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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XLK. NUMBER 255. FOUNDED IH 1894 Entered as tefund class mailer. April 2, 1SDO. at the post office it CUIcajo. Illinois, uader Act of Marco 3. 1870. OA1LX ISXCEin SUNDAY A dill j reflection of tlie American turf by telecrapb. Publiibcd by REGAL TRESS, INC 441 PLYMOUTH COTJBT CHICAGO, ILL. 343 W. 26TH STBZET HEW YORK CITY, N. T. 12 CALHOUN AVE. HOUSTON, TEXAS 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST TORONTO, ONT. 2134 MIAMI COURT, If. W. MIAMI, FLA. IMS HARRISON ST. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. S107 THIRD AVE. SEATTLE. WASH. JEl.ElIIONE I1AIE1IISO.N 750H For business nod circulation purioses only. Tills telephone baa no connection with tbe newt or editorial department! and cannot be uaed to communicate with tbem. For Free Ibone Results Call Wabash "000. SUIISCIIIITION BY rlHST CLASS MAIL: J8.50 IEI: MONTH. 12 CO EXTRA KO It SIECIAL DELIVERY. 5.00 IEH MONTH ItY AIR HAIL. J2.C0 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. HACK NUUIIEltS II Y II AIL. 13 CENTS EACH, To be considered and answered, all qnerlea to Dally Racing Form mntt be sent over tbe full name and with tbe address of writer. Tbe names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. Address all communications, make all remittances and send all manuscripts to DAILY SACTNO Fi EM 441 Plymouth Couit Cllcito. 111. 22060 Is First Index of 1936