untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-27


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HARNESS RACING 0SJVMS Mi With Pari-Mutuels WfW%//imff Post Time 8:30 ttf #MP / Nine 9 Races rfftfcW / 8USES DIRECT TO TRACK: From Sherman 1ACJNCL ASSOCIATION Hotel, 6:45 • Crawford and Madison, 7:00 JtlaKv - • Lawrence and Winthrop, 6:30 • 63rd 9RKtv and Cottage Grave, 6*30. Call RO 2-3300 BbHHHHbIbH HDI* En P BBBBIBBlHl C. A. and E. trains leave Quincy and Wells Vl BBBRbBBBMs Streets at 5:08, 5:35, 6:10 and 7:05. Direct iTTTTffff TTT BHBnf1 Bus Connection to the Track. l l/Klll lIlljLiBBBalr North of Aurora HHbbvbHbH |wjp On Illinois Route 31 **mB POST TWIEs _ 2tl 5 Daily— 2:00 Saturday and Msmorlal Day 1 » - , . „ - MAKE RESERVATIONS THISTLE DOWN now for •jfr -Ji_-#*-l Al4# MEMORIAL DAY WEEK END 1 ■m9VVBl4M3i Mwm WAbesli 2-22M— Hemtweo 83t MAY 7thrU 30 ■ -■,mrmnrT,,aiOTVfl 1 Busses from end j*JjJQJQ2Q|Q||T|QggQ| tost MSK. i, „ South Suburban! MafmE 8 Pfl„c SAFEWAY BUSES daily .SlS?? •A.JrsmlbZ. J*xn Chicago Loop, 20 E. Randolph; jgfHjAOSHINI . 63rd and Halsted Streets. DIRECT TO WASHINGTON PARK Buses return immediately after last raot Advertise in Daily Racing Form For information can iNteroceon 8-9744 |

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1949052701/drf1949052701_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1949052701_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800