Official Racing Charts: Garden State Park, Daily Racing Form, 1957-05-07

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—Official Racing rhnrt t - Garden State Park SB Coovrleht. 1957. bv Trianrle Publications. Inc. - CAMDEN, N. J , MONDAY, MAY 6, 19S7-GARDEN STATE PARK 1 MILE. Second day of twenty-five-day meeting May 4 to June 1. Garden State Racing Association. American Totalisator. Puett Starting Gate. Film Patrol. Weather clear. Steward representing New Jersey State Racing Commission, E. S. Porter. Stewards, G. R. Palmer and K. Daingerfield. Associate Stewards, W. V. Mullin,. V. Mara, N. Gladstone and J. Stout. Placing Judges. K. H. Lennox, Wm. B. Trundle and T. A. Steele. Paddock Judge, V. Mara. Clerk of Scales, A. Bonagura. Starter, C. Phillips. Timer, J. R. Megill. Racing Secretary and Handicapper. M. C. Shea. Assistant Racing Secretary, H. J. Carroll. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1956, .33; current meeting. .12. Percentage of favorites in the money, .38. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; no field horses. Mutuel take, 13 per cent State 7, track 6 on first 0,000,000; State 8, track 5 over 0,000.000. Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Jones Precision Photo Finish, Inc. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 960 feet. FIRST RACE 5 FURLONGS. Pollys Jet, May 18, 1955— :58— 2— 119. Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. It Q f H Claiming. Winners preferred. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races allowed J O U O 3 lbs.; maidens, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 6-57— G.S Net value to winner " 100: second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 9,313. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St and fr Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to SAVANT w112 9 1 12 12 13 n w M Cook 5000 Mrs G S Howell 7.70 08and60 DARK MAHOGANY will 1 6 6* 5 52 2 H Keene 5000 W H Bishop Stable Inc 600 DEACK DUNCAN w 112 2 11 92 62 62 3 N Fernicola 5000 Shamrock Farm 31.20 11887 NANCY OMALLEY wb 106 5 5 2" 2* and 4 L Lefebvre* 5000 J Taxin 2.60 121563 EASY AS PIE w 110 10 4 41 43 2h 5nl "W Blum 5000 S D Gottlieb 2.90 10989 BRAVE MIKE wb112 3 3 3*3*1 and 6"° F A Smith 5000 East Acres 8.20 12526 SHAVED ICE wb 107 7 7 8 7 72 71 E CapeS 5000 L and W Santore 25.10 JUST DOUBLE wb112 4 9 7« 83 8« 88 R Oliver 5000 W H Foales 15.50 12711 EVES QUEST w 112 8 8 103 115 H6 91 r j Martin 5000 G W Offutt III 36.90 10989 DALLY w 109 12 2 5i103 101 10 R LeBlanc 5000 S M Howard 56.20 BALLYMONEY w 117 6 12 1H 92 9 11U E Zulker 5000 Mrs J L Bond 16.40 HARRYS GIRL wb 112 11 10 12 12 12 12 M N Gonz 5000 D and S Stable 33 50 Time, :23%. :48*4, 1:01%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ,— Mutuels Paid- , Odds to , B • i 9-SAVANT 17.40 8.40 6 80 7 70 3.20 2.40 Ml utuel rnces? i-dark mahogany 7.40 5.00 2.70 1.50 1 2-DEACK DUNCAN 17.40 7.70 Winner— Ch. c, by Scobeyville— Savior Sally, by Emilio, trained by H. S. Howell; bred by Mrs. G. S. Howell. IN GATE-2:31. OFF AT 2:31 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. _ Start fair. Won driving; second and third the same. SAVANT immediately established a clear lead, held sway under steady handling and was safely best. DARK MAHOGANY, well placed behind the first flight, attempted to lug in and was brought outside horses for the drive with difficulty, then finished fast. DEACK DUNCAN lacked speed from the gate, saved ground entering contention and closed strongly. NANCY OMALLEY was a sharp factor between rivals and held on fairly well. EASY AS PIE lost ground outside the first flight. BRAVE MIKE saved ground and tired. SHAVED ICE ran up behind horses in the drive. JUST DOUBLE bore out badly HARRYS GIRL was green and rank. Scratched— 12794 Hash Acres, 112; 12104 Ravdin. 