Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-01

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A Aesthetic— 7th CD After Seven — 1st Lrl Agamemnon— 9th Jam Aglow — 6th Lrl Alaskan Night— 3d Jam Air Buddy— 5th Suf Air Chief— 7th Lrl Air Delight— 8th Jam Air Romance— 9th Spt Allie B.-9th Suf Allspice— 8th Spt Alpha— 2d Suf Alter Ego— 1st Lrl Ann Rutledge— 4th CD Annarita — 4th Spt Anns Love— 9th Lrl Anitas Folly— 2d Lrl Apache Brave— 9th Lrl Apasay— 2d Suf Appease Not— 9th CD Apple Dumpling — 5th Lrl Arcularius— 1st Lrl Ardglass — 8th Jam Armevor— 4th Lrl Autumn Haze — 5th Jam B Babe Page— 2d Lrl Bachelor Club— 8th Suf Bali Hoo— 8th Spt Bar Chip— 2d Spt Battle Heart— 5th CD Battle Mount— 8th Suf Battling Hannah— 1st Jam Bauxita— 4th CD Bay Boy— 7th Spt Bay St. Louis— 3d Suf Bay Wheel— 4th Lrl Beach Beau— 8th Suf Beau Fils— 9th CD Bella Maria— 7th CD Betsy Star— 2d Jam Better Believeit— 1st CD Betty C— 9th Lrl Big Blade— 6th Lrl Big Coupon— 5th Spt Big Winner— 7th Spt Big Woods— 8th Suf Birdcage Walk— 3d Jam Black Heart— 3d Lrl Black Oscar— 1st Spt Bless My Heart— 2d CD Blue Jim— 6th Suf Blue Pledge— 6th Spt Bobbydell— 4th Suf Boblin— 1st CD Bokaris— 7th Lrl Bonaparte — 1st Spt Bonne Espoir— 9th Spt Borgia Bull— 5th CD Boss Craig— 1st Lrl Bound Baby— 3d Suf Breathonette— 3d Spt Breezy Night— 8th Lrl Brief Encounter— 3d Jam Broken Wing— 8th Spt Bubbles Pick— 7th Lrl Buddy— 9th Spt Bullmerized— 6th Suf Bunucha— 6th Suf Burning Note— 8th Spt Bushers Dove — 1st Spt Buster Style— 2d Lrl Buy Me Now— 3d Spt c Cadwood— 1st CD Calypso Joe— 3d Suf Candys Dandy— 2d Lrl Capitol Hill— 6th Lrl Captain Sam— 9th Suf Cartwheels— 2d Jam Catherine 1 1. —6th CD Challahyma— 8th Spt Challataw— 1st Spt Charmador— 9th Jam Chanate— 9th Suf Change Gauge— 4th CD Cherokee Chief— 9th Jam Chicago Wind— 6th Jam Chilly Pende— 8th Lrl Clara-Dawn— 2d Lrl Colonel Chill— 6th CD Colony Menu — 6th Lrl Colonel Tatch— 6th Spt Colonels Joy— 4th Lrl Come-On-Barry— 1st Lrl Costume— 5th CD Countess Ann — 3d CD Countess Oil— 3d CD Cue Passe— 1st Lrl Cyrob— 6th CD D Daddys Doe— 7th Spt Dagworthy— 5th Lrl Dan Mono— 2d Spt Dark Buster— 6th Lrl Dawn of Chi— 2d CD Deb Chaser— 8th Spt Decapitate— 4th Spt Des Plaines— 6th Suf Dix— 9th Lrl Dixie Miss— 5th CD Djmila— 2d CD Dont Spank— 2d Spt Dotty Redbird— 1st Spt Double Bill— 2d Suf Dr. Lamar— 8th Jam Dry Vermouth— 1st Suf E Eagle Gem— 7th Suf Easy Token— 3d Lrl Electrum— 1st CD Elizabeth H. -6th CD Elliotts Honey— 2d Jam Emboss— 4th Suf Erma-Ter-Ree— 6th CD Etoile du Nord— 5th Suf Everne— 4th Spt Exception— 7th Lrl Exchange Student— 5th Jam n Exton— 9th Lrl F Fair Conduct— 6th Suf Fairway Queen — 3d CD Fanny One— 2d Spt Fauchelevent— 2d Lrl Fenmar— 1st Lrl , Field Trip-3d Lrl Finn McCool— 7th Lrl Fire Moon— 6th Lrl Firey Pete— 2d Spt First Balcony— 3d Jam Fleet Bull- 6th Suf Fleeting Day— 4th Lrl Flight Master— 9th Spt Flower Garden— 4th Jam Flower Picture— 4th Suf Flying Flynn— 6th Lrl Folks— 2d Suf Forays Boy— 2d Lrl Fort Bull— 4th Spt Frank Again — 8th Lrl Freedom Parley— 8th Lrl Friendly Ellen— 2d Lrl Friendly Witch — 4th Jam Frosty Bomb— 1st CD Full Flight— 4th CD Fundamental— 3d Jam Future K— 