Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1953-06-23

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f Alpha betical In dex to E ntr i e s A Abbys. Rhymer— 9th Suf Admirals Pet — 4th AP Air View — 3d Suf Alairne — 8th Suf Alamanda — 1st Del . Albany Fair— 9th Suf Aljan — 5th Del All Is On— 2d Det All My Heart— 3d Suf All Richer— 2d Suf , Altar Boy— 1st Suf AlvitaRun — 3d Suf Ambush — 5 th Aqu Amylamine — 8th Mth An tell — 3d Det Ardoch— 3d Mth Argufy— 5 th A.P Artane — 6th Mth Ascot — 7th Del Astronomical — 8th Mth Avion— 3d Mth Avon Lady — 7th Mth Axel Munthe— 7th Mth B Babys Pal— 2d AP Back Fire — 1st Del Bahia — 5 th A.P Balas Gem — 5th Del Bals Best— 1st Mth Bar — 2d Suf Barbeck— 2d Mth Barclay Joe — 1st Mth Bare Foot Boy— 1st Del Bargainer — 8th Det Barneys Joy — 7th Suf Barstow — 5th Suf Bassington — 9th Suf Bayou-Boy— 5 th Mth Beach Admiral — 2d Del Beats — 2d Del Bella Figura — 6th AP Bentons Lucy — 1st AP Bessies Beau— 3d Mth Best Doings — 4th Det Big Mo — 6th Del Big Perry — 6th Det Bill H. Jr.— 4th Mth BillHowk— 2d Suf Bills Hygro — 7th Det Binky B. — 1st Suf Bit-O-Moon— 6th Suf Black Currant— 5th Suf Black Melody — 5th-Aqu BlackrRacer — 6th Det Black Rover — 8th Suf Blemish— 9th Suf Blendid Music — 8th Det Blue Crown — 1st Del Blue Dandy — 1st Aqu Blue Jack — 7th Del Blue Jeans — 6th Aqu Blue Norka— 7th Mth Blue Rogue — 1st AP Bo Mowlee — 1st Del Bofaye — 7th Det Bold Challenge — 1st Suf Boling Polly— 8th Det Bolo Boy — 5th Det Bolo Lass — 9th Suf Bolo Mack — 8th Del Bonnie Black— 5th Aqu Bookmark — 1st Aqu Born to Win— 9th Suf Boss H.— 6th Suf Bougent — 8th Del Bouquet Billy— 6th Suf "Rnv riAmnur — 1 st. "Mt-.h Brainwave — 4th Suf Breadwinner — 3d AP Brief Candle — 2d Del Bright Imp— 5th AP Bright Kitchen— 5 th Suf Bright Omen — 7th Del Bright-N-Proud — 8th Aqu Bronze Warrior — 4th Mth Brook Flower — 4th AP Brookshire — 3d AP Broom Sedge — 1st Det Brother Ghost — 7th Mth Brown Adobe — 3d Aqu Brownstown — 2d Det Bubola Mowlee — 5 th Del Burgoo Play — 2d Det Burnt Lips — 2d Aqu Burts Reward — 7th Del C Cab Fare — 3d Del Calamus — 1st Aqu Canary Island — 4th AP Candle Wood— 5th Mth Cant oMar— 4th Suf Captain Fin — 2d Det Casual Chance — 5th Suf Caunsil — 2d Suf Cedaf Lane--4th Mth Cee-Yuma— 8th Det Centerpoise — 5th Aqu Challa Rock— 2d Del Char Girl — 2d Del Charco — 5th AP Charm Prince — 9th Suf Chemin de Fer — 8th Mth Clarksboro— 1st Mth Clear Out — 1st Aqu Clear Sweep — 7th AP Close Attack — 5th AP Close Play — 7th Aqu Cloudy— 8th Aqu Cobber— 3d Mth Coin Flip— 