untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1953-08-27


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NOW through SEPT. 12 ror B5JIP5SWS5!3 P0ST lllfif 8:30 See the Thoroughbreds-NIGHT HORSE RACING U. S. 40 Near COLLINSVILLE, ILLINOIS 15 Minutes From ST. LOUIS TUESDAY, Thru SATURDAY, 8:30 P.M. 9 RACES EVERY TUESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 8 RACES EVERY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 9 RACES LABOR DAY 2:15 P. M. No Races Tuesday, September 8 RACING TODAY I DADE PARK Located Between Henderson, Ky., and Evansyille, Ind., on U.S. Highway 41 DAILY THROUGH SEPTEMBER -7th Post Time, 2:00 P. M. DAILY DOUBLE-FIRST AND SECOND RACES Washington! ; PARK randk. SEE AMERICAS TH Gond FINEST tus" SUMMER RACING 20TAX ITS SO EASY TO GET WERE by auto: New! Fast! Calumet Expressway. .. 37 Minutes From Loop Take Outer Dr. to Stony Island. Continue straight onto Calumet Expressway to 159th. Turn west on 159th to Halsted No. 1, south direct to track. SPACIOUS PARKING ON THE GROUNDS BY TRAIN: Fast, clean, I.C. Electric specials direct to track. 35 minutes from Loop. Leaving Randolph St., beginning 11:55 weekdays; 11:30 Saturdays and Labor Day. Stops at Van Buren, Roosevelt Rd., 53d, 63d, Kensingtoh and Harvey. BY BUS: Express busses from 79th-Stony; 63d-Halsted; 63d-Sangamon; 63d-Ashland; 63d-West- ern; Washington-Pulaski; Sheridan-Sunnyside; Howard "L"; Edgewater Beach Hotel. Phone HArrison 7-2800 For All Information I FIRST RACE Weekdays 2:05 pm . . . Saturdays 1:45 pm

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1953082701/drf1953082701_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1953082701_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800