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AtU A/111 3-4 MILE. Doublrab, June 27, 1942— 1:10%-4-125. Burg-El-Arab Classified Handi- ■Tlll MCJU cap. ,500 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt. Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt WL 30316 Mighty Quest May51 Bel 1 :09% 115 113 317324 Big If Jun50 Aqu 1:11 109 106 275024 Squared Away Sep50 Bel 1:10% 119 122 28628 Liberty Rab Oct50GS1:12 122 106 205562 lamarelic 0ct50GS1:11% 119 112 30888 First Glance . May51 Bel 1:10% 115 119 Miahtv Ouest- 113 B- * * by Alquest— Orissa, by Purchase. iviignry yuesr I I «5 Brteder, D. Howe. 1951 12 3 3 3 1,725 Owner, Hudson Valley Stable. Trainer, E. Holton. 1950 12 4 2 1 ,350 Jun 2-51 5Bel 3-41:10%ft 51 121*631753 65 88 ColeSio Alw 85 BryanG. 114 Sagittarius 122 Michell May24-514Bel 3-4 1:10%gd 3-2 *117 43 32*32 321 AtksnT« HcpO 91 SinggStp 119 ArisMona 104 Sagitus 6 May18-514Bel 3-41:09%ft 23 115$ 42 44 2* 12 ColeS4 Alw96 0cnDrive118 AdIDrke114 TheDiver 6 May12-515Jam 3-41:11%ft 23 108* 2h 1h ih 11 ColeSi Alw 89 Sagittarius118 UncleEdr118 Assignt 6 Apr23-51«Jam 3-41:12 gd 2 108*1* 24 2 24 ColanrU Alw 85 Symposium113 DeepBlue123 TioCiro 5 Apr10-51«Jam 3-41:11 ft 6-5 *108* 45 34* 22* 221 ColaneriJ3 Alw 90 SqredAway115 AdIDrake113 CupKg 7 Apr 5-51 «Jam 3-41:11%ft 43 109*2* 12 12 34 PicouJ* Alw 88 Vigorously AmnGlory126 AdIsPride 6 Feb22-517Hia 7-81:23%ft 18 119 31 23 25 5" WdheHS Alw 81 Hyphasis 119 Prop 124 BlackGeorge 8 Feb15-51«Hia 3-41:10%ft 73 116 41*33 33 351 WdheHi Alw 89 ThePincher121 Hyphasis116 Sedge/w 6 Feb 8-51«Hia 3-41:10%ft 6-5 *119 43* 6« 69 59 ChurchKio Alw 85 GrowingUp107 Endurablel 10 Kinsman 10 June 19 Aqu 3-4 ft 1:15%h June 15 Aqu 3-4 m 1:20b June 1 Aqu 3-8 ft :36%h * nnnrpH Awnv 190 B- 9, 4, by Piping Rock— Imperatrice, by Caruso. jquuicu rtwuy Breeder, £state of W. H. LaBoyteaux. 1951.4 2 0 0 ,275 Owner, Jan Burke. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. 1950 18 6 2 4 4,975 Apr28-517G.S 3-41:10%ft 6* 111 1h 1h 2h 42* SkellyJS HcpS 90 Symposium113 Call0ver116 Casemate 15 Apr16-51«Jam 3-41:10%ft 1*116 12 14 1* 1* GuerinE* Alw 93 Vigorous122 PceMisn113 Alphabcal 6 Apr10-51«Jam 3-41:11 ft 21 115 12 12* 12* 121 GuerinE2 Alw 92 MtyQuest108 AdmIDrakei13 CupKg 7 Apr 3-51 7Jam 3-41:11%sy 21*116 443 49*57 5" GuerinE2 Alw 78 GrowingUp108 Symposium118 TedM. 7 0ct25-50«Jam 3-41:11%gd 2le*108 44 44 8411183 WdeHio HcpS 82 MagicWds113 SlasRed124 Tea-Mer 12 Sep28-505Bel 3-41:10%ft 21 119 11 1h 11 14 GuerinE2 Alw 94 Fabricate 119 Detective 119 Mostest 6 June 21 Jam 3-8 ft :37b June 18 Jam 3-4 ft 1:16b June 15 Jam 3-8 sy :36%b Inmnrplir iuiiiuiciiv. 1 1 * B. c, 3, by War Relic— Neshaminy, by St. James. 1 1 z. Breeder, Woodvale Farm. 1950 13 3 5 3 9,175 Owner, Woodvale Farm. Trainer, W. C. Stephens. Nov15-505jam 5*f1:05%ft 61 111 34 1h 1h 2* ScurlW HcpO 90 Lextown 122 Cacique 107 Buzfuz11 Oct30-505Jam 3-41:12%ft 1*118 31 1J 14 13 ScurlkOS Alw 86 WhoDini 112 AirRocket115 Nosun9 0ct18-50 5Jam 3-41:11%ft 16 114 3* 2* 22 54 ScrlkOi HcpS 87 Repetoire112 RghnTumble120 Pictus 12 0ct12-50«G.S 3-41:11%gd 7* 119 3"* 2h Ih 33 ScrlkOis ScwS 89 Iswas119 RhnTumble122 Bugledrums 13 Sep30-50«Bel wc6Jf 1:15%ft 18e 122 10 103 94 99 CombtN* ScwS 87 Btlefld122 BigStrch122 RghnTble 14 Sep13-50 5Aqu 6*f1:18%sy 3e 110 14 14 1h 34 CombtNi AlwS 82 AwayAwayllO Safety110 Mohamdan 11 Sep 6-50«Aqu 3-41:11%ft 5Je 115 2h 2* 2* 2* GuerinE9 HcpS 88 Mohamdan114 Jk t.Grt110 AwayAy 14 Aug17-507Sar 5Jf1:05%gd 2* 122 64 54 421 35* ScurlckOS Alw 86 Pictus 111 WarPhar114 EasyWhirl 9 Aug 8-507Sar 5* f 1:06 ft 31 122 42*1* 11 24 Scurlck09 Alw 87 Hall of Fame 116 Sonic 113 EasyWhirl 11 June 20 Bel 5-8 ft 1:01 v5b June 13 Bel 5-8 si 1:00hg June 9 Bel 3-4 ft 1:14h Bin If 1 HA B 9, 6, by King Cole— Nasca, by Rosolio. " ■ vU Breeder. Breckinridge Long. 1951. 4 0 1 1 ,450 Owner. Mrs. J. T. Maloney. Trainer, J. T. Maloney. 1950 17 2 2 6 0 300 Jun16-515Bel 3-41:10%ft 16 108 743 74174 433 ErricoCS HcpO 89 Bryan G. 118 Miche 122 Vigorous 8 Jun 8-51 5Bel - 3-41 :10%ft 31 114 54*43*32*23 BerntR* Alw 88 FstGlance118 Starecase114 Hypalong 6 Jun 2-515Bel 3-41:10%ft 53 114 1041071 751 65* BernhdRS Alw 87 BryanG. 114 Sagittarius 122 Miche 11 May26-515Bel 3-41:11%ft 24 122 97 85 74333 JamesBio Alw 83 BigStory115 TheDiver115 OceanDrive 14 Dec 1-507Bow 3-41:11%ft 13 110 9" 911 53* 2"* ChampeG3 Alw 93 UncleEdgr119 Blk a.Blue113 Adamt 9 Nov24-507Bow 3-41:12%ft 86 111 94 920 916 873 LynchJi HcpS 83 ThePincr117 DukesGal106J AmnGIy 9 Nov15-505Jam 5Jf1:05%ft 21 110 11 «116*107J 973 ErricoCS HcpO 83 Lextown 122 lamarelic 111 Cacique 11 0ct28-505Jam 3-41:11%ft 83 113 751 781 53* 623 ErricoS2 HcpO 87 RopeTrick110 EagleRivr119 Endurble 8 Oct23-50 5Jam 11:45 sy 23 116 35 2J 2« 35 BernhtR2 HcpO 86 DeepBlue 111 RoyalCastle 114 Splash 4 June 19 Bel 1-2 ft :52%b June 14 Bel 1-2 sy :52%b June 12 Bel 3-8 ft :38b Liberty uc Rah uu * 1 flA Gr- c» 3 bv Doublrab— Lady Liberty, by Liberty Limited. ■ WO Breeder, Mrs. T. Christopher. 1951 . 2 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. T. Christopher. Trainer, H. Brown. i 1950 17 4 3 3 4 587 May16-51«Bel 7-8 1:22%ft 35 126 22 32*49 69 McCryCS ScwS 78 Jumbo 126 Battlefield 126 Iliad 9 May 8-51 «G.S 3-41:10%ft 12 117* 1h 23 37 63 GaudauR3 Alw 81 ToMarket122 BlueSpeed117 WarPhar 8 0ct18-50«Jam 3-41:1l1/sft 23 114 2* 32*35 77* HetgerG9 HcpS 83 Repetoire112 RghnTumble120 Pictus 12 Oct 5-505G.S 3-41:10%ft 1*122 2h 1h 21 44 CulmneJ* Alw 87 GrassFire113 SpurOn116 Imamazed 8 Sep25-505Bel wc3-41:10%ft 14 118 8 74 53 63J MilganP4 SplW 82 Battlef ieiai18 PetBly118 RghnTble 11 Jly22-506Suf 5*f1:05%ft 23 122 42 44*43145 BauerR5 ScwS 83lamarelic116 FogA.Bolia110 TeaToken 9 May30-505Del 5-81:00%sl 53 125 1h ih 2* 44 Hanfrdis ScwS 82 Bugledms116 CntTurf119 Win orLse 8 May17-50«Bel wc 5-8 :57%ft 32 122 1 1* 1h 1 4 MillignP9 AlwS 98 Battlefield 122 Remove 119 Iswas 9 June 20 Jam 1m ft 1:44b June 13 Jam 5-8 ft 1:00%b June 10 Jam 1 -2 ft :482h First at Glance vmuiiic 1 1 Q Br- c 4 bv Discovery— Bride Elect, by High Time. ■ Breeder, Alfred G. VanderbilL 1951.5 2 0 1 ,425 Owner, A. G. Vanderbilt. Trainer, W. C. Winfrey. 1950 8 2 11 375 Jun 8-51 5Bel 3-4 1:10%ft 4-5 *118 22 24 11 13 GuerinE4 Alw91 Biglf 114 Starecase114 Hypalong 6 Jun 2-51 5Bel 3-41:10%ft 31 116 4442142 44 GuerinE3 Alw 92 BryanG. 114 Sagittarius 122 Michell May21-514Bel 3-41:10%ft 23 115 2* 2* 1h 12* GuerinE3 10000 94 Darnaway 114 Dalpark118 Adamant 10 May14-512Bel 3-41:10%ft 31 118 1 2* 24 33* GuerinE2 125O0 87 Caciquel 14 Alphabetical 118 SkyPer 6 Apr23-51«Jam 3-41:12 gd 6 115 31 34* 47* 511 GuerinE2 Alw 76 Symposium113 MtyQuest108 DpBlue 5 May 1-50«Jam 3-41:13%sy 7 122 43 6« 6is 712 Guer-inE Alw 68 C.Raiser117 AdmIDrake116 Starecase 7 Apr26-505Jam 3-41:12 ft 4J 118 31 22 24 2 GuerinE2 Alw86Torr118 Erosion113 ThasianHero 7 Apr15-50*HdG 11:46 ft 70 114 1h 32 44* 853 CmbtN AlwS 82 Sunglow 112 Greek Ship 119 Kinsman 16 Apr 7-50«Jam 3-41:13%ft 4 116 2h 1h ih ink GuerinEi Alw 81 Bakersfield116 0ilomacy111 Didapper 7 Feb20-50«Hia 3-41:10%ft 2*119 34 32*31 32* ScurlkOi Alw 89 IsThere 109 WileyFox 114 Prepared 10 June 21 Bel 3-8 ft :36%b June 17 Bel 5-8 ft 1:01%b June 15 Bel 3-8 sy :37b