8th Det Colleen Bawn — 9th Suf Collette— 2dAP Confederacy — 6th Aqu Contrary Jean — 1st Suf Copper River— 1st Suf Count Breeze — 6th Del Count Galla — 2d Det Count Pur — 4th Suf Crazy Mary — 1st Det Cross Bones — 2d Det Curly Joe— 3d Aqu * Cydbern — 1st Det D Daffodil — 1st Aqu Darby Creek — 5 th AP Darlin Wife— 5th Aqu Decoration — 7th Suf Deep Margie — 2d AP Demand Note — 8th Suf Descentive — 2d Suf Devilment— 5th AP Devotional — 2d Det Dictionary — 4th Aqu ■ Didapper — 2d Del Didnslip — 2d Del Dispatcher — 5 th Suf Divertido — 1st Det Dixie Vixen— 2d Mth Djuna — 3d Suf Dollargof ast — 4th Del Dona Flo — 3d Del Donalds Gal — 3d Suf-Donnadoon — 9th Suf Dottie Dear — 2d Aqu Double H.— 5 th Del Dover Coast — 4th Del Dr. Milton H.— 5th AP Ducat— 1st Mth Duntreath Miss — 1st Det Dusty Darlin — 4th Aqu E Easy Al— 2d T el Easy Chop — 8th Suf Ecuador — 8th Aqu El Picadore — 8th Mth Elaine Ruth — 6th AP ElysianHero — 2d Mth Emmydee — 5 th Aqu English Flight— 1st Det Equableu — 6th Aqu Eternal Quest — 5th AP Eternal Way — 2d. Suf Evans Mountain— 4th Aqu Even Key — 4th AP F Faiths Prince — 7th Del Fall Festival— 5th Suf Fancy Dancer — 6th Suf Fancy Deer — 4th AP Fancy Diver — 5th Aqu Fern Gold — 7th Det Ferro Fox — 2d Suf Feuding — 1st AP Fighting Fleet— 3d Mth Final Proof — 6th Suf First Dare — 3d Aqu First Nighter— 9th Suf First Star— 2d Mth First Swing— 9th Suf Fitofly— IstAP Flaw — 3d Aqu ~ Fleet Gold— 5th Del Fleur de Joie — 3d Aqu Flight Captain— 3d AP Floyd E. — 8th AP Fly byNighV-2d AP Flying Away— -7th Suf Flying Bomb — 1st Det Forest Knight — 2d Del , Four Shoes — 2d. Suf Fourteen Grand — 7th Det Foxie Fish — 1st AP Fred R.— 5th Mth Freddie Fish — 6th Mth Free for Me — 6th AP Free Fun— 3d Del Free Lunch — 4th Det Freedom Bell— 5th Mth Freedom Parley — 4th Suf "CViccrtnrionfn Qf Y Ami G Gaby H. —6th Suf Gaddy B. — 3d Suf Gala Fete— 6th AP Gale Toni — 1st Aqu Galileo — 1st Suf Gallant Roy — 1st Aqu Game Bid — 3d Det v Gamest — 4th AP Garb— 4th AP Gentle Star — 3d Aqu George Frank — 3d AP Gerry Frank— 3d AP Golden Doll — 1st AP Golden Mean — 1st Suf Goldsboro — 8th Suf Good Boy— 8th Suf Gottadance — 9th Grand Degree — 5th AP Grandma Josie — 5th Mtr Great Habit — 2d Aqu Grecia — 7th AP Guayana — 2d Aqu Gunny Sack— 3d Aqu Gus Fan— 1st AP Gypsy Glow — 8th Det H Hadassah — 4th Aqu Halcyon Bird — 1st Aqu Handsome Joey — 4th Suf Hap Glaudi— 1st AP Happy Queen — 6th Det Happy Rabbit — 2d Del Happy Verdict — 7th Det Hasher — 8th Suf Hasty Bee — 5 th Det Heart Flash — 4th Det Heartache — 2d Aqu HeddyB.