Selections of Daily Racing Form Trotting Experts, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-06

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■- ■ Selections of Daily Racing Form Trotting Experts Figures in Consensus Show Comparative Ratings, Allowing Five Points for First Seven Points H Days Best, Two tor Second, One for Third, Best in Boldface Type Trackman, M. Kurlansky MAYWOOD PARK Selections Made for Fast Track RACE TRACKMAN DAN PATCH BILLY DIRECT WINNIPEG GREYHOUND CONSENSUS POINTS Doctor Athlone Jack Davis Doctor Athlone Lakeside Sis Algie Do Doctor Athlone 10 1 Algie Do Algie Do Lusty Tass Lusty Tass Jack Davis Algie Do 9 Lusty Tass Buckskin Worthy Buckskin Worthy Scotts Rambler Classic Way Jack Davis 7 Trump Yates Ceil Byrd Gold Mine Trump Yates TRUMP YATES Trump Yates 19 2 Cassy Spencer Cassy Spencer Trump Yates Ceil Byrd Ellas Honor Ceil Byrd Gold Mine Alice Abbe Girl Cassy Spencer Gold Mine Ceil Byrd Gold Mine 7 Yankee Chip Yankee Chip Yankee Chip Yankee Chip Yankee Chip Yankee Chip 25 3 Pellaire Doin Bov Santaley Pellaire Doin Boy Pellaire Doin Bov Pellaire Doin Boy Pellaire Doin Boy 8 Wildwood Pat Wildwood Pat Santaley Fleet Miss Santaley Santaley 4 FORWARD VIC Pull Time Judy Jewell Forward Vic Forward Vic Forward Vic 17 4 Judy Jewell Winning Girl Power Chief Judy Jewell Judy Jewell Judy Jewell 11 Power Chief Second Discovery Full Time Power Chief Power Chief Full Time 6 Miss Cash Key Risky Colby OHenry Potempkin Stormy Shirl OHenry Potempkin OHenryPotpkin 14 5 OHenry Potempkin OHenry Potempkin Stormy Girl Frances Frances Miss Cash Key 7 Frances Miss Cash Key Frances Charles Stuart Miss Cash Key Stormy Shirl 7 Mark Land Lady Knight Abbe Dell Hobo Bill Mark Land Mark Land 12 6 Hobo Bill Donna Bristle Mark Land Lady Knight Colabbey Hobo Bill Colabbey Colabbey Colabbey Kays Thoughts Hobo Bill Lady Knight 7 Mike Tecumseh Mike TECUMSEH MIKE Tecumseh Mike Ozark Rose Tecumseh Mike 24 7Tecumseh Ozark Rose Mighty Duke Mighty Duke Royal Decree Tecumseh Mike Ozark Rose 7 Lusty Thoughts Amossons Richie Lusty Thoughts Mighty Duke Lusty Thoughts Mighty Duke 5 Roxburgh Edwina Roxburgh Edwina Roxburgh Edwina Roxburgh Edwina Roxburgh Edwina ROXH EDWINA 25 8 Courtesy Courtesy Courtesy Courtesy Courtesy Courtesy 10 Vulcan Vulcan Vulcan Rebel Scott Reba Scott Vulcan 3 Fleet Bird RIVERTOWN Fleet Bird Wilma Reed Fleet Bird Fleet Bird 18 9 Wilma Reed Cold Sunday Markaway Fleet Bird Wilma Reed Wilma Reed 10 Markaway Fleet Bird Wilma Reed Cold Sunday Markaway Rivertown 7 , A Black Brook Black Brook Mighty Tass BLACK BROOK Mighty Tass Black Brook 20 I II Chuckie Scott Roxburgh Mary Scottstown Mighty Tass Black Brook Mighty Tass 12 w Scottstown Monocle Byrd Black Brook Monocle Byrd Chuckie Scott Rivertown 3

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Local Identifier: drf1959050601_50_2
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