Discuss 48-Hour Entry Closing at Hollywood: No Decision Reached in Confab of Officials, Department Heads, Daily Racing Form, 1957-06-04


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Discuss 48-Hour Entry Closing.at Hollywood No Decision Reached m Confab Of Officials, Department Heads. HOLLYWOOD PARK, Inglewood, Calif., June 3. Horsemen and track officials conferred Friday at Hollywood Park over a proposal to move up to 48 hours the time of closing entries, but no decision was reached. At present Hollywood Park follows the method used by nearly all racing associations of closing entries one day before the races. The meeting was called by vice-president and general manager James D. Stewart of Hollywood Park at the request of an HBPA committee, chief spokesman of which was trainer Meshach Tenney. Other members of the horsemens committee present were trainers Charles Whittingham and Reginald Cornell, secretary John Beverly of the California division of the HBPA, and Charles Leavitt, breeder and owner and former trainer. Dr. J. C. Hansen represented the veterinarians. Racing secretary John Maluvius and Jack Meyers, Herman Sharpe, George Za-relli and John Hartley of his office discussed the proposal from the standpoint of the secretarys department. Assistant general manager Thore Brekke and publicity director Al Wesson .also represented the racing association. Also in the conference were stewards Wendell P. Cassidy, James Tunney and Claude Buchanan. After a general discussion both of benefits that could be anticipated from moving entry closing time one day ahead and the various problems that might be involved, it was decided that a smaller committee would meet at a later date at which time the horsemen would have more definite proposals to offer.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957060401/drf1957060401_24_3
Local Identifier: drf1957060401_24_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800