— 4th Del Heif erette — 2d AP Helfast— 4th Mth Hera.Lot — 5 th Det Hezahoney — 2d Det High Drift— 1st AP High Hopes — 1st AP High Lama — 3d Suf Highwayman — 3d Suf Hill Rose — 5 th Aqu Hod Crownlst Suf Honest Knave — 2d Suf Hoodwink — 6th Aqu Hoop Mood — 4th AP Hoop Wise— 4th Mth , Hopeful Sue— 7th Del Hostile Miss — 3d Det ■ J Hullie — 8th Del Humphrey— 4th Det Hush Hall— 3d Del Hy Limited— 1st Det Hy-Punk— 4th Suf I Ice Cap — 1st Suf Im Fred— 4th Suf Im in Trouble — 1st Aqu In Deep— 5th Det Inchcobar — 7th Del " _ Indian Legend— 5th Aqu Informer — 7th Aqu Iron Heel— 4th Mth Isle Sea — 7th Det Its No Use— 7th Aqu J Jack Jay— 8th Mth Jacklyn— 3d Del Jacodema — 6th AP Jakes Jest — 4th Suf Jays Mom — 2d Aqu Jazzanita — 1st Suf Jetts Kiss-r-2d"AP Jims Town— 1st AP Joan Anne K. — 8th Det Jof ield— 7th Det Jolis.Choice — 2d Aqu JoyK. — 6th Aqu Julian Louis — 1st Det Junius — 1st AP K K Avenue — 8th Aqux Kalluki— 2d Det Karen L.— 2d AP Karmen Kay — 1st AP Kays Joy— 3d Det Kiami — 7th Suf King— 5th AP King Care — 5th Det King Taos — 9th Suf Kitty Darling— 4th Suf Kitty Van— 6th Det L Ladslove — 5th Mth Lady Rowena — 2d Det Ladykin— 4th AP Laetemal — 1st Aqu Laran — 6th Del Last Half— 3d Det v v Lasti Pusti — 1st Aqu Laurel Springs — 1st Mth Laurette— 7th Mth Le Coq Hardi— 5 th AP Legend of Conf ey — 6th Mth Legs — 2d Det Lets Dance — 6th Suf Liability— 7th Det Lickety Cut-7th Det Like Sweep — 1st Det Lilac — 8th Det Lina n. — 8th Det Little Fiddle— 2d Mth Little Opener— 8th AP Lolly S.— 5tlvDel , Lone Pilot — 2d Suf Long Gone — 1st Suf Lord Louis — 2d Suf Lost Penny — 5th Suf Lot-A-Brass — 6th Del Love Bug — 3d Det Lovely Devil — 4th Det Lovely Katie — 6th Aqu Lovely Locust— 8th Det Lovely Wave — 5th Del Lovin Lady — 4th AP Lucky Dog— 8th Suf Mad Marie — 4 th Del Magic Moment — 2d Suf Magic Osage — 1st Suf Mahmette— 5th AP Mailing List — 3d Aqu Main Bout— 6th Mth Majon Jr. — 5th Suf Make a Play — 5th Aqu Maracabo— 3d Del Marengo— 4th Del Marine Charger — 8th Suf Mark U.— 5th Suf Marvina K. — 8th Aqu Matinee Idol — 7th Aqu May Past— 8th Mth Me — 6th Aqu Mean Woman— 1st AP 1 Meg March— 7th Mth Memaw — 4th Det Menawa — 8th Mth Merchandise — 2d Suf Merry Thought — 1st Suf Mid Admiral — 3d Del Mid Century — 7th Aqu . f Mighty Mousse — 8th Det Milan Man — 2d Del Miscalculation — 5th Del Miss Donella — 3d Det Miss Flushing — 5th Suf Miss Foray— 8th Suf Miss Gretchen — 8th Mth Miss Knowledge— 2d Mth Miss Mim Jr.