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» ------ ---t PRESIDENT IS BUSY WITH I MANY AFFAIRS OF STATE | L- *. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 3— Back at his White House desk after a strenuous week of entertaining visiting royalty at Hyde Park, President Roosevelt held conferences with departmental aides and congressional leaders on problems of international and domestic import. Friday the chief executive and Mrs. Roosevelt are in for another round of activity when they receive President and Mrs. Somoza of Nicaragua at the Union Station and the White House, state dinners and luncheons, formal tours to Mt. Vernon and Arlington National Cemetery. This will exactly duplicate arrangements for King George and Queen Elizabeth of England next month, assuming their majesties finally decide to make the Canadian-American tour. Federal reorganization advisers were called in for a luncheon conference today to assist the president in drafting a second phase of his plan to consolidate and revamp the government machine along more efficient and economical lines. Dealing either with realignment of bureaus between federal departments or consolidation of bureaus within individual departments, the plan wili be submitted to congress for approval Friday or Monday. Only by two-thirds vote of •both houses within sixty days can any presidential reorganization move to be vetoed. i 1 [