United Press International News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-06


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UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL * NEWS — BRIEFS NATIONAL: Truman Warns Against Foreign Aid Cut WASHINGTON, May 5.— Former President Harry S. Truman bluntly advised congressional critics of foreign aid today to cut their own salaries rather than skimp on assistance to Americas allies. The ex-president, testifying on President Eisenhowers ,900,000,000 dollar foreign-aid request, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee it wuold be "playing with dynamite" to slash the program. Steel-Wage Contract Talks Begin NEW YORK, May 5.— Steel-wage contract talks that will have an important bearing on the economy this year began today between U. S. Steel Corp., and the United Steel Workers Union. A total of 70 representatives of the company met with 92 union representatives to hear each others program. This meeting could well determine whether 1959 is the year of war or peace in the basic steel industry. U. S. Steel is the biggest in the industry. Urges Business, Labor to Lay Off Politics CINCINNATI, May 5.— George Romney, president of American Motors Corp., today called on business and labor organizations to keep their hands off politics. "I think it is morally, politically and socially wrong for a union or corporation to use its economic power or interests for political purposes," Romney said. Reverse Integration Delay in Virginia Co. RICHMOND, Va., May 5. — A federal appeals court today reversed a seven-year integration delay granted Prince Edward County, Va., and directed the county to integrate its public schools next September. Prince Edward, a rural county in the heavily Negro-populated "southside" of . Virginia, was an original defendant in the I Supreme Court "s 1954 desegregation ruling. Florida A and M Students Return to Classes TALLAHASSEE, Fla., May 5.— Students at Florida A and M Negro University returned to class today, ending a one-day "passive resistance" strike aimed at dramatizing the rape of a Negro coed. Four white youths are accused of assaulting the girl. Federal Funds a Must to Combat Crime WASHINGTON, May 5.— The chairman of a Senate judiciary subcommittee investigating juvenile delinquency says federal funds are "a vital necessity" to help communities stem the tide of mounting youthful crime. Sen. Thomas C. Hennings Jr. D., Mo. urged support of two bills he has sponsored to aid states in training professionals to work with juveniles and encourage special local projects to control delinquency. FOREIGN: i j Norwegian Press Criticizes Vancouver OSLO, Sweden, May 5.— The City of Van- couvers refusal to send help immediately to a burning Norwegian ship "outside the city limits" was described in bitter Norwegian editorials yesterday as "approaching a criminal act." The comment arose from a fire aboard the Norwegian freighter "Ferngulf" outside Vancouver Saturday. Farouk Becomes Monegasque Citizen MONTE CARLO, Monaco, May 5. — Former King Farouk of Egypt became a Monegasque citizen today, a move that may be the first public sign he has given up any hope of ever regaining his throne. Prince Rainer IH., ruler of Monaco and husband I of former Hollywood movie star Grace Kelly, accepted Farouk as one of his subjects with publication of a special decree. Israel Acquires French Super Mysteres JERUSALEM, Israel, May 5.— Israel has acquired an unspecified number of French Super Mystere fighter bombers. The new plane, a considerable improvement over its Mystere predecessor, was regarded as a match for the Russian-built Mig 17s with which the United Arab Republic Air Force is equipped. I i Russia Demands Japan Become a Neutral TOKYO, May 5.— Russia renewed its charge that the United States, in bringing nuclear weapons into Japan, has proposed the creation of an atom-free "peace zone" i£ the Pacific and the Far East. It also demanded that Japan become a neutral. A note delivered to the Foreign Ministry by Soviet Minister Sergei P. Suzdalev charged that Japan expects eventually to arm its own forces with "atomic and hydrogen weapons." It advised Japan* to shut down all foreign bases and turn neutral to safeguard its security. Thirty-One Ships Lay Idle at Manila MANILA, May 5. — Thirty-one foreign ships lay idle in the Port of Manila today, unable to load or unload because of a five-day dockworkers strike. Overall losses were estimated at more than 00,000 per day in the tie-up which has paralyzed the harbor.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050601/drf1959050601_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1959050601_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800