Official Racing Charts: Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-04

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Official Racing Charts 1 JAMAICA 1 Copyrieht. 1949, by Triangle Publications. Inc. JAMAICA, L. L N. Y., TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1949— JAMAICA 1 MILE. Twenty-eighth day of thirty-day meeting April 1 to May 5. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Automatic starting gate. Photochart Camera. Weather cloudy. Steward representing New York State Racing Commission, F. P. Dunne; The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy; Metropolitan Jockey Club, H. 0. Vosburgh. Visiting Member of The Jockey Club, J. C. Brady. Placing Judges, F. H. Parks. J. E. Kyle and Nelson Strang. Patrol Judges, M. D. Davis, Calvin Rahtey, W. J. Mara and W Constantine Paddock Judge, M. D. Davis. Assistant Paddock Judge, Calvin Ramey. Clerk of Scales, George Hyland Assistant Clerk of Scales, W A. Murphy, Jr. Starter, G. B. Cassidy. Timer. Austin McLaughlin. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. B. Campbell. Assistant Racing Secretary, J G. Reeder. Assistant Handicapper, F E. Kilroe. Racing starts at 1:15 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1948, .35; current meeting, 35. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. Mutuel take, 15 per cent. State 6, track 4, city or county 5. § Three lbs apprentice allowance claimed. • Five lbs. claimed, t Seven lbs. claimed. A Ten lbs. claimed. W Whip S Spurs B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE. Recce, Oct. 18, 1945—1:10—3—108. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and 7 0 A Q q upward. Maidens. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 123 lbs.; older, 126 lbs. Claiming price, O *r O y ,000; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. May 3-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pcol, 08,903. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt % Vfr Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73020 GOOF OFF w 3 123 5 3 5J 4J 2* 1«* D Gorman 5000 W G Williams 8.85 72413 TWO FEATHERS w 3 118 12 5 3J 13 12 2 J E Guerin 4500 Glenelg Stable 14.55 73020 TRUE PILGRIM wb3113 7 4 1* 2i 4* 32J A Daniels 4000 F H Stark 5.20 73143 LITTLE TOPPER w 3 116 1 1 43 3* 3 44 W WeingU 5000 Phantom Farm 4.60 730201 THRILLER wb 3 113 13 7 6 53 5J 5i C Errico 4000 Brown Villa Farm 9.25 63699 CORK TIP w4113 6 12 8J 6* 62 62 0 Scurlock 4000 Cain Hoy Stable 32.30 72735 HIS LORDSHIP wb3113 8 13 11J 7h 94 1 A Schmidt 4000 B Sharp 16.10 72741 BRIGHTER SIDE wb 4 111 9 11 102 gh 7j 8* G Pappas* 4000 Mrs E Jacobs 28.70 65255 NO HIT w 3 118 3 8 7h 8 8 9J R McPhee 5000 Brandywine Stable f-16.85 72236 WHITES FLAG w 4 109 11 10 122 114103 103 s Bouletisl 4000 S Rich 69.05 713953 HY PORTER wb3113 4 6 9J102 111 IV A Kirkland 4000 T P Morgan 14.70 662544 ETHELSPICK w 3 108 2 9 14 12* 12M2J J Renick 4000 Mrs D A Buckley f-16.85 73023 EXTINGUISHER wb 3 123 10 2 2h 13J 132 132 C Rogers 5000 Mrs S M Barton 2.10 73201 BORROED M0NEYw4111 14 14 13*14 14 14 WDay 4000 M Gold f-16.85 f-Mutuel field. Time, :23%, :47%, 1:14%. Track sloppy. t—%2 Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , in* GOOF OFF 19.70 8.00 6.00 8.85 3.00 2.00 M. UTU23 rriCeSj TWO FEATHERS 13.80 8.20 5.80 3.10 • TRUE PILGRIM 4.60 1.30 Winner— Ch. c, by Chance Sun— Greyworthy, by Kiev, trained by W. G. Williams; bred by Buford Nash. WENT TO POST— 1:15. OFF AT 1:15 