Official Racing Charts: Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-01

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— — — — — Official Racing Charts Jamaica CoDvright. 1959. bv Trianele Publications. Inc. — — — JAMAICA. L. L, N. Y., THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1959— JAMAICA RACE COURSE 1 MILE. Thirty-second day of forty-day meeting March 25 to May 9. New York Racing Association Inc. American Totalisator. United Starting Gate. Film Patrol. Trackman. Don Fair. Weather cloudy. Steward representing New York State Racing Commission. F. P. Dunne; The Jockey Club. Calvin S. Ramey; New York Racing Association Inc., M. D. Davis. Placing Judges, Howard Storms, William Murphy and L. Dupps. Patrol Judges. Warren Mehrtens. Walter Mara. Austin Mclaughlin and W. T. OConner. Paddock Judge, Walter Mara. Assistant Paddock Juage. Austin McLaughlin. Clark of Scales. J. E. Kyle. Assistant Clerk of Scales. F. W. Meinz. Starter G. B. Cassioy. Timer John OHara Racing Secretary and Handicapper. F. E. Kitroe. Assistant Racing Secretary. J G. Reeder Assistant Handicapper. F. H. Parks. Racing starts at 1:15 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1958. .36; current meeting, .38. Percentage of favorites in the money, .76. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one in Daily Double races. Mutuel take. 15 per cent State 10. Association 5. Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. ___ Complete finish of each race confirmed by Jones Precision Photo Finish, Inc. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 938 feet. FIRST RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sheilas Reward, July 5. 1950, 1:09%. 3, 116. J--,. 9 19 A Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight. 124 lbs. Non-winners of two Urn - Z. I Za races Sjnce March 24 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. races when entered to be claimed April 30, 1959 for ,500 or less not considered. Claiming price. ,000; if for less. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Net value to winner .275; second. 00: third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 13,766. Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Va Vi Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 2055Jam2— Yokichi Mitt 7 2 2J 1J 1J 1* E Nelsen 5000 Mrs C MacLeod 6.65 2036Jam2— Biger "n Better b 4 121 5 4 P 3 2 24 R Ussery 5000 A Handmacher 1.30 2057Jam— Samoan b 5 121 6 1 1J 2 3 3i E Guerin 5000 B B Davis Jr 7.00 2L9GJami— Dead Indian 4117 1 6 63 51 4i 4?J M Sorrtino 4200 Mrs J Miron 3.00 16C9Jam — Noorsaga b 6 118 2 5 5J 6? 63 5J W Boland 5000 W C Partee a-3.60 2090Jam -Janizary 9118 4 3 4J 4h 5 63 W A Peake 5000 Ruth K Pierce 41.30 74626 -Kentucky Sun II. 4 118 37 7777R Broussrd 5000 W C Partee a-3.60 a-Coupled, Noorsaga and Kentuckv Sun II. Time, :23%. :462. 1:11%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ,— Mutuels Paid — , r- Odds to — - kA i n • I 7-YOKICHI 15.30 4.80 3.40 6.65 1.40 .70 Mutuel Prices? 5-bigger n better 3.20 2.50 eo .25 i 6-SAMOAN 3.40 .70 Winner— B. c. by Revoked— Isochino. by Isolater, trained by C. MacLeod, Jr.; bred by N. W. Brent. IN GATE— 1:15. OFF AT 1:15 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. YOKICHI raced SAMOAN into defeat and settled into the stretch with a short lead, then responded to brisk urging and held BIGGER N BETTER safe. The latter responded willingly when hard ridden during the drive, but could not overtake the winner. SAMOAN, away fast, raced with YOKICHI until inside the stretch and then weakened. DEAD INDIAN lacked early foot. NOORSAGA had no mishap. JANIZARY drifted out the entire trip. KENTUCKY SUN II. showed nothing. Scratched— 2008Jam2 Jesper. SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sheilas Reward, July 5, 1950. l:09fs. 3. 116. Is*m 9197 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Fillies and mares. Special weights. Jam - £.t.l 3-year-olds. 113 lbs; older, 122 lbs. April 30. 1959 Net value to winner ,600: second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 65.871. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 73306 —Tender Care 3115 4 1 11 12 12 i E Guerin King Ranch 5.55 2021 Jam — Khalette 3113 5 4 3 33 2 2 C Burr N I Asiel 17.10 2077Jam2— Bounce-A-Bit 3113 1 2 4* 41 3 33 H Woodhse Short Brook Farm 2.15 19C4Jam -Game Called b 3 113 2 7 7J 5J 5 41 W Boland Jan Burke 4.35 2045GP —Picnic Ground 3113 3 6 8 73 4 5* I Valzuela Elmendorf 21.95 2073Jam -Petulance 3113 6 5 5h 6J 73 6J E Nelson F P Ryan 57.45 49394 —Decameron b 4 122 7 3 23 2h 62 72 D Erb E L Stephenson 1.90 203Uam — Tmtamar b 3 116 8 8 6 8 8 8 R Broussrd Pin Oak Farm 14.05 Time, :23. :46%, 1:12. Track fast. Official Program Numbers r— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to — —1 k, 1 o • l 4-TENDER CARE 13.10 7.20 3.50 5.55 2.60 .75 Mutuel Prices? s-khalette 13.40 5.80 5.70 1.90 1-B0UNCE-A-BIT 2.70 .35 Winner— B. f. by Poised— Hand Picked, by Bold Venture, trained by M. Hirsch; bred by King Ranch. IN GATE— 1:44. OFF AT 1:44 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out. TENDER CARE went to the front at once and, after establishing a good lead entering the stretch, increased her advantage while riaden out. KHALETTE closed determinedly under brisk handling, but could not reach the winner. BOUNCE-A-BIT gave a good performance and had no mishap. GAME CALLED and PICNIC GROUND lacked early foot. PETULANCE could not keep up. DECAMERON, prominent for a half mile, had nothing left. TINTAMAR began slowly. Overweight — Tender Care, 2 pounds; Tintamar, 3. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 08.70— Double Pool, 39,690. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS. Bally Ache, April 29, 1959, :5745, 2, 122. J — —, 91 9Q Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Weight, 118 lbs. am - Z. I Z.O Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Anril 30. 1959 Mutuel Pool. 99,544. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 3s Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 204OJam —Vineyard 118 2 3 45 3 1J 13J E Guerin Mrs W M Jeffords 125 1987 Jam — Hallursan 118 7 7 5* 5 J 4i 2J I Valzuela R Lehman 6.85 2038Jam —Persian Spy 118 4 2 1h 1h 22 3 J Ruane Grandview Stable 32.05 2C92Jam3— Idaho step 118 8 6 34 2 3« 41 D Erb C Parke * 2.90 2092Janr»— Catapult 118 5 4 6J 72 5 5*1 P J Bailey A J Ostriker 2.30 —Should Win 118 6 8 73 61 64 61 S Boulmetis S Finklestein 23.90 — Oink 118 1 5 8 8 73 7 E Nelson W H Perry 5.10 2012Jam —Run Silent 118 3 1 2MJ fi 8 WA Peake Keswick Stable 38.35 Time, :22%, :46%; :59. Track fast. Official Program Numbers "S. , — Mutuels Paid — r- Odds to , kA in* i 2-VINEYARD 8.50 6.40 5.70 3.25 2.20 1.85 Mutuel Prices* 7-hallursan 6.30 4.90 2.15 1.45 * 4-PERSIAN SPY 10.30 4.15 Winner— B. c. by Errard— Clinging Vine, by Menow. trained by 0. White; bred by W M. Jeffords. IN GATE— 2:12. OFF AT 2:12 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won easily. VINEYARD took command from PERSIAN SPY after entering the stretch and drew clear without need of urging. HALLURSAN raced evenly for three-eighths, was taken out for the drive and closed gamely, but could not threaten the top one. PERSIAN SPY took an early lead and made the pace until inside the stretch, but gave way when challenged by VINEYARD. IDAHO STEP, prominent to the stretch, failed to stay. CATAPULT was unable to stay in sencus contention. SHOULD WIN broke slowly. OINK dropped back next to the inner rail, following the start and raced greenly. RUN SILENT had brief speed. No blinkers carried. FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Mil ES. Blessbull. Oct. 20. 1956. 1:42. 5. 118. J — -— 9129 Purse S3.800. 3-yfar-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of a race at one mile or over other OIH *■ *• than maiden. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of one race at one mile or over allowed Anril 30. 1959 3 lbs. Claiming price. ,000; if for less. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,0000. Net value to winner ,470; second, 60; third. 80; fourth, 90. Mutuel Pool, 23,356. inaex Horses Eqt A Vvt PP I « Vi 3A Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pc Owners Odds to 2103Jam —Johns Gesture b 116 5 6 68 5* 3 23 14 A Sherman 4400 J J Monaco 3~!35 203-Jam — Pousse-On b 114 2 5 2 I* 13 1i| 2* R Ussery - 50C0 P Fuller 4.35 2057Jam -Larmac Star. b 109 1 1 14 23 43 32 33 A C VallaS 4000 J G Krams 24.55 2C~5Jam3— Hasty Admiral b 122 3 4 53 42 2* 43 4 W Boland 5000 F Perry 1.15 20?5Jam —Set an Example b 107 6 7 7 7 6« 5 5 W VedilgoS 4000 I Bieber 8".75 2081Jam3— Quickmarch 111 7 2 3J 3* 54 6 6 S Boulmetis 4000 Shelter Reck Stable 6.10 2101Jam —Bold Maurice 117 4 3 4* 63 7 Eased. R Hall 4400 Martha Beaudet 70.65 Time, :23%. :47%; 1:12%, 1:39, 1:45%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , r- Odds to kA L in- t 5-JOHNS GESTURE 8.70 5.30 4.40 3.35 1.65 1.20 Mutuel Prices 2-wusse-om 1.90 1.40 « 1-LARMAC STAR 8.10 3.05 Winner— Ch. g, by John Constable— Merry Gesture, by Zacaweista, trained by J. B. Dodson; bred by Mrs. C. J. McLennan. IN GATE— 2:40 OFF AT 2:40 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good for all but SET AN EXAMPLE Won easily. JOHNS GESTURE drifted out at the final turn, but took command from P0USSE-0N and won with something left. P0USSE-0N settled into the stretch with a clear margin, but was unable to stay with the winner. LARMAC STAR had early speed. HASTY ADMIRAL made a mild bid approaching the stretch, but failed to respond during the drive. SET AN EXAMPLE began poorly, losing all chance. QUICKMARCH had early foot, but tired. Overweight— Quickmarch. 2 pounds; Bold Maurice, 1. FIFTH RACE 5 FURLONGS. Bally Ache, April 29, 1959, :574f„ 2, 122. J-- Ol O A Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Weight, 118 lbs. am - Z.IJU Net value to winner S2.6C0; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. April 30. 1959 Mutuel Pool. S229J2and Inoex Horses Eot A Wt PP St % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 2040Jam3— Fleet Greek 118 6 3 2* 2J 2J 1h R Ussery G Zauderer 235 1987Jam3— Count Amber b 118 3 2 1J 1h 1J 2 J S Boulmetis R N Webster 1.60 20?2Jam —Sutler 118 5 5 4* Jl] 35 34 m Sorrtino Theodora A Randolph 12.90 2092Jam —Bicentennial b 118 1 1 3J 4* 4 4"° E Guerin Grandview Stable 12.85 —Bourbon Prince 118 2 4 5J 52 5* 5« R Broussrd Adele L Rand 2.20 —Prize Witness 118 46 6666J Ruane Keswick Stable 22.65 Time, :23y5, :46%, :58%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — r- Odds to , kA ,n . / 6-FLEET GREEK S.70 3.40 2 90 2.35 .70 .45 t Mutuel Prices* 3-count amber 3.00 2.50 .50 .25 1 5-SUTLER 3.60 .80 i ■: !.- a * v j f[ k r" ir,..:. Winner— Ch. c. by Count Fleet— Gay Grecque, by Heliopolis, trained by G. M. Odom; bred by S G. Zauderer. IN GATE-3.07. OFF AT 3:07 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving FLEET GREEK moved up boldly between horses approaching the stretch, responded ft to brisk urging during the drive and disposed of COUNT AMBER in the last strides. The latter went to the front early and settled into the stretch with a short advantage but could not withstand the top one. SUTLER failed to respond during the drive. BICENTENNIAL could not keep up. BOURBON PRINCE and PRIZE WITNESS were never serious contenders Scratched— 2038Jam Potential Plus. SIXTH RACE 6 FlRLONGS. Sheilas Reward. July 5. 1950, l:092a. 3. 116. J — — , * 1 O 1 Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Fillies and mares. Special weights, n Um - £. I O I 3-year-olds. 113 lbs.: older. 122 lbs. April 30. 1959 Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. — Mutuel Pool. 29.506. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V-z Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 2073Jam3-Punta Gorda 3113 8 4 i_l3_lTij_T_Nelson Mrs F Dougherty-" 125 2077Jam3— Hickory Smoke b 3 113 5 5 7« 4J 48 24 M Sorrtino Shawnee Farm 7.85 O 2077Jam — Felinity 3116 1 1 2J 22 2 32 R Broussrd Pin Oak Farm 25.10 =? 