untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-07


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HARRIS THEATRE NOW EVERY NIGHT Matinees Wed. and Sat. CHICAGO jALEX " Chicago racing fans acclaim the greatest laugh winne on the stage. Its all about "doping the winners." racing Daily 2:15 P.M. The New, Finer Washington Park HOMEWOOD, ILL. Admission to Grandstand A Admission to Club House, o J Box Seats Only I All Taxes Included JL Box seats for American Derby Day, Juno 82, each. Reservations now being . taken. For reservations Phone Home-Jvood 820. HOW TO GET THERE By train Illinois Central Service every 20 minutes Round trip, 75 cents 10-ride tickets, . By automobile Halsted Street direct to gate, or Western Avenue or any south through street to 159th Street, thence to Halsted Street. , E18HT RACES-FIRST AT 2:15 P.M.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935060701/drf1935060701_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1935060701_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800