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start gcod from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. GOOF OFF was never a great distance back, rallied from the inside when reused for the drive and wore down TWO FEATHERS in the closing strides. The latter wrested command from the outside soon after leaving the backstretch, drew into a long lead on the stretch turn, but weakened under continued pressure. TRUE PILGRIM had some early speed and tired. LITTLE TOPPER had no mishap in an even effort. THRILLER raced a trifle wide and lacked a closing rally. CORK TIP was never a serious threat. EXTINGUISHER was through early. Scratched— 71786 Yorkfields, 111; 727352 Zanella, 111; 66335 Miss Mirth, 111; 73205 Eternal Blue, 106; 72413 Stark Mad. 108; 73020 Miss Moon, 111. Overweight— True Pilgrim, 1 pound; Cork Tip, 2. SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— .58— 2— 106. Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. 7*5 A Q ft Maidens. Fillies. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, .5 y U 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000. May 3 49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 75,255. * Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ft % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73077 W0C wb118 8 7 1J 12 |1| 13j h Woodhse 6000 E M OBrien 2T5 72736 B0 JIB0YLE wb112 2 3 5h 3i 23 22 W Mehrtens 5000 Paragon Stable 1.75 73077 TAX LIEN wb 105 7 8 6* 54 4«i 32 W WeingU 5000 W Cogswell 9.00 PRINCESS R. P. w112 5 5 32 21 32 4" * C Rogers 5000 S Schwartz 14.50 73077 ROMANTIC DREAM w 112 3 2 74 78 6 53 C Erickson 5000 E P Taylor a-7.45 73077 COME EARLY w 112 1 1 2* 42 5 64 A Kirkland 5000 Brandywine Stable 5.10 MY DUCHESS w118 4 4 4J 62 78 715 G L Smith 6000 M J Bove Jr 17.40 BOSSY GAL w 107 6 6 8 8 8 8 G Pappas* 5000 E P Taylor a-7.45 a-Coup!ed, Romantic Dream and Bossy Gal. Time, :23%, :48, 1:01%. Track sloppy. r— Mutuels Part — . , Odds to , * j . 1 n • rWOC 6.30 3.60 2.80 2.15 .80 .40 Mutuel Prices! boniboyle 3.30 2.70 .65 .35 I TAX LIEN 3.60 .80 Winner— Br. f, by Blue Flyer— Valdina Dame, by Bull Dog, trained by H. W. Williams; bred by Ben S. Wood. WENT TO POST— 1:46. OFF AT 1:461 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. W0C, slow to leave the gate, was rushed to the front soon after leaving the backstretch, drew out under mild urging on the stretch turn and, under a strong ride through the stretch, was best. BONIBOYLE moved up boldly on the inside rounding the stretch turn, but could not get to the winner. TAX LIEN, bothered by the winner soon after the break, was carried wide rounding the turn and, while losing additional ground entering the stretch, could have been closer. PRINCESS R. P. had good early speed and tired. ROMANTIC DREAM was outrun. COME EARLY quit after a quarter. MY DUCHESS raced wide rounding the turn. BOSSY GAL was always outrun. Scratched— 72309 Stick By Me, 107; 72736 Carol Porter, 112. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 2.70— Double Pool, 3,232. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE. Recce, Oct. 18, 1 945 — 1 : 1 0/% — 3 — 1 08. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and A Q 1 upward. Claiming. Weight, 6 lbs. below scale. Non-winners of two races since 7 i ** y March 31 allowed 4 lbs.; one race since then or two races since January 16, 8 lbs.; May 3-49 — Jam one race in 1949, 11 lbs. Claiming price, 0,000. Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third. 