untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1951-05-08


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! H»rWlf«HHHMHWWIf*«HHHf»ttMmilllH«lll Hm 1 9 5 1 anddion I BO* I 1 ON I AMERICAN sale IIIHIHHHIIINHIHHIfllflHIHIHttlNmHIHIIIilNllliT RACING MANUAL lite ocort that Gnsivete OOeixi luty Question COMPLETE RECORDS More Than 1,100 Pages of Statistics and Facts Covering Every Phase of Racing and Breeding Alphabetical Listings of All Horses Who Competed at Recognized Courses in North America Last Year, Handsomely, Durably $ 0m gm j Compiled and Published By Showing Firsts, Seconds, Thirds and Earnings. Also Bo««d ... postpaid ##9 ™ DAILY RAC,NG F0RM Official Records of Owners Trainers Jockeys E£iiiiiitiiiiiiitiiuiHHiiiiiittHiHiHHiiivtviiuiitiiiiviitfiinifiiifiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii£ Breeders, Stallions, Stakes, Yearling Sales and f MAIL THIS COUPON NOW! | Hundreds of Other Invaluable Features. 1 TR,ANGLE publications, inc. | E 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, III. = There iS Only One American Racing Manual — the 1 Enclosed find .50 check or money order, which includes post- 1 , „ 777 , I age. Kindly send me one copy of the NEW 1951 AMERICAN RACING = r_ .„ *» acknowledged "Encyclopedia of the Turf.,, Only a i manual i limited quantity has been printed, so dont delay ... | Nome , . . v. .w. ., * -. * 1 use the adjoining coupon. I AAAr | i § = City m — , - - - Zone ..... State « I ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY i mmm *"*****-»—* I ■ ■ tkllllllllllllllHIIIHIIIIUIIIIUIIMIMIIUIUIHHMIIHIIIIIIIUIIIMMlMIIMIIHIIHIHUIIIIIIHHIlR Mm - ■ - - ■

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951050801/drf1951050801_22_2
Local Identifier: drf1951050801_22_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800