3d Spt G Galla Vixen— 8th Spt Game Heart— 4th Suf Gerts Image— 5th CD Gingham Pal— 3d Suf Glooming — 3d Jam Go Away— 2d Lrl Golden Soldier— 1st Suf Good Clean Fun— 8th Spt Good Reception— 5th Lrl Graces Luck— 9th Jam Gray Ace— 9th CD Great Crossing— 6th Jam Greek Discovery— 8th Jam H Happy Morning— 5th Jam Happy Water— 3d Lrl Hartigan— 4th Lrl Hautbois— 3d Lrl Hay Hook— 4th Spt Healthy— 7th Lrl Hello Ace— 7th Suf Herald Wind— 8th Lrl Heros Reward— 2d Suf Herthas Gift— 3d Spt Hey Pasquale— 7th Suf Hidalgo Co.— 4th Spt Hidden Talent— 8th CD Hi-Lift— 7th Spt Homeplace— 9th CD Hot-Cha— 1st Suf Humn Drum— 4th Spt Hunters Bay— 5th Lrl Hunters Dream— 6th Spt I I Hope— 2d Suf Icee Ken— 6th CD Imagem— 8th Lrl Imon— 6th Jam Imperial Guard— 2d Spt Ina Battle— 1st Jam Indian Maid— 8th CD Inniscarra— 3d Spt Instrumental— 6th CD Iranian— 4th CD Irish Dream — 9th Spt Irish Mud— 6th Spt Irrisor— 4th Suf Italian Spy— 3d CD J Jackies Kuda— 5th Spt Jambollero— 5th Jam Jaunty Lady — 4th Spt Jealous— 4th Lrl Jeanelou— 3d CD Jesper— 9th Jam Jessie and Cole— 7th Spt Jessie Gray— 9th Suf Joanie Gal— 5th CD Jubilee Day— 9th Lrl Juliets Song— 6th CD K Karamu— 8th Suf Kathleen H.— 1st Spt Kathy H.-8th CD Kays Choice— 9th CD King Hopeful— 5th Spt King Jacob— 3d Lrl King Me-7th Lrl Kings Chapel— 8th Lrl Kintla— 5th Spt Kleinie— 3d Lrl Klompen— 7th Spt Knight-King— 3d Lrl L Lace— 1st CD Lady Elliott — 4th CD Lady Rippey — 5th Lrl Landman— 7th Jam Land-o-Zeve— 2d Spt Last Slam— 8th Lrl Lateish— 9th Lrl Laughing Loon— 3d Spt Lebanon Lad— 9th Spt Lew May— 1st Spt n Likewise— 2d Spt Lit Monkey— 3d Spt Lil Susie— 7th Suf Limoges— 8th Lrl Linda Ruth— 3d Spt Little Buckle— 5th Lrl Little Chatter— 1st Suf Little Skip— 4th CD Little Vixen— 3d CD Local Clover— 1st Spt Long Sword— 7th Lrl Lorraine E.— 4th Jam Lucky Ballot— 5th Suf M Mabelles Love — 4th Spt Mad Roman— 5th Spt Maid OSteel— 7th CD Man Dave — 5th Spt Mangam — 7th Spt Mans Reward— 7th Lrl Many Chances — 1st Lrl MardeK.-lstCD Maragato— 9th Lrl Marchese— 8th Spt Marcy Belle— 5th CD Marless— 6th CD Mason Road— 4th Lrl Master Chris— 6th CD Master Pat— 6th Spt Masters Choice— 3d Spt Mathematics— 9th Lrl Manukay— 2d Spt Menobuy— 2d Spt Merry 01 Bill— 9th Suf Middle Brother— 6th Jam Miljay — 4th Jam Miss Cullen— 3d CD Miss Dalhart— 3d Suf Miss Dogette— 3d CD Miss Grissim — 3d Spt Miss Hips— 3d Spt Miss Mandeville— 3d Spt Miss Pavot— 6th Suf Miss Temper— 2d CD Miss Tubby B.— 5th Suf Miss Tulsa— 4th Spt Mister Tac— 5th Suf Mohegan— 5th Jam Moon Age— 7th Jam More Trouble— 5th Spt Morse Flash — 1st Spt Mr. Beldine— 6th Spt Mr. Fidelity— 3d Spt Mr. Hawley— 6th Suf Mr. Howard— 3d Lrl Muraibec— 5th Spt My Janice— 1st Jam . My Ring— 8th Spt My Spike— 4th CD Mythical Land— 4th Suf N Nances Rule— 7th Jam Nap Time— 7th Suf Narrissa— 8th CD New Star— 7th CD New Talent— 5th CD No Joy— 1st CD Nodab— 6th CD Normas Baby— 1st Suf Norrsken — 5th Spt Northern Code— 1st Lrl Nothing Ventured— 5th Lrl o One W.