Connors Corner: Long Island Courses Differ From Others; Proper Plating of Charges Poses Problem; John Theall to Resume Training Chores, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-01


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■r ■ ■- yB Connors Corner By Chuck Connors Long Island Courses Differ From Others Proper Plating of Charges Poses Problem John Theall to Resume Training Chores JAMAICA. L. I., N. Y., April 30— Jamaica, unlike other tracks in the East, has a soil content that sheds water in a hurry and thus dries out rapidly, never leaving a coating of mud. The result is that the racing strip, following a shower, is described as fast, while in other areas, under the same condition, it would be considered muddy. On numerous occasions owners and trainers were befuddled by track conditions. What looks like mud is just a veneer and beneath is a hard pan footing that is just as fast if not, in some instances, faster than a dry strip. The plating of a horse for racing on Long Island tracks, due to soil composition, is much different than that which is in vogue at Monmouth. Laurel, Pimlico, or other tracks. As a matter of safety following a heavy rain, horses which race over any of the above mentioned tracks are equipped with caulks and these appendages insure a good firm grip in the going. Trainers racing on Long Island are in the majority against adding caulks for a sloppy looking surface. They reason that the slop is just feather thick and horses will not slip nor slide in the going. However, as one trainer pointed out sime time ago, he prefers to use caulks on the wet surface for the simple reason it is an added protection and insurance. Trainer Woody Stephens, recently discharged from the Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington, Ky., following a long siege of the virus, arrived yesterday. He immediately took over the training of the Cain Hoy Stable horses of Harry F. Guggenheim at Belmont Park. The horses that raced at Keeneland by Cain Hoy are all back at Belmont undergoing training moves for the opening of that session. . . . Louis Lazare, who campaigns a well-balanced menage under Eugene Jacobs, underwent surgery yesterday afternoon at the hospital at East 70th street and the East River. Lazare was involved in an auto accident Sunday evening and a preliminary diagnosis revealed a break in the femur bone up near the hip. . . . Trainer Max Hirsch reported the arrival of a pair of two-year-olds from King Ranch in Texas. The youngsters are, according to reports, well advanced in training. Seabo Departs for Lexington Trainer George Seabo planed out for Lexington, Ky., last night. He will join Mr. and Mrs. Vincent de Roulet, of Shelter Rock Stable, and inspect some horses in that area. Seabo is slated to fly back Friday and be on hand for training duties Saturday morning. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Theall arrived from their New Orleans, La., home. Theall, benefitted by the long rest following the close of the Fair Grounds meeting, will resume training the horses owned by Mrs. Joe E. Brown of that city. . . . James Cox Brady came out to lend encouragement to his two-year-old Brickwork. Alas and alack, Brickwork failed to deliver. . . . A. L. Ostriker yesterday remarked that he had received an invitation for a grand opening and accepted with reluctance. He was referring to the fact that he will enter the Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday for surgery but hopes to be up and around for some racing during the early stages of the Belmont Park meeting. Nat Coymen, one of the veterans of racing, is seriously ill at his Floral Park home, so it was reported here yesterday. . . . Trainer George Weckerle, assistant to Max Hirsch, left for Garden State Park with a draft of horses to campaign for the King Ranch. . . . Walter .E. Kelley arrived from Miami yesterday via Lexington, Ky. He reported that the broodmare Jet Set, owned by his wife, had foaled a good looking colt. He also stated that Elmendorf would be represented in the Bed o Roses on Saturday by Oil Rich and that I. Valenzuela had agreed to do the riding chorses. . . . Trainer James Fitzsimmons outlined a limited plan for the Garden State meeting. He will van stake and handicap candidates owned by the Wheatley Stable to that course the day previous to the running. Irish-Bred Almost Improving Max Gluck. former ambassador to Ceylon, accompanied by Robert Brickin. returned from Lexington, Ky.. where they inspected the horses at his Elmendorf Farm. He reported that the foals are a good looking lot. . . . Trainer Ray Woolfe arrived at Belmont Park with a draft of horses owned by Mrs. Marian du Pont Scott. . . . The Irish-bred Almost, which Leon "Jake" Siwrbul acquired in Ireland last fall, is rounding to form steadily. The invader is beginning to show improvement in his morning trials and so far has shown no pronounced dislike for the local footing. . . . Simon R. "Brother" Flaherty, who recently underwent surgery, hopes to be back at his post in the tote department opening day at Belmont Park.

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Local Identifier: drf1959050101_6_2
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