— 8th Det Miss Place— 8th Det, Miss Who— 2d AP Mister Kaw — 3d Suf Mistress Edith— 9th Suf Miz Clementine — 4th AP Monacoan — 8th Del Mongoose — 2d Del Mop Up — IstJSuf Movie— 6th Mth Mr. Blue Sky— 7th AP Mr. Bob— 8th AP Mr. Curtiss— 4th Suf Mr. G.— 7th Suf Mr.Nealie — 7th Det Mr. Snoop — 4th Del Mrs. Mac — 8th Mth Mucho Mas — 7th Mth Mufti— 1st Mth * Murphs Deb — 2d Aqu My Ruthie— 1st Suf Nags Head— 5th Det ■-Narrator— 1st Del Natchez Girl--4th AP Nedra— 7th AP Nefertiti— 5 th Aqu Neyersink — 6th Aqu New Flavor— 1st Aqu News— 6th Aqu ~ Nicely Nicely— 1st AP Niringo — 4th Mth No Cares— 4th Del Nobility— 7th Det Nova Luna — 3d Aqu 0 Off We Go— 4th Suf On Parade-3d Det Oh Speck— 7th Suf Open Sesame — 5 th Del Opera Light— 4th Mth Option— 7th Mth Oratory — 6th Det Oui Oui— 3d Suf Our Cookie— 7th Mth Our Love — 4th AP Our Town — 7th Del Outsmart — 6th Aqu Overexposed— 5th Mth P Palace-Circles — 2d Mth Pamjon — 5 th Suf Panting8th Mth Parklea — 7th A.P Parnassus — 4th Suf Party Dress — 2d Mth Peddie— 4th Mth Feekin— 1st Det Pennfleur — 7th Aqu Perfect Power— 7th Mth Petsie— 5 th Aqu Petty Larceny-lst Del Pharapoise — 6th Suf Phi— 1st Det Pick and Play— 5th AP Piparoo — 6th. Det Piquanette — 2d Mth Point Lookout — 3d Del Polar Battle — 8th Det Pondering— 2d AP Port Windsor— 7th Mth Possess— 7th AP Prairie Kid— 5th Det Prairie Smoke — 3d Aqu Price Ceiling— 8th Mth Prince Adaris— 8th AP Prince Mike — 5th AP Princess Polly — 2d Aqu Prissy Missy— 5th Aqu Prize Ring— 4th Aqu Problem Lad — 4th Del Promptness — 6th Del Protagonist — 7th Aqu Puzzler— 1st Mth Q Queens Myrtle — 2d Det Quick Deal — 2d Suf Quick Imperial — 8th Mth Quick Son — 1st Aqu R Race Tandem — 4th,Del * Ramillion — 3d Aqu Raven Reward— 8th Suf Reaction — 2d Del Recontrol — 2d Mth Red Jacket — 3d Del Red Poppy — 7th Del Red Primrose — 2d AP Reduce— 3d Aqu Reedy Creek — 8th Suf Regal Glad — 1st Del Reaction SHplsttandLf * Require— 2d Mth Resigned— 6th Aqu Rewing— 3d Aqu Ribbed— 6th Suf Rico Mamzel — 5th Del * Ridge Runner— 4th Det Rippish — 1st Mth Rissan — 6th Suf Rock Cottage— 6th Mth Rock Dozer — 2d Mth Romalay — 5 th Del Roman Rocket — 6th Del Rose Poll — 4th Del Rough Conquest — 1st Mth Royal Beauty — 4th AP Royal Ghost — 4th Suf Royal Rebel— 1st Aqu Rule of Thumb— 3d Aqu Rusty Spur — 1st Mth S Saetta — 7th AP Sailing Trim — 6th Aqu Salvaged— 8th Suf Satisfied — 7th AP . Say-Belle— 8th AP Scale — 3d Det Scollay Square— 6th Mth Sea Dawn — 6th Aqu Sea Defense— 3d Aqu SecoGirl — 2dAP Seguro — 4th Det Self Assurance — 4th Aqu Senator Joe — 6th Del Shady Nook— 6th Det . Shakes Image — 3d Det Shamrock Lad — 1st Det Shes Got It— 