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JAMAICA TURF NOTES Walter Faust is ill at his New Orleans home and will not make his New York appearance for another -week or ten days. Stanley Gillespie was among the early arrivals. Billy Bogert reported the arrival of a baby boy at his home several days ago. The youngster is his first offspring. Jockey J. Longden, who went to Havre de Grace to ride, will be here on Monday. Ninety-four layers cut in the main ring and the limit, eighteen, "weighed in" at the clubhouse. John Rogan reported on the scene suffering with an attack of lumbago. John Gobel was an arrival from Cincinnati where he spent the best part of the winter. "Gene Austin arrived from New York and will stay for the season. Joe Harrison took the clubhouse commissioner stand occupied by the late Frank Moore. Louis Feustel, Jr., son of the noted trainer, was married recently at Columbia, S. C, to Miss Alfhild Carlson of Floral Park, Long Island. The young couple will make their home in Queens Vilage. Jack Dunn, veteran telegraph messenger, died at his Brooklyn home recently. Dunn had been a messenger on New York tracks for thirty-five years. Roberto Olquin, leading rider in Chile for several years, was granted a license to ride. He is under call to Joe W. Brown, New Orleans owner, and will ride at this meeting. Starter George Cassidy and his assistants were on hand during the morningi He reported that the two-year-olds had schooled exceptionally well.