112: Very Precious. 109: 12518* Cling to Me, 112. Overweight— Dark Mahogany, 2 pounds; Nancy 0Malley, 2; Easy As Pie, 1; Eves Quest, 3; Ballymoney. 5; Harrys Girl, 3. SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. I Appeal, May 21, 1955— i:084B— 4— 112. Purse ,000. q f -j 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since April 13. 4-year-J 1- O U / cder, 120 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners of two races since March 4 allowed 3 lbs ; May 6-57 — G.S one race. 6 lbs. Claiming, price, ,500. Net value to winner .800; second, 75; third, 50: fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool. 58.803. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt U 1 2. Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 84177 IRON HEEL w6116 10 2 11 V 13 12 r j Martin 3500 Cisley Stable 2J30 12519 THE FIXER wb6117 2 10 8 83 5 2* E Zulker 3500 L J Mantel 8 70 121022 JOCK SCOTT w 6 116 11 1 2* 2h 21 31 E Cotero 3500 D G Neuman 48 50 09780 BELFASTER wb 7 119 4 6 3* 42 3 4 D Gorman 3500 R Trainello Jr 310 12411 SWEET VRMOUTH w8 116 6 7 72 62 7 5r M N Gonz 3500 Mrs E W King 18.10 11474 BRIAR SWEET wb4 109 9 4 52 71 6 6 F A Smith 350C E Bradley 10.80 11081 TERRY S. w 6 116 12 3 4 3 41 72 R L Stevnt 3500 Coles Mill Acres 22.60 12000 BOLD HUNTER w 4 114 1 9 6 5 83 and* S Boulmetis 3500 Mrs A B Eklof 7.10 131781 NEW CUT wb4112 7 8 102 91 9 9 H Grants 3500 Carolyn K Stable 12.90 01752* SPORT OF KINGS w 4 109 5 5 9 102 102 10"* J CuffariS 3500 Mrs W Selmi 25.40 12713 FLOWER PICTUREwb 4 112 3 11 115 115 114 114 W M Cook t 3500 Cudone and Finnerty 13.40 118262 WISH TONIGHT wb4114 8 12 12 12 12 12 H Keene 3500 Wind N Leaves Farm 28 10 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :22S- «. 1:12. Track fast. - Official Program Numbers - Mutuels Paid—, r— Odds to , LA in • 10- IRON HEEL 7.20 6.00 4.20 260 2.00 1.10 Mutuel rncesi 2-the fixer soo sso 300 1.90 l 11-JOCK SCOTT 13.80 5.90 Winner— Br. h, by Natchez— By Air, by Blenheim II.. trained bv S. Jacobs; bred by Bieber-Jacobs Stables. IN GATE— 3:02. OFF AT 3:02 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. IRON HEEL quickly established a clear lead and easily increased his advantage at the end. THE FIXER found ample rccm between horses rallying through the stretch and finished willingly. JOCK SCOTT tired in the final furlong. BELFASTER failed to break with the leaders and lacked a response when roused on the turn. SWEET VERMOUTH was forced to race wide. TERRY S. lost ground on the outside. BOLD HUNTER bore out badly. FLOWER PICTURE was attempting a move when blocked at the far turn. Scratched— 124924 What Sir. 109; 13081 Wrights Flight, 117; 12925 Eljaka. 119; 122442 Our President, 114. Overweight— The Fixer, 1 pound. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 36.00— Double Pool, 63,234. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS. Pollys Jet, May 18. 1 S55-- 58 — 2 — 1 1 9 Purse 000. 2 year olds. fi fi fi Maidens. Special weights. Weight, 118 lbs. 11 J O U O Net value to winner ,400; second, 50; third, 75: fourth. 75. May 6-57 — G.S Mutuel Pool, 78.566. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt ,V ?a Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to AMBITWIXT w118 7 6 4 33 1h ih s Boulmetis Bohemia Stable 2.00 EMERALD PRINCE w 113 2 12 2 2 23 2* J Polion5 Mrs T J Barry 12.20 11820 KING VENTURE w 118 3 7 8U 52 53 3"k D Gorman L Edwards 1300 131802 BEAU PRIAM w 118 10 2 3* 4 4* 4 D D Bit ell J A Swiatek 4.10 120714 LADY GLADE wb115 6 1 1 1i 3 52 R LeBlanc Mrs N J Moran 58.40 08313« BLUE EYES GEM w 118 4 3 5h 6 62 6 R J Martin Sahara Ranch 20.90 11281 GRAND SUSPENSE w 118 12 8 10" ]Q 82 7 H B Wilson 0 G Ranch 17.20 11472 ADMIRAL KEN w 113 9 10 112 113 9 8 H Grants D 0 Evans 14.00 11341 HYPERNIC wb118 8 9 9 9102 9 J DelVchk F A Sherman 45 50 07821 UNCLE JACK w118 11 11 12 12 11 10h W M Cook J E McAuliffe 68.20 11341 DAUBLEN wb118 5 5 7 71 7" 115 w Blum East Acres 2.90 09257 PICK TIME w 118 1 4 6 8 12 12 M N Gonz M R Schneider 68 50 Time, :23, :47, 1:00%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers w r— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , kA ■ n . e 7-AMBITWIXT 6.00 5.20 4 40 2.00 1.60 120 MutUel PriCeS? 2-EMERALD PRINCE 12W 900 5.40 350 i 3-KING VENTURE 7.20 * 2 60 Winner— Br. c, by Ambiorix— Course North, by Case Ace, trained by J. M. Lee, bred by Claiborne Farm. IN GATE— 3:33. OFF AT 3:33 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good for all but EMERALD PRINCE. Won driving; second and third the same. AMBITWIXT willingly joined the leaders from the outside on the turn, bore in slightly on EMERALD PRINCE through the last stages and gained the decision. EMERALD PRINCE hesitated at the break, rushed into contention saving ground and loomed boldly for the drive but was forced in by the winner and could not get up. KING VENTURE lacked early speed, saved ground to reach contention en the turn and hung. BEAU PRIAM could not keep up with the leaders racing on the outside. LADY GLADE made a quick move to the front entering the stretch and suddenly weakened. DAUBLEN was shuffled back on the turn. Scratched— 12609 Hush Man, 118; 112811 Stay Smoothie. 115; Bombay Babe, 115; 125182 Dorislee, 115. FOURTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. I Appeal, May 21, 1955— 1:084s— 4— 112. Purse ,500. Q fi Q 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 13 1"i J O U s allowed 3 lbs.; two races since March 23, 6 lbs.; one race since April 27, 8 lbs. Claim-May 6-57 — G.S ing price, ,000. Net value to winner .100; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool. 79.937. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt U 12 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 096583 LORD RULER wb 109 4 4 41 3 1 1J E MonacliS 5000 Cisley Stable 14.70 11343 FOXING w 114 9 7 82 6 51 2i S Boulmetis 5000 Sahara Ranch 4 70 - 132984 CAREFUL MAID w 109 11 11 115 91 62 3 H Grant 5000 C Burton 630 11174 BORJE wb114 2 2 2* 22 31 4 H B Wilson 5000 Canuli and Moore 870 12608 RE JOLI w 119 1 5 5 4 4n 5h H Keene 5000 W H Bishop Stable Inc 7 70 12494 KENSINGTON wb114 7 1" 12 14 22 6 W Blum 5000 Puckety Farm 410 127161 JOE NIGHT w 114 6 9 7 7 7h 7h G Hettinger 5000 Mrs G R Watkins 27.70 11978 LADY GO RT w 106 3 8 9" 115 8U 8 L LefebvreS 5000 T Cooney 10.80 11690 IMGAININ wb 109 10 6 62 8 9 91 R LeBlanc 5000 L J Mantel 4390 12608 HELLGATE wb114 5 3 3h 5i102 101 K Stuart 5000 North Downs Farm Sta" 27.10 12245 BOY 0 BOY w114 8 10 10 102 11« 117 w M Cook 5000 Midge Stable 4.90 03022 UNABLE wb 114 12 12 12 12 12 12 F A Smith 5000 Mar An Farm 5360 Time, :22%, :45%, 1:12%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ,— Mutuels Paid—. , Odds to 1 B • i 4-LORD RULER 31.40 13.20 8.20 14.70 560 3.10 Ml utuel Prices! «-"«w« ?» «■» *» mi i 11-CAREFUL MAID 5.20 m Conf/ffued ow foge Twenty Stvt* GARDEN STATE PARK 1 Continued from Page Twelve "* Winner— Ch. c, by Lord Putnam— She She, by Flares, trained by S. Jacobs, bred by J. Bruin. IN GATE-4:02. OFF AT 4:02 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. p Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. LORD RULER rapidly wore down the leaders on the — final turn, veered in after taking command from KENSINGTON, was quickly straightened and lasted to hold 2 FOXING clear. The latter raced wide improving position on the turn and finished fast in the middle of the-track. C CAREFUL MAID dropped back at the start, raced on the outside throughout and finished fast. BORJE was a -, keen factor into the last furlong. and tired. RE JOLI lacked a rally. KENSINGTON easily showed his speed q into the stretch and suddenly faltered. BOY 0 BOY showed nothing. Scratched— 121542 Sweet Stroller, 114; 03890 Lateish. 114. 5 Overweight— Lady Gort, 2 pounds. *■ FIFTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. I Appeal, May 21, 1955— 1:084s— 4— 112. Purse ,000. £ It q 1 f 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of pr J O I U ,950 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since April 20, 5 lbs.; since March 4, 7 lbs.; since Janu- *£ May 6-57— G.S a.y 16, 9 lbs. . S Net value to winner ,400; second, 50; third. 75; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool. 88,209. * Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 14 !a Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to * 02943 HELLO JUNEDEAR w 110 4 3 1 23 1 12 s Boulmetis Raritan Stable 5.10 1 07232 SIMON KENTON w 113 8 2 3h 1 23 2"k 0 Scurlock Calumet Farm 1 2.10 * 106434 STOUT FELLOW w 113 1 4 65 43 3 3 M N Gonz Mrs E E Bankhead 27.00 " 11888 WORLD OVER wb117 7 7 5h 63 54 4 R J Martin W M Wickham 3.40 v 10222 AUTUMN SPARKLEwb112 6 6 4 3h 32 5« W Blum Darby Dan Farm 2.40 12075 WITH FLASH w 108 3 5 2 52 6 6 W M Cook J A Kelly 15.70 - 05120 PRINCE EUSTIS w 113 5 1 72 71 7 71 H Keene W H Hogeland 4800 c MOSSCENT w 108 2 8 8888J PolionS Green Dunes Farm 23.10 "» Time, :224 ;. :46y5- 1:1245. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . n . t 4-HELLO JUNEDEAR 1220 5.00 400 5.10 1.50 1.00 Ml utuel .rrices? 8-simon kenton 3.80 3.20 90 60 I 1-STOUT FELLOW 7.00 2.50 Winner— B. f, by Stymie— Unquote, by Insco, trained by H. Wells; bred by Bieber-Jacobs Stables. IN GATE-4:32. OFF AT 4:33 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. HELLO JUNEDEAR was steadied when headed by SIMON KENTON, saved ground and regained command when urged in the stretch run. SIMON KENTON began well and reached the front on the final turn, then was not good enough in the final drive. STOUT FELLOW saved ground and closed strongly rfear the end. WORLD OVER made up distance through the stretch. AUTUMN SPARKLE lacked speed from the gate and could not reach serious contention. MOSSCENT raced greenly. Overweight— Hello Junedear, 2 pounds. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Friendly Frank, Oct. 3, 1950—1:42-4—109. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds q 1 l ar|d upward. Allowances. Non-winners of a race other than optional, starter or claim-S 1 5 O I I mg in 1957. Weight, 122 lbs. Non winners of ,500 in 1956 allowed 3 lbs.; three races May 6-57 — G.S since October 8. 