Riverside Park, Daily Racing Form, 1936-06-17

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RIVERSIDE PARK THE "DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES AT RIVERSIDE PARK TUESDAY PAID 32.80 FOR . A ------------------------ . KANSAS CITY, MO., TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1936 Riverside Park 1 mile. Seventeenth day. Riverside Park Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 33 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, E. K. Thornton. Judges, M. H. Morrison and G. D. Murphy. Starter, A. McKnight. Racing Secretary. M. H. Morrison. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 5:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds. 7 pounds; 10 pounds. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE. Baldy, June 8, 19341:003111. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. orTQf Claiming. Non-winners of two races. Weight, 114 lbs. Maidens allowed d 4 04:0 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 5 lbs. No apprentice June-16-36-R.P allowance. Net value to winner S385; second, 5; third. S25; fourth, S15. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2734PSKY RHONDA wb 113 8 6 2 l4 l2 l2 RenoT Gillespie L and I Co 410-100 27258 KITTYS RIVAL will 3 2 l1 24 23 2 BarnettD Jones Stock Farm Stable 90-100 27341 BILLY MOLE wl09 2 3 3 32 32 36 AdamsJ Wichita Stable 60-100 274303MISINFORMATION will 6 5 5 53 4" 4h LakeL Three Ds Stock Farm Slable800-100 NOTAR w 105 1 7 7 7 6 52 BohnR J J OConnor 2360-1C0 27430 HALLUCINATOR w 106 7 4 4 4 53 6h MartinTP Mrs R M Basnett 2940-100 27430 BOB BRUCE wll4 9 8 8 8 8 7 RemkasL Mrs C E Mickens 1260-100 27430 JOHNNY ROCK wb 105 4 1 62 6" 7 8 KingT W Mikcl 2940-100 26896 BEAVER COUNTY wl07 5 9 9 9 9 9 HartC A L Petty 8760-100 Time, :22, :48, 1:01. Track fast. r-2 DONATIONS PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , SKY RHONDA 0.20 $ 4.40 $ 3.00 410100 120100 50100 KITTYS RIVAL 3.00 2.60 50100 30100 BILLY MOLE 4.00 100100 Winner Gr. f, by Iron Crown Handclar, by Hand Grenade trained by W. D. Buck; bred by Mr. Baron Long. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 2:16. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SKY RHONDA, showing good speed, quickly raced KITTYS RIVAL into the ground, drew away into a long lead on the lower turn and won handily. KITTYS RIVAL, away well, took a brief lead shortly after the start, saved ground all the way, but did not threaten the winner. BILLY MOLE raced evenly all the way and had no excuses. MISINFORMATION finished well. HALLUCINATOR went well for half a mile, then tired. Scratched Jeffs Pride, 104. Overweight Sky Rhonda, 2 pounds; Notar, 1; Halljcinator, 2; Johnny Rock, 1; Beaver Country. 3. SECOND RACE FUTURITY COURSE 170 Feet Less Than 3-4 Mile. Altena, June 77l934 TftfT 1:0814 3 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight, MiOi 112 lbs. Claiming price, 00. June-16-36-R.P Net value to winner 85; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 27510 EXTRA NO w 107 10 1 lh l2 ll Ink LakeL Three Ds Stk Fm Sta 500-100 PRINCE PAD w 112 6 4 34 3 22 2nk SykesD G Shultz 3670-100 27259 WONDER RUN w 112 5 5 6 53 4 34 HamtonL J W Ray 580-100 24135 NOYO wb 112 4 3 22 2h 3h 42 HartC A L Pcttv 1010-100 26979 LAURIAN wb 112 1 6 42 42 54 53 StallingE Mrs M Pantz 220-100 121693FAIRY NATION wl07 2 9 82 8 8 6h DuncanH H F Thompson 350-100 20009 LADY DINAH wl07 8 8 94 94 6h 7h TrippyC C H Snider 2410-100 27342 MYLADYLOVE w 110 12 2 74 6 7" 82 KeesII Evergreen Farm Stable 