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ENTRIES-AND PAST PERFORMANCES H LINCOLN FIELDS Crete, Illinois FOR TRACK CONDITIONS SEE BOX ON PAGE ONE v - rerccntage of winning: favorites corresponding meeting: 1941, .30; current meeting;, .43. Starts from Bahr gate. Kuprion Camera. Daily Double, second and third races. Entries run as one horse. Field horses run separately. Abbreviations below designate tracks in DAILY RACING FORMS entries and past performances Agua Caliente A.C Duffcrin Park Duf Lansdowne Park L.P Pomona Pom Aiken .Aik "Edmonton Edm Laurel Park Lrl Queens Park Q.P Aqueduct Aqu Empire City ...Emp Ligonier Lig Red Bank R.B Arlington Park. . .. .. .A.P" Erdenheim Erd Lincoln Fields... L.F River Downs R.D Ascot Park.. Asc Fair Grounds F.G" Longacres ...Lga Rockingham Park...Rkm Bay Meadows. B.M Fair Hill Fai Long Branch ...L.B Sacramento ...Sac Bel Air Blr Fairmount Park F.P Los Vegas..... L.V Santa Anita Park S.A Belmont Park Bel Far Hills F.H Marlboro Mar Santa Rosa 7.S.R Berwyn ......Ber Farmington Far Marshfield Fair M.F Saratoga Springs Sar Beulah Park Beu Fort Erie F.E Media ..Med "Sportsmans Park.... .Spt Blue Bonnets B.B Framingham ...Fra Middleburg Mid Stamford Park Stm Bowie Bow "Fresno Fno Monkton Mon Stockton ..Stk Brighouse Park B.P "Great Barrington. .. .GBF Montpelicr Mtp Suffolk Downs .Suf Brockton Fair B.F "Hagerstown .Hag Mount Royal Park.. .M.R Tanforan -. Tan Broad Axe Bro "Hamilton Ohio H.O Narragansett Park... .Nar Thistle Down Park.. .Tdn Brookline Br Hamilton Ont. . .. .Ham "Northampton Park. ..N.P Thorncliffe Park Thf Camden Cam "Hastings Park H.P North Randall.. Ran "Timonium i....Tim Cedarhurst Ced Havre de Grace HdG "Northville Nle Tropical Park .Trp Charles Town. C.T Hawthorne Haw Oaklawn Park O.P United Hunts U.H Chinook Park Chin Henrico County Hen Omaha .....Oma "Victoria Park V.P Churchill Downs CD Hereford Farm Her Oriental Park Hav Warrenton War Columbia S. C. Col Hialeah Park Hia "Pascoag-Park. .Pas Washington Park.... Was Connaught Park CP Hollywood Park Hoi Phoenix . Pho Westbury Wes Cumberland Fair CF Huntington Valley... Hun Pickering Pic West Hills W.H Dade Park D.P Huntleigh Downs .. .H.D Pimlico Pirn "Wheeling Downs.. .. .Whe Delaware Park Del Jamaica Jam Pinehurst ..Pin "Whittfer Park Wer Del Mar Dmr Keeneland Kee "Playfair Park Pla "Willows Park Wil Del Monte D.M "Kings Park Kgs "Pleasanton Pin Woodbine Park Wdk Detroit Det "Lancaster Lan "Polo Park.. P.P W6rthington Valley. .Wor Tracks marked with an asterisk " are less than one mile in circumference Explanation of Daily Racing Form indexed Entries and Past Performances Best times of each horse since January 1, 1941, at the distance entered is shown in the indexed entries. Condition of track in indexed entries is fast or good unless shown by the following abbreviations: si, slow; sy, sloppy; m, muddy; hy, heavy. X Good mud runner. Fair mud runner. Superior mud runner. M Maiden. MJ Maiden jumper.