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I t LAT0NIA TURF NOTES I In the event Jim Healy remains in Chi-cago to saddle Inhale for the Princess Pat Stakes at Washington Park on Saturday, Mose Goldblatt, veteran Cincinnati turfman, will attend to this detail for Flying Scots performance in the Latonia Derby. After spending a day at his farm in Jef-fersonville, Ind., Dr. C. N. Finch, prominent veterinarian and leading trainer at the Latonia meeting to date, with seven victories, returned Thursday morning to assume charge of the useful stable he has here. Tom Jolley of Nashville, Tenn., returned to the Tennessee city Wednesday night after taking in the first two weeks of the Latonia season. He will remain there until the opening of" Dade Park, when he is hopeul of obtaining a few horses for racing at the Henderson track. J. P. Jones, trainer of Hamilton Apple-gates Chigre, announced his intention of tarting the son of Peter Hastings and Twilight Maiden in the Latonia Derby. Jockey Harry Louman has been engaged to handle the chestnut gelding. Word was received by Frank P. Letel-lier, New Orleans turfman, of the death of his yearling filly by Wise Counsellor Southland Girl. The filly, a half sister to the consistent three-year-old. winner, South- . land Beau, was. highly regarded by her owner. J. R. "Red" Gregory reported that Dead Calm, which finished second to Grey Count in the Louisiana Derby. and was a candidate for the Latona Derby, popped a. splint in a recent workout and was "fired" by Dr. W. E. Coover. However, Gregory is hopeful of having his charge ready to fulfill his. two stake engagements at Delaware Park. Ernest Grater, owner of the .Sherbrook. .Farm stable, which consists entirely of two-year-olds at present, came up from Louisville for a visit. He plans to remain until aftec the running of the Latonia Derby. Deliberator, winner of the Quickstep Handicap last Saturday at Latonia, headed the consignment of four horses owned by -F. A. Burtons Everglade Stable that trainer John S. Ward sent to Aqueduct, Others in the band are Wise Dart, Counsello and Asi-anna. J. R. Burnett was an arrival from Beulah Park with the two three-year-olds, Mama Lulu and No Nane, and was grahfed stabling accomodations.