2056Jam2— Three Questions b 3 113 4 3 4J 3 J 31 48 S Boulmetis C L Heekin 2.70 u p. . -Bonnie Belle II 4 122 3 8 8 8 63 52 S Cole Tower Hill Farm 24.80 2077Jam —Spring Night b 3 113 2 2 -3 52 5* 6* R Ussery Darby Dan Farm 8.80 -n 2077Jam -Belle Brune 3115 6 7 5J 6J 72 72 E Guerin J R Straus 7.70 O -Rosy Princess b 3 113 7 6 6J 71 8 8 L Olah F C Rand Jr 15.05 5 Time. :23. :46%. 1:12y5. Track fast. 2. Official Program Numbers r- Mutuels Paid — « f— Odds to i kA L in* t 8-PUNTA GORDA 4.50 3.20 2.70 1.25 .60 .35 3J MutUel PriCeSj 5-HICKORY SMOKE 5.40 3 80 1.70 .90 * 1-FELINITY 5.30 1.65 O Winner— Dk. b. f, by Lord Putnam— Lea Mary, by Bull Lea, trained by F. Dougherty; bred by B D. Chait. IN GATE-3:34. OFF AT 3:34 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. „- Start good. Won driving. PUNTA GORDA took command early and, after settling into the stretch with a- long lead, was briskly handled to withstand HICKORY SMOKE. The latter, outrun early, responded readily 2 during the drive but could not overtake the winner. FELINITY gave a good effort and had no excuse. THREE QUESTIONS faltered during the stretch run. BONNIE BELLE II. lacked early foot and was never dangerous. "**t SPRING NIGHT could not keep up and raced wide through the stretch. BELLE BRUNE and ROSY PRINCESS _ were through early. Overweight— Felinity, 3 pounds; Belle Brune, 2. — C SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Blessbull. Oct. 20, 1956. 1:42. 5, 118. 5S J_m 912 Greenport Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-winners of one ■Ml - tl J* sweepstakes in 1959 or two such races at any time. Weight, 119 lbs. Non-winners of April 30. 1959 one race of ,900 at one mile or over since March 24 allowed 3 lbs.; one race of any value other than maiden or claiming at one mile or over or one race of ,900 at any distance. 7 lbs. Net value to winner ,875; second, ,500; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 35,853. Index Horses Eq t A Wt PP St Va Vi 3/a Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 2069Jam4— High Bid b 116 2 2 23 2* 2* 1J 13 J Ruane Wheatley Stable TfJO 2095Jam — Tagma b 112 3 4 8 8 6J 42 2 E Nelson J S Kroese 18.10 2069Jam3— Cobul 116 4 3 12 13 ih 2* 3no R Ussery Mrs N M Schenck 2.60 2013Jam4— Miss Cloudy 112 7 8 75 6J 5 3J 45 H Woodhse Audrey Davies a-16.10 2022Jam2— Jimson Weed 113 6 5 5" 5J 3 55 56 I Valzuela Elmendorf 11.95 2069Jam —Sara Jordan b 107 5 7 32 3* 73 73 6h M Kay5 Mabel C Scholtz 19.50 201 3Jam2— Siesta 112 8 6 6 4J A 6 7« S Cole Brandywine Stable 4.70 2022Jam — Carneaux 112 1 1 42 74 8 8 8 M Sorrtino J C Toomey a-16.10 a-Coupled, Miss Cloudy and Carneaux. X X X X X Time, :231/s, :461/5, 1:111/5. 1:37, 1:43%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers V • , — Mutuels Paid — , r- Odds to - kA r in • 2-HIGH BID 4.00 3.30 2.50 1.00 .65 .25 Mutuel Prices? 3-tagama 860 450 330 125 * 4-COBUL 3.20 .60 Winner— B. f, by To Market— Stepping Stone, by Princequillo, trained by J. Fitzsimmons, bred by Wheatley Stable. IN GATE— 4:00. OFF AT 4:00 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won easily. HIGH BID took command from COBUL entering the stretch and drew clear without need of urging. TAGAMA, outrun to the stretch, finished fast, but could not seriously threaten the winner. COBUL took an early lead and made the pace until challenged by HIGH BID. then gave way. MISS CLOUDY saved ground after beginning slowly and could not get to the leaders during the drive. JIMSON WEED had no excuse. SARA JORDAN, forced to check approaching the stretch, failed to rally when clear SIESTA and CARNEAUX tired. Overweight— Jimson Weed, 1 pound. EIGHTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. Sheilas Reward, July 5. 1950. 1:09-,. 3. 116. Jnm 91 Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since •Mil ~ »l JJ March 24. Weight, 124 lbs. Non-winners of one race since March 24 allowed 3 lbs.; one April 30, 1959 race since Nov. 29. 6 lbs. races when entered to be claimed for ,500 or less not considered. Claiming price. 0,000; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000 Net value to winner .925; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 29,698. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Vi Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 2013GP— Uncle Sid b 5 124 4 7 73 72 43 I Valzuela 10000 Mrs W A Kelley a-3.75 2080Jam2— New Holland b 6 120 7 6 5J 4h ?» 2 C Burr 8400 J D Wimpfheimer 2.55 2025Jam2_Hannibals Girl 4 108 2 1 12 12 12 32 c Errico 8000 J S Kroese 4.80 2C37GP2-Deep Breath b 6 113 1 5 8 8 5 4h M Sorrtino 8000 Little M Farm a-3.75 2C85Jami— Our Pally b 4 112 6 3 4h 5 3h 52 W VedilgoS 8400 Mrs E D Jacobs 4.85 2080Jam3— Ever Best 7 116 3 2 2h 2* 6 62 A C VallaSIOOOO Pastorale Stable 3.05 733094 —Patrolman Pete b 6 115 8 8 62 6 7| 7r S Cole 8800 Mrs J C Silverman 26.95 73180 —Drum Beater 4 104 5 4 33 3i 8 8 M Kay5 8400 Jan Burke 15.25 a-Coupled, Uncle Sid and Deep Breath. Time, :23, :461/s, 1:11%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — - r-- Odds to n • l 1A-UNCLE SID a-Entry t . 950 3.90 2.70 3.75 .95 .35 Ml utuel Prices? 7-new Holland 3.40 2.70 .70 .35 I 2-HANNIBALS GIRL 3.40 .70 Winner— Dk. gr. g, by Mighty Story— Jungle Flower, by Tiger, trained by W. A. Kelley; bred by E. K. Thomas IN GATE—4:27. OFF AT 4:27 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. UNCLE SID, outrun but saving ground to the stretch, remained next to the inner rail for the drive and. responding to strong handling, disposed of the leaders in the last sixteenth. NEW HOLLAND, in tight quarters to the stretch, finished determinedly but was not good enough for the winner. HANNIBALS GIRL, away fast, made the pace until inside the last eighth and then weakened. DEEP BREATH lacked early foot. OUR PALLY had a rough race. EVER BEST, prominent for a half mile had nothing left. PATROLMAN PETE drifted out during the stretch run. DRUM BEATER gave way during the drive. Scratched — 2080Jam Bunnys Babe. NINTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Blessbull. Oct. 20. 1956. 1:42. 5. 118. Jnm 214 Purse *3.50O. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. Non-winners of JUiii ~ i. I Jt tw0 ,55 March 24. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of one race at one mile or April 30, 1959 over since March 24 allowed 3 lbs.; one such race since Nov. 29. 6 lbs Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner .275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 16,701. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 2082Jam3— Early Branch b 4 111 6 5 P 13 13 14 ih S SoirezS 3500 Copalan Stable 690 2064Jami-Lovey Irene 5114 2 2 4 4J 3J 24 23J P J Bailey 3500 Vera Cotton 8 60 2035Jam — Teri Ellen 4 120 1 1 5« 5* 55 3h 33 R Ussery 3500 P Fuller 1 30 2089Jam — Honey Ann 5 115 5 3 25 25 23 4 4 W VedilgoS 3500 Mrs F Dougherty 2 70 2116Jam— Aula Tymie b4 120 3 6 6 6 6 6 5nk C Errico 3500 A J Ostriker 5 30 2089Jam3_Nicole 4 114 4 4 34 32 4j 54 6 E Nelson 3500 P Hittleman 1045 Time, :23y5, :47%, 1:12%. 1:39%, 1:46. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , , — Odds to -«, I B • i 7-EARLY BRANCH 15.80 6.90 3.70 6.90 2.45 .85 Ma. utuel Prices 2-lovely irene 7.10 430 255 155 1 1-TERI ELLEN 2.70 .35 Winner— Ch. f. by Big Dipper II — Ophelia Rose, by Pavot, trained by N. Combest; bred by G H Bostwick IN GATE-4:54. OFF AT 4:54 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. EARLY BRANCH went to the front soon after the start, drifted out during the stretch run and. momentarily lost command to LOVELY IRENE between calls, came aqain under brisk urging and won in the last strides. LOVELY IRENE, in hand to the stretch, saved ground during the drive and reached the lead between calls but was unable to withstand the winner. TERI ELLEN lacked early foot but finished fairly well under punishment. HONEY ANN tired during the drive. AULA TYMIE had no mishap NICOLE could not keep up. Scratched— 210OJam Achilleus, 2082Jam3 Solid Gold. Attendance, 17,780; Total Mutuel Pool, ,983,981.

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Local Identifier: drf1959050101_43_1
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