8th Suf Shore Lights — 3d Suf Sigh Queen— 2d Suf Silurian — 5th Aqu Silver Blue— 6th Mth Silver Lamee — 7th Mth " Singing Girl — 2d Aqu Sir Cross — 8th Del Sir Harvey — 1st Det Sir Stephen— 2d Suf Sister Louise — 8th Aqu Six-Three-Four — 3d A.P Skiputation — 5th AP Sky Maid— 6th AP Sky Princess — 8th AP Sleipner — 1st Mth Slumberland — 8th Det Sly Wink— 1st AP / Smart Eve — 2d Det Smiling Sea — 8th Aqu Snitcher — 1st Det Soakin* Wet— 2d Mth Social Lady — 1st AP Soft Pedal— 4th Del Some Vamp — 5th Del Somecase— d Del Son Rock — 7th AP Soocru — 8th AP Spahi — 1st Aqu Speedrite — 7th AP Spotlight Star — 4th AP Spring Scout — 1st Del Springdale — 3d Aqu St. Regis— 3d Aqu "* Stakepoint— 5th Suf Stalk — 1st Aqu Star Diver — 3d Del Stark Twins — 8th Suf Staunch Flag— 9th Suf Stay Well— 8th Del Stepf ar— 8th Del Stepin Time — 3d Suf Storm at Sea— 8th Aqu Straight Argo — 1st Aqu Stratheden — 7th Suf * Strike— 4th Det Summer School — 8th Mth Sun Roamer— 7th Mth Sunny Fox — 4 th Aqu Super Donna — 2d Mth Super Sign — 2d Del Supercilious — 4th Del Swap Out — 7th Det N Sweet Reward — 8th Det Sweet Vincent — 8th Suf Sweet Wendy G. — 5th Aqu Swords Town — 4th Det T Tacaro — 1st Del Tacitus — 4th Del Talisman Indio — 3d Suf Tarn — 3d Suf Tampero — 7th Mth Tarom— 1st AP Teddys Heir — 5th Det Telecast — 4th Del Tennessee Boy — 1st Mth The Pimpernel — 4th Aqu The Preem — 7th Aqu The Tormentil — 5 th Aqu Thru Way— 8th Del Thrust— 1st Aqu Thymus— 4th Aqu Tidewater — 1st Aqu Tight Boots— 3d Suf Tino Betts — 1st Mth Tiny Harp — 7th Del Toetotoe — 9th Top Brass — 6th Suf Top Luck— 1st Del Top News— 8th Mth Touch Control — 2d Del Towncastle— 8th Del Toy Fox — 8th Del Trail of Gold— 5th Del Tribal Fire — 4th Suf Triple F.— 6th Suf Turf Sun — 5 th Aqu Turning Tide — 8th Mth U U. Call— 7th Unattached — 4th Del " V Valenciano— 4 th Suf Verdant-stMth Virginia Oaks — 7th A.P Volute— 5th AP W Wac— 1st Del War Toro — 1st Suf Waravid — 3d AP Weird Music— 7th Mth Whammo — 4th Det What Sir— 5th AP Whatdouno — 7th Del Whirling Dough — 8th Del Whiskey Sour — 8th Aqu Wicked Girl— 1st Det Wild Heiress — 2d Det Wild Jiinbo— 3d Suf William Tell— 6th Det Wind Tunnel— 4th Suf Winning Prince — 8th Del Wise Que — 3d Aqu Wisetta— 8th Mth With Respect — 6th Aqu Wohneda — 7th Del Wood H— 2d Det Woodlands— 4th Mth Woodvale Hills — 1st Aqu Y Yankee Beau — 2d Mth YaucoKid— 2d Mth Yellow Flower— 1st Mth Z Zaca Prize — 5th Suf

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Local Identifier: drf1953062301_44_1
Library of Congress Record: