Official Racing Charts: Suffolk Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-27

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~ • -Offichl : 7 Racing Charts - : SUFFOLK DOWNS ——————— Copyright, 1949. by Triangle PuMIcatleBs. I»c ■■ . ■ ■ . AST BOSTON, MASS., THURSDAY. MAY 26, 1949-SUFFOLK DOWNS 1 MILE. Twenty-third day of thirty-three-day meeting April 30 to June 7. Eastern Racing Association, Inc. Automatic starting gate. Phote-chart Camera. Weather clear first five races; cloudy thereafter. Steward representing Massachusetts State Racing Commission, A. 0. Gallagher. Stewards, William Almy, Jr., nd Lee ODonnell. Placing Judges, 0. E. Pons, Kenneth Mcintosh and Edwin Welch. Patrol Judges, James But-rell, R. Romanelli. J. Cunningham and W. J. Canning. Paddock Judge, George Clement Clerk of Scales, Arthur lunt Starter, Robert Frend. Timer, George Fritz. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. P. Turner. Assistant lacing Secretary, 0. E. Pons. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 948, .37; current meeting, .31. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. Mutuel ake, 12 per cent State 5J per cent on first 00,000; 6f per cent between 00,000 and 00,000; 7J per cent etween 00,000 and 00,000, lj per cent over 00,000, plus daily license fee. § Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. " Five lbs. claimed, t Seven lbs. claimed. W Whip. S Spurs. I Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera TOtST RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Whirlaway, July 15, 1942—1:4816 — 4—130. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds f K A A Q anc* upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race in 1949. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, * «J *f *f y 120 lbs. Non-winners since December 1 allowed 3 lbs.; since November 1, 6 lbs.; since lay 26-49 — Suf October 1, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. let value to winner ,250; second, 00; third, 25; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 7,017. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 74550 RISKING ALL w 5 108 12 8 83 4 " 42 ink 11 J R Petrin§ 2000 L W Johnson 4.00 74837 RIVER B0YNE wb 4 104 10 4 13 12 12 22 23 P S Boyle* 2000 Mr and Mrs F Preece 23.80 751443 GYPSY LEA wb 6 101 6 3 4"" 3* 33 33 32J G Schreck* 2000 D Posey 5.50 74309* M0KUP w8109 5 2 2* 22 2"" 42 4h R Delpidio* 2000 I Palow 16.80 749332 DANCE PRETTY wb 9 117 4 9 92 81 8 5n* 5h E Gross 2000 L Whiting 1.40 73952 ROSEMERE DEE wb6109 7 5 52 71 61 61 6J W Lowe 2000 Oaktree Stable 54.90 75034 ROSES ARE RED w5 106 3 1 31 5"* 51 71 71 W M Cook 2000 R Robertson 11.80 74732 WAR AGENT wb9107 9 7 61 61 7i 8* 81 V TerViova* 2000 Mede Cabin Stable 13.90 74546 SWEET SARA wb4105 2 10 10* 10151012 92 93 C Mullins 2000 H H Callahan 9.50 734984 MAE WAVE w 7 106 11 6 72 93 92 105 10* F Keene 2000 Murphy and Villa 94.90 74732 MANTAGRIS wb6 99 8 11 11 11 11 11 11 L McAltert 2000 Fantasy Farm 113.20 74932 BEN DEHAVEN wb5107 1 Wheeled. R Humphs* 2000 I J White 86.10 Time, :24, :49, 1:15, 1:42, 1:55%. Track fast z — Mutuels Paid — N / Odd* to , 1 D • "RISKING ALL 10.00 6.80 4.60 4.00 2.40 1.30 M..,. utuel rricesi river boyne 11.40 8.20 8.20 3.10 I GYPSY LEA 4.00 1.00 Winner— B. h, by Roman— Puzzle Dance, by Questionnaire, trained by L. W. Johnson; bred by Mrs. Geo. Brown, Jr. WENT TO POST-2:02. OFF AT 2:03 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. RISKING ALL improved position steadily along the inside, assumed command entering the stretch and drew out under light pressure. RIVER BOYNE sprinted into the lead at once, was steadied along -on the inside and held on gamely when challenged, but was not good enough. GYPSY LEA drove through on the inside entering the stretch to loom as a threat, then flattened out. M0KUP weakened after forcing the pace. DANCE PRETTY was never a formidable factor. ROSEMERE DEE raced evenly. ROSES ARE RED had brief speed. BEN DEHAVEN wheeled toward the inside at the start, losing rider, then bothered horses during the running. Scratched— 74543 Joe Spagat, 106; 74309 Crystal Dodger, 104; 74222 Quick Chance, 114; 74645 Chance Morn, 111. Overweight— Rosemere Dee, 3 pounds; War Agent, 1; Sweet Sara, 1; Ben DeHaven, 1. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937— 1:09%-4-117. Purse ,500. 7 A. fi 4-year-olds and. upward. Claiming. Non-winners of a race since April 29. 4-year-/ J *f J U olds, 120 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners since November 30 of three races allowed May 26-49 — Suf 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 3,593. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt % Vi StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 74639 JURY RIG wb4112 8 3 21 21 22 11 E Gross 2500 Wedgemere Farm 16.90 62965 HONR STUDENTwb 6 113 4 4 12 13 ink H Allgaier 2500 R Chance Farm 4.30 74217 MOUNTAIN TIMEwb4 110 10 1 62 3"* 41 3" F Keene* 2500 Reynolds Bros 2.20 75027 ROSE HAIRAN w 6106 2 2 31 5"" 3"* 42 R McLalin* 2500 Pinehurst Stable 54.70 74306 RIVER PILOT wb5111 15 5"" 62 63 51 R Delpidio* 2500 Mrs E Muckler 4.70 732912 HAPPY ME wb6116 9 8 81 74 72 6 LPafundi. 2500 A Bertrando 32.70 744284 IRISH COUNT w 6 113 5 6 4$ 41 51 7h F Fernndez 2500 A Shlager 4.00 66530 AWAY w 11 113 6 10 10 10 83 83 J Robertson 2500 B Chumra 63.70 742222 LESINIAN wb5116 7 9 71 83 91 92 F Zehr 2500 Wild Goose Farm 7.50 74119 BE A BEE w 6 103 3 7 92 91 10 10 G Schreck* 2500 T C Melrose 27.30 Time, :23, :47, 1:13%. Track fast r- Mutuels PaW- , Odds to , u , ID* JURY RIG 35.80 10.40 8.40 16.90 4.20 2.20 Mutuel rncesi honour student s.40 4.00 2.20 1.00 l MOUNTAIN TIME 3.20 .60 Winner— Ch. c, by Jean Valjean— Carnival Queen, by Donnacona, trained by J. F. Cavatorta; bred by Keehe-land Stud and G. L. Hundley. WENT TO POST— 2:32. OFF AT 2:33 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. " Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. JURY RIG, a forward factor from the beginning, rallied when roused and disposed of HONOUR STUDENT, then drew out under pressure. HONOUR STUDENT bullied his way between horses to gain the early lead, then drew clear and saved ground, but was short. MOUNTAIN TIME stumbled leaving the gate, recovered quickly, was rushed on the outside, lost ground and failed to reach the pace. ROSE HAIRAN showed a good effort. RIVER PILOT raced in spots. HAPPY ME flattened out after a mild rally; AWAY passed tiring horses. IRISH COUNT weakened after failing to reach the early leaders. LESINIAN was never a serious factor. BE A BEE was outrun. Scratched-72700 Tarpan, 111; 750274 Out Bound Jr., 106; 68510 Por Siaca, 113; 750283 Mel Cavano, 106; 751413 Romulus, 119; 51781 Au Phil, 106. Overweight— Jury Rig, 1 pound; Rose Hairan, 3. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 01 .60— Double Pool, 0,786. THIRD RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Eternal Bull, May 14, 1941— :53-2-118. Purse ,500. 2-year- 7r A K 1 olds- Maidens. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. , 3 3 1 Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. May 26-49— Suf Mutuel Pool, 9,275. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt . Vk StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 748312 H. T. PERRY w 118 5 1 11 12 12 R Williams 7500 Mrs C A Cope Z80 74929 BLUNT wb 118 8 5 32 32 21 F Zehr 7500 Mablum Stable 3.30 74831 DEVIATION wb110 9 7 211 21 3"* R Delpidio* 7500 G R White 38.20 748313 COUNT STEEL wb 118 10 10 91 42 42$ K Scathom 7500 G Strickland 5.10 73953 CHIP w 118 11 11 101 7nk 5" F Fernndez 7500 C C Boshamer 27.80 71303 LITTLE DICK w-118 1 3 8i 5«i 64 H Allgaier 7500 Mrs E Muckler 5630 74929 GAY LILT w118 6 8 113 101 7nlc E Gross 7500 Wedgemere Farm 24.90 71689 IRONCLAD w 118 7 9 71 81 8" A Stone 7500 D A Rosenbaum 8.20 WINDOW LAMP w 118 3 4 5* 9« 94 J Pollard 7500 J E Hughes 5110 SLATED w 118 2 6 64 and 104 G Hettinger 7500 E Siravo 10.40 TIGER BEAUTY w 115 12 12 12 12 113 G Smith 7500 Honeywell Farm 7.00 OMAR BOY w118 4 2 4"M1i 12 D Madden 7500 Mr and Mrs J A Grant 32.70 Time, :23K, :48, :55%. Track fast r- Mhrtuek PaJd- , Odds to , la m | n • / H. T. PERRY 7.60 4.20 3.20 2.80 1.10 .60 Mutuel Prices? blunt sjo in w jo i. DEVIATION 8.60 3.30 Winner— B. c, by Bolo— Miss Whiskaway, by Whiskaway, trained by C. A. Cope; bred by Mrs. Gertrude riedberg. WENT TO POST— 3:03. OFF AT 3:04 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. H. T. PERRY assumed command at once, was under light urging to increase margin and held, on gamely when pressed. BLUNT moved in closest attendance of the pace after a quarter mile, but was unable to reach the leader. DEVIATION broke alertly, forced the pace to the final turn, then weakened. COUNT STEEL, sluggish at the start, bore in entering the stretch, was steered to the rail when clear and closed resolutely. LITTLE DICK finished well. CHIP passed tiring horses. GAY LILT showed nothing. IRONCLAD was never a serious factor. WINDOW LAMP flashed brief speed. TIGER BEAUTY was outrun. SLATED tired. OMAR BOY flashed speed for a quarter mile. Scratched— 74831 Classmate, 115; 74831 Brain Sprain, 118; 73435 Jack Heather, 118; 73953 Her Gift, 115. FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Accolade, July 3, 1936— 1:4t%— 6— 120. Purse ,500. A C O 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of two races. 3-year-olds, 110 7C 3 4 3 Z lbs.; 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. May 26-49— Suf Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 3,239. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Va Vx % StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 74726 LOVER wb3110 3 1 1412 14 13 15 D Madden Mr and Mrs J A Grant 2.60 741223 LOOT w3105 1 5 31 34 24 22 24 P S. Boyle* Honeywell Farm 1.50 741224 GAY COURIER wb3112 7 3 64 8 8 64 3* E Gross Wedgemere Farm 3.70 74728 THE EYE w 3 107 5 6 73 4451 42 4h V Ternova* I R Parziale 28.40 742214 SEERSUCKER wb 4 116 2 8 8 51 41 34 531 G Hettinger E Siravo 9.60 64204 SAGUNTO w5113 8 7 5"* 71 71 54 6" F Fernndez C C Boshamer 13.40 73661 TREADA BOY w 4 116 4 2 41 61 61 71 7* H Pratt E J Cue 90.00 750341 FLYING GUY w 3 110 6 4 22 22 31 8 8 P Milligan Mrs Ggnard Jr, Mrs Mulville 18.10 Tune, :24, :48, 1:14, 1:49%, 1:45%. Track fait r- Mutuels PaM — , Odds to v ij . |D. / LOVER 7.20 3.20 2.60 1» .60 .30 Mutuel Prices! loot 3.« 2.« .50 jq v GAY COURIER 3.08 .50 Winner— Ch. c, by Jean Valjean— Sue H., by Stimulus, trained by E. E. Mties; bred by Keeneland Stud. WENT TO POST— 3:34. OFF AT 3:35 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. LOVER broke alertly, opened a clear lead, was rated under a smooth hand ride, responded when roused and Increased his margin easily. LOOT saved I ground to gain a forward position early, moved strongly on the far turn, then raced evenly through the stretch. GAY COURIER finished with a belated rush in the late stages. THE EYE had no mishap. SEERSUCKER flattened out after reaching contention. SAGUNTO showed nothing. TREADA BOY was outrun. FLYING GUY was used up forcing the pace. Overweight— Gay Courier, 2 pounds; The Eye, 2. FIFTH JUCT-2r4 »; JWhJ :09%t-4-1 17.* Pum.RSOO. 7Cir?C .."*Jir ; 3-yoarroMii tttmkiff Wetektf l2tfH»r: ffin-wiMMis. 1iriip.«M?Wnte£MM . •9 3* O 3 lbs*.; one race/ e ibs.r bne race since, November 30; 8 Has. Claiming price, ,501; r May 2€-4fr— Swf H. for ,000, ..allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner W;Isecp«d, 51; third, 01; fourth, 88. Mutuel P— I, . Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vi StrFfo Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 745472 KLIMIE w 106 6 5 64 51 41 14 P S Boyle* 7000 Marlet Stable 1.60 747294 ATOM RIDE IB wb112 7 3 4-* 21 11 22 E Zulker* 7500 W F Mannagh 6.10 742194 PEERLESS wb 122 1 4 21 3« 2"" 3" W M Cook 7500 Cherry-Oca Stable 8.80 73659 FIVE DAYS wb 109 3 9 82 71 61 41 C Corolla? 7000 Merrimack Stable 69.40 C 750341 MESMERIZED w 114 4 1 Ink 44 52 51 R Petrin 7000 M Kahlbaum 4.00 747293 FIRESONG w 114 8 6 31 1" 3« 6h J Molbert 7000 A J Ryan 6.60 r 74729 OUR CHIEF wb 112 10 10 10 10 8"k 74 H Allgaier 7000 L Whiting 98.90 - 74728 LENA 0. w 106 5 2 52 64 74 8-"" R Delpidio* 7000 Rachal and Proctor 14.70 3 74307 KIND MARIE "w 1071 2 7 7« 81 91 9« A Stone 7000 D A Rosenbaum 139.40 $ 58941 BLENGO wb113 9 8 94 9410 10 F Fernndez 7500 I Gushen 9.40 f H Disqualified and placed third. ~ Time, :23, :46%, 1:13. Track fast i r- Mutuels Paid — , Odds to u in* KLIMIE 5.20 4.00 3.20 1.60 1.00 .60 1 Mm. utuel rncesj peerless ; 8.00 5.20 3.00 i.eo c l ATOM RIDE 4.00 1.00 ? Winner— Ch. f, by Milkman— Sea Cradle, by Toro, trained by H. F. Albrecht; bred by Mrs. W. Plunket a Stewart. - "* WENT TO POST-4:05. OFF AT 4:06 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. . J Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. KLIMIE, reserved close to the pace, 2 was sent between horses entering the stretch, rallied under pressure and drew clear at the end. ATOM RIDE C raced with the pace from the start, drew out slightly entering the stretch, came over on PEERLESS, forced the 5 latter to take up, for which she was disqualified and placed third. PEERLESS showed good speed along the inside, was moved to the leader when impeded and had no chance theerafter. FIVE DAYS finished stoutly in . the final stages. OUR CHIEF closed well from far off the pace. MESMERIZED raced with the leaders to the 5 far turn, was in close quarters and rider took up sharply. FIRESONG forced the pace, assumed command after 3 a half, then flattened out. KIND MARIE was outrun. LENA 0. was knocked back on the far turn and showed -nothing thereafter. BLENGO was outrun. K Scratched-74547 Bow On, 106; 74729 False Front, 104; 747272 Abra, 111. V Overweight— Our Chief, 2 pounds; Kind Marie, 21. ** SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Kenyon C, June 3, 1938-1:43-4-108. Bayard Purse. Purse 7 1 A K A *000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Starters for a claiming price of ,500 v J *f J *f or less since October 1: 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. May 26-49 — Suf Non-winners since April 1 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs.; one race since March 1, 9 lbs. Net value to winner ,800; second, 75; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 4,705. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vz % StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 75030 LOOKOUT DICE w6104 5 1 12 11 4 14 12$ G Schreck* Lookout Stud 12.30 750302 FLYING MILE wb4116 1 3 21 21 21 21 21 W M Cook Cherry Oca Stable .80 747333 MARCH CHICK wb8 109 4 6 3"* 32 35 32 321 F Zehr Mablum Stable 4.90 736624 SNOW WHIRL wb 4 104 7 7 7 52 58 41 44 P S Boyle* W Hinphy 4.10 74733- DABSTER wb4104 6 5 51 41 4»k 54 521 R Petrinl L W Johnson 17.60 74126 TOKEN REWARDwb6110 3 2 61 7 7 62 6« G Hettinger 0 B Burgher 17.70 74642 SUPPER DATE wb 5 102 2 4 42 64 63 7 7 L McAIIerS H G Bedwell 18.80 Time, :24, :48%, 1:14, 1:40%, 1:47. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to , u. ./ I R • C LOOKOUT DICE 26.60 7.80 4.00 12.30 2.90- 1.00 Mutuel rncesi flying mile 2.60 2.20 .30 .10 l MARCH CHICK 2.80 .40 Winner— B. g, by Supremus— Queen Byrd, by Byrd, trained by N. Barrett; bred by Jimmy Brink. WENT TO POST-4.-35. OFF AT 4:351 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. LOOKOUT DICE assumed command at once, opened a clear lead and was taken under steadying restraint, saved ground and had something left when challenged. - FLYING MILE was kept in closest attendance of the pace and challenged gamely when roused, but was not good enough. MARCH CHICK raced close to the leaders, came to the outside for the drive, but was unable to make up ground. SNOW WHIRL saved ground to better late position. DABSTER had no mishap. SUPPER DATE was through early. Overweight— Snow Whirl, 2 pounds; Token Reward, 1. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Kenyon C, June 3, 1938-1:43-4—108. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds 7C A r C and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. J ** fj D Non-winners in 1949 of three races allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. May 26-49 — Suf Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,500; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 5,269. ■ Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vi K StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 748362 DIME wb 4 109 1 4 21 22 22 ink u p Zehr 4000 M Seidt 5.60 74836 VINITA REV wb5115 4 3 41 54 43 45 2«* R Delpidio* 4000 S Garfield 5.70 -75145 FEARLESS wsb6113 6 2 32 34 31 31 31 G Moore 4000 0 Sole Mio Stable 2.90 74926 SAM NORRIS wb6112 7 1 14 11 11 22 431 P S Boyle* 4000 E Vito 11.90 74549 TED WES wb7114 8 6 7 61 62 63 51 F Ferndez 4000 A J Ryan 13.30 748364 GREAT FUN wb4 106 3 8 52 4"* 53 54 63 R McLhlint 4000 A Rendine 5.60 74549 ANALYSIS wb4107 2 5 6»k 8 71 74 7« V Terrana* 4000 E J Monti 28.90 64444 OLD SCHOOL wb5112 5 7 8 71 8 8 8 J Molbert 4000 G W Ogle 280 Time, :24%, :49, 1:15, 1:41%, 1:48. Track fast Mutuels Paid— Odds r— , , to — — v u , I D • DIME 13.20 5.60 4.00 5.60 1.80 1.00 Mutuel rricesf vinita rev 7.20 4.00 2.60 1.00 l FEARLESS 3.80 .90 Winner— B. g, by Bahram— Spare Change, by Discovery, trained by F. Ziel; bred by Alfred G. Vanderbilt. WENT TO POST-5:06. OFF AT 5:061 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. DIME forced the pace under light urging, assumed a short lead on the final turn and was under strong pressure to hold the lead to the end. VINITA REV broke well, dropped back and was under steadying restraint to the far turn, moved gradually under pressure on the outside and was catching the winner. FEARLESS, never far off the pace, failed to rally when roused. SAM NORRIS set the pace under light restraint, saved ground, but shortened stride on the final turn and was tiring. GREAT FUN showed nothing. The others were outrun. Overweight— Fearless, 2 pounds; Great Fun, 4; Old School, 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Accolade, July 3, 1936— 1:41 Vb— 6— 120. Purse ,000. a c * 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 118 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non-winners 7r D *f D D since April 1 of two races allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs.; one race since March 1, May 26-49 — Suf 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,250; second, 00; third, 25; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 0,539. _ Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vz % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 71016 GINNYS PRIDE wb5106 11 11 114 71 31 31 1h J Dattilo 2000 R Lentini 5.70 750284 GOODY GMDROPwb 7 106 4 4 32 2"* 23 1"* 221 W M Cook 2000 I Gushen 4.10 74833 TO TO LIGHT wb6106 2 1 11 14 11 2 " 3h A Carvalho 2000 Crusader Farm 58.60 74926 ANAKO w6105 1 12 1Q"*10nk 91 71 41 R Delpidio* 2000 R T McDonnell 13.70 75034 KARDOSO w 5 111 7 5 61 41 51 41 5B* G Hettinger 2000 C C Boshamer 12.50 75027 LITTLE RENNY wb 4 99 12 10 71 51 61 61 61 L McAIter* 2000 S Garfield 12.90 747331 SAMBA SIREN wb5 105 5 7 12 12 101 102 7J G Champel 2000 L W Johnson 7.30 74639 HOWDY ROWDY wb 5 108110 2 93 112 112 82 81 E Zulker* 2000 R R Damon 4.80 749322 RAKEMUP W6112 9 9 81 91 81 92 94 F Keene* 2000 J Moran 3.90 74932 MISS HILL w 5 109 3 6 51 81 74 51 104 F Fernndez 2000 J Poulos 29.10 73290 JIMS SISTER wb6109 6 3 2"* 32 4"*112 111 W Lowe 2000 P J Keough 64.50 74639 PEBBLES HABIT wb 6 111 8 8 4"* 6"k12 12 12 F Zehr 2000 Shaw and Hartwick 43.40 Tune, :24. :48%, 1:15, 1:42, 1:46%. Track fast Mutuels Paid— , — r-Odds to , ■ k t . iD. GINNYS PRIDE 13.40 7.80 6.20 5.70 2.90 2.10 Mutuel riicesi goody gumdrop s.go 4.00 i.m 1.00 I TO TO LIGHT 18.60 8.30 Winner— Br. m, by Singing Wood— Dorita, by Dodge, trained by R. Lentini; bred by Finley Bros. WENT TO POST— 5:36. OFF AT 5:37 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. GINNYS PRIDE worked her way up on the inside entering contention inside the final quarter mile and was up to outfinish GOODY GUMDROP. The latter forced the early pace, drew clear when roused, then faltered. TO TO LIGHT set the pace for six furlongs and shortened stride, but held on gamely. ANAKO closed ground steadily on the extreme outside. KARDOSO had no mishap. SAMBA SIREN passed tiring horses. LITTLE RENNY lost ground while racing on the extreme outside. HOWDY ROWDY showed nothing. RAKEMUP dropped back early and was never in contention. Scratched— 749323 Stan Tracy, 115; 750343 Everplayful, 106; 750342 DragertM, 102. Overweight— Howdy Rowdy, 21 pounds; Jims Sister, 3. Attendance, 10,563; Total Mutuel Pool, 48,339.

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Local Identifier: drf1949052701_37_1
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