 M Duhon 2250 Mrs W Tannenbaum 1.50 56526 QUICK CASH wb118 1 4 24 23 23 2 " A Skoronski 2250 M H Van Berg 10.20 73224 GLORY TOWN w118 7 9 64 63 55 34 V Bovine 2250 Randen Farm 50.20 63128 SULIE wb118 3 1 4h 44 4ft 44 D MAndrw 2250 O J Breault 11.10 73174 DOLLYS BEAUTY w113 4 5 3« 3= 31 55 D Wagner 2250 J F Beck 4.10 73102 MESSAGE SENT wb 108 8 7 75 7» 6* 61 L Masson* 2250 Kelley and Heisner 54.60 GAY COO w 118 2 2 52 5* 7 7 H Manifold 2250 W W Guernsey 15.00 51348 FLORIDA AMrGO wb 108 5 8 8 8 Eased u. A J Lindy* 2250 Mr and Mrs F Froehbrodt 25.60 730484 KING ALLA wb118 6 6 Lost rider. H Keene 2250 J Truett Jr 2.60 Time. :24%, :49%, 1*1%, Track fast _____ r— » Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , ..«...„! D_:___f BERNZIE 5.00 3.60 2.80 1.50 .80 .40 M utuel Prices] quick cash 7.00 4.60 2.50 130 i GLORY TOWN 13.40 5.70 Winner— B. f, by Snaplock— Not Asleep, by Pompey, trained by C. Scott; bred by Tom Girdler. WENT TO POST— 3:14i. OFF AT 3:15 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. BERNZIE was forced to lose ground on the first turn while holding a slight lead, came in when clear in the backstretch and drew out. QUICK CASH saved ground and tired in the final furlong, but lasted for the place. GLORY TOWN had no excuse. SULIE was forced wide on the first turn. DOLLYS BEAUTY quit. GAY COO ran out on the first turn. FLORIDA AMIG0 bore out badly and was eased after three furlongs. KING ALLA struck a horses heels midway of the first turn, stumbled and lost rider. FRANKIE D., A SCHEDULED STARTER, WHO BROKE LOOSE FROM HIS HANDLER WHILE COMING TO THE PADDOCK, RAN OFF AND INJURED HIMSELF, WAS WITHDRAWN BY THE STEWARDS AND ALL WAGERS ON HIM WERE REFUNDED. Scratched— 65639 Frankie D.. 113; 73102 Jolly Up, 118; 73429 Yard Wide, 108. Sulie claimed by P. J. Valenti. Heesadate claimed by W. T. Beezley. FOURTH RACE 5-8 MILE out of chute. The Pelican, Oct. 18, 1934— 1:00%— 4— 105. Purse ,000. 7*1 C ft Q 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 J J U O allowed 3 lbs.; since February 19, 5 lbs.; in 1949, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 3-49— Spt Net value to winner ,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 1,786. Jndex Horses EqtAWtPPSt ft % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 712704 PEG wb5110 4 4 ~5h 1* !« 12 H Keene 2000 B Fogelson 6.80 71342 THE FOX wb 5 115 2 8 3J 34 2 25 A Carr 2000 J Rand 12.40 65528 RANAHEAD wb 5 108 9 1 73 42 32 3*. D Wagner. 2000 Mrs R E Cucchiaro 2.80 73175 BIZ w 6 108 3 3 34 2" 41 42 A J Lindy* 2000 M J Majcharzak 9.00 73172 HEESADATE w 7 111 5 5 2* 54 51 54 R Norman 2000 Gillespie and Rackickas 2.30 71262 MARMAC w 10 113 1 2 1" 6* 64 63 DMAndrw 2000 Mrs E W Kalensky 21.20 70560 MEMPHIAN wb6111 7 7 82 8 84 7J W Morrisey 2000 A Bainton 11.60 65167 FLAGALAPA wb 5 106 8 9 9 92 93 824 H Holcomb 2000 Mrs M Specht 138.20 58571 PROPELLED wb5107 6 6 44 7474 94 A Skoronski 2000 M H Van Berg 5.40 73221 XMARY wb 5 104 10 10 10 10 10 10 R Walker* 2000 Campbell and Dwyer 181.20 Time, .24, :49%, 1:03. Track fast. — - Mutuels Paid-—, r Odds to * D-:-fPEG -. 