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xK • r *£*and B E T W E E N R A C E S * «"• ore HOLLYWOOD PARK, Inglewood, Calif., June 21. — For the first time in modern California racing history, two-year-olds have been given at least a measure of attention to which most breeders believe they are entitled. Last Saturday, the Hollywood Park management split the historic Haggin Haggin Stakes Stakes into into two two divisions, divisions, and and Haggin Haggin Stakes Stakes into into two two divisions, divisions, and and then, on Monday, announced the carding of two additional juvenile stakes for the current meeting, the Charles 8. Howard Memorial for colts and geldings, and the Cinderella for fillies. Both stakes will be run at five and one-half furlongs, and both will carry 5,000 in added imoney. At the same time, vice-president and general manager Jack F. Mackenzie revealed that the purse for the Westerner, the Hollywood Park name for its old Derby, would be increased from 5,000 added to 0,000 added. The Howard Memorial will be run on July 7, and the Cinderella on July 11, thus allowing contestants to have ample time between those efforts and the Starlet Stakes, the latter being carded for July 20 at a full six furlongs. As this column has pointed out before, Hollywood is blessed with its greatest group of two-year-old competitors in the tracks annals, and as long as the management decided to enlarge the stakes program, it seems only worth while that a large percentage of that increase should be earmarked for the young crop. The Juveniles here this summer have literally created their own prestige with the public, and Hollywood Park, short on name older handicap horses, has suddenly found that the public has turned quite a bit of its interest to the youngsters. Juveniles Earn Recognition at Hollywood Opportunities Offered in Two New Stakes Bull Chicle Result of Improving the Blood My Vengeance First Sneed Stakes Winner One reason for this seems to be that an ever-growing number of owner-breeders are refusing to race their young stock at Santa Anita during the winter months, .and while the idea of whether early racing for two-year-olds is harmful is debatable, a majority of turfmen in California have accepted the premise that it is, excepting for individuals who are unusually quick. The main objective now is to point for Hollywood Park, and the results have been startling. The Haggin pretty much proved the point. Bull Chicle, for instance, equalled a track record in winning his division, a record set by the six-year-old Smacked. The latter was a really fast sprinter, and the time, 1:04%, was commendable for a horse of any age. California-breds won both ends of the Haggin, and both winners were of the story book type. My Vengeance won the second division for the interest of Thelma Sneed. AAA Bull Chicle marked the first real success as an American breeder for Dr. A. G. Schnack, and for Louis Coelho as an American trainer. Dr. Schnack was born and reared in the Hawaiian Islands, and, during his career as a doctor there, he was instrumental in helping build impromptu racing on Oahu, and did some breeding on what in the states would be termed a small scale. The doctor made a fetish of the study of bloodlines, and we understand he is rated as one of the most posted men in the world on this subject. In 1947, he decided to retire from active practice and pursue his hobby as his lifes work. Hawaii did not provide a proper field for this activity, so he moved, horses and farm manager-trainer Coelho, to Southern California, and purchased a small farm in Riverside County near Corona. His lack of success with his Hawaiian horses was signal, so he set about improving his foundation stock. He became interested in a mare being then the property of California State Polytechnic College at San Luis Obispo. Chicle Bar had been cared for by students, and the dean remarked that she was of ideal conformation and temperament. The doctor purchaser her for ,500, plus ,000 for a foal by the college stallion, Zuncho. He bred to Bull Reigh, got Bull Chicle, then to Count Speed, and has a promising yearling by that full brother to Count Fleet, has a weanling by Bull Root. • AAA Trainer Coelho is an able horseman, even though during his apprenticeship in the Islands he was able to give only part of his time to thoroughbreds. He served for some 18 years as an agronomist with a Maui sugar plantation, and broke and conditioned far more polo ponies than thoroughbreds. Bull Chicles record bespeaks good horsemanship, however, for in 10 starts the horse has been worse than third only once. Prior, to his Haggin division win, he had earned ,100, a nickel and a dime at a time. It might be added that one of the best sires California has seen in modern years has been Bull Reigh, but his career, unfortunately, was cut short by a fatal colic. AAA My Vengeance was the first major stakes winner to hail from the model stock farm of Archie Sneed, the Los Continued on Page Thirty-Nine BETWEEN RACES By OSCAR OTIS Continued from Page Forty -Eight Angeles and Reno turfman. It was only the fourth start for My Vengeance, a son of With Regards from a Pompey mare, Lift. With Regards has generally been known as the kingpin sire of Santa Anita, for almost without exception, his offspring have proven adept at three furlongs along in January and February. With Regards was a horse of admitted great speed, but that he could sustain it was pretty well proven in the Kentucky Derby of 1942 when he was fourth to Shut Out, Alsab and Valdina Orphan after being cut badly leaving the gate, and being on the extreme outside for, much of the way. If his get show a tendency to ravel along he will take stature as one of the top sires of the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Sneed, who is separated from her husband, obtained My Vengeance in a settlement, and it might be added that she selected My Vengeance on her own judgment, having the pick of the crop, which were divided equally. As we said above, it is too early to pass any real judgment upon a two-year-old, but both Bull Chicle and My Vengeance have given promise of at least a claim to consideration for greatness. My Vengeance won in a prolonged duel with Challtack, the latter representing one of the few of the first crop of the old popular sprinter, Stronghold. The stud is standing at the Canoga Park Farm of Harry Warner, and some believe he will turn out to be the best of the six stallions at that establishment. Some observers thought Challtack ran a more powerful race than he was given credit for because he was lugging some through the stretch, and his rider had to take him up and off on two occasions.