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, 1 : i i ; I : i I j L ; L i 5 L 3 1 . . 3 ! 2 J - 7 0 1 7 7 0 0 Beulah Park Entries -COLUMBUS, OHIO For Track Conditions See Box on Page 1 . DAILY DOUBLE FIRST AND SECOND RACES Indexed Entries Listed According to Post Position. TRACKMANS SELECTIONS 1 Bonanza Lou, Ridgegate, Theresa Gilll 2 Prince Danny, Bamboo Broom, -Swing . Queen. 3 Rescued, Cee Jay Gee, Songstop. 4 Fandangle, Darby Delia, Poliy Sweep. 5 Royal Broom, Marie Olympia, Van-.. " time. 6 Grey Pertros, My Last, Dollar, Ima Lady. , 7 Belle-Tara, Lady Nadi, Polite Ann. 8 GOLDEN RAPIER, Jane -Hull, Donav Nutter. - - F. H." Sproule. FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE. 2:30 P.M. 2- year-olds. Maiden. Claiming. Purse 00: -Track Record: Nabroj, Sept. 3 ,1939 :59 2 110. Chart Book Todays Index Nor Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. " 23809 Ridgegate My42 Beu 1:04 mll2. .112 Baby Doric ..112- Sashay Moon " - - ;. .115j 23933 Chipperita My42 Beu 1:03 111. .107 23809 Lil S. My42 Beu l:04mll2. .112. 23265 Soft Water . ..112 23997 Bonanza Lou My42 Beu 1:01 112.. 112 2366CI Theresa Gill " . .112 23933 Bolo Mont -My42 Beu 1:03 112. .115 23809s Gypsy Lass My42 Beu 1:03 ml07. .LJ2 23090 Gold Cache ..115 23933 Boonesboro My42 Beu 1:02 112. .115 -23997 Red Coin My42 Beu 1:01 ll5..115 SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Chute. 3:00 P. M. 3- year-olds, and upward. Claiming. Purse ,00. Track Record: Higher Closud, May 15, J 941 1:11 8 112. 23865 Juraboy Ju41 Oma 1:11 109X112 24002 MissHardboot Au41 Det 1:15 109. .105 23936 Halma Dear M My42 Beu 115 113X112 23493 Miss Beeville Se41FP102 103X107 23999 Swing Queen My42 Beu 1:13 111X106 20630 Gold Color My41 Beu 1:15 115107 x 24073 Bamboo Broom Jy41 Det 1:12 109X111 -23999 Lady Convention. Se41 Beu 1:12 108X107 23761 Roaming Again My42 Beu ld3 117X116 24070 Prince Danny Au41 DP 1:12 113.. 112 2 23935- Phillis B. Jy41 Det 1:12 107X107 24003 China M Ja42 Trp 1:15 111.. 106 23998 Riverby Boy M My42 Beu 1:13 112. .106 THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Chute. 3:30 P. Mr 4- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. Track Record: Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941 1:11 8 112. 24070 SongstoP My41 Beu 1:13" 106X105 24073 Rescued My42 Beu 1:13 102. .107 24070 Pallas Athene My41 Beu ljl3 104X110 23934 RubaivaWM Au41Jet 1:15 102X110 23935 Financial M Fe41 Hla l:13mllOX115 Sunset Salute M ..110" 24070 Marisheila My42 Beu 1:14 110X110 .23936 Cee Jay Gee My42 Beu 1:13 108. .110 23664 Smith David Se41 Beu 1:14 109X115 FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Chute. 4:00 P. M-T 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. Track Record: Higher Cloud,-May 15, 1941 1:11 8 112. Polly Sweep M ..108 23934 Trump M Mr42 Trp 145 112.. 113 23934 Narghileh Au41 Tdn 1:11 110X108 23758 Guess What Ju41FPl:13 109X108 21143 Duty First No41 Bow 1:14 . 112X107 23366 -Fandangle M My42 Beu 1:15 -114. .107 24072 Guinea Lad Se41 Beu 1:13 116X116 19083 San Ardoj Se41 Beu 1-14 ,108X108 24073 Darby Delia My42 Beu 1:14 111.. 112 FIFTH RACE 3-4MILE Chute. 4:30 P. M. . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. Track Record: Higher Cloud, May 15, 1941 1;11 8 112. Col. Morocco M ..112 24069 Vantime M My42 Beu 1:15 110.. 106 23999 Queen Clarice My41 Beu 1:12 110X107 24073 Norman Sloat Mr4lOPl:13 107X114 23999 Royal Broom Se41 Beu 1:12 111X107 23934 Brown Moss Mr41 OP 1:13 113X107 18655 Sun Antioch Mr41 Trp 1:12 - 116X112 23810 Miola Se41 Beu 1:13 107.. Ill 23663 Marie Olympia My42 Beu 1:12 104106 16328 Sweeping Wind My41 Beu 1:13 116.. 112 23999 Saucy Singer M My42 Beu 1:15 105X101 23938 Sir Infinite My42 Beu 1:15 107.-116 24072 The Spotter My42 Bel 1:13 116X116 1 SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. 5:00 P. M. Grandview Inn Purse, 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. . Track Record: " Soup and Fish, Sept. 13, 19411:514118. 24001 Grey Pertros My42 Beu 1:54 113.. 116 23940 My Last Dollar My42 Beu 1:53 116X116- 23815 Ima Lady " Xlll . 23664 Symmetry X105 23940 Bold Risk My42 Beu 1:54 116X116 23939 Mr. Monk Mr42 OP 2:07hylll. .116 23272 FlorianI. My42 Beu 1:52 115. .116 23867 Moreva M 102 SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE. 5:30 P. M. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. Purse 00. Track Record:.. Fast Move, May -7, 1938 1:37 7 118. 24C76 Lady Nation M Se41 Beu 1:40 98. .115 23334 Bienchance JVp41 AC 1:41 112X110 24148 Polite Ann . Se41 Beu 1:40 108X110 24069 Spring Sonnet M . .103 23939 Euneva Au41 DP l:46hyl09X115 24142 Belle-Tara M - ..108 23999 Miss Vep . Jii41 FP 1:4L 110X115 23939 Miney My41 Beu 1:41 112X115 23935 Queen Islam M - .;110 24143 Cafl Us Too M . .108 23316 Pinnacle Light My42 Beu-1:42 108X110 23870 Lady Nadi "Se41 Beu 1:41 106. .110 - 24071 Ivy Roll M ..108 EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE. 6:03 P. M. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse 00. Track Record: Fast Move, May 7, 1938 1:37 7 118. 24001 Sunrid X116 24076 Topway Au41 Beu 1:41 109X108- 24001 Dona Nutter My42 BeU 1:42 mll3X108 23713 Golden Lady . My42 Beu l:44m 111X111 24075 Mane Hull My41 Beu 1:43 104X103 23939 BIazing Torch My42 Beu l:45sl 108X108 24070 GoIden Rapier My42 Beu 1:40 111.. Ill ,24072 Sonny John X116 23870 Pollv Feu Se41 Beu 1:39 105X108 24070 Bluebird M ..113