untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-18


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HARNESS RACING With Pari-Mutuels mWfW I Post Time 8:30 VIEf tG / Nine 9 Races flTCfciW / RACING ASSOCIAT.ON BUSES DIRECT TO TRACK: From Sherman Hotel, 6:45 • Crawford and Madison, 7 KM * Lawrence and Winthrop, 6:30 * 63rd b SBSelI and Cottage Grove, 6:30. Call RO 2-330O HH £HE5lb for En ttl KHu C. A. and E. trains leave Quincy and Wells hHBHJ JHIBSttom Streets at 5:08, 5:35, 6:10 and 7:05. Direct If 1/ifUlf T7lW|TTTHbB| Bus to the Jj Mlilv North of Aurora T «Br On Illinois Route 31 how to get tmrf: BY CAR— 175th and HALSTED — ————————————— on uiinois Route 1. I BY ILLINOIS CENTRAL ELECTRIC— i# a nt j . k Direct to Gate — I. C. trains leave We Are Pleased to Announce Randolph and Michigan at fte- . . intervals 11:35 to 1:50. .1 A • r quent the Appointment of by bus-loop, south side: . . 20 E. Randolph 12:35; 63rd -S. Lawson Feed Co. 11X1 1949 East Eight Mile Road S"oi. 79th-Sto"1 IsU°d HAZEL PARK, MICHIGAN SSSE?ioSfS Phone Centerline 4020 son-Pukski Rd. 12:00 to 1:00. . POST TIME: 2:15 daily— 2:00 Saturdays As Exclusive Dealer for the WPPPmnwWffffHJVWIRM Coming Season in the mjj9JfjPQj DETROIT Area for ========= JOCKEY OATS We/come Horsemen/ M. J. Pritchard, ffflfW II II. VfldPfin MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA IMBi J€UI€L€B 1 EST. 1910 CHICAGO HEIGHTS, ILL. ===========—=— I South Suburban! your turf jeweler SAFEWAY BUSES Headquarters for Stop Watches _ _ , . . Fine Jewelry-Perfume -Gifts Leave Chicago T Loop, 20 „ E. Randolph; r.mn|..a n • rBnnri.mnnt . Complete Repair Department 63rd and Halsted Streets. DIRECT TO WASHINGTON PARK Engraving While You Wait Buses return immediately after last race | For Information Call INteroceon 8-9744 Advertise III Daily Radtig Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1949051801/drf1949051801_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1949051801_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800