Official Racing Charts: Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-18

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I Official Racing Charts ■ BELMONT PARK Copyright. 1949. by Triangle Publications. Inc EL MO NT, LI., NY., TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1949-BELMONT PARK 1 1-2 MILES. Tenth day of thirty-iwo-day meeting May 6 to June 11. Westchester Racing Association. Automatic starting gate. Photochart Camera. Weather cloudy. tj- Steward representing New York Racing Commission, F. P. Dunne; The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy; Wester Chester Racing Association, H. 0. Vosburgh. Visiting member of The Jockey Club, A. C. Bostwick. Placing Judges, F. H. Parks, J. E. Kyle and Nelson Strang. Patrol Judges, M. D. Davis, Calvin Rainey, W. J. Mara and co" i Hyland. Assistant Clerk of Scales, W. A. Murphy, Jr. Starter, G. B. Cassidy. Timer, Austin McLaughlin. — Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. B. Campbell. Assistant Racing Secretary, J. G. Reeder. Assistant Handi-v capper. F. E. Kilroe. Racing Secretary for Steeplechasing, John E. Cooper. Steward representing National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, Fred H. Parks. ...n"3?9 slarts at 1:15 P- m- Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1948, .31; current meeting, .24. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. - Mutuel take, 15 per cent. State 6, track 4, city or county 5. Q § Three lbs- apprentice allowance claimed. * Five lbs. claimed, i Seven lbs. claimed. Ten lbs. claimed. Z% vv Whip S Spurs B Blinkers In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Z Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera ~ a ■- it* FIRST RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS Widener straight course. Algasir, June 16, 1948— :50— 2— 116. 1 7 A 5 Q Purse »500- 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Claiming. Weight, 117 lbs. Claiming „,# M- J J 7 price, ,000; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000. 2 .May 17-49— Bel Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. g I Mutuel Pool, 1,081. 1__1__L__L__ 2 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds"to in 73888 HAPPY RABBIT w117 -7 4 22 51 1" B James 6000 Mrs G S Smith" 71 z 73888 PHOEBE S. wb 111 26 5 1h 11 2h S Brooks 5000 H Faulconer a-8.35 — 7420 GAVIN wb 107 17 7 4* 21* 3h W BolandJ 5500 King Ranch 29.20 U 73077 FOREVER THINE w 111 16 8 3* 3h 42 H Woodhse 5000 Mrs F Frankel 13.00 7888 BUCKIEGIRL wb114 20 20 221 231 5h E Arcaro 5000 Mrs C M Feltner 4.75 HOME TEAM w 106 12 16 15* 14h 6"* J Delasaye* 5000 J W Brown f-3.40 - 72736 LA GANADORA wb 107 2 13 10 12h 7"* W WeingtJ5500 Mrs M B Novick b-13.80 " 7± 73634 LITTLEWHITELIE w 112 22 3 8h 13* -8h G Glisson* 6000 Mill River Stable 5.45 73888 TAX LIEN wb 111 21 12 7* 71 9* T Atkinson 5000 W Cogswell b-13.80 «- 73562 NATIVE ROSE wb 114 11 10 11* 6* 10"k S Clark 5500 Mrs L Mormile f-3.40 ONWARD MARCH w 111 10 6 5* 4* 11nl« J R Layton 5000 W H Perry 12.50 73888 THIS FAR wb11118 1 9* 8* 12 * C Erickson 5000 H Faulconer a-8.35 738884 COME EARLY w 114 19 9 6h 11* 13* A Kirkland 5500 Brandywine Stable f-3.40 73668 HESPERID w113 4 25 19* 221 