Official Racing Charts: Lincoln Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-04

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I Official Racing Charts 1 f LINCOLN DOWNS » Copyrieht. 1949. by Triangle Publications. Inc. ■ LINCOLN, R I., TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1949— LINCOLN DOWNS 13-18 MILE. Thirty-second day of thirty-three-day meeting March 26 to May 4. Burrillville Racing Association. Inc. Automatic starting gate. Precision Camera, Inc. Weather cloudy. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting * 1948, .39; current meeting, .32. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. * Mutuel take, 11 per cent. State 5, track 6. § Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. * Five lbs. claimed. t Seven lbs. claimed W Whip S Spurs. B Blinkers In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. » Complete finish of each race confirmed by Precision Camera, Inc. " FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE out of chute. Shoot to Boot, Nov. 20, 1947— :58%— 6— 113. Purse ." -i j a q -j ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non- f I* 9 *w r I winners of three races since February 28 allowed 3 lbs.; two races since then, 5 !bs.; * May 3-49 — L.D one race in 1949, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Horses who have not started for a ] claiming price of less than ,000 since June 15, 1948, preferred. | Net value to winner 50; second. 50; third, 50; fourth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 7,192. 5 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St and % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to ► * 73094 JEZRAHEL wb8105 4 4 22 J 23 1J |1| A Lindsey* 1500 J L McKnight 8.60 73155 STAR BATTER wb 7 113 10 1 1*J 12 7? 2h J Andino 1500 R E Gerth Sr 2.80 -- 72697 JUNIOR GIRL w 4 107 7 2 41 4J 33 32J D Lamb 1500 H C Beatty 8.10 ; 731553 MR. HATTER w 10 108 2 3 5* 6i 4n 4h S Chiapta* 1500 C Huelbig 3.80 J 73157 TIN WATCH wb4108 9 6 62 52 51 51 A Carvalho 1500 S Spiegel 16.20 . 731562 GREEN ADVICE w 7 111 3 7 71 72J 72 62J E Maloneyt 1500 J E Forbes 4.20 , 72695 MOUNTAIN MARS w 5 111 8 5 3J 3h 61 71J J Baird 1500 M Gullotta 8.00 66618 Y0ULLBES0RRYwb4107| 1 8 93 83 8* 8 1 J Martin 1500 J Gavegnano 34.80 : 63839 FREE DUTCH wb8114 6 10 10 10 93 94 F Sheaffer 1500 E Ackerman 30.10 ; 73035 N0SINED wb 9 106 5 9 8* 9410 10 P Mrcheset 1500 H G Dawson 39.30 C tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. * Time, :23%, :47%, 1:01. Track muddy. r- Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , j ki . in* f JEZRAHEL 19.20 9.20 7.20 8.60 3.60 2.60 ; Mutuel rricesj star batter 4.40 3.20 1.20 .60 j JUNIOR GIRL 5.60 1.80 Winner— Iron gr. g, by Pharamond II.— Jezebel, by Friar Rock, trained by H. N. McKnight; bred by John Marsch. WENT TO POST— 2:02. OFF AT 2:03 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. JEZRAHEL raced in closest attendance to STAR BATTER, was crowded white coming through on the inside entering the stretch, then drew out and held his margin under punishment. STAR BATTER had his usual early speed to open a clear lead, then lugged in while tiring in the drive, but lasted to best JUNIOR GIRL. The latter made up some ground under spirited urging. MR. HATTER could not seriously menace. TIN WATCH weakened slightly while racing on the outside. GREEN ADVICE began sluggishly. Scratched— 73218 Jack Rubens, 113; 48348 Gay Clown, 103; 73213 Hex, 105; 73156 Heramore, 108. Overweight— Junior Girl, 4 pounds; Green Advice, 1; Youllbesorry, 1J; Free Dutch, 4; Ncsined, 1J. SECOND RACE 1 1-16 MILES out of chute. Tennessee Kid, Aug. 23, 1947—1:44 4 120. Purse 7*j a q o ,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race in 1949. 