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 91,811. Index Morses Eqt A Wt PP St V* Vfr Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 72424 DEGAGE w 6 115 6 1 31 32 3J 1i O Scurlock 10000 R A Firestone 2.65 72968 CACIQUE wb4119 12 1| 11 f| 2 J L Harris* 10000 Al-Jo Stable 5.90 72868 SUNSATION wb4113 4 3 222 2| 31 L M Jones 10000 H Cantor 20.90 73145 SLAMARANTH wb5115 3 4 42 4h 42 42 A Schmidl 10000 PA Markey 4.75 730834 CORNISH KNIGHT w 5 118 5 6 5h 53 5J 5"k D Gorman 10000 E P Taylor 1.45 70802 FOX BROWNIE wb 8 115 2 5 6 6 6 6 C Rogers 10000 J W Brown 6.30 Time, :23%, :47, 1:12%. Track sloppy. n . fDEGAGE 7.30 4.6O 3.60 2.65 1.30 .80 M, utuel Prices? cacique 5.30 3.80 1.65 .90 l SUNSATION 4.90 US- Winner— Dk. b. h, by Bull Lea— Ministress, by Wise Counsellor, trained by S. W. Ward; bred by Fred A. Burton. WENT TO POST— 2:17. OFF AT 2:17 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. DEGAGE followed the early pace in hand, raced on the outside throughout and, under a strong ride through the stretch, wore down CACIQUE in the closing strides. The latter had speed and saved ground, but could not resist the winner, although best of the others. SUNSATION forced the pace in hand while saving ground, was brought to the outside when set down for the drive, but lacked a closing rally. SLAMARANTH had no mishap in an even effort. CORNISH KNIGHT broke slowly and was rushed up on the outside rounding the turn, then drifted very wide while tiring in the stretch drive. FOX BROWNIE could not keep up. Scratched— 71728 East Light, 115; 53059-* Fugit, 113: 65192 Alsiral, 113; 70669 Lets Dance, 115; 55685 Lark-mead Andy, 108; 73083 Hornpipe, 118; 722072 Warship, 115. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Recce, Oct. 18, 1945 — 1 :10V% — 3 — 108. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and 7 j q upward. Maidens. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 123 lbs.; older, 126 lbs. Claiming price, J *•■ 7 Z ,000; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. May 3-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 02,386. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt % Vfr Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 72206 INCHCAPELLA w 3 112 10 5 4J 33 21" C Rogers 4400 Mrs B Mayberry 3.15 731434 BIRDIE LULLEY wb 3 118 2 2 13 12 12 23 H Woodhse 5000 I Bieber 11.65 727353 FOLLANSBEE wb3118 8 3 32 23 35 38 0 Scurlock 4500 J S Kroese 6.05 71083 TRIFLE wb3113 12 14 11" 92 63 44 A Schmidl 4500 Mrs R C Troxler 16.50 MISS RAB w 3 108 14 7 53 54 4* 5* R Bernhrdt 4000 Mrs T Christopher 34.50 72001 SEN0R BRAVO wb3113 5 1 64 64 54 64 L Dotter 4000 R Dotter 71.35 72800 ORPHANS COURTwb 4 116 9 11 138 123 94 7"k A Frncesco 4000 A B Ciccone f-33.60 65606 PRO wb 3 123 13 8 8J 8J 8* 8| C Picou 5000 I Pomper 50.10 73020 SADIE DEE wb3108 1 13 10J 10J 7h 94 W Seaman 4000 Miss M Dick f-33.60 73282 PLT00N LEDERwb3113 6 10 71 7410J 103 C Errico 4000 F Parker 26.90 71868 ALL ALONG w 4 108 3 12 14 14 123 111 L Harris* 4000 A Rapisarda f-33.60 55398 READINESS wb 3 116 11 4 2| 42 11h M E Guerin 4300 J A Morris 4.00 73076 TWIN ROCKS wb 3 108 4 6 12h 132 13 13 M Danisi* 4000 Harmony Farm 31.10 72579 CHINA COLLEEN w 3 111 7 9 9411 14 14 S BouletisJ 5000 J W Nizlek 85.20 f-Mutuel field. Time, :23%, :47, 1:14. Track sloppy. I n * INCHCAPELLA 8.30 3.90 3.30 3.15 .95 .65 M+ utuel Prices! birdie lulley 3.50 2.60 .75 .30 ■ FOLLANSBEE 3.50 .75 