14*. O Scurlock 5000 W P Chrysler f-3.40 74138 WHIZ BY w 117 13 11 172 18i 15h J Jessop 6000 Wheatley Stable 3195 70995 KITTY LASS w111 3 21 20121*16* R Bauer 5000 Spring Hill Farm f-3.40- 72668 RAM ILLY w 114 23 2 131 9* 17h D Dodson 5500 J D Tasker 17.50 74135 APOCAPE w 109 9 23 15h I5h 18-* W Rustia* 5000 H P Headley f-3.40 HOLLY HILL W11124 15 16116*192 C Errico 5000 E M OBrien f-3.40 73888 STICK BY ME will 14 22 231 201 201 R Bernhrdt 5000 Bee Gee Farm f-3.40 CEREMONIAL w 115 15 19 18 19h 213 E Guerin 5500 J M Roebling 1255 EQUIPOISETTE w117 5 18 212 17h 224 p Mills 6000 G A Droulia f-3.40 GAYAVEC w111 6 17 25 1 242 232 R Rozelle 5000 Trio Stable f-3.40 72802 ELMOS FRISKY w 112 25 14 12h 101 243 C Rogerst 5000 Mrs D V Kellogg f-3.40 MOVING SCENE wb111 8 24 242 25152515 J Renick* 5000 E Sande f-3.40 MAMA PRETTY w 111 1 26 26 26 26 M Danisi 5000 L Prima f-3.40 f-Mutuel field. a-Coupled, Phoebe S. and This Far; b-La Ganadora and Tax Lien. tSeven pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :22%, :46#, :53%. Track fast. 4 — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to , D:«*.r!i.APPY RABBIT « 17-M 9-00 6 30 7.80 3.50 2.15 JVlUTUel rriCeSf PHOEBE S. a-Entry 11.20 8.80 4.60 3 40 GAVIN ; 12.30 • 5.15 . Winner— Ch. f, by Happy Argo— Step Lively, by High Time, trained by J. W. Maloney; bred by Mrs. George L. Harrison. WENT TO POST-1:14*. OFF AT 1:16 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. HAPPY RABBIT, slow to reach his best stride, responded readily to strong handling to close with a belated rush and wore down PHOEBE S. in the final strides. The latter hadspeed, raced true, but could not resist the top one. GAVIN raced with the top flight from the start, but was not quite good enough. FOREVER THINE had good speed from the start, but lacked a closing rally when set down for the drive. BUCKIEGIRL, away slowly, was immediately put to strong handling and finished full of run. HOME TEAM made up some ground in the late stages. LA GANAOORA had no apparent mishap. LITTLEWHITELIE couia not keep up. TAX LIEN and ONWARD MARCH were through early. Scratched— 69237 Whistle Stop, 109; 73265 Good Grazing, 111; 73888 Pick It Up, 111; 719154 Tracelene, 117. Overweight— Buckiegirl, 3 pounds; Hesperid, 2; Apocape, 3; Ceremonial, 1; Elmos Frisky, 1. SECOND RACE 7-8 MILE. Roseben, Oct. 16, 1906—1:22—5—126. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Claim-7 A * ft in9 We9"t» 126 lbs. Non-winners of four races allowed 4 lbs.; three races, 7 lbs.; * J 0 u two races, 10 lbs.; one race since March 31, 13 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 17-49— Bel Net value to winner ,275; second, 00: third, 50: fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 48,386. _ Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St and % % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 58846 NEAR THING wb115 4 5 1h 12 11 ij E Guerin 5000 Mrs G Smith 3560 740553 CROONER wb116 12 2 6* 52 52 22 23 S Brooks 5000 J B Rosen 315 730763 BUSY WHIRL wb108 11 1 41 41 22 34 32* T Atkinson 5000 Mrs H Mart 6 65 73411 JOIE DE VIVRE wb111 5 14 13* 131 123 74 42 w Rustia* 5000 Blue Circle Farm 3.95 74141 SNATCHED wb 117 6 10 11* 103 91 62 5"" C Picou 5000 L DeLatour 1365 739752 THE STREET wb113 111 9h 92 61* 41 A Kirkland 5000 L Rabinowitz 460 72445 INSPIRING wb109 3 9 7* 7h 71 51 7J G Glisson* 5000 E Dibe 8 65 74327 JANIES FELLAH wb 108 2 12 14 121 112 31 85 J Delasaye* 5000 F Lansburgh 4210 734163 ISOCHINO wb 108 10 8 8h 8h 8h 10 91 R Bernhrdt 5000 Belair Stud 670 74055 ULA wb 108 8 4 2* 21 44 92 101* C Errico 5000 J A Crawford f-4575 665212 RAY STAR wb 113 14 7 3* 3* 3* 114 112 J Paradise 5000 Quaker Stable 37.15 73975 AUTUMN STORM wb 108 7 6 10 11 1 13h 12* 124* h Woodhse 5000 A F Wall 3170 73489 NO. HIT wb 109 9 3 51 62 1 0* 132 133 J Jessop 5000 Brandywine Stable f-45J5 62314 ARFRED wb 113 13 13 12* 14 14 14 14 A Daniels 5000 Paragon Stable f-45.75 f-Mutuel field. Time, :23, :46%, 1:12%, 1:25%. Track fast. 1 — Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to . Mufnol PrJrocf M5AnRK,J£,NG 122 0 25-90 14-70 35-60 "-95- 6.35 uruei r rices j crooner 5.20 340 ieo 70 ■ BUSY WHIRL 50 160 Winner— Ch. c, by Some Chance-P. T. Boat, by Trace Call, trained by J. W. Maloney; bred by John *S. WENT TO P0ST-1:48. OFF AT 1:48* EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the-same. NEAR THING outsprinted his opposition from the beginning, saved ground throughout, rallied to extreme pressure when challenged in the early stretch and held CROONER safe. The latter was never far back, moved up boldly under punishment on entering the last quarter, but hung under a sustained drive in the last eighth. BUSY WHIRL raced a trifle wide in an even effort. JOIE DE VIVRE, away very slowly, was badly outrun to the last quarter, circled his ££ld J™lle rallying in the last quarter and finished full of run. SNATCHED made up some ground. THE STRECT.JmadS..awmi!lrally on lhe stretch turn and tired. JANIES FELLAH passed tiring horses. ISOCHINO raced wide. RAY STAR showed good speed for five furlongs and quit. rfc!?tcJ*ed_7,l2053 Mr Syracuse, 119; 73633 -Silver Reward, 113j 73975 Sadie Dee, 108; 73975 Fraternal, 119: 64712 Fredsel, 108. Overweight— Near .Thing, 2 pounds; Ray Star, 5; No Hit, 1; Arfred, 5. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 32.40— Double Pool, 7,504. THIRD RACE . ABOUT 2 MILES steeplechase. Fairmount, May 29, 1926-3:40—5—147. Purse 7 A 5 1 ?3j500 4-year-olds-and upward. Claiming. Weight, 7 lbs. below scale. Non-winners # -f- y u I of ,800 twice since October 1 allowed 4 lbs.; ,800 twice in 1948-49, 8 lbs ; 800 May 17-49-Bel twice at any time, if five years old or upward, 15 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to. ,000. Hurdle races not considered. Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth-, 75. Mutuel Pool, 22,340. Index Horses - EqtAWtPPSt 3 6 9 12 Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to limi °ALLL0 W 6 137 8 1 31* 3* 1* 14 1* E CarterJ 4500 E Roberts 155 SSE 25ELSnE w£5 130 9 9 73 73 5h 35 27 R Karlsson* 4500 F A Clark 7.55 - 212 5L«R,HN »..„ wsb9146 7 5 53 51* 21* 22 32 D Marzani 4000 Mrs J M Sturgeon III 5.35 S SJ.f- W5 135 10 1.1 94 8* 7* 4 * V A Foot 4500 A Untermyer 13.05 HE* JJiL". wsb5 135 11 6 1* 2* 41 6h 5"* T Field 4500 A M Hirsch 18.55 71VBRIDLESPUR w 11 142 2 8 81 9io 815 825 61* D Clingman 4000 Auburn Farm 16.65 SE G.0LD W8140 5 3 