- "f" after final, odds denotes field; "e" after final odds denotes entry; "" denotes favorite in race. Five pounds apprentice allowance; seven pounds apprentice allowance; ten pounds apprentice allowance. Class of race is shown by the following: Mdn, maiden; Hep, handicap; Allw, allowance; WA, weight-for-age; SW, special weights; Stks, stakes. Claiming races indicated by price after jockeys name. Claiming price for . today is given after trainers name, "c" before claiming price indicates horse was claimed. Post position is shown after jockeys name. Figure at end of line denotes number of horses in race. Last line in past performances gives horses latest workouts. , Explanation of Daily Racing Forms Past Performances IP S Position in ORDER OF FINISh WITH g F "g M g Race and WEIGHT CARRIED 8 n I Lengths Be- If finish shows horse won, second, e pjre"o fc oa hind Win- . o a third and fourth horses are given. " -K-o c - 42-S"5 ning Horse g r, S-C c H second, first, third and fourth g 2 o S g 3 n . P, a horses are" shown. S S - .2 Sg H -5 8 If third, first, second and fourths Z p -5 .5 111 i J" g -w horses are shown. o " 2 .2 J q Wr:x m " S Q S-S a If unplaced, first, second and third D Z H Q H U u on rt Ph - iHU w horses are shown. 52 Det 4-40 B.M U 1:52 ft 22-5 109 4 1 1 1 DewE6 Allw 75 ValdaJoe lll,TresureIslel09,Patan 7 NOTE Speed ratings not given at tracks of less than one mile. Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position l efr I F 3-4 MILE- 0ur Crt Aug. 10, 1937 1:10VS 4 113. Purse t L..I 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming:. Non-winners since April 24. Weight, 115 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. . Best time made at distance of race. V Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rcc. Wt. Wt. Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 23103 Ida Streng Se41 Nar 1:13 112. .110 23826 "Play Greenock MlAp42 Kee 1:15 106. .110 23282 Torantal M Ap42 Kee 1:13 108.. 110 23963 Buechel M My42 LF 1:16 110.. 115 22856 Topsy Olive M Ap42 Trp 1:13 108. .110 21398 Mickeys Bid M Se41 Haw 1:19 112.. 115 22422 Peppercade M Ap42 AC 1:15 115. .115 09340 Yank Bomber M ..115 23393 Launsgo M Oc41 RD 1:13 114.. 