Winner— B. f, by Pilate— Inchcapri. by Challenger II., trained by J. P. Mayberry; bred by W. L. Brann. WENT TO POST-2:47. OFF AT 2:47 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. INCHCAPELLA, taken under strong restraint while being outrun in the first quarter, began to improve her position between horses rounding the stretch turn, rallied gamely under increased pressure through the stretch and wore down BIRDIE LULLEY in the closing strides. The latter had good speed from the beginning, saved ground throughout and, under a sustained drive in the last quarter, just failed to last. FOLLANSBEE moved up boldly on the outside after a half, but flattened out under continued pressure. TRIFLE broke slowly and made up ground fast on the outside in the final quarter. READINESS quit to a walk after showing good early speed. Scratched— 73140 Agile, 116; 724134 Prompter, 123; 73076 Nicks Pet, 101; 72578 Jordan, 116; 73143 Promotion, 118; 73205 Red Banjo, 108. Overweight — All Along, 2 pounds. FIFTH RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942- 58-2-106 Sapphire Purse. Purse ,000. a q n 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Weight, 116 lbs. Winners of a sweepstakes or two 7n J *♦ y J races, 6 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. *" t_ May 3-49— Jam Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 18,369. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt ft % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 73077 PUFF w 116 3 2 12 1 14 1J L Dotter J C Brady 790 730804 VAN ETTA w 116 6 3 P 35 34 2" E Guerin C T Chenery 10.80 72685 EMERALD BELLE will 8 7 5h 4* 4" 3* J Renick Mrs E Mulrenan 3.60 728664 BLUE KAY wblll 1 5 6 5* 52 42J W Mehrtens Elkcam Stable 3.95 O 72866 HIGH FREQUENCY wb 116 2 1 2h 2J 2h 51 0 Scurlock R M Wood 2.25 73206 ANTAGONISM w 113 4 6 * 8 7 63 68 D Dodson Wheatley Stable 29.05 T~ FLYING COLUMN w 111 7 8 7 8 73 7 C Picou C V Whitney 4 55 ~ 725652 MELS BELLS wb 116 5 4 43 6J 8 8 H Woodhse E Dibe 23.10 ya Time, :22%, :47, 1:00%. Track sloppy. ,— Mutuels Paid— N , Odds to , D ..#...«! d fPUFF 17W 8-10 60° 790 3-°5 20° rr M -:,.«». utuel rncesi VANETTA io.« 5.90 4.30 195 ± l EMERALD BELLE 4.10 1.05 CT Winner— B. f, by Lochinvar— Battle Smoke, by Blenheim II., trained by R. Dotter: bred by Mrs. A. ti Schuttinger. O WENT TO P0ST-3:18. OFF AT 3:19 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. * Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. PUFF disposed of HIGH FREQUENCY 2 after three-eighths and, under increased pressure through the stretch, held her advantage. VANETTA followed * in close attendance to the pace until the early stretch, came out for the drive and made a determined bid. ■ EMERALD BELLE, slow to begin, raced wide throughout and finished full of run. BLUE KAY closed with a m belated rush after a slow beginning. HIGH FREQUENCY tired from her early efforts. FLYING COLUMN raced O greenly. Scratched— Dentifrice, 111; Cover Charge, 104; 73080 Luring, 122; 73206 Diving Belle, 111; Summerlight,111. m Overweight — Antagonism, 2 pounds. *£ O SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Sting, May 9, 1925— 1:42%— 4— 106. North Hills Purse. Purse ,000. £ 7 0 A Q A 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of ,900. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of •* •* two races other than maiden or claiming in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; two races in 1949, . May 3-49 — Jam 6 lbs. Non-winners at one mile or over allowed 3 lbs. regardless of other allowances. Net value to winner ,250; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 44,943. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vz ¥4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 728714 KHAKI w119 6 7 7* 7J 6 1* 12 W Mehrtns W G Loew 15.75* 72479 GALLOPING GUS wb114 5 5 33 12 12 22 22 J Delsaye* G Ring 2.75 3 730822 BANNERDAY w 113 2 3 14 22 22 4* 3| O Scurlock Short Brook Farm 11.75 j£ 728652 HALCYONIC wb 108 7 8 8 8 72 53 4* M Danisi* Greenever Farm 6.10 *° 73026 BAR SINISTER wb116 3 4 4h 54 5* 3J 52J C Rogers A G Vanderbilt 6.70 72479 JAIALAI wb119 1 1 63 63 4h 72 6j D Gorman Linda Farm 9.35 72871 ANTHRACITE w 116 4 2 2* 3 31 61 72J J Adams P A Markey 3.90 728714 HARB0URT0N wb115 8 6 53 4i 8 8 8 E Guerin . J M Roebling 3.90 Time, :24%, :48, 1:12%, 1:39%, 1:46%. Track sloppy. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to » in- -KHAKI 33.50 11.60 7.50 15.75 4.80 2.75 M. Utuel rriceSi galloping gus 5.60 4.00 1.80 1.00 . BANNERDAY 7.40 2.70 Winner— Ch. c. by Heliopolis— War Cloth, by Man o War, trained by G. P. Odom: bred by Douglas M Davis. WENT TO POST-3:49. OFF AT 3:50 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. KHAKI, taken under strong restraint while being outrun for the first half, began to advance between horses rounding the stretch turn, responded readily to wear down GALLOPING GUS nearing the last eighth and gradually drew out. The latter wrested command from the outside in the run down the backstretch, came to the inside while drawing clear rounding the second turn and gave way readily when challenged. BANNERDAY had speed, saved ground, but lacked a closing rally. HALCYONIC passed tiring horses in the latte stages. BAR SINISTER gave way steadily. JAIALAI had a rough trip through the stretch. ANTHRACITE was through early. HARBOURTON tired badly in the late stages. Scratched— 72971 Piping By, 108; 731462 Black Rover, 106; 73146 Roaming Feet, 114; 73082 Dry Fly, 113. Overweight— Harbourton, 2 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Sting, May 9, 1925— 1:42-4-106. Purse ,500. 4 year-olds and a q r upward. Claiming. Weight, 5 lbs. below scale. Non-winners of two races since 7n •5 1 y J March 31 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs.; one race in 1949, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. May 3-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, S259,220. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 72639 ROGUE wb4113 6 6 74 62 23 24 1J A Kirkland 7500 Mrs V Marshall 3.50 730784 MINNEAPOLIS wb4119 8 7 1* 12 14 ih 2 0 Scurlock 7500 B Sharp 11.40 72968 SHIFTY MAE wb5110 3 5 4n 4h 42 3* 3" J Delsaye* 7500 G Gay 13.65 73211 ARMY MARCH wb7115 5 3 53 52 3 43 42J H Woodhse 7500 G C Winfrey 2.50 72806 CODE LIGHT wb 4 119 7 8 8 8 6i 63 5J E Guerin 7500 T Christopher 2.85 728062 SWEET BISCUIT wb 4 110 2 2 3 3h 5J 5h 6» A Schmidl 7500 P A Markey 4.45 721914 JINGLE JANGLE wb 6 112 4 4 6" 7h 8 72 16 W Rustia* 7500 Gettinger Stable 16.70 72968 SIR HARRY wb6114 1 1 25 24 72 8 8 A Bavingtn 7500 Addison Stable 37.15 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:14, 1:41%, 1:48%. Track sloppy. z — Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to s w • n . BROGUE 9.00 6.30 4.30 3.50 2.15 1.15 Mutuel rrices ? Minneapolis 9.30 5.30 3.65 ijs C SHIFTY MAE 5.80 1.90 Winner— B. c, by Bahram— Reckless, by Stimulus, trained by