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RIVERSIDE PARK r E s THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES AT RIVERSIDE PARK THURSDAY PAID 5.40 FOR . KANSAS CITY, MO., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1935. Riverside Park 1 mile. Seventeenth day. Riverside Park Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 25 or more days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, E. K. Thornton. Judges, M. H. Morrison and G. D. Murphy. Starter, A. McKnight. Racing Secretary, M. H. Morrison. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 3:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures Jn parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track recordr age of horse and weight carried, indicates apprentice allowance of 5. pounds; 7 pounds; 1Q pounds. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Overshoes, May 30 19341:054115. Donation "I i r791 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races. X JL A uJL 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Maidens allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, June-6-35-R.P 00. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, SI 0. ... Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 10689BIT O WORRY w 8 105 10 3 4l 2 22 1and JorgensenG Mrs R W Schimclpfenig 820-100 10879 BUNTINGON wb3108 7 8 52 34 14 24 MartinJ C W Clayton 920-100 10616 MARY BIDDY w3104 8 2 lh 1and 33 3 KinnardJ S D See - 450-100 114512FIRST GENERAL wb3108 2 9 9 86 51 42 HernandezJ Leidcr Bros 320-100 10783LIVE RIGHT wb5115 5 7 8h 73 62 5and DupuyJ F Sanders 2420-100 00324 TOUGH UMBRIA wb 4 111 6 5 2 4and 4n 62 HilemanW Mrs G Osborne 3070-100 112322SCRAMB0LA w 4 109 3 4 62 6h 73 7 TerryM J D Ewing 190-100 08107 HARVEYS CHOICE w 5 115 110 10 10 10 81 GreenwdC W H Harvey 2320-100 j MISS CRACKER w 4 106 4 1 7and 9 94 9and LawF R E Hale . . ,3640-100 10944 MISS SORORITY wb 5 110 9 6 3h 51 8 10 CookW J Stumpf 4870-100 Time, :U, :50, 1:09. Track good. f- DONATIONS PAID- , OFFICIAI. BOOKING ODDS . BIT 0 WORRY 8.40 .60 . $ 4.60. . 820100 330100 130100 PUNTINGON .. 8.20 4.40 310100 120100 MARY BIDDY 4.00 100100 Winner B. m, by Upset Pitti, by Plaudit trained by R. W. Schimclpfenig; bred by Messrs. J. D. Carr and Bro.. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:14. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third ihe same. HIT O WORRY, well placed in the early running, took a short lead entering the stretch, came again after being headed by BUNTINGON and wore down the latter in the last few strides. BUNTINGON drew into a good lead in the stretch, crossed over sharply on BIT O WORRY and tired suddenly in the final seventy yards. MARY BIDDY snowed speed in the paccmaking and held on well all the way. FIRST GENERAL broke slowly and was far back for the first half mile, came between horses in the stretch and finished gamely. TOUGH UMBRIA quit. Overweight Mary Biddy, 5 pounds; Scrambola, 3. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. Boris B., June 1, 19341:11 4108. Donation Purse 00. 1 1 799 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, llfl 116 lbs. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to 00-June-6-35-R.P jfo apprentice allowance. , Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St t. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 10879 CROSSKIN w 5 111 7 1 32 26 4 14 BrownW Mrs E F Braden 500-100 11336 CARTER BOY w 3 107 4 2 l2 l3 2s 2 HernandezJ G Griffith 490-100 HOME FIRST w 7 108 1 9 83 62 42 3 HartC H Thompson 2360-100 U0182TUNEFUL . w 3 106 8 5 43 3h 32 4 KihiryF S G Miller 180-100 110233HEART BALM w 3 99 3 7 96 96 72 51 CarnahanJ J McDowell 980-100 10066 TRIBBLE w 3 108 9 8 6 52 5 4 63 ArmstrongF H W James 670-100 110183ELKO w 5 116 6 4 5 7 6and 72 BrownF G Hurst - 880-100 11018 GALLANT BUDDY w3108 2 6 7 8" 8 83 PennlnoJ W Trail 4910-100 10493 REBECKA A. w4110 5 3 2i -41 96 95 GreenwdC W H Harvey . . "3060.-100 "09931 1MPY w 3 97 10 10 10 10 10 10 JorgensenG N Casbeer. . 1760-100 Time, :24, :48. 