Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Sportsmans Park, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-01

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2 1 SWEEPS GRADED HANDICAPS VLLLiSl Designations for apprentice allowances claimed left of horses, names are as follows: § three pounds; *flve pounds; tseven pounds; .Men pounds. s Sportsmans Park 2 1ST RACE-6 1-2 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,750. 2:00 P.M. v * 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,500 """ 9 ORNUM W Chambers 115 Has winning speed 2 1 - 1 SKY CAPERS No boy 115 Contender for all 5 2 6 BONAPARTE No boy 112 Best of the rest 6 1 i 10 REPOWDER No boy 112 Threat to top ones 8 1 - 14 KATHLEEN H. No boy 107 Sharp performer 8 1 : 11 VIMANA No boy 112 Racing well now 10 1 S 4 DOTTY REDBIRD No boy 115 Cuts in at times 12-1 — 5 ROYAL BETTY J. Rector 110 Good try expected 10 1 JJ 2 STAR BOOTS R. Arduini 112 Hardly the one 20 1 3*R0YAL DUDE J Dotson 107 Weight off may help 20 1 « 7 LOCAL CLOVER . K. Griffith 112 Improvement needed 20 1 £ 8*LEW MAY J. Hartman 107 Pass this one 20 1 O 12 BUSHERS DOVE K Griffith 115 May not get in 15 1 "- 13 BLACK OSCAR No boy 112 Seems up against it 20 1 .« 15 MORSE FLASH No boy 112 Florida form fine 10 1 16 CHALLATAW No boy 112 Early speed helps 12J £ -nND RACE-6 1-2 FURLONGS chute Pu7se~KJ50 1729 P.M. • ■■ 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,500. M 16 SPARKY SOLERO No boy 107 Gets the nod 2 1 - 5 DON MONO No boy 112 Knocking at the door 5 1 d. 1 IMPERIAL GUARD No boy 112 Good for share 4 1 4 LIKEWISE A Skoronski 115 Strong contender 4 1 O 13 DONT SPANK No boy 112 Tough one to cat;h 4 1 12 TOP GUY No boy 120 Speedy for this 5 1 7 MANUKAY R. L Barnett 112 May go winging 5-1 6 PHEBE GEE No boy 107 Good try expected 6-1 2 FANNYS ONE No boy 107 Last few not best 10 1 3 F1REY PETE No boy 112 Company bit rough 15-1 8 MJENOBUY R L Barnett 112 Hardly the one 15-1 9 WHATA RELIEF C.Stone 107 Must wake up first 15-1 10 RED GERANIUM No boy 107 Would be an upset 15-1 11 LAND-O-ZEVE No boy 107 Lets see if started " 15-1 14 SUZANNE GAINS No boy 107 Nothing to recommend 20-1 15 BAR CHIP No boy 112 Faint-hearted sort 20-1 RACE— 6 FURLONGS. Purse ,800 2:57 PM. 3RD 3-year-olds. Claiming. ,250-3.000. 8 MASTERS CHOICE No boy 111 Edge in tough race 3 1 12 LAUGHING LOON No boy 109 The runner-up 3 1 10 MR. FIDELITY J. Fieselman 114 Best of the rest 4 1 5 LIL MONKEY W Chambers 114 Strong finisher 5 1 4 MISS HIPS W.Collier 106 Weight off helps 6-1 16 ROSYS SISTER No boy 105 Trying hard in all 5 1 15 BUY ME NOW K.Griffith 111 Fast out of gate 6-1 9 MISS GRISSIM No boy 106 Contender with these 10-1 PP. Horse. ProL Jockey. Wt Comment. Prob.Odds. 6 ROBUSTS IMAGE J. Fieselman 114 Early foot at times 10 1 1 MISS MANDEVILLE R. L. Barnett 109 Outsider with these 15 1 2 SHAN GRAY J.Casey 114 Must wake up first 20 1 3 HERTHAS GIFT R. L. Baird 111 In and outer 10 1 7 INNISCARRA No boy 106 P.iss this one 20 1 11 FUTURE K. E Anyon 106 Some chance today 10 1 13 BREATHONETTE No boy 109 May not get in 15-1 14 LINDA RUTH No boy 109 Tab for later on 15 1 JTH RACE-4 FURLONGS. Purse ,500 3:24 P.M. ■ 2-year-olds. Claiming. 0,000 9,500. 10 SENORITAGAL W.Chambers 114 Has winning speed 8 5 2 FORT BULL J. Fieselman 114 The one to down 5 1 9 MISS TULSA H.Craig 111 May press top ones 5 1 11 HUMN DRUM No boy 114 Won last; danger 4 1 4 HAY HOOK No boy 111 Close all tries 6-1 3 HIDALGO CO No boy 111 Should do some running 6-1 1 VELVET PAGE R.Baldwin 111 May need a race 15-1 5 PRO LORE No boy 114 First starter 15-1 6 DECAPITATE J.Casey 111 Pass for later on 20 1 7 ANNARITA M Weissman 111 Seems up against tt 20 1 8 MABELLES LOVE N No boy 111 Improvement needed 15 1 12 SARA ANNE No boy 111 Raced evenly in last 12-1 13 EVERNE No boy 111 Not in here 15-1 14 JAUNTY LADY No boy 108 First starter 6 1 COUPLED: Hidalgo Co. and Jaunty Lady. RACE— 6 FURLONGS. Purse ,000 3:50 P.M. 5TH 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,000. 10 NORRSKEN R. L. Baird 120 Should never be headed 5-2 5 MURAIBEC J. Fieselman 110 The one to down 3-1 9 VAGABOND KING A. Skoronski 112 Best effort needed 6-1 11 MAN DAVE H.Craig 112 Dangerous foe 6 1 2 STAR APACHE E.Curry 110 Speedy foe 10-1 8 KINTLA No boy 107 Strong finisher 8-1 4 BIG COUPON No boy 107 Last try not best 10-1 1 TYPICAL C.Stone 112 In and-outer 15-1 3*KING HOPEFUL J. Dotson 107 Forget last; danger 15-1 6 MAD ROMAN No boy 112 Must be given chance 15-1 7 JACKIES KUDA C. Daigrepont 112 Not in this spot 20-1 12 MORE TROUBLE No boy 112 May not get in 15-1 6 1-2 FURLONGS chute. 4:18 P.M. 6TH~RACE— 3-year-olds. Optional claiming. ,500-55,000 5 MASTER PAT W.Chambers 115 In top form; choice 3-1 9 ROYAL GARLAND C.Stone 115 Out for main share 4-1 7 COLONEL PATCH J. Fieselman 115 Racing well now 6-1 10 ONE W. E. Anyon 115 Threat off best try 6-1 2 WHIZ LADY E.Curry 110 Has some chance 8-1 1PLINK PLUNK A. Skoronski 111 In winning form 8-1 PP Horse. Prob Jockey. Wt Comment. Prob Odds 3 IRISH MUD R Baldwin 115 Late speed helps 10-1 4 MR BELDINE No boy 116 Stepping up, fit 15-1 6 BLUE PLEDGE H. Craig 117 Not to be ignored 15-1 8 HUNTERS DREAM R. Arduini 113 Always trying hard 10-1 -fTH RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,500 4:45 P.M. 3- and 4 -year olds. Allowances. 8 RICKOVER W.Chambers 114 Has class to score 3 1 9 HI LIFT No boy 114 The runner up 6-1 5 DADDYS DOE K. Griffith 109 Fast out of gate 6-1 6 MANGAM H. Craig 114 Likes this oval 5-1 10 VALLEY VIEW No boy 117 May cut in today 5-1 7 REDBIRD WISH J Fieselman 112 Won last, clanger 8-1 4 BIG WINNER J Fieselman 114 Tough one to down 10-1 1 KLOMPEN A Skoronski 109 Improvement needed 15-1 2 BAY BOY No boy 114 Not to be ignored* 12-1 3 JESSIE AND COLE E. Curry 109 Dull right now 20-1 OTH RACE-1 MILE. Purse ,750. 5:12 P.M. * 4 years olds and upward. Claiming. ,500. 1 MARCHESE No boy 120 Fit and fast; choice 2-1 9 GOOD CLEAN FUN H.Craig 115 Out for main share 3-1 13 BROKEN WING No boy 115 Best of the others 5-1 15 MY RING A Skoronski 120 Out to repeat last win 4-1 7 SOME TROUBLE No boy 107 Can step along 5-1 8 CHALLAHYMA No boy 112 Racing well now 10-1 12 BALI H00 No boy 107 Threat if started 8-1 14 STEVES PAPA JOE W Chambers 112 Stout challenger 8-1 2 DEB CHASER J. Fieselman 112 Improvement needed 12-1 3 GALLA VIXEN R. L. Barnett 107 Hardly the one 15-1 4 PHILGLAN R. Winant 112 Far back in most 20-1 5 SHIFT ON J. Casey 110 Must wake up first 15-1 6 RED CHIP BOND J. DAugustino 115 Would be a surprise 12-1 10 BURNING NOTE A. Spadone 107 Company bit rough 15-1 11 ORVILLE J.Dickey 112 Some other day 20 1 16 ALLSPICE E. Anyon 112 Present form dull 20-1 QTh RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. Purse ,900. 5:40 P.M. * 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,250-3.000 5 BUDDY No boy 117 Last showed fitness 5-2 7 LEBANON LAD H. Craig 120 Threat for all 3-1 3 FLIGHT MASTER W.Chambers 115 Fast out of gate 4-1 4 IRISH DREAM J. D. Jessop 115 Best try needed 5-1 8 WAR DAN J. Fieselman 112 Troublesome foe 6-1 1 AIR ROMANCE No boy 112 Always a treat 10-1 2 BONNE ESP0IR No boy 107 Must do more running 15-1 6 WISH I MAY R. J. Bright 107 Slow sort 20-1 FOROTHER GRADED HANDICAP SEE PAGE 35.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050101/drf1959050101_14_1
Local Identifier: drf1959050101_14_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800