R. Green; bred by Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. WENT TO POST— 4:21. OFF AT 4:21 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ROGUE, slow to settle into his best stride, came to the outside when making his bid rounding the second turn, wore down MINNEAPOLIS while under strong handling nearing the last sixteenth and gradually drew out. The latter broke slowly, was rushed up fast rounding the first turn to take command, drew into a long lead while being cleverly rated and, when set down for the drive, could not resist the winner, although best of the others. SHIFTY MAE was well placed throughout, but lacked a closing rally. ARMY MARCH raced evenly. CODE LIGHT could not handle the going. SWEET BISCUIT was through early. SIR HARRY gave way suddenly after racing prominently for a half mile. Overweight— Sweet Biscuit, 2 pounds. Corrected weight— Minneapolis, 119. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Sting, May 9, 1925— 1:42%— 4— 106. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and j a / upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 117 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Winners at 75 J 4 y O one mile or over since March 31, 3 lbs. extra for each race won. Claiming price, May 3-49 — Jam ,000; if for less. 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,500. Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 47,668. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* ft % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73027 LAURANIA wb5 116 7 5 42 44 14 H 1 M DanisiJ 5000 J R Hastie 1.60 73027 GRETNA GREEN w5113 4 6 54 54 44 2| 24* W Rustia* 4500 W Zakoor 4.85 73208 FLAME OF INDIAwb6 111 6 8 9MJ 7h 4h 3 W WeingU 5000 Phantom Farm 9.35 731423 GAY LOVE w 4 106 3 3 34 2i 2* 34 4" J Delasaye* 4000 C McNulty 10.60 72734 HOMESPUN wb6104 9 9 84 83 83 61 5J J DelVhio* 3500 Mrs J H McTague 14.50 72965 WILLING HAND w4112 10 10 10 92 91572 6J J Adams 4000 H Crouch 3.90 73078 UNEQUALED wb6113 8 7 65 68 5* 5J 7 * L Dotter 4000 Mrs N Schwartz 47.60 728003 LADY MARILYN wb 4 114 2 1 12 14 33 84 85 C Rogers 4500 Mrs L Laurin 10.75 73027 SUGAR DROP w 4 110 1 2 2h 32 61 912 914 E Flutiel 4500 L I Greenberg 18.10 72734 ESTERITA wb9110 5 4 71 10 10 10 10 A Grace*t 4500 A B Christopher 55.35 tTwo pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :48%, 1:14, 1:39%, 1:46%. Track sloppy. ki ln . /-LAURANIA 5.20 3.60 2.70 1.60 .80 .35 Mutuel Prices? gretna green 4.40 3.70 1.20 .85 I FLAME OF INDIA 4.60 1.30 Winner— Ch m, by Pilate— Ridge Blond, by Durbar II., trained by J. R. Hastie; bred by Abram S. Hewitt. WENT TO POST— 4:54. OFF AT 4:54J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. LAURANIA, hard held while following in close attendance to the early pace, assumed command from the outside when ready rounding the second turn, drew into a long lead while in hand and was much the best. GRETNA GREEN made a bold bid on entering the last quarter and, while not able to menace the winner, was best of the others. FLAME OF INDIA raced wide on the turns and made up some ground in the late stages. GAY LOVE raced with the leaders to the early stretch and tired. HOMESPUN failed to rally. WILLING HAND was outrun. The others were far back. Scratched— 726873 Eireann, 103; 724832 Maid of Oz, 117. Overweight— Willing Hand, 1 pound; Unequaled, 1. ~ Attendance 21,005; Total Mutuel Pool, ,711,787.

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