On The Broadway Scene, Daily Racing Form, 1957-05-07


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M ON THE BROADWAY SCENE ByBurtBoyar NEW YORK, N. Y.. May 6.— OFF THE RECORD: Robert Montgomery will produce a movie ba-sed on Admiral "Bull" Hal- seys life. James Cag-ney will star. Plans for the film are marked "confidential" in the Navy Department.-, vault. . . . Jayne Mansfield will take a Mickey in late December when she becomes Mrs. Har-gitay. ... A Lexington Avenue hotel is just begging for the vice squad to drop in. . . . News stories on "Zieg- feld Follies" girl Micki Marios punch in the eye carried a lot of wrong info. First of all, she does not live on the East Side, but on the West Side and not in a womans hotel, butin a standard type inn. The Gor-ham. The "playboy" who clobbered her has j two children. For that reason — only his initials, R. G. And, not that she wants pub- ! licity on it or anything like that, but when ! reporters call her hotel they are given the hosptials phone number AND her extension. ... | SHOW FOLK: Richard Avedon took over Milton Groches position as Court Photographer to Marilyn Monroe. The j Irony: Mr. Avedon is married to the for- ! mer Mrs. Milton Greene. . . . The Hal ! Marches are trying to sell their Fifth Ave- une cooperative apartment. They had a I slight problem. Hal used to personally show buyers around. But now he disappears be- fore they arrive, because it would take ; him 20 minutes to .show the apartment and 1 two or three hours to get rid of them. . . . ! Remember Hal Tunis who got rich as a I WMGM disc jockey? His wife, Sylvia the rumor is he walked out on her , is support-! ing their two kids by snapping customers photos at the Copacabana. * * * TAXIGABBING: Daily Variety reports , that nitery owners around the country are _ singing the blues. Theyve named Sammy 1 Davis Jr. "Bankruptcy Insurance." Mean-i ing : when he comes in — so does the public. I . . . Freddy Martin will have a summer TV j show. . . . Jane Kean dyed her hair a few t shades darker for the "Pajama Game" role I at the City Center. . . . The Walter Wagers of the "Tonight" show dubbed her Lisa Wendy. . . . Washington will investigate the welfare funds of theatrical unions. . . . Liberace tells about the man who asked, "Why are you always smiling?" The answer was, "Because Im happy." The man sighed, "You wouldnt be so happy if you could hear what people are saying about you." AAA PARAGRAPHIC : It happened at a N. Y. hospital. He was rushed to the emergency operating room in. an ambulance . . . Surgery was performed immediately ... He was critical . . . Special drugs were brought in . . . Specialists and nurses fought for his life around the clock . . . His wife stopped at nothing . . . Ordered the best of everything, no matter how expensive . . . Finally he went off the critical list . . . After a few weeks he was discharged from the hospital ... As he paid his bill almost 0,000 he marvelled at the amount of drugs and nurses, etc, which he had needed. "What would have happened," he asked "if I hadnt had the money to pay for all this?" A doctor shrugged casually, "You would have died!" AAA CALLING ALL STARS: Reached Milton Berle at his hotel. He answered the phone, "Hello, Burt, whatre your plans? Oh — no — wait a minute — thats what YOURE supposed to ask ME!" I told him that I really wanted to speak to MRS. Berle. He sounded worried, "Whattya want to speak with her about?" I said that I wanted to write a column about her, describing some of the things she has to do as his wife. He turned to Ruth and said, "He wants to do a column on you — on what youve got to do as my wife." Mrs. Berle caught on quick. Her answer came, instantly, "Pack!" ... JOKE: In this day of the bopsters, jazz and "hip" talk, there lives a little king, far removed from it all. One day he was sitting in his throne room sobbing unhappily. "Everything is wrong. Everything is bad. Look at my castle. Its not even on a hill. And it doesnt even have water around it. Everybody elses castle has a moat except mine. My subjects dont love me. They dont care about me. Ohhh, I wish I had a moat that I could fish in" ... As the King sobbed bitterly his minister came in, heard it all and left to spread this word around the land. Within an hour the little Kings loyal subjects had gathered at the castle. "Oh, good King! Oh, mighty King! Do not cry. Your subjects love you. We dig you the moat."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957050701/drf1957050701_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1957050701_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800