Pike Buys Mereworth Crop: Los Angeles Turfman Purchases Thirteen Colts and Three Fillies from W. J. Salmon, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-07


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PIKE BUYS MEREWORTH CROP - Los Angeles Turfman Purchases Thirteen Colts and Three Fillies From W. J. Salmon. LEXINGTON, Ky., June 6 It is learned here that Percy M. Pike of Los Angeles, who entered racing as an owner last year, has purchased the bulk of the yearling crop at Walter J. Salmons Mereworth Stud. Although no announcement of the sale has been made, it is understood that the deal was concluded several days ago. Thirteen colts and three fillies are involved in the sale, the lot including virtually all the yearlings at the farm except a number of fillies whose breeding qualities are to be retained. Ten colts and three fillies are by imported Swift and Sure, which, owing to the successes of Swivel and other good stakes winners, had the lions share of the mares at Mereworth during the 1933 season. The other three colts are by Display, sire of Discovery. The colts by Swift and Sure are from Featherwit, by Axenstein; Crysalid, by Lad-kin; Flashing, by Sir Martin; Myra M., by Sir John Johnson; Accomplish, by Polyme-lian; Martha Washington, by Brown Prince n.; Glacial, by Hourlessj Fair Priscilla, by Fair Play; Snowcapt, by Roi Herode; Rose Omar, by Omar Khayyam. The Swift and Sure fillies are from Fortunate, by Johren; Snow White, by Ladkin; and Mad Delight, by Mad Hatter. . The Display colts have for dams. Ennui, by Huon; Four Pence, by Swift and Sure; and Bewildered, by Swift and Sure. All the yearlings will be left at the farm several weeks and later shipped to California. Last year the entire crop of yearlings at Mereworth was sold to Alfred Gwynrie Van-derbilt.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935060701/drf1935060701_38_4
Local Identifier: drf1935060701_38_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800