110 24094 Sidonia M ..115 18734 Party Pal M Se41 Haw 1:17 mll2. .115 24095s "Rangle My42 LF 1:14 1OO01D5 23773 "Top Note M Mr42 OP 1:14 107110 24029 "Comex Fe42 OP l:17hyllOX110 22952 Little Dariin M Mr4 OP 1:14 113X110 06349 Hopedale M ..115 23517 "Chance Lark Mr42 OP 1:16 108. .105 23963 Deceiving M My42 LF 1:18 113.. 110 Ida Strena 1 1 A B. f, 3, by Psychic Bid Relance, by Blarney. luu Jiicny I I W Breeder, Thomas Piatt. 1942.. 1 0 0 0 - Owner, David Straus. Trainer, H. Wells. ,000 1941.. 8 1 1 1 ,070 May 7-42GC.D 3-4 l:14sl 2 110 5 6 9"i 9" CraigA 1200 67 ChceAnn 116,MissLexnll3,Symtry 12 Oct23-41iLrl 3-4 1:14 ft 12 110 5 5 and2 53 CraigAS 1750 74 ETdsLad 113,BlsRital06,Spectator 12 Sep26-412Nar 3-41:13ft 7 112 3 1 2- 31! PadiseJ 1500 82 SkpersMate 115,TidesInll5,Mdeful 10 Sep.22-41Nar 3-4 1:14 ft 11 110 2 1 2h 2h PardiseJ 1500 80 Scarcity 109, Tiara 105,PimlicoPolly 11 Sepl5-414Nar f 1:12 ft 21 108 4 6 69 611 CraigAS 2500 76 SparkgGem lll.AHHeelslll.Shripie 7 Sep. 9-413Nar 1 1 14 ft 14 116 1 1 1 1 CraigAS Mdn 79 SueH.116,SarsSister, 116,Se.o Seven 8 May 26 L.F 1-2 ft.... :48h May 19 L.F 3-4 gd .1:20b May 6 CD 3-8 sy. . . . . :36h Tnrnnfnl KA 110 B- f- 3, by Spanish Play Winona Lady, by Lee 0. Cotner. iuiuiiiui ivij u Breeder, Emdale Stock Farm. 1942.. 4 0 1 0 00 Owner, Lakada Stable. Trainer, T. C. Carr. S1.000 Mayll-42iC.D 3-41:13ft 6 108 3 2 2 423 BortonW" 1000 78 SdnTht 118,Bffal6l05,MksMemo 12 May 1-423CD 6 f 1:20 ft 23-5 110 7 4 5 4 EadsW2 1200 77 TopRng lll.Gingall 109,SnnyCasey 12 Apr23-423Kee 3-4 l:13ft 2 108 8 4 53 42 AdamsJ3 1200 81 Ackwell 116,LeslieJarvisl05,Texalite 12 Apd6-423Kee 3-41:13ft 4 1087 2 1, 23 AdamsJ2 1200 78 HastyKiss 103,IrishBay HO.Alsbyrd 12 April 29 Dou 5-8 ft....l:06b April 21 Kee 3-8 ft. .. . :37b April 13 Kee 3-8 gd.. . :36h Ton;v OlivP vriiYts Amy hA 1 1 O ch- f. 3 by Epithet Flora Wildair, by Wildair. lupay V Breeder, Thomas C. Piatt. 1942.. 7 0 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. M. Weil. rainer, M. Weil. ,000 1941.. 5 0 0 0 Mayl-422Spt 7-81:34sl 15 102 1 4 5" 6 FrnklinES 1000 QusBge 110,Perhbol05i,Lit.Rstlr 10 Apr27-42Spt 6 fl:25ft H HI 8 6 819 923 LoTcoA10 Mdn H.HomHari 116,Bobloyll6,EvenTan 10 Apr 6-422Trp 3-41:llft 48 108 5 5 48 4 MacAwD 1200 82 Bl.Grtr lOe.BkTthlll.LoutRscl 12 Mar30-422Trp 3-41:12ft 102 108 1 6 lOSlO12 ClarkS 1000 74 West-Holl6,BarsGal 106,Sky Soldir 11 Mar24-42iTrp 3-4 l:13sl 89 106 7 8 91 1QS,2 ClarkS2 1500 74 Yard-Arm lll.PIayfields 109,Bepwil 11 Feb. 3-422Hia 3-4 1:14 ft 36 110 5 3 ! 6 McCryC 1500 64 Ptwch HO.MsMilitllO.Day byDay 12 Jar.. 5-422Trr 3-4 l:13ft 119 111 5 10 12"12i2 KeiperPi 1500 69 OutFront 116,ChatIet 114,GuestStar 12 May 28 L.F 3-8 ft :36h May 24 L.F 5-8 ft. . . ,l:04b May 20 L.F 1-2 ft. .. . :49h , Ppnnprrnrlp KA 1 1 C Br. c, 3, by Cavalcade Pepper Pol, by Royal Canopy. reppertuue IVJ 3 Breeder, William H. Lipscomb. 1942. . 2 0 0 0 Owner, G. W. Lawless. Trainer, C. T. Leavitt. S1.000 1941.. 2 0 1 0 25 APd9-425A.C 3-4 l:12ft 38 115 2 3 55 913 McRobtsR81500 75 Esco-Mac 115,FtVacr 109,SyJack 9 Man 8-42?A:C 3-4 1:12 ft 81 112 10 10 10. 9" McRobtsR12250 73 PtySpiritl20,MadMacawll3,OnlyGirl 10 Aug. 4-411Dmr 5f 1:07 ft 9-5 15 3 1 22 23 ZufeltF Mdn 83 LibyLad 115,Pepcadell5,LenGock 10 JuL25-41iHol 5i fl:07 ft 22-5 113 7 9 9i 73 ZufeltF 2500 83 Lichema 115,SyJackll5.PrkyMffin 10 May 23 Was 3-4 ft....l:15h May 20 Was 1-2 ft.... :48h May 18 Was 1-2 si. .. . :49h LaUnSOO L.UUH3UU M m 110 Dk- br- f 3 by Botonian-Play Lady, by My Play. 1 1 w Breeder, Mrs. George Ledermeir. 1942,.. 4 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. George Ledermeier. Trainer, George Ledermeier. ,000 1941.. 3 0 0 1 0 Mayl3-42C.D 7-81:26 ft 33f 106 9 7 7i 7" HooperC3 1250 72 Gingall 110,HereSheIs 106i,Suprine 12 Apr22-427Kee lfg l:46ft 45f 108 1 12 122S1235 SniderA 1400 46 MaeII.110, HastyKissl06, TopBand 1 -Apd7-423Kee lrVl:48ft 47 110 4 2 610 725 AdamsJ 1250 46 Miah 108, Holly 103, Small Wonder 9 APtl4-423Kee 3-4 1:14 ft 75 108 10 9 1017ll2l BrooksS2 1500 59 GalAnr 110, Stepsome 112, TedO. 12 Nov 3-412C.D 1 l:41ft 8 112 9 9 oj .9" PoolE 1500 54 Lightsome 107,GayYouthl07,Sis.Don 12 tct24-41iR.D 3-4 l:13ft 3f114 8 4 42 32 OrosJE Mdn 78 GrfinHillsll3,SpinIn lll.DonrPass 12 Oct 2-413R.D 3-4 1:20 hy 15f 114 11 11 10i10 BushVT Mdn 34 Easy Hal 109, Mr. Sam 113, Piplad 11 May 22-C.D 3-8 ft :38h May 2-Dou 3-4 ft l:19h April 10 Kee 7-8 m 1:35b " Party Pal M 1 5 Jjh" 3rl,by, HI.9h by Zeus. 1 v 1 - Breeder, Charles M. .-Manoret, Meacham, Jr. Owner, Clarence E. Davison. Trainer, Clarence E. Davison. ,000 1941.. 8 0 1 0 00 0and31-415Spt 5-81:04m 6 104 4 5 6i 7" HaskellL 1200 MissCarn 113,Tetradanll4LbrQn 10 Oct28-412SPt 5-81:05 m 25 111 1 3 2 2J HaskellL 2000 Comex lll.BigBozo 112,LberQueen 9 Oct23-41iSpt 5-81:04m 28 111 6 5 ,5 5$ HaskellLT 1500 AthensMaid 108, Comex 111, Jelsert 9 Octl6-41iSPt 7-8 l:32gd 8 116 5 3 5" 6 HaskellL 1000 VgeQueen HS.PrctLadyllS.K.Albt 10 Octl3-412Spt 6i f 1:24 ft 15 116 3 4 4s 59i HaskellL Mdn PatesGirl 113,Mandatell6,GuestStar 9 Oct 3-4HHaw 3-4 l:15m 58 112 8 8 6" 6i2 HaskellL3 1000 59 MissMilitant 115,Mah 118,Portwatch 12 JuL3-41A.P 5ifl:08 ft 24 108 11 11 99i ElamE 1200 68 Mesella llli, Heslt 116, Affianced 12 May 22 L,F 5-8 ft l:03h May 15 Haw 1-2 ft.... :51b TOD Note and M 110 B- 9, 3, by Royal Minstrel Torpedo, by Man o War. r VTy I I VJ Breeder, Crispin Oqlebay. 1942.. 8 0 0 3 00 I Owner, Mrs. Emil Denemark. Trainer, J. D. Mikel. - S1.000 1941.. 6 0 0 0 00 May21-423L.F 3-41:14gd 17 1131 1 1 43 SchlingHS Mdn 72 Avachce 113,GrdRush 108,Haichow 12 Mayl4-423Spt 7-81:31ft 3-2 105 1 3 3 32 HigleyJ9 1000 Karlspar 109,HelenAgnes99,Michiya 9 ! .Mayll.423Spt 7-81:31 ft 4 116 3 3 6" 7" LemonsHG 1500 Mic.Tken lll,PlyGrcklll,JtBns 10 j Apc27-42SPt 6ifl:25ft 31-10 111 6 4 45 JsonEM Mdn H.HomHari 116,Bobloyll6,EvenTan 10 Mar24-4220.P 3-41:13 ft27-10 107 2 6 42 35 DattiloJ" 1250 81 Bid On 113,UpJack 107,ShinmgDay 12 1 Feh21-423F.G 3-4 l:14ft 18-5 113 4 9 7 4 CornayW 1250 76 Val.Mrge 101,BrisBstl04,CcoMiss 12 Fcbl8-421F.G 3-4 1:16 si 17 115 5 1 H 32i CornayWi 1000 69 MirrVd 105,CheAnnllO,GrifnHiIIs 10 May 10-r-Haw 3-8sl :38b May 7 Haw 1-2 m :54b April 21 Spt 5-8 ft l:06h Little Dariin X M 1 10 Ch f 3 fay Ladysman Martial Spirit, by Supremus. i iv Breeder, Edwin Janss, Jr. 1942.. 5 0 0 0 Owner, S. Hamblen. Trainer, A. Hudkins. ,000 1941.. 10 0 1 0 50 May 4-423C.D 3-41:15sl 129 116 12 11 118 9" DyerJ3 Mdn 59 MsGlmr 116,Avache 116,M.Lexin 12 Mat20-422O.P 3-41:13 ft 15f 113 10 11 8 84 NassiW3 Mdn 77 Bagaseen 118,BayFlshll8,Masculine 12 Marl0-425O.P l-701:51sl 34 f 107 4 10 10"H33 ZufeltFS 120 15 Alphabow 102,DbyDaguell2,RedCin 11 Man 3-4210.P 3-41:1625hy lOf 111 7 12 12"1124 DennisW" 1500 45 DorRwier 115,StrWhiz112G,dPat,n 12 Feb.27-4250.P 3-41:16m 31 109 7 7 7" 7" ZufeltFi 1900 50 Gl toGo Hl.PairzettalW.IronPlger 7 JuL17-411Ho1 5 f 1:05 ft 31 110 6 8 6" 5" LaytonB Mdn 81 BnctAnn 115,Boxida 115,LadyVera 11 jJuL 5-4101 5fl:07ft 10 110 6 5 32 A ZufeltFi Mdn 80 Goan 115,GacresMaryll5,MagicMab 9 Jua28-41iHol 5 f 1:05 ft 12 110 4 6 6 4" LaytonB Mdn 79 LaZonga 115,LyVerall5.GrcresMy 8 i Jual2-41iHol 1 1:00 ft 93 117 11 7 8" 6SJ BalaskiL5 Mdn 81 BigCity 117,ColdWherll7,BontAnn 13 April 30 CD 5-8 It. . . .l:03h April 26 CD 3-4 ft. ... . .l:20h April 18 CD 3-4 ft l:19h Chance Lark TO1? Ch- f 3b Cnan Play Lady Lark, by Blue Larkspur. i Breeder, Calumet Farm. 1942. . 5 0 0 0 5 Owner, A. M. Koewler. Trainer, A. M. Koewler. s. ,00 0 1941.. 8 1 1 1 100 Mayl5-422SPt 7-8 l:33sy 26 112 2 3 9" 912 LberrH 1250 EI.Flg 116,A.LngSynel06,BbyGold 10 Apr28-425Spt 7-8 l:32ft 31-10 110 2 7 6" 7" FrklinES 1250 CountryMiss 110,Maradal07,Chicwin 9 M?r27-42iO.P 3-41:14gc 8 108 1 3 4" 76J WalceG" 1250 71 Invcell3,HiHmHri 113,GrdAppl 12 Mar.4-42-O.P l-701:47sl 13-5 107 4 6 6 8 WallaccGS 1300 56 Meanwhile 104,Ranglel07,JuanitaM. ll Feb.28-4220.P 3-4 1:17 "hy 6 107 5 6 62 43 WallaceG 1500 62 MadCrader 118,AllGleel07,MmHigh 12 j Sep. 3-41iSac a3-41:08ft f5 112 3 1 2h 21 KilgoreH Allw NathsPet 112,Polyita 112,VinaSash 6 Au3l8-415Dmr 5 f 1:05 ft 4J 114 7 7 77 SimonsHS 2500 87 Hillfilly 114", Swan 108.Praiseworthy 9 Aut; 4-415Dmr 5ifl:06ft 44 112 2 8 62 32J SimonsIF 2750 88 Mulligaty 114,Swanl07,OkeMaluna 9 I May 24 Was 3-4,ft. . . .l:17h May 20 Was 5-8 ft. .. .l:01h riuy PlaV GreenOCk vareeiiutis. M mj 110 I lJ B- 9- 3 bv Greenock Playsafe, by Stefan the Great. Breeder, R. B. George. 