1:15. Track good. DONATIONS PAID- OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , CROSSKIN ... 2.00 .40 $ 4.00 500100 170100 100100 CARTER BOY , 4.20 3.40 110100 70100 HOME FIRST 8.20 310100 Winner Ch. m, by Ladkin Cross Village, by The Manager trained by E. F. Braden; bred by Mr. F. A. Wehle Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:48. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CROSSKIN, closest to the early pace, came fast through the stretch and, .wearing down CARTER BOY, was going away at the end. CARTER BOY, hustled into a long lead in the first half mile, was easily best of the others. HOME FIRST lacked early speed, but finished gamely. TUNEFUL tired in the final quarter. REBECKA A. showed early speed. ELKO was outrun. .Overweight Carter Boy, 2 pounds ; Home First, 3 ; Tuneful, 3 ; Heart Balm, 2 ; Tribble, 3 ; Rebecka A., 2. THIRD RACE 5 1-2 . FURLONGS. Overshoes, .May 30, 19341:054115. Donation 1 1 Purse 00. 3-ye"ar-oIds. Claiming. Non-winners at this meeting. Weight, JLJL A Il5 lbs. Non-winners in 1935 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, 00; if for June-6-35-R.P 00, allowed 4 lbs. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Dorses EqtA Wt PP St V yh Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 10057 MILADY COHORT wllO 9 2 24 l3 l2 l1 CookW J C Mclntyre 410-100 11236 CHANCABIT w 106 10 1 14 26 23 23 KiniryF S G Miller 820-100 11020 MASKED DUCHESS wb 107 3 7 9 9 3" HandezJ Lcider Bros 3240-100 115313WATCH IN wb 97 6 3 3h 4and 4and 4and FayD J A Murphy 1050-100 109463MINT BOX wT06 2 5 62 5h 3" 52 RamseyE V W Burton 680-100 115312KELTNER will 4 6 86 6h 7h 6$ BeckA. J1 A Blackwell 390-100 10948NIGHT PARTIES w 101 5 4 5 71 8i 71 RootWK Sanders and Mettz 2460-100 96061 WATER PLAYER w 111 7 8 71 82 9 88 BrownW Summit View Stable 3260-100 10619 LITTLE MICKEY wb 116 19 4and 32 52 9 PenceV W Bloss 220-100 08329 -TOPWAY wl09 3 Left at post. DupuyJ G Stutts 2480-100 Time, :24, :49. 1:09. Track good. r- DONATIONS PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS x MILADY COHORT ...0.20 .60 $ 4.00 410100 180100 100100 CHANCABIT 7.80 5.20 290100 160100 MASKED DUCHESS 12.20 510100 Winner B. f, by Cohort Chop Box. by Pennant trained by J. McDowell; bred by Mr. M. E. Johnston. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:16. AT POST 2 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MILADY COHORT, closest to the early pace, moved into the lead with a rush on the lower turn and, drawing into a long lead, was eased at the end. CHANCABIT broke fasti was sent into a good lead in the first quarter and held on well, though tiring. MASKED DUCHESS, far back early, closed with a rush in the stretch and was going gamely at the erid. "WATCH IN raced, well throughout. MINT BOX moved up gamely in the stretch, then tired. LITTLE MICKEY, away poorly, was rushed up on the inside, bore out entering the stretch and tired badly. WATER PLAYER broke poorly. TOPWAY refused to break. Overweight Masked Duchess, 1 pound; Little Mickey, 1; Topway, 2. FOURTH RACE FUTURITY COURSE 170 Feet Less Than 3-4 Mile. Altena, June 7, -jvni 1934 1:08 3 105. Donation Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 11 Claiming. 3-year-olds, 109 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. Winners twice at this meet- June-6-35-R.P ing,. 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners allowed 8 lbs. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 3-lbs. allowed for each 00 to 00. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt U3373SWEET PEACH w5108 8 1 14 li 14 14 CookW L Kerr 210-100 11455 BANK SHOT wb 5116 7 2 42 22 21 2 HartC Mrs J Lessert 1310-100 112352BEIGE wb7116 3 7 53 41 41 3k SykesD Mrs D Christian 440-100 87043 CHINA BIRD wii5109 6 5 32 32 32 42 BrownW J H Davis 4260-100 11454 DIE HARD wb 5 111 5 8 8 6 66 52 KinnardJ J A Dennis and Son 390-100 11236OVERSHOES wb511L 2 4 2 52 52 68 ArmstrongF E E Major 220-100 92927 AGANALDA w 4 102 4 3 7n 8 7 7 Adams J J F Underwood 4380-100 11234 LAWYER wb 8 107 1 6 61 7$ B. down.MartinJ Mrs M E Dunlap 2400-100 Time, :23-and :48, 1:11. Track good. r- DONATIONS PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SWEET PEACH $ 6.20 $ 4.00 $ 3.00 210-100 100100 50100 BANK SH0T ; 8.00 4.00 300100 100100 BEIGE 3.40 70100 Winner Br. m, by Cee Jay Jay American Peach, by Busy American trained by F. Kerr; bred by Mr. R, Varwig. Winner entered to be claimed if or 00. WENT TO POST 3:42. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SWEET PEACH, showing the most speed all the way, took the lead from the start and, under slight restraint while setting the pace, drew away when called upon and won easily. BANK SHOT moved up fast ton the lower turn, made a game bid entering the stretch, but was not good enough. BEiGE finished well. CHINA BIRD tired in- the last eighth. OVERSHOES quit. DIE HARD showed a poor effort. LAWYER broke down after racing a half mile. Overweight China Bird, 1 pound. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Doris B., June 1, 1934 l:ll-J6 4108. Donation Purse 00. fl - rTOE 3-year-olds and upward; Claiming. 3-year-olds, 111 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. LL.A i Winners twice at this meeting, 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners allowed 3 lbs. June-6;35-R.P Claiming price, ,250; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt i Y2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 10788 REPAID w3118 6 2 31 23 l2 1 BartonM RIcGoy 50-100 111242FIRE STAR w4104 5 1 2 31 ,32 2" KinnardJ Winfree Bros 750-100 11124 RISHI w4109 1 2 1 I2 23 31 HartC A W JMoseley 1140-100 10788 SMUGGLED IN wb4112- 2 4 , 4 J 4n 54 4and. DupuyJ Mrs G Emick 980-100 11124 EUR YALUS w5118 3 5 6 6, 4h 53 BeckA E E Major 760-100 .047832WILD WEST wb6101 4 6 5 54 6 6 JgensenG Mrs R Schimelpfennig 1310-100 Time, :24, :48J, 1:14. Track good. , DONATIONS PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS REPAID ., .00 .80 $ 2.60 50100 40100 30100 FIRE STAR 4.60 3.00 130100 50100 RISHI 4.00 100100 Winner Ch. g, by Kai-Sang Granny, by Sweep trained by L. Wilson; bred by Mr. H. F. Sinclair. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 4:14. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. REPAID followed close to the early pace under restraint, moved to the leaders when called on and, drawing away in the stretch, won easily. FIRE STAR broke fast, showed good speed in the pacemaking, came on again in the stretch and .wore down RISHI in the last few strides for the place. RISHI showed good speed all the way, but was tiring at the end. SMUGGLED IN showed a good effort. EURYALUS was outrun. Scratched 11536 Shoot, 102. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Ricciardo, July 4, 1933 1:45 4 114. Donation Purse -t -j pnn 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners at this meeting. JLJL 6 j6d 3-year-olds, 107 lbs.; older, 116 lbs- Non-winners since May 1 allowed 3 lbs. June-6-35-R.P Claiming price, 00; if for less, a lbs. allowed -for each 00 to 00. No apprentice allowance. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP Ct A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 111262NTHERN WATERwb7113 7 3 31 2h 23 23 12 BrownW F G Orr 400-100 11337 DEFERRED wb 6 110 4 1 l1 Is l3 11 23 SykesD Mrs D Christian 2640-100 11454 LUCKY CHILD wb 4 113 6 6 42 43 3 4 31 3h SnodgrsS Mrs C Fisher 2040-100 11127 CLACK wb3109 2 5 64 6 61 62 42 TerryM Sycamore Stable 340-100 U1263 ANIMATOR wb 7113 8 4 52 52 52 4 5n ScurlockJ N C Mahuken 220-100 113413HIGH HATTER wb6U1 1 8 72 7h 8 7h 6 BeckA C Howell 700-100 11339 AUSTERLITZ w7 105 5 2 21 32 41 5and 7and SpanglerG G Nogues 2810-100 11341 DAUDET w 5 113 3 7 8 8 7h 8 8 DupuyJ Mrs T J Martell 490-100 Time, :25, :49J, 1:15, 1:43, 1:49. Track good. DONATIONS PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NORTHERN WATER 0.00 $ 4.40 $ 3.60 400100 120100 80100 DEFERRED 5.20 4.00 160100 100100 LUCKY CHILD 6.40 220100 Winner Ch. g, by North Star III. Aquamarine, by Verdun trained by F. G. Orr; bred by Keeneland Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:42. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. NORTHERN WATER, close to the early pace under slight restraint, moved up readily when called upon, came to the outside of DEFERRED in the stretch and outgamed the latter in a hard drive. DEFERRED, sent into a good lead in the .First half mile, held on gamely when challenged. LUCKY CHILD, well placed in the early running, held on well. CLACK, far back early, closed gamely. ANIMATOR was outrun. AUSTERLITZ quit. Scratched 11341sSallie Bourland, 111. Overweight Deferred, 2 pounds; Clack, 5; Animator, 3; High Hatter, 1. SEVENTH RACE 1 MULE. Whisking, May 30, 19341:335114. Donation Purse 00. - -g fjsfm 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races at one mile 11 a and 4 or over in 1935. 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners at one June-6-35-R.P mile or over in 1935 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to 00. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 11237 GOOGIE w6111 6 3 4 l3 1 l3 l3 BeckA J W Tiller 510-100 111252DIXIE DAN -w8109 1 6 41 2and 24 2 24 BrownW . W E Harned 680-100 114543OGYGIA wb 6 109 7 4 2" 31 33 33 33 DupuyJ" G H Emick 130-100 113372GENIE JR. wb4113 2 5 5" 44 4and 42 4 KinnardJ C R Welch 380-100 11537 HOURLS WONDER w 4 108 5 7 7 5n 6 62 5 MorlanM C J Morari 860-100 111293DR. KAISER wb4 108 3 1 6i 63 51 51 620 HartC T Murdock 1420-100 11534 YBOR CITY wb3103 4 2 31 7 7 7 7 LawF , P Sanford 3340-100 Time, :25, :49, 1:16, 1:43. Track good. - DONATIONS PAID , -OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDS , GOOGIE 2.20 $ 5.60 $ 3.60 510100 180100 80100 DIXIE DAN 6.00 4.C0 200100 100100 OGYGIA 2.80 40100 Winner Br. g, by Nocturnal Mary Annagh, by Ballot trained by N. Tiller; bred by Mr. H. H. Gaines. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:11. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GOOGIE took command at the first turn and, well rated throughout, won easily. DIXIE, DAN moved up fast on thp back stretch, made a bid turning for home, but could not threaten the winner. OGYGIA showed early speed, dropped back on the back stretch, came gamely turning for home, but could not improve her position. GENIE JR. was in close quarters to the first turn. YBOR CITY quit badly. Overweight Googie, 3 pounds; Dixie Dan, 1; Ybor City, 4. EIGHTH RACE 1 MHJE. Whisking, May 30, 1934-1:385114. Donation Purse 00. i t 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners in 1935 which have never JLJL 4 io won two races. Weight, 112 lbs. Claiming price, 00. June-6-35-R.P Net vaue to w;nner 5300 ; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St 14 y. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odds Strt 11533DRASTIC GOAL w6107 3 1 4 4 3 li l3 DobsonG Mrs K G Finn 400-100 11642 STRAIGHT PLAY w5112 7 2 24 lh 4 2 2 HernandezJ E B Burgess 400-100 10495 BLOKI , wb 5 112 5 3 31 2i 22 33 32 BrownW E Hogan , 660-100 11456 PLAY SHOOT wb 4 112 6 4 74 51 43 42 42 ChristsenR Mrs Childs and Mrs Grieve 690-100 10790 VIVID w 4 107 4 6 52 62 51 62 51 LawF C L Brown 2640-100 114563LEANTO w6113 2 7 6h 75 76 7 6 SnodgrassS J Schander 980-100 116473JOHN KENDRICK w 8 113 1 5 1 31 62 51 76 ScurlockJ G Wilson 300-100 11538BOURBON QUEEN w 5 102 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 RootWK E E Landram 950-100 Time, :25, :50, 1:16, 1:45. Track good. ,- DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DRASTIC GOAL 0.00 $ 6.00 $ 3.60 400100 200100 80100 STRAIGHT PLAY 5.00 3.60 150100 80100 BLOKI 4.00 100100 Winner B. g, by Drastic Goalers Fil, by Goaler trained by W. W. Finn; bred by Mr. M. E. Casey. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. -j WENT TO POST 5:39. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. DRASTIC GOAL, reserved for the first three-quarters, moved up fast on the inside when called on and, wearing down the leaders, won easily. STRAIGHT PLAY forced the early pace, took command on the back stretch. and held on well. BLOKI raced wide to enter contention and tired in the final eighth. PLAY SHOOT had no excuses. JOHN KENDRICK quit. " Scratched 11335 Strathcona, 112; 11129 Royal Brigade. 112. Overweight Leanto, 1 pound; John Kendrick, 1.