Richards Says Yankees Improved: White Sox Manager Lauds New Yorkers, Daily Racing Form, 1953-06-23


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Richards Says Yankees Improved White Sox Manager Lauds New Yorkers . Cla ims World Titlists Haye Everything for Great Team As Hose Await 3-Game Series NEW YORK, N. Y., June 22.— Manager Paul Richards of the White Sox, lauded the Yankees today as "30 per cent improved over last year." Scoffing at the notion that the Yankees enjoy such a wide lead in the race because their American League rivals are "weak-sisters," Richards insisted the world champions are up there because "they have everything it takes to make a great ball club." "As far as Im concerned, the league is better than it was last year," said the forthright White Sox skipper. "And the Yankees are the most improved team in the league. Id say theyre 30 per cent better than last year. "And let me tell you another thing," he went on. "These Yankees dont have to bow their heads to any of the great Yankee teams of the past." The Yankees are better, Richards pointed out, because theyve added Whitey Ford; because Billy Martin, Gil McDougald, Mickey Mantle and Hank Bauer are improved over last season, and because v theyve picked up a few players like Don Bollweg to strengthen their bench. Haye Pitching, Speed, Defense "They have everything that makes a good ball club — pitching, speed and defense," Richards continued. "And when you add good throwing to that, you have a combination where you hit very few doubles and triples against them, you find it hard to "go from first to third on a hit like you do againsfother teams, and you dont score from third base on ordinary outfield flies. "Not only that, but if you get in a tight spot while theyre batting, just try to make a double play against them with -all their speed. It just isnt done. And then when you find theyre not exactly anemic at bat, either, you realize what a great team they have." "We can hope, and we can keep trying, thats all," he said. "Maybe theyll fall into a slump. Maybe theyll get over-confident and let down. Just let us or another contender get on a long winning streak, and see what happens then. "Maybe theyll boot a few and some of their hits wont fall safely. Maybe they wont get back on the track. You never can tell what will happen. "But, then, when you start thinking like that," he added as an afterthought, "youve got to realize that manager of theirs will do something to get em straightened out." Richards, looking to the future, said the Sox cant afford to wait around hoping for the Yankees to deteriorate. "Weve got to add youth and bolster our club at a few spots where were weak, if were going to beat the Yankees. We need another pitcher and a guy in the middle of the batting order to whack that ball. "Ive said before that in order to beat the Yankees, youd have to do it with pitching. Well, Id hoped their older guys like Allie Reynolds, Ed Lopat and Vic Raschi would slip this season, but they havent. "I guess "Lefty" Gomez has the right idea of a success formula for a pitcher," Richard concluded. "He always said, "Just pitch for the Yankees."

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