15.60 7.40 4.60 6.80 2.70 1.30 M„U__I utuel Prices? the fox 9.60 3.80 1.90 iRANAHEAD 4.00 1.00 Winner— B. m, by Remolino— Entree, by Rolled Stocking, trained by A. E. Mettz; bred by T. M. Roach. WENT TO POST— 3:42. OFF AT 3:42 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. PEG forged between horses to reach Command, came to the inside on the far turn and drew away gradually under punishment. THE FOX saved ground while moving up and closed gamely, but was not good enough. RANAHEAD was forced to lose ground early, bore out on the backstretch and weakened. BIZ tired after three furlongs. HEESADATE had no excuse. MARMAC flashed speed and quit. MEMPHIAN should improve off the effort. PROPELLED was through early. Scratched— 659943 Swell Chance, 111; 65695 Hypothesis, 106; 73314 Prahs, 118; 71314 Bobalee, 110; 73101 Bul-M»nt 111; 67868 Easy Twist, 106. Overweight— Peg, 4 pounds; Ranahead, 2; Biz, 2; Marmac, % ProptUed, Xmary, 3. FIFTH RACE 7-8 MILE out of chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932-1 :26%— 7— 105. Purse ,100. 0 r fl Q 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since 7 «3 D v y February 19 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs.; one race in 1949, 7 lbs. Claiming May 3-49 — Spt price, ,000. Net value to winner ,365; second, 20; third, 10; fourth, 05. Mutuel Pool, 2,558. . Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73106 SOME BID w7113 3 1 In 11 22 2* 134 E J Knapp 4000 Mrs L H Thompson 2.90 65835 KARAKORUM w6113 8 2 31 2" 1" 13 2J A Skoronski 4000 M H VanBerg 17.60 72981 PICTORESQUE w4107 6 6 73 51 44 34 32 L Batchler* 4000 Randen Farm 3.00 70868 LEGISLATOR wb 9 113 4 3 21 3 34 4i 4« V Bovine 4000 Woolford Farm 3.60 71442 ONE ATOM wb5115 2 5 6* 7« 6" 64 5* D Wagner 4000 M Whitebook 25.60 73317 HERBIE G. w 5 117 5 7 44 43 5 53 65 H Keene 4000 W H Bishop 2.70 65835 TATERS wb 6 108 1 4 54 61 78 75 72 H Holcomb* 4000 J DeFrancesco 13.20 626924 FL0RIZAN ACE w 8 113 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 A Carr 4000 H W Ostle 35.60 Time, :23%, :48%, 1:15$, 1:29%. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to _i . in. /"SOME BID 7.80 5.40 4.00 2.90 1.70 1.00 MUTUel f riCeS KARAKORUM 11.80 6.00 4.90 2.00 iPICTORESQUE 3.60 .80 Winner— Br. g, by Silver Horde— Shoofly, by Sun Flag, trained by L. H. Thompson; bred by W. S. Payne. WENT TO POST— 4:09. OFF AT 4:094 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. SOME BID made the pace on the rail, held on well when headed, disposed of KARAKORUM and drew away. The latter was impeded on the first turn went up on the outside to reach the lead, drew out on the third turn, then quit badly in the closing furlong. PICTORESQUE had no mishaps. LEGISLATOR gave way as if short of a top effort. ONE ATOM ran out on the first turn. HERBIE G. quit. Corrected weight— Pictoresque, 107. SIXTH RACE 7-8 MILE out of chute. Pigeon Hole, Oct. 21, 1932— 1:26%— 7— 105. Riverside 7«» C I A Purse. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-J J I U winners since February 19 allowed 4 lbs.; in 1949, 7 lbs. Claiming price, 0,000; May 3-49 — Spt if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each ,000 to ,000. Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 8,579. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners , Odds to 733204 DAD wb4114 9 5 71 72 54 34 1 4 H Keene 10000 W H Bishop 3.10 73105 HENNY PENNY w8110 7 2 2* 31 31 11 224 A Skoronski 9000 M H VanBerg 2.20 731053 PLAY HANDS wb8113 8 1 14 11 11 2* 34 D Wagnert 10000 Mrs J L Chesney 4.90 692442 LEAVENWORTH wb 8 105 1 6 52 4" 4n 51 44 L Batchler* 9000 Woolford Farm 6.20 73177 VESUV10 wb4114 3 3 32 24 2* 44 5n D Jessop 10000 J McElroy 45» 710463 FLYING LOUISE w 6 106 5 4 4h 53 61 61 6* T Williams 9000 J Truett Jr 10.40 71267 POTOMAC wb 6 113 4 7 64 6* 72 8* 74 D MAndwt 8000 Mrs J L Oglesby 70.80 733203 SUPERWOLF w 6 11346 8 9 8* 8" 7" 8* H Manifold 10000 Valley View Farm 5.60 71046 SIDD0NS w5109 29andh9 9 9 9 A J Lindsay 10000 Miss L Weber 23.60 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :48%, 1:15%, 1:29%. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid-—, , Odds to - I n • "DAD 8.20 3.60 2.60 3.10 .80 .30 M. Utuel rriceSi henny penny 3.40 2.60 .70 .30 IPLAY HANDS 3.20 .60 Winner— Ch. g, by Nedayr— Sis Jarvis, by Sangreal, trained by W. H. Bishop; bred by W. R. Jarvis. WENT TO POST— 4:36. OFF AT 4:364 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. DAD was taken back in the early running, moved up on the outside when called upon, displaced HENNY PENNY and drew clear. The latter lost ground while in close attendance of the pace, came to the inside when clear on the third turn and held on well, but was not good enough. PLAY HANDS gave way after making the pace for five-eighths. LEAVENWORTH, while forwardly placed on the rail, had a rough trip. VESUVI0 tired after racing prominently until the final quarter. SUPERWOLF showed nothing. Scratched— 65758 Red Ginger, 106; 72446 Mescara, 103; 724904 Kaslkk, 111; 73105 Moon Bim, 111; 65171 Donna Brand, 106. Overweight— Leavenworth, 2 pounds; Potomac, 1; Superwolf, 24. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Haramzada, May 21, 1932— 1:48%— 5—111. Purse ,000. 4-year- 7« r | I olds and upward. Property of bona fide residents of the state of Illinois. Claiming. J J I I Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of three races in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; May 3-49 — Spt one race, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 3.930. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* Vfr % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 733212 EMPUJON wb7113 3 8 8 74 63 31 H H Keene 2500 W H Bishop 300 72568 PAPERCLIP wb6113 7 3 2« 12 16 13 234 E E Wilson 2500 J Emery 9.20 733152 ESS KAY w 4 105 2 4 41 3 32 2432 L Batchelr* 2500 Stein and Katz 2.50 731012 FOURTH WATCH wb 5 111 6 6 51 54 51 54 434 W Morrisey 2500 A Troutt 20.40 73172 DIESEL SAND wb8110 5 1 1* 24 2 4h 54 A J Lindsy* 2500 J E Mahoney 10.20 73044 CASCADIAN w4108 4 2 34 4h 4h 63 64 A Skoronski 2500 D Cataldo 3.50 73051 MELVIN w5118 1 5 64 63 712 72 710 R Hightshoe-2500 J H Dunn 5.10 68535 ALL BUSINESS w 51104 8 7 73 8 8 8 8 P LaVoie 2500 A Battista 40.80 Time, :25%, :51%, 1:18%, 1:46%, 1:53%. Track fast. z — Mutuels Paic! — » , Odds to $ / _ j l I n . f EMPUJON 8.00 4.40 2.80 3.00 1.20 .40 Mutuel rricesj paper clip 7.40 4.20 2.70 1.10 VESS KAY 3.00 .50 Winner— Ch. h, by Pantera— Extra, by Labaro, trained by W. H. Bishop; bred by A. and L. Beconi Argentina. WENT TO POST— 5:05. OFF AT 5:05 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. EMPUJON, hard held in the opening stages, went up stoutly when roused, bore in badly and had to be taken up sharply forty yards before the finish, but got up near the end. PAPER CLIP took the lead and drew out before a half without urging, was hard put for the final sixteenth, but could not hold the winner. ESS KAY had no excuse. FOURTH WATCH was outrun. DIESEL SAND quit. CASCADIAN showed nothing. MELVIN was outrun. Scratehed-731073 Wcks Raft, 111; 732273 Chic Chic, 103. Overweight— Ess Kay, 2 pounds; All Business, 24. Empujon claimed by Mrs. 0. Spradley. Melvin claimed by J. F. Beck. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES out of chute. Irish Image, Oct. 15, 1934— 1:55%— 3— 109. Purse 1 £ 1 O ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races in 1949. Weight, 7 j J I _. 120 lbs. Non-winners in 1949 allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 3-49 — Spt Net value to winner ,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 6,742. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 732274 RUSSIN ACTI0Nwb6110 2 8 9 5 71 3r 34 1h H Holcomb* 2000 G D Smith 3.30 73227 LARRAN wb4115 5 4 1 I1 1J 1 2« L Batchelr* 2000 Wyatt and Rowan 2.30 72987 UPTON wb 5 120 10 1 24 24 23 21 3* A Skoronski 2000 M Hunt 14.20 73051 BIG HOPE wb 6 115 6 10 10 10 91 5 44 R Sanabria 2000 Mrs E B Carpenter 20.80 73321 OUR BESS w6110 1 9 74 5h 41 44 534 A J Lindsy* 2000 J O Bryant 6.00 72193 DARBY DULUTH w 7 115 4 3 64 84 74 63 61 H Manifold 2000 Mrs C J Martin Sr 46.20 731794 WARY MARY w8110 8 6 8* 93 8* 92 7 T Bates 2000 Mrs F Scott 3.30 730454 ALS BOURBON wb4115 3 2 31 34 6* 7" 8" H Keene 2000 E E Heckel 11.20 65528 PAMIR wb6115 9 7 44 42 5* 8" 94 A Carr 2000 C L Taylor 152.70 73227 KINGS GAMBIT wb 9 120 7 5 53 6* 10 10 10 D Jessop 2000 Rorick and Lane 46.60 Time, :25%, :50%, 1:17%, 1:46%, 2:01%. Track fast. _i , n . RUSSIAN ACTION 8.60 4.00 3.00 3.30 1.00 .50 Mutuel Prices? larran 3.80 3.20 .» .60 i UPTON 5.20 1.60 Winner— Ch. m, by Action— Naadja, by Insco, trained by W. H. Bradley; bred by Isador Bieber. WENT TO POST-5:334. OFF AT 5:334 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. RUSSIAN ACTION, allowed to settle into stride, moved up on the outside after a half and wore down LARRAN in the closing stride. The latter made the pace on the rail until the final stage. UPTON was closest to the pace from the start and showed a good effort. BIG HOPE, far back early, went up with a rush on the inside and was blocked the final sixteenth while hemmed in on the rail. OUR BESS went up with a rush between horses then faltered. WARY MARY had a rough trip. ALS BOURBON quit. Scratched— 731734 Delorah, 110. ~ NINTH RACE SUBSTITUTE DECLARED OFF Attendance, 11,330; Total Mutuel Pool, 25,097

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