1942.. 9 0 1 1 75 Owner, C. F. Wagner. Trainer, S. Lipiec. S1.000 May22-422L.F 3-41:14ft 15 107 7 6 6 453 RobtnKS 1300 71 .GemW.112,HelenAgnes lOO.StgBand 9 Mayll-423Spt 7-8 1:31 ft 7 111 5 4 2 28 RobtnK 1500 Mich.Token lll.JtBeanslll.Val.Ria 10 May 4-422Spt 6$ f 1:25 ft ,7 1091 2 1 3 RobtnK3 1000 SpjVy 112,MichianTokenll2,R.Dee 10 Apr.27-42"Spt 6ifl:25ft 20 111 4 3 6 6 RobtnK4 Mdn H.HomFari 116,BobIoyll6,EvenTan 10 Apn22-422Kee 3-41:14 ft 80 106 4 6 6 7 RobtnKG 1250 75 SweetRoll 113,Perhobol02,ChceAnn 12 Ape 9-422Kee 3-41:15m 8f 113 4 10 1021029 RobtnKl Mdn 45 WinrWind 113,BLChiP113,Avachce 11 Fehl7-421F.G 3-41:18m 8i 113 5 2 2 9 OliveraG5 1000 53 Mesella 104,BnyLibrtyl08,Marchrl 10 May 28 L.F 5-8 ft...... 1:08b Buerhpl hA 11 B. g, 3, by Apprehension lo, by Omond. V 1 ,J Breeder, Scoggan Jones. 1942.. 4 0 0 0 0 Owner, R. White. Trainer, R. White. . ,000 Maj-25-426L.F ly l:48ft 164 110 4 4 55i 4 GrillFS 1200 61 Millo 110, Jacotot 113, Away 12 May22-422L.F 3-41:14ft 51 110 8 7 7" 7" GrillF 1300 65 GemW.112,HelenAgnes lOO.StgBand 9 Mayl4-424C.D 7-8 l:29sy. 70 112 5 3 32- 4 GrillF 1000 61 SunRisk 112,GayYthl07,ValleyByrd 12 May 8-426CD 1 l:49gd 113 110 8 10 8" 925 GrillF" 1200 42 LeslieJarvis Hl,Jacototll3,IrishBay 11 May 13 CD 3-8 ft. . . . :37b. April 29 CD 5-8 ft. . . .l:02h Mirkpv; a Bifl uiu KA iv 1 1 K ch- c 3 by Minotaur Conqueress, by Reigh Count. iviiLriey I I J Breeder, Mrs. Val .Crane. 1942.. 2 0 0 0 Owner, Bowler and Robertson. Trainer, C. J. Martin. ,000 1941.. 4 0 0 0 Manl2-42"O.P 1and1-.47 ft 46f 115 10 Bolted. CraigA10 1000 JunitaM. 102, VnBtyl07,Gay Youth 12 Man 4r42?O.P 1-70 l:47sl 59 112 2 11 III8II22 jonesR ji 1300 45 Meanwhile 104,Rarrglel07,JuanitaM. 11 Oct 8-415Haw 11:45 si 237 110 9 9 9" 933 HaritosJS 1500 21 PpeBorme HO.MeanWellO.CrBlze 9 Sep27-412Haw 3-4 l:l4gd 298 1122 9 9 926 922 BucaloJO 1750 53 Goal toGo 113, Latent 108, Rangle 9 Sepl6-411Haw 3 1:15 gd 134 113 12 Eased up. BohnR2 1500 AyReighll2,0doGirP112,VaraBlue 12 .JuI.24-41U.P 5f 1:082 gd 113 106 8 10 1PI11" WandrE 2500 61 Pruning 113,S:nartMovell4,Sal!ymar 11 May 25 L.F 1-2 ft...... :50h Yank Bomber M 115 s- JyaSplht pLayTL,tdy Asior by Sweep- x i Breeder, W. R. and F. L. Knebelkamp. Owner, Mrs. M. Rieser. Trainer, M. Rieser. S1.000 1941.. 1 0 0 0 JUR24-4HA.P 5ifl:06ft 97 113 12 11 ll"10i Richardja 1500 68 GenIGuy 116,SilkYarn 113,Saf.Light 12 I May 22 L.F 1-2 ft.... :48h May 18 L.F 3-4 si. .. ...1:20b