untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1937-06-16


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"1 I. .LI.. - - . V ONLY 10 CENTS 0 THREE WINNERS FOR THE "STARS:" Sallandry, .3.40, Won Baste, $ 5.80, Won Monument, $ 5.40, Won For a fascinating and profitable method of obtaining winners you cant beat the "Reading the Stars" section of the Chicago Daily Telegraph. This column gives out winners every day and in addition you have the enjoyment of deciphering the releases which might be accomplished by the accompanying clues. o Regrens Standouts 100 Per Cent Winners GRAND WATERS, 3.80, WON DON MANUEL, $ 4.60, WON V ANITA, $ 3.40, WON Yes, sir, when a horse is named a Standout by Regren he really Stands Out. On Monday this selector pointed out FOUR HORSES which he believed to be the class of their respective races. Of this total THREE were winners and the other, TOP ROW, was scratched. Thats consistency in the "nth" degree. o AT SUFFOLK DOWNS, REGREN RELEASED: ; POST MERIDIAN, 5.80, WON DEVILS MATE, $ 9.20, WON DON MANUEL, $ 4.60, WON AND AT OMAHA, REGREN HAD: JERRY FLIRT, 0.40, WON DONALD W., 0.20, WON ESCOLEE, $ 5.60, WON For consistency in picking winners, and winners at prices, too, Regren enjoys an enviable reputation. Get his selections every day in thte Chicago Daily Telegraph, the paper that caters to the wants of the individual needs of all types of players. WEDNESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: AQUEDUCT Dog-27-29-23. DETROIT Pony-27-54-20. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 41 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILXu per Month by First Class Hall .00 per Month by Air Mail WEEKLY FORM II BOOK NO. 108 PRICE, 35 CENTS NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE 0 The New Issue WITH LIVE, SOLID PLAYS IS NOW ON SALE Take advantage of this opportunity to get an early line on horses in shape and ready for top performances. By subscribing to Weekly Form you get this advance information on ready horses from all major tracks by first-class mail. Dont miss the early winners. SUBSCRIBE NOW! TEN ISSUES TWO MONTHS .00 o LOOK! POlNTED-OUT PLAYS THE PAST WEEK INCLUDED: Sir George, 18.60, Won MOUTHPIECE, 5.15, WON STRATEGIST II., 8.40, WON BABY SWEEP, 5.20, WON GYRAL, 3.40, WON THUMBS DOWN, 2.80, WON ASTRA, 4.80, WON GRAND WATERS, 3.80, WON LITTLE R., 2.60, WON BYRDINE, 2.40, WON JULIA GRANT, 0.40, WON CRUISING, $ 7.80, WON BITTER BERRY, $ 5.10, WON . . e Morning Workouts dockers Choices . 0 : Two Free Codes Daily "Spot" Horses TODAYS FREE CODE RELEASES: SEE BOOK NO. 107 AQUEDUCT CIerk-25-3-3. WASHINGTON Clerk-20-18-9. rj: WEEKLY FORM PUB. CO. 443 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. WASHINGTON FREE CODE: Ted-Pur-Red-Hod-Aft. SUFFOLK FREE CODE: Top-Fog-Gag-Caw. OCCASIONAL CODE: DETROIT: Tab-Irk-Way-Bug-Owe. . NEW CLASS STARTING JUNE 23 Real handicapping taught. Nothing MECHANICAL or MYTHICAL. Examination papers are returned. PRICE PER LESSON ADVANCED SCHOOL OF HANDICAPPING BOX 88 STOW, OHIO GXefk AMERICAS AUTHORITY QjSfk CSmt on yJMr The Turfs Newest and Best Monthly Magazine AT ALL NEWSSTANDS YESTERDAYS TWO FREE CODE RELEASES: ONE WINNER JULY NUMBER NOW ON SALE This number" contains The Bob Tagney System, which is based on the theory that the horse that has won a big percentage of its starts may be expected to continue doing so. There is nothing mysterious or complicated about this System, and no reader will . experience any difficulty in understanding it. It gives a list of horses which won at least one-third of their starts last season and which may be expected to do as well during the current year. The System complete costs you only 25 cents, the price of a copy of POST TIME. This July number also gives you an article on the famous Stutts Case and an interesting story of women ; who own racing stables. The Carmac Ratings and Jockey Ratings are regular features of POST TIME. Stop at your favorite newsstand today and buy a copy. The price is only 25 cents, and it is the best run for your money you ever had. If your dealer is sold out, send us 25 cents and we will mail you a copy direct. POST TIME 542 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. POST TIME, 542 S. Dearborn St. Room 1403, Chicago, III.: Herewith enclosed find .00, for which send me a copy of THE GREEN BOOK OF SYSTEMS by return mail and place my name on your subscription list for one year. " " ...... . Yours truly, f name STREET AND NUMBER....,!...... CITY STATE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1937061601/drf1937061601_39_1
Local Identifier: drf1937061601_39_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800