4-year -•5 •« ? O olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races since November 30 allowed May 3-49 — L.D 3 lbs.; one race since October 25, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Horses who have not started for a claiming price of less than ,000 since June 15, 1948, preferred. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 50; fourth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 8,276. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Vfr % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 730992 MONSTRANCE wb6113 4 6 1* 13 16 15 12 E Maloney 1500 Imprescia and Frye 7.10 731583 PETES KID wb7113 8 5 10 92 5* 33 22 A Licata 1500 H R Riley 7.50 732152 POOKA wb6114 5 8 53 4h 3 2 32 F Sheaffer 1500 E Harriman 5.80 72974 MAE WAVE w 7 106 6 10 7h 74 6 42 42 P Mrchese* 1500 Hill and Murphy 28.60 732193 M0KUP w8113 2 2 21 31 2i 53 51 J Baird 1500 I Palaw 4.50 730933 P0L0NIUS wb 5 106 3 7 91 8 9 7 6"* A Lindseyt 1500 Orrwood Stable 28.10 72889 COURT FLASH wb8113 7 9 81 10 10 94 71 W Lowet 1500 R J Grace 19.40 73218 LMA MAR RGUEwb6113 10 3 61 61 7 6 81 M Briggs 1500 Winfield Stable 1.90 73162 AZTECA w 7 105 1 1 42 2* 41 8 93 L Hulslder* 1500 A Gazzale 19.90 731623 K RASA VEETZA wb5108 9 4 3* 52 8410 10 A Garry 1500 Mrs J Rowne 16.80 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :48%, 1:14%, 1:42%, 1:50. Track muddy. r-%1 Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , 11 1 n • -MONSTRANCE 16.20 7.00 5.00 7.10 2.50 1.50 Mutuel Prices? petes kid 7.20 4.80 2.60 1.40 I POOKA 4.40 1.20 Winner— B. g, by Bahram— Sunlygret, by Sun Briar, trained by D. F. Imprescia; bred by Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. WENT TO POST— 2:33. OFF AT 2:34 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. MONSTRANCE was under pressure to open a commanding lead, coasted around the final turn, but was hard ridden in the drive to hold PETES KID safe. The latter, outrun for a half mile, entered contention between horses and closed with good courage in the drive to easily best the others. POOKA raced forwardly placed throughout in an even effort. MAE WAVE raced outside horses and was never a menace. MOKUP tired. L0MA MAR ROGUE gave a poor effort. AZTECA and KRASAVEETZA quit. Scratched— 73099 Abim, 108; 73213" Play Kitty, 110; 72975 Sure Sleepy, 103; 73157 Blind Path, 113. Overweight— Pooka, 1 pound; Mae Wave, 3; Azteca, 2. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 41.20— Double Pool, 5,408. THIRD RACE 1 MILE out of chute. Devils Luck, Aug. 2, 1947— 1:37%— 7— 115. Purse ,400. 7 A Q 0 4-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. 9 ■» ? * Claiming price. ,500. Horses who have not started for a claiming price of less May 3-49 — L.D than ,000 since June 15, 1948, preferred. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 50; fourth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 3,842. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73094 MARY HEISE wb4106 2 1 3 33 2 1 1 L Hulslder* 1500 Dcnna-Ray Stable 3.50 72966 PICTORIAN w4116 4 6 71 5 43 25 2? V Polk 1500 J J Keliey 4.30 730373 DRIFTING PATSY w5113 9 10 6 62 52 43 3 R Powers 1500 Armellino and Grupi 3.60 72973 DUCHESS MARY wb 4 111 8 3 21 1 1 3* 42J A Licata 1500 A Venezia 48.00 730372 EQUIDOVE wb4112 3 7 82 8 71 65 51 M Briggs 1500 J G Hill 5.80 72318 DIZZY WEAVER wb4111 6 2 1h 24 3 52 64J J Dattilo 1500 Greendale Stable 3.50 730% FRANCOLT wb4116 1 5 51 73 85 7 7 J Baird 1500 Mrs B Milburn 37.10 72821 STAR TIME wb6118 7 9 10 10 9 83 83J M Packer 1500 N A Freedman 51.90 72883 SEA DETAIL wb4109 10 8 92 92 10 92 96 p MarchseJ 1500 A R Shaw 17.70 73215 BRASS CLOCK wb8118 5 4 42 4 62 10 10 D Lamb 1500 L E Cote 54 20 Time, :23%, :48%, 1:15%, 1:44. Track muddy. r— Mutuels Paid , Odds to , -■ D»:-««.f MARY HEISE 90° 4G0 34° 3.50 1.30 .70 M. utuel rrices? picTORiAN 5.60 3.80 1.80 -*o - DRIFTING PATSY 2.80 .40 Winner— Ch. f, by Monument— Sally Sue, by North America, trained by C. F. Wagner; bred by H C Ginq WENT TO POST— 3:06. OFF AT 3:06 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. MARY HEISE, well ridden while a sharp factor from the beginning, moved into command on the inside rounding the far turn, then outgamed PICTORIAN under a prolonged drive. PICTORIAN responded readily to join the winner on the final turn, was unable to reach the front and was steadied into the stretch, then hung despite vigorous urging. DRIFTING PATSY, squeezed back between horses at the start, moved into contention early, then failed to respond for the drive. DUCHESS MARY had speed under pressure and quit when headed by the winner. EQUIDOVE had no excuse. DIZZY WEAVER quit. Scratched— 63597 Lord Queux, 109. Overweight— Equidove, 1 pound. FOURTH RACE 7-8 MILE. Run Lady, Nov. 7, 1 947—1 : 25% — 4 — 1 1 2. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and 7n r f f upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since March 25. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, J J U U 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races since February 28 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since May 3-49 — L.D January 25, 5 !bs.; one race in 1949, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Horses who have not started for a claiming price of less than ,000 since June 15, 1948, preferred. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 8,539. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73157 PEACE PIPE wb6111 4 3 11 12 15 16 17J e Maloney 1500 W Maroni 5.70 731573 MY BLITZEN w7106 1 2 6* 6 44 32 22 D Brigley* 1500 Mr and Mrs H Harris 4.90 73162 JAYLCEE wb7106 6 5 53 52 5 5 34 A Carvalho 1500 H L Cornwell 38.40 731564 JUNGLE CALL w 6 115 12 7 2* 21 22 2" 4"" M Briggs 1500 Susanna Farm 11.40 73092 MADIGAMA w 11 113 3 4 81 71 61 6451 L Hulslder* 1500 Mrs E Beawmont 25.30 65989 BREAK IT UP wb6111 11 12 12 102 82 73 6 R K Ross 1500 R J Meade 16.70 695624 REVERSAL w 12 110 7 6 4 32 3* 41 7« G Gleason 1500 L Lakin 3.90 72492 HAN wb11 115 2 11 10 11 11 115 8" L Pafundi 1500 C R Parker 15.30 72073 OUR VICTORY w91048 1O11h 9* 9 94 9J S Chiapta* 1500 R J Hamon 2.40 72750 JUDY DUNN wb7110 5 1 3 4h 71 8 104 w Lowe 1500 A Graffagnini 24.70 72974 SAN MAR wb 5 108 9 8 7 82 103 10 114 A Monteiro 1500 G Horowitz 103.30 65736 QUEEN ISABELAwb 6 114 10 9 9412 12 12 12 S Magath 1500 G Mavrides 116.90 Time, :24, :48%, 1:15%, 1:29%. Track muddy. , — Mutuels Paid — ■ , Odds to D.:,« J PEACE PIPE 134° 66° 5.80 5.70 2.30 1.90 M..»..J UtUel rriCeS? MY BLITZEN 5.80 460 1.90 1.30 - JAYLCEE 19.80 8.90 Winner— Ch. g, by Cherokee— Virginia Flynn, by McGee, trained by A. Villa; bred by C. Whitney Moore. WENT TO POST— 3:38. OFF AT 3:38 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. PEACE PIPE went to the front immediately after the start, increased his advantage under mild pressure and was never threatened to win as his rider pleased. MY BLITZEN, pocketed on the inside early, was taken around horses while improving position and finished willingly. JAYLCEE saved ground while never far back and finished well. JUNGLE CALL raced in closest pursuit of the winner to the stretch, then faltered. MADIGAMA was outrun. BREAK IT UP passed tiring horses. REVERSAL was through early. HAN was forced back repeatedly in the early running. OUR VICTORY gave a dull effort. JUDY DUNN quit. Scratched— 72695 Tidy Moon, 110; 71924 Buck Ash, 104; 730923 Andrea Kay, 101; 72974 I. Mean, 108. Overweight— Reversal, 4 pounds; Our Victory, 3; Judy Dunn, 4; Queen Isabella, 4. FIFTH RACE 7-1 MILE. Run Lady; Nor. 7, 194r-fc25%-*-112. Purse ,500. 4-year-oHs and J 0 r ft 1 upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non- V 7 J D U I winners of three races since March 25 allowed 3 lbs.; two races since then, 5 lbs.; one afl ™ May 3-49 — L.D race since February 12, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Horses who have not started for a claiming price of less than ,000 since June 15, 1948, preferred. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third, 50; fourth. 0. Mutud Pool, 8,470. i Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % * Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73038 MARLED wb6115 1 12 9 9 73 42 1 A Carvalho 2000 R A Melone 1.20 732972 IDA A. wb 5 106 10 4 51 44 3 34 22 P Mrchese* 2000 Mrs M Gatto 26.10 732154 AFTER EIGHT wb7110 2 3 3h 3* 44 5" 3 L Pafundi 2000 S Spiegel 25.80 73217 LAST TOWER wb6110 9 5 21 23 24 21 44 A Montirot 2000 Blahnik and Vandiver 9.30 732124 CLAREMONT MISSw 8 110 5 1 1 1« V$ V 5J G McMullen 2000 Mrs M W Flynn 4.20 730393 LUCKY LEAF w4111 8 6 6 72 6" 7 6* F Collins 2000 Mrs P Christensen 13.10 73039 JUMPSIE wb4112 6 9 10 10* 102 93 7* M Briggs 2000 Winfield Stable 19.60 73092 ROSIE CHINN wb 5 113 12 7 84 8 9 8 8* W Lowe 2000 F J Grand Sr 39.50 73037 GLADANH0D wb4111 7 8 72 64 54 62 93 D Lamb 2000 S M Howard 1280 73215 SINGER FACE w6113 3 2 4« 5* 8* 103 103 E Maloneyt 2000 A Bertrando 40.40 73295 SLEIGH RIDE w4108 4 10 12 12 12 1H11h L Hulslder* 2000 A Graffagnini 24.30 732132 HYGROS FLIER wb5110 11 11 114 113 11412 12 M Penat 2000 H L Cornwell 30.60 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :48%, 1:15%, 1:29%. Track muddy. r— Mutuels Paid ,-— Odds to kA A , n . MARLED 4.40 3.40 3.00 1.20 .70 .50 Mutuel Prices! ida a 146° 100° 630 400 l AFTER EIGHT 9 60 3.80 Winner— B m, by Happy Argo— Mordawn, by Morvich, trained by V. L. Creal; bred by A. M. Chichester. WENT TO POST— 4:11. OFF AT 4:12 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. MARLED moved up swiftly after being slowest away, came to the outside entering the backstretch and improved her position steadily under energetic urging, came wide into the stretch, but lasted to best IDA A. The latter, forced wide early, gained a forward position early, then finished determinedly under punishment. AFTER EIGHT saved ground while racing prominently and held on evenly. LAST TOWER could not outsprint CLAREMONT MISS and quit. CLAREMONT MISS set the pace into the stretch, then faltered. GLADANH0D weakened in the drive. ROSIE CHINN lost ground on the outside. HYGROS FLIER raced wide early. v_ Scratched— 73295 Tetrafettle, 113; 732893 Sildonna, 112. Overweight— Jumpsie, 1 pound. SIXTH RACE 7-8 MILE. Run Lady, Nov. 7, 1947—1:25% — 4 — 112. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. r ft O Allowances. Non-winners of three races other than maiden or claiming. Weight, 7*3 3 J U L 118 lbs. Non-winners of one race of ,325 in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; one race of 50 May 3-49 — L.D in 1948-49, 5 lbs.; two races of any value in 1948-49, 8 lbs.; maidens, 12 lbs. Maiden or claiming races not considered. Net value to winner .325; second, 75; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 2,999. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 73097 FOSTERS PRIDE w 118 1 1 12 1i 24 14 14 A Carvalho H Kennedy 1.40 730973 PIGEONS PAL wb 111 5 6 41 3 1i 23 23 P MarchseJ Mrs C and R A Brown 3.30 73214 BAYSIDE wb115 8 8 72 72 34 33 33 M Briggs Winfield Stable 8.80 732163 GOOD TIMER wb113 9 7 84 84 51 44 44 R Powers E C Gott Jr 5.00 73097 ONCE MORE wb 111 2 9 9 9 81 5 55 A Licata F Belom 10.20 72884 BEE PEE w115 6 4 6451 64 63 63 R K Ross H Lewis III 10.20 73159 KITTIEWAN wb 105 7 3 52 6 73 84 V S Chiaptta J M Bryson 80.40 I 73036 CHAR CROSS wb 108 3 2 2" 2" 44 7 82 A Garry Mrs Emmaiow Kenwood 81.80 72967 LUCKY MARIAN w 110 4 5 34 4h 9 9 9 V Polk J J Kelly 42.10 Time, :24, :49, 1:15, 1:29. Track muddy. r- Mutuels Paid— , , Odds to , ki , in* /FOSTERS PRIDE 4.80 3.20 2.80 1.40 .60 .40 Mutuel Prices? pigeons pal 3.60 3.00 .so .50 -BAYSIDE 4.20 1.10 Winner— B. c, by Gallant Mac— Depend, by Jamestown, trained by R. E. Harper; bred by M. H. Powelson. WENT TO POST— 4:42. OFF AT 4:43 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but ONCE MORE. Won driving; second and third the same. FOSTERS PRIDE outbroke his field and held a clear lead while saving ground, gave way to PIGEONS PAL on the far turn, then came again next to the rail and forced his way through to regain command and held his advantage safe under urging. PIGEONS PAL, forced wide by LUCKY MARIAN on the first turn, easily raced to the lead after a half mile, was bumped by the winner entering the stretch, then lugged in during the drive and could not be ridden out. A claim of foul by the rider of PIGEONS PAL against the winner was not allowed. BAYSIDE made up distance steadily to loom dangerously on the final turn, then weakened. GOOD TIMER lacked a closing rally. ONCE MORE was unprepared for the start and reared at the break. CHAR CROSS and LJCKY MARIAN quit. Overweight— Once More, 1 pound. SEVENTH RACE 7-8 MILE. Run Lady, Nov. 7, 1947— 1:25%— 4— 112. Purse ,600. 4-year-olds and C e »j upward. Allowances. Starters for a claiming price of ,000 or less since August 31 7 j J J U J who have not won three races since February 22. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs ; older, 118 lbs. May 3-49 — L.D Non-winners of two races since March 25 allowed 3 lbs.; one race sir. e then, 5 lbs.; one race since February 22, 7 lbs. Horses who have not started for a claiming price of less than ,000 since June 15, 1948, preferred. Net value to winner ,050; second, 25; third, 75; fourth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 6,140. Tndex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 72652 TURN BACK w5118 6 2 1" 14 4 12 l« A Licata E A Simpson 2.80 726992 HAL wb 7 112 4 8 8 8 5* 24 24 J Andino Shangrila Stable 1.30 728882 SUN CALL w 4 116 7 3 2 21 2* 32 3H D Lamb A S Moore 11.70 73161 CAMPS FIRST wb9115 1 4 6h 6 72 6 4 F Sheaffer T Merritt 9.50 725883 KHORAWYCH wb4111 3 1 42 3h 444452 J Baird H Kaplan 9 40 732932 SUNT0S wb5 115 5 5 71 5" 3" 5* 6 R K Ross Mrs W C Ptickett 11.30 730943 REIGH STAR wb9115 8 6 34 41 6 73 71 R Powers Mrs E M Rice 37.00 732173 WEE LAIRD wb7 106 2 7 5 7h 8 8 8 L Hulslder* Donna-Ray Stable 17.20 Time, :23%, :48%, 1:14%, 1:28%. Track muddy. S2 Mutuels Paid— r Odds to . ki , n . /TURN BACK 7.60 3.40 3.40 2.80 .70 .70 Mutuel Prices? hal 28C 2S0 m * -SUN CALL 4.40 1.20 Winner— Ch. g, by Sky Raider— Miss Mint Drop, by Kai Feng, trained by E. A. Simpson; bred by C. D. Morris. WENT TO POST-5:19. OFF AT 5:20 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. TURN BACK was hustled away from the gate and obtained the rail before the first turn, repulsed early challenges under steady pressure, then was taken under stout restraint in the final yards while winning easily. HAL, trailing and on the outside for three furlongs, was steadied after reaching closer contention, then could not get up in the drive. SUN CALL went slightly wide on the first turn, forced the pace into the stretch, then weakened. CAMPS FIRST raced between horses and was never a menace. KHORAWYCH tired. SUNT0S moved with HAL, but faltered in the drive. REIGH STAR quit. Scratched— 73292 Amber Doll, 108; 73217 Grey Feng, 113. Overweight — Hal, 1 pound. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES out of chute. Tennessee Kid, Aug. 23, 1947—1:44 4 120. Purse jr f a ,600. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Starters for a claiming price of ,000 7«j j D U 4 or less since September 18 who have not won two races in 1949. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; May 3-49 — L.D older, 118 lbs. Non-winners of one race since March 25 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since February 12, 5 lbs.; one race in 1949. 7 lbs. Horses who have not started for a claiming price of less than ,000 since June 15, 1948, preferred. Net value to winner ,050; second, 25; third, 75; fourth, 0. Mutuel Pool, 6,228. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 732924 HERB0 w5111 1 2 2n 2 3 11 11 A Carvalho Marlee Stable 17.70 731613 JOBY K. W7110 3 3 62 52 54 44 2J W Lowe C Ginsberg 4.30 731612 BILTRITE wb4116 8 5 4 4h 2h 21 3h A Licata A loroi 7.80 72571 ALANAY wb 6 111 5 1 31 32 44 55 44 D Deasonf C Hartwick 4.20 73215 SQUADRON wb 10 118 2 8 8 8 8 7 5n V Polkt A Siravo 2.00 732174 YOUNG SCAMP w5113 7 6 11 11 1 3* 62 J Baird W L Curies 14.30 732903 MAGIC HEELS wb81044 4 5 61 73 62 7 S Chiapta* L Donofrio 26.40 730413 SNOW PHANTOM w 5 107 6 7 71 73 61 8 8 D Lamb Mrs J Edwards Sr 5.60 Time, :24%, :49%, 1:15%, 1:42%, 1:49%. Track muddy. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to 11 ■ n • fHERBO 37.40 20.20 7.80 17.70 9.10 2.90 L Mutuel Prices? joby k 6.80 5.40 2.40 uo t BILTRITE 5.00 1.50 Winner— B. h, by Third Degree— Marsh Fire, by Under Fire, trained by J. Miele; bred by Miss Mary DeWitt Snyder. WENT TO POST-5:51. OFF AT 5:51 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. HERB0 saved ground while racing in closest attendance to the pace, was eased back rounding the final turn, ran to the outside, then disposed of contention, but had to be hard ridden to hold JOBY K. safe. The latter, never far back, circled the leaders entering the stretch and closed willingly, but hung in the late stages. BILTRITE was a forward factor throughout and held on well. ALANAY raced prominently while between horses, then failed to respond for the drive. YOUNG SCAMP set the pace under pressure to the final turn, then faltered. SQUADRON was carried extremely wide on the first turn by SNOW PHANTOM and was allowed to race on his own courage thereafter. SNOW PHANTOM went very wide on the first turn. Overweight— Joby K., 4 pounds; Magic Heels, 1; Snow Phantom, 1. Attendance, 6,204; Total Mutuel Pool, 07,094.

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