United Press International News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-01


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: 1 I [ , j I j I ! i I j i i i j j | ! I I j UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL— / NEWS I BRIEFS NATIONAL: Senate Committee Approves Medical Bill WASHINGTON, April 30.— The Ba Labor and Public Welfare Committee to* day approved a bill to set up a 50 million dollars a year program of international cooperation in medical research and training. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Lister Hill D-Ala. and 47 others, would establish in the public health service a national institute for such purposes. The institute would be empowered to "mobilize tht health sciences in the United States at a, force for peace, progress, and good will among the peoples of the world. Amvet Award to President Eisenhower WASHINGTON, April 30. — President Eisenhower expects to spend this week end at his farm in Gettysburg, Pa., the White House said today. The chief execuj-tive is scheduled to make a brief appear!-ance before an Amvets lunch tomorrow to receive its silver helmet award for exceptional contributions in the caue of world peace." Negroes Seek to Enter Virginia Schools ARLINGTON, Va., April 30— Twenty-seven negroes sought admission to white schools for the first time today in Fairfax and Arlington counties and the city of Alexandria, posing the possibility of the first court action toward integration in Fairfax. Twenty-two negro children asked for assignments to one high school and at least five elementary schools in Fa. county, a suburban area across the Pot; mac river in Washington, in pre-school conferences for next fall. House Approves Increase in Budget WASHINGTON, April 30— The House approved by voice vote today » ?1 R 235,600 increase in President Eisenht wer s bv There was little more than murmur oi protest from Republicans. T House approved and sent to the Senate a 0.9fW-084,181 money bill to finance the department of health education and welfare, the labor department, and related agencies for the year starting July 1. FOREIGN: Western Allie Need Permission-Ulbricht BERLIN, April 30. — Communist leader Walter Ulbricht in a speech released roday said the Western allies wil need Ea t German permission to supply their West Berlin garrisons. He said the Western allies have no more right to travel to Berlin without East German permission than East Germans have to travel to Western capitals. • West Agrees on West Berlin Strategy PARIS, April 30.— The four Western foreign ministers wound up their Paris,-conference today and announced conf plete agreement" on Western strategy »• meet the Soviet Union. In an official communique issued at the end of a day and a half of talks. The ministe nounced they had reaffirmed their mination to ensure the freedom of Wes* Berlin. t Montgomery, Khrushchev Meet- Again MOSCOW, April 30.— Field Marshal Lord* Montgomery met in a second personal "summit conference" with Sovkt Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev today but jovially refused to reveal what they discu sed. After ! a one - hour closed - door meeting with Khrushchev the gray-haired field marshal said he had "a better idea of the Soviu. point of view now." I j Discuss Canadas Defense Plans OTTAWA, April 30.— Defense . George Pearkes today reviewed Canada* plans to defend itself in any future warl He said guided missiles would pose thy greatest threat to this country.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050101/drf1959050101_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1959050101_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800