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DAILY RACING FORM Official publication of National Association of State Raclac CommlEsIoseia. VOLUME XLm. NUMBER 139 FOUNDED IN 1894 Entered as second class matter, April 2, 1898, at the post; efflce at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 8, ;187. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A fajlr reflection of the American turf by telegraph. Zaalishei ar REGAL PRESS, INC. 441 P1YMOUTH COVET CHICAGO, ILL. 9 W. 86TH STREET XEW YOEK CITY, . Y. tIS CALHOUN AVE. HOUSTON, TEXAS 10 HICHMOND STREET, EAST TORONTO, OKT. 1.134 MIAMI COUET, H. "W. MIAMI, TLA. ISM JT. VERMONT AVE. LOB ANGELES, CALLT. HOT THIRD AVE. SEATTLE, WASH. TELEPHONE HARRISON 7508 Tor business and circulation purposes only. Tlila telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. For Free Phone Results Call Waiaah 7000. SUBSCRIPTION BY FIRST CLASS MAIL: Iand50 PER MONTH, .60 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY, 5.00 PER MONTH BY AIR MAIL. , 12.60 EXTRA FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY. ! PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. - BACK NUMBERS BY MAIL, X CENTS HAfH. T be considered aad answered, bR queries to Daily Raatog Form maat be seat tnt the full name and -with tarn addresa of writer. The namea and addresses en laltfeet to a local aad foreign directory test " -, Aaaaaas all eeaamaalaitieaa, sake all remittaataa aal wmi aH avutusscqits ta . MAILT ZACIffe FORM 441 Xlgmnfk Oaart Cabas, XL