6 lbs.; two races since November 6, 8 lbs.: ,000 in 1956 or one race since November 6, 10 lbs.; one race since October 8, 12 lbs. optional, starter and claiming races not considered. Net value to winner .125; second, ,000; third, 25; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool. 95.897. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St a Vj. 3,4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 12930 COUNTERMAND wb4110 4 6 5h 6 4 1 13 G Hettinger Brandywine Stable 4 80 12930 MOMUS w4 122 3 2 1h 4h 3h 2h 2h K Stuart North Downs Farm Stable 6.70 12929 IMAGEM wb5 112 2 3 43 2* 2* 44 ;2 R J Martin Brookfield Farm • 2 30 122494 LEAD SCOUT wb4 114 1 1 3h 1h 1h 3h 45 W Blum Dorchester Farm Stable 2.10 11408 SOL-HI w4 110 5 4 2i 5 6 5 52 S Boulmetis W G Helis Jr 9.00 94789 OUR DANCE wb5 114 6 5 6 3h 5 6 6 D Gorman Cedar Farm £40-Time. :24i/s. :47%- 1:«fc, 138. 1:44%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers r- Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to n • 4-COUNTERMAND 11.60 5.40 3 60 4 80 170 80 Ml utuel Prices? 3-momus 720 440 2.60 120 l 2-IMAGEM 3.60 .80 Winner— B. c, by Greek Song— Everget, by Snark, trained by V. W Raines, bred by Renappi Corporation. IN GATE— 5:02. OFF AT 5:02 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. COUNTERMAND was taken under strong restraint to keep from running up with the tightly bunched field down the backstretch, circled the group on the stretch turn and willingly drew away. MOMUS was third from the rail and under intermittent pressure vying for the lead and held on well. IMAGEM was second from the inside and being strongly restrained from taking command until the final turn, then brushed with LEAD SCOUT through the upper stretch and hung. LEAD SCOUT was lightly steadied while saving ground next to the rail, bore out a trifle and brushed with IMAGEM when urged, and weakened. SOL-HI and OUR DANCE raced outside the grouped field losing ground, then tired. Overweight — Imagem, 2 pounds. . — 1 SEVENTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. I Appeal, May 21, 1955— 1:08" s— 4— 112. Lancaster O 1 O Purse. Purse 0,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Weight, 124 lbs. Non-winners- cf 1 J O I Z ,000 twice in 1957 allowed 3 lbs.: ,000 in 1956-57, 6 lbs.; ,900 in 1957 or three May 6-57 — G.S aces since January 16, 8 lbs.; ,000 in 1956 cr" three races other than maiden or claiming at any time, 10 lbs.; two races other than maiden or claiming, 12 lbs ; maidens, 15 lbs. optional and claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,000; second, .000; third. ,200; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool. 02.785. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 14 V2 StrTin Jockeys Owners Odds to 11565 LUCKY GEORGE wb 121 ~ 8 1 2 1 13 1 M N Gonz J and W Stable 3.70 130733 PRINCETON wb114 2 8 5 6 4 21* R J Martin Harford Stable 57G 132914 SUPPER MONEY wb116 7 3 4 3 2 3 S Boulmetis R T Curley 6 10 09664 PEARL PRINCE w 118 5 5 6 5 3 4"° R LeBlanc W G Helis Jr 7.7C 11824 WASSAIL wb111 1 4 3 4h 53 52 L Lefbevre5 J S Kelley ?.-3.60 116613 WE TRUST wb 107 4 7 8 75 62 62 J Cuffari? J S Kelley ?.-3.60 12797 KID JR. wb116 3 6 72 8 8 74 H Keene W H Bishop Stable Inc 21 7f 118243 JAUNTY JOHN wb 121 6 2 1 2 7 8 W Blum Puckety Farm 2 50 a-Coupled, Wassail and We Trust. Time. :22%. :4545, 1:11%, Track fast. Official Program Numbers r- Mutuels Paid— , Odds to . n . / 7-LUCKY GEORGE 9 40 5.40 3.80 3 70 170 90 Mutuel Prices? 2-princeton 740 520 270 iec I 6-SUPPER MONEY 4.40 1 2C Winner— B g, b Gallois— Rosepcmp, by Jamestown, trained by E. W. King, bred by E. W. King. IN GATE-5:32! OFF AT 5:32 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. LUCKY GEORGE began fastest, gave way to JAUNTY • JOHN on the turn but regained a commanding lead when that one faltered and maintained a clear lead while tiring. PRINCETON, snatched back at the break, was quickly sent after the leaders, had to be steadied between rivals entering the stretch and closed well at the end. SUPPER MONEY could not reach the pace under alert handling early and finished well on the outside. PEARL PRINCE made a mild bid outside horses entering the stretch and hung. WASSAIL tired. WE TRUST made a brief move on the stretch turn and alsVj tired. JAUNTY JOHN stopped after a half mile. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Friendly Frank, Oct. 3, 1950—1:42—4—109. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds Q 1 "3 ancl uPwarcl- Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 20 11 JO J allowed 3 lbs.; two races since March 4, 6 lbs.; one race -since April 20, 8 lbs. Claiming May 6-57 G.S price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,500. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 90,080. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* 1 ! 2 3,* Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 118863 GAY DICTATION wb4 106 2 8 41 3 2 2« Ih L LefebvreS 5000 Buck Em Stable 8.10 12931 TELEPOST wb5113 7 3 • 2« 2 Ih 11 2 R J Martin J500 D R Bowen 11 00 119153 POWDER CAP wb4 111 3 2 6* 4 4h 4 3h H Keene £c£ W H BisnoP Stable Inc 7 90 118252 KING RED wb 4 105 5 llll" 3 3 4"* R E Corle? SS s Kel tm -07483 DEEP RUN w 5 108 4 10 7 7 6 63 .51 H Gran I Cove,ltry Farm ,c « 1?4 ?r?SSASTER :21!!12 5 8i52 53 52 62D Gorman 5000 Mrs B Cohen E 20 S ZrAm„ , pt *b2 U! ? 2 1£ 91i 7h 71* 7"k W M Cook; 5000 Modan Stable t 20 Wand M°ABrLRErBU L I , I £ f! f 82 82 E Capes 4500 C Bills Jr 3.20 *"S,. * j 6 9 8 95 94 94 WBIum 5000 Harford Stable 6 30 21 3 I?B„U?AL ,. "*Vl I 4 11 11 11 103 103 M N Galez 4500 M R Schneider ♦« 11983 STOP THIEF wb4112 9 11 5 108 103 11 11 0 Scurlock 5000 Treplow Stable 25 90 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :24, :47*i, 1:12%, 1:40. 1:45. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ,_ Mutuels Paid— r- Odds to , M..t..*l P,;,aJ |-,Y DICTATION 18.20 1100 680 810 450 240 utuel Knees? 7-telepost n.20 600 460 200 i 3-POWDER CAP 540 170 Winner— B. f. by With Pleasure— Jean Jelly, by Jean Valjean, trained by R. Nixon; bred by 0 Fabbri " IN GATE-6:01. OFF AT 6:01 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. GAY DICTATION was steered to the outside racing to the leaders on the first turn, drifted out under punishment in the drive and was up in the final strides JEJr!P.?ST was. nustled t0 take tne lead ear|y and held on resolutely. POWDER CAP drifted out in the drive KING RED weakened under pressure. BROADCASTER was steered to the inside for the drive and could not find an opening. NOBLE BULLET could not keep up. MACBIG gave a dull effort Scratched— 126133 Val Ris, 112; 12414 Aegean Sea, 112. Overwegiht— Gay Dictation, 3 pounds; Powder Cap, 3; Deep Run, 1; Broadcaster 1 Macbig claimed by G. R. Watkins. trainer A. Morrison. Attendance, 18,730; Total Mutuel Pool, ,546,824.

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