— 6th Spt Ornum — 1st Spt Orville— 8th Spt Our President— 6th Suf Over Bout— 3d Lrl P Paradise Peak— 7th Lrl Parsons Cupboard— 5th Lrl Parti Quiz— 9th Lrl Pellita— 2d Jam Pensive Gigi— 1st Jam Perch— 8th Suf Personal Regards— 1st Suf Petes Brain— 3d Suf Phebe Gee— 2d Spt Philglan— 8th Spt Picmar— 9th CD Pine Echo— 6th Suf Pistolero II. — 6th Lrl Playful Nurse— 5th Lrl Plink Plunk— 6th Spt Polkachita— 9th CD Postin— 4th CD Praise Bee— 3d 9ftf Prince Killer— 8th Lrl Prince Rascal — 6th Jam Prince Willy— 7th Jam Pro-Lore— 4th Spt Prospectus II.— 1st Suf Proud Stepper— 7th Suf Puffy— 2d Jam Puncheon — 6th Lrl Q Quarterstaff— 3d Lrl Queens Flight— 6th Lrl Questron— 1st Lrl R Rabbit— 6th Lrl Ranastream— 1 st CD Rare Bird— 1st Suf Rare L »gend— 2d Suf Ray Beaudet— 5th Jam Rays Fairy Gold— 7th CD Re Re Po— 9th CD Red Baby— 5th CD Red Chip Bond— 8th Spt Red Geranium— 2d Spt Redbird Wish-7th Spt Repowder— 1st Spt Repress— 4th CD Rich Tradition— 8th CD Rickover— 7th Spt Ricoroma— 2d CD Ridgie Boy— 2d CD Risk Again— 1st Lrl Robust s Image— 3d Spt Rockbully— 1st Lrl Rogation— 2d Lrl Roman League — 9th Jam Rosys Sister— 3d Spt Royal Betty— 1st Spt Royal Dude— 1st Spt Royal Eighteen— 5th Jam Royal Garland— 6th Spt Royal Mustang Jr.— 5th Jam Royal Treat — 4th Jam Royal Voyage— 3d Lrl Ruwenzori— 7th CD s Sandlotter— 5th Jam Sandusky— 6th Suf Sara Anne— 4th Spt Sary-2d Suf Satans Sister— 1st Lrl Schoolmaster— 2d CD See L See— 7th Lrl Seebo— 1st Lrl Senior Year— 9th Suf Senorita Gal — 4th Spt Sercial— 9th Jam Set Pattern— 2d Jam Shadows Pride— 9th Suf Shan Gray— 3d Spt Shift On— 8th Spt Sir Audley — 8th Jam Skittles— 5th CD Sky Capers— 1st Spt Snowberry— 9th Suf . Solicit— 4th Suf Solid Gold— 1st Jam Some Steed — 5th Suf Some Trouble — 8th Spt Son of Erin — 1st Lrl Sparky Solero — 2d Spt Spicey Story— 9th CD Sporty Gene— 6th CD Spring Branch — 9th Suf Star Apache — 5th Spt Star Boots— 1st Spt Star Dog— 7th Suf Stradone — 3d Lrl Start Counting — 7th Jam Steves Papa Joe— 8th Spt Stola Rose— 1st Suf Suave— 2d Lrl Submersion— 3d CD Sudden Fame — 3d Lrl Summer Shah — 3d Lrl Sun Gem — 3d CD Sunny View Chief— 6th CD Sunset Baby — 6thJam Superior Miss— 2d CD Suzanne Gains — 2d Spt Sweet Delight — 4th Jam Sweet n Tangy — 1st CD* Sweet Stroller— 7th Lrl Switcherette — 1st Suf T Tadoussac— 8th Jam Tacaro Lady— 2d Lrl Tacking— 8th CD Tackme — 6t+i Suf Taras Ring— 7th Jam Teamsters Choice— 3d Lrl Tecumseh — 2d Suf Tempestuous— 3d Jam Tender Morsel — 8th Lrl The Third Dream— 9th Lrl Thoughtful— 6th Lrl Tintern— 2d Lrl Tomate— 1st CD Tongking — 8th Suf Top Guy— 2d Spt Top Rating— 6th Suf Treasure Hunt — 7th Jam Tunefully— 1st CD Turkish Gold— 9th Lrl Tutors Heart— 5th CD Typical— 5th Spt u Umdooyed— 7th Suf Uncle Pete-4th Suf Uptown Girl— 3d CD V Vagabond King— 5th Spt Valley View— 7th Spt Velvet Page— 4th Spt Virr.ana— 1st Spt Vixens Joy— 2d Jam Vodelia— 3d Suf w Wanted— 5th Suf War Dan— 9th Spt Way Lowe— 2d Lrl Wayward Miss— 7th CD We Trust— 2d Lrl Wedlock— 7th CD Whata Relief— 2d Spt Whirling Dervish— 5th Jam Whisk Tru— 6th Lrl White Gloves— 4th Jam Whiz Lady— 6th Spt Whose Babu — 3d Jam Wild Music— 5th CD Wind Rose— 8th CD Winsome Ways — 1st Jam Wires End— 1st Jam Wish I May— 9th Spt Y Yarrow Brae — 9th Lrl Young Combat — 5th Lrl

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Local Identifier: drf1959050101_47_1
Library of Congress Record: