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1 1 •1 j" ■ 2 |j j j — M. ft -1 -1 •1 -1 -1 •1 -1 -1 -1 " 2 l " " " " " — d. -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 •l -1 -1 -1 N.Y. Commission Has Power To Adopt Consolation Double ALBANY, N. Y., June 26.— The State Racing Commission was informed today by Attorney General Nathaniel L. Goldstein that it has authority to adopt a rule it has been considering to establish a Daily Dou-, ble consolation pool to be divided among holders of tickets combining the winner of the first race with a starter in the second race in event the latter is scratched or excused at the last moment. At present, holders of tickets combining the winner of the first race and a starter in the second are refunded, only their wagers if the horse in the second race is scratched or excused by the stewards. Under the proposed consolation pool, fans holding such tickets would receive a return greater than their bets, since they would share in a special fund estab--1 lished to make up for their poor luck in selecting a late scratch. Under the rule being considered by this states racing commission, the Daily Dou--1 ble consolation pool would operate as fol- lows : All the money bet on the scratched horse in the second race would be deducted from the daily double pool and would be divided among holders of tickets combin-"r ing the first race winner and the scratched horse. The proposed rule under consideration by the commission reads as follows: "Should any horse in the second half of the Daily Double, not coupled with a starter, be scratched or excused by the stewards, or if it be determined by such stewards that any horse not so coupled has been prevented from racing because of the failure of the stall doors of the starting gate to open, all money wagered on such horse shall be deducted from the Daily Double pool and all Daily Douhlp tirets combining such horse with the actual win-* ner of the first race in the Daily Double will share in a special Daily Double conso- lation pool formed by deducting from the total Daily Double pool the sum of all Daily Double combinations of which the I said horse is a part."