1560-100 27261 LORD BRACADALE wb 112 3 7 5 I1 94 94 BrownW C M Burke 2460-100 MUST MARION wl02 7 11 11 ll3 10 101 DonohoJ W E Kelly 2S60-100 26979 INDEPENDT WAYwsb 112 11 12 10 10" ll2 ll4 FredickJ A K Miller KIND MANNERS w 107 9 10 12 12 12 12 BarnettD T D Liggett t t Field. Time, :23, :48, 1:10?. Track fast. J2 DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . EXTRANO 2.00 $ 6.00 $ 4.20 500100 200100 110100 PRINCE PAD 18.20 10.00 810100 400100 WONDER RUN 4.00 100100 Winner B. f, by Escoba Remote, by Archaic trained by J. V. Pons; bred by Mr. H. Brownlec. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 2:46. AT POST 5 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. EXTRANO took the lead from the start and, holding on gamely in the drive, outlasted PRINCE PAD. PRINCE PAD, well placed in the early running, closed gamely in the stretch and was going well at the end. WONDER RUN lacked early speed, moved up steadily in the stretch and was gonig fastest at the end. NOYO tired in the last eighth. INDEPENDENT WAY broke poorly. Overweight Myladylove, 3 pounds. Corrected weight Laurian, 112. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE. Doris B., June 1, 1934 1:11 4 108. Purse 00. 4-year-olds OrTOI C and upward. Claiming. Non-winners in 1936. Weight, 112 lbs. Claiming OtO price, 00. No apprentice allowance. June-16-36-R.P Net vaue t0 wjnner 85; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St U Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 27167 OIL QUEEN wb7107 7 2 V- 2X2 22 1 HartC C Holt 910-100 27432 DRINKWATER wb 4 112 8 9 9 6 4h 2 MartinTP C N Finch 1060-100 27585 OXFORD LAD w4112 3 4 1 l1 lh 3 GrnwoodC Porter Bros 720-100 271673CRYSTAL FLYER wsn 5 112 2 3 3i 32 32 41 SykesD C W Hoover 1060-100 26982 SUNNY WORLD wb7112 1 5 8 8h 7" 5 DuncanH Mrs J W Meek 2310-100 27077 BANGOBAR wb 5 112 10 7 5" 51 5 6 BrownW G Stutts fl260-100 275072TOCAYA wb 6 107 9 6 7 9 91 7k KingT W A Mikcl 150-100 27508 AL1WATA wb 4 107 12 1 4" 4" 62 81 SlameyF Hayes and Gawthorp f 2Z5833CASH PLAY- .vb10-112- 6 8 - 6-71 8 9! MartinJ W. W-Youngblood 900400-27507 SALLY LOU V6 110 1140 ..Wlffi 10 10 .KinnardJ -P. Moser . .. , t 27260 OKLAHOMA RMERw 9.412 4 11 11 11 11 11 StallingE; ., EE.Buchahaii 1760-100 24943 BLANDRIS wb 10 107 5 Refused. AdamsJ . - C Shultz 1510-100 tField. Time. 23fc :47. 1:1 3. Track fast. . - r2 DONATIONS PAID. , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . OIL QUEEN ... 0.20 .60 $ 6.60 910100 330100 230100 DRINKWATER ....... -;v. 7.40 5.00 - -270 10fc 150100 OXFORD LAD i...;.. - 4.20 110100 Winner B. m, by Mint Briar Vive McGee, by McGee trairttd by C. Holt ; bred by Messrs. W. S.- Kilmer and Herring Bros.. WinnoBituitored to boclaimed fcr 00;- WENT TO POST 3:181. AT POST U minutes. . . . - Start poor and slow. Won.driving;. second and third the same, r , OIL QUEEN, closest to; the early pace, responded gamely when called upon in thfr stretch and. wore-down OXFORD LAD and was .doing jicr best at the end to stall off DRINKWATERi DRINKWATER started slowly, was forced to race wide all the wav, closed with a rush in the stretch, and -was going fastest at the end. OXFORD LAD, hustled into tho".lea"d"on the. inside, held on well iirthe drive,, but. tired at the . end. .CRYSTAL FLYER showed a good effort. . TOCAYA was away in a tangle. ALIWATA tired badly. OKLAHOMA-FARMER swerved at the break. BLANDRIS refused to break with the field and was Jeff. . Overweight Sally Lou,, 3 pounds. . FOURTH RACE 3-4 MIEE. Doris B., June 1, 1934 1:11 1 108. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 07010 an upward. Claiming--"Non-winners since May 27. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; OtF older, 115 lbs. Non-winners since April 1 allowed 4 lbs. Claiming price, June-16-36-R.P 00. Net value to winner 85; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, .5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 27509 CHEKA wb4111 8 3 l2 l4 l4 l4 BrownW La Copita Stable 1040-1CO 250472BLAGDEN w 6 111 5 4 3 2h 22 21 AdamsJ C E Deahl 380-100 27584 ROYL PURCHSE wb 6 109 7 6 5 33 32 54 WravJ G OKcefe 1380-100 273422CAROM GAL w 4 110 10 2 2i 42 4 4 KeesH F F Burrell 960-100 275832ULEADUS w 4 101 9 8 10" 1Q2 51 52 NoalB C B Daniels 580-100 27432BETTIE JOE w 9 101 1 10 91 7 7 6 DoPrangE J W Ray 860-100 27259 SUN DOG wb 5 111 b 7- 7. 8 8 72 HartC W H Harvey f2460-100 274322SIR JACOB wb5106 3 5 4h 6h 61 8H PappioS Miss J Hart 1280-100 27077 PLAYDEMA w5106 2 11 8 9 2 9 Duncanll H F Thompson t 243632THISTLE NIRA w 4 106 4 9 11 11 10 104 GrwoodC M W Buck 5460-100 275843LIOLELE wb 8 111 11 1 62 51 11 11 SylkesD Mrs C B Irwin 240-100 fField. Time, :23, :47, 1:12. Track fast. r-2 DONATIONS PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , CHEKA 2.80 $ 9.60 $ 6.00 1D40 100 380100 200100 BLAGDEN 5.C0 3.40 150100 70100 ROYAL PURCHASE 6.20 210100 Winner B. gv by Galetian Sovietta, by Stefan the Great trained by D. W. Carroll; bred by Mr. G. D. Widener. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:47i. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CHEKA, easily best, took the lead approaching the half mile post, drew away on the lower turn and won easily. BLAGDEN, well placed in the early running and, whIe best of the others, did not threaten the winner. ROYAL PURCHASE, prominent all the way, closed steadily in the stretch and was going well at the end. CAROM GAL raced on the outside all the way. LIOLELE raced wide all the way and showed a poor effort. Scratched 27431 English Manners, 111. Overweight Royal Purchase, 3 pounds; Carom Gal, 4. Corrected weight Carom Gal, 106. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Doris B., June 1, 19341 :114A 4 108. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OryCETi"! and upward. Claiming-. Non-winners of two races since May 27. 3-year-d i OUU olds, 107 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Non-winners since May 1 allowed 3 lbs. June-16-36-R.P Claiming price, ,100; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to 00. Net value to winner 85; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 264382SWEET PEACH w 6 102 3 4 2"k lh 13 n NeaiB j w rijlGr 410-100 275102LASSIES SON w3 104 6 1 lh 2 23 23 SlameyF Hilltop Farm Stable 1240-100 275842ADIOS AMIGO w 6109 1 6 4h 34 33 32 MartinTP Mrs F B Hoffman 1260-100 275113DEFERRED wb7102 7 2 8 8 6 4 DePrangE Mrs D Christian 980-100 275112TOWSON wb4112 4 3 3 41 44 5 StallingE T C Wordcn 120-100 27077JANE PACKARD wb" 7 102 2 7 63 73 8 63 DonohoJ Mrs C B Irwin 540-100 275103KAYAK w3 105 5 8 7 6" 5h 7h CollinsG H and H Stable 2860-100 27511 JEWELRY wb 4 107 8 5 5 52 7h 8 BarnettD Jones Stock Farm Stable 1460-100 Time, :23, :47, 1:115s equals track record. Track fast. - DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SWEET PEACH 0.20 $ 5.40 $ 3.40 410100 170100 70100 LASSIES SON 10.20 5.40 410100 170100 ADIOS AMIGO 5.00 150100 Winner Br. m, by Ceo Jay Jay American Peach, by Busy American trainedby N. Tiller"; bred by Mr. R. Varwig. Winner entered to be claimed for ,100. WENT TO POST 4:19. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good and slow;,. Won easily; second and third driving. SWEET PEACH forced the early pace, saved ground on the lower turn, drew away into a big lead in the stretch and won with speed in reserve. LASSIES SON took a short lead shortly after the start, gave way when challenged by the winner, but easily held the others safe. ADIOS AMIGO started slowly, worked his way up on the outside and was going well at the end. DEFERRED broke well, lacked early speed, came to the outside in the stretch and was going gamely at the end. TOWSON, unable to get to the front, was in close quarters on the lower turn and showed nothing thereafter. JEWELRY tired badly. JANE PACKARD was outrun. Overweight Kayak, 3 pounds. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE. Whisking, May 30, 19341:385114. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 9781 and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Non-winners of Oi3 JL two races since May 1 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since then, 5 lbs. Claiming June-16-36-R.P price, 00. Net value to winner 85; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses . Eqt A Wt PP St V V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 27512 ELIHU w 4 112 3 3 63 6 43 31 1" FrederickJ A K Miller 950-100 275873BUGABOO wb4 107 7 7 3 l2 14 1 2 PappioS E E Major 140-100 274353RUCKUS w6U2 1 1 51 5h 5l 4h 3" MartinTP Bedford Stock Farm Stable 460-100 27435 CATWALK wb 6 112 6 4 4 33 2 2h 43 KingT W A Mikel 460-100 27348 SUSIE V. wb 4 107 5 2 2 2- 3h 53 5JI GonzalesW E D Slavin 1280-100 27666 MURPHEYS LUCK w 6 107 4 6 7 7 7 6 61 AdamsJ R Bratsher 3320-100 275023RUNANWIN w7109 2 5 lh 4 6 7 7 BrownW Dishong Bros 490-100 Time. :24, :48, 1:14, 1:41. Track fast. r-2. DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , ELIHU 1.00 $ 7.00 $ 4.40 950100 250100 120100 BUGABOO 3.00 2.80 60100 40100 RUCKUS 3.00 50100 Winner Br. g, by Menifee Grace Harban, by Duke of Ormonde trained by A. K. Miller; bred by Mr. L. A. Lyne. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:50. AT POST H minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ELIHU, outrun early, responded gamely to punishment in the stretch and got up in the last stride. BUGABOO, away slowly, was rushed up on the outside, took the lead in the back stretch, drew away on the lower turn, but tired right at the end. RUCKUS, away well, dropped back when straightened out in the back stretch, saved ground in the stretch and finished gamely. CATWALK, well placed in the early running, tired slightly in the last eighth. SUSIE V. showed speed for three-quarters, then tired. RUNANWIN quit." Overweight Murpheys Luck, 2 pounds; Runanwin, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 MILES. Fleche DArgent, Oct. 13, 19332:066114. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 107 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. 2r7Qfrrt 4 JJd Non-winners since May 27 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 1, 5 lbs. Claiming June-16-36-R.P price, 00; if for 00. allowed 5 lbs. Net value to winner 85; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 27347BABOO w8115 7 5 1 1 1 l4 13 BohnR Mrs F West 280-100 27435 PR1NTEMPS w6110 5 1 4 5 43 32 2 BrownW FG Orr 490-100 27435EDGAR BOY w5110 2 4 3 4 5C 5G 33 DonohoJ Mrs C B Irwin " 480-100 27667 GOLDEN HOLIDAYwb 3 106 3 6 54 31 23 2" 4h LkeL S Matthews 8760-100 27669 McGONIGLE wbIOHO 6 2 23 2i 3i 4"i 5 AdamsJ D J Ramsay 170-100 27348 MISS ANTHONY wb 3 100 1 3 6 612 6 62 6C BarnettD F Turner Jr 940-100 27347 SCARP wb 4 103 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 PappioS C N Finch 1380-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:14, 1:40, 2:07. Track fast. r- DONATIONS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . BABOO .60 .00 $ 2.80 280100 100100 40100 PRINTEMPS 4.60 3.20 130100 60100 EDGAR BOY 3.20 60100 Winner B. g, by The Wanderer Elcusinia, by Isidor trained by V. Odcn; bred by Mr. J. W. Bean. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:24J. AT POST minutes. Start cood and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BABOO broke well, was hustled into a long lead in the first half mile and, while tiring at the end, easily held PRINTEMPS safe. PRINTEMPS, under slight early restraint, moved up steadily in the last half mile and was eoine gamely at the end. EDGAR BOY lacked early speed, gained steadily and finished gamely. GOLDEN HOLIDAY moved up gamely in the back stretch, but tired badly in the last eighth. McGONIGLE tired badly. The other two were always far back. Overweight Golden Holiday, 4 pounds; Miss Anthony, 3; Scarp, 3. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE. Whisking, May 30, 19341:385114. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 9r7StQ and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since March 1. 3-year-olds, 107 lbs.; OcJO older, 114 lbs. Claiming price, 00; if for 00, allowed 4 lbs. No appren-June-16-36-R.P tice allowance. Net value to winner 85; second, 5; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St J,i Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 276692.MOVING CLOUDS w 4 105 8 2 l3 1 18 10 ic NealB Coward and Coffey 120-100 276682DEE DEE W. w 9 109 1 1 43 23 24 24 2 BrownW A G Sharp 400-100 27512 GENIE JR. wsb 5 110 2 6 6and 5n 43 41 34 KinnardJ C R Welch 2040-100 1 1 " 1 "T . - ... - . - . - ... . . .. . 273443NOVITO wb4110 .6 9 84 7 6. 53 4?. DonohoJ E Drillon 1260100 27169 KAVALRY JACK wb6110 5 5 24 4V 54 6 5 KingT Kohler and Fowler 570-100, 26901 JEAN MAC . wb8109 3 4 -3h 3i 32 3h 63 AdamsJ N I Casbeer 860-100 26062 DONNIE W. w 4 110 7 7 7 4 88 72 7 7" DePrangE J R Derdeni 2840-100- 274323YANCEY- vb 7-112 4 3 -5- fjh 86 86 85 DillcaJ B Hill 1 1390-100 26217 KILDEE MARY w 5 107 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 HartC T Deahl 8760-100 Time, :25, :4834. 1:14, 1:40. Track fast. . --2 DONATIONS PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS- MOVING CLOUDS ....r.. .....$ 4.40 .00 $;2.80 ,120100 50100 40100 DEE DEE W .......i.... 4.80 3.40 140100. 70100 GENIE JR.: ............... ......i. 7,00 250109 . Winner B. f, by High Cloud Marguerite B., by Ballot trained by R. A Coward; bred by Audley Farm and Mr. L. ...Moseley. .Winnef entered to be claimed for 00 WENT TO POST 5:54$. AT POST 1 J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. MO.VIN.G CLOUDS, easily best, took the lead at the. first turn, increased it steadily and won with speed to spare. DEE DEE W. moved up in the back stretch, raced closest to the-winnerfrom then on, but did not threaten GENIE JR. lacked early speed, -worked his way up gradually and was going gamely- at the end. NOVITO was going gamely .at the end. KAVALRY JACK tired badly. JEAN MAC quit. Scratched 27513 Staro, 98. . Overweight Yancey, 2 pounds; Kildee. Mary, 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936061701/drf1936061701_20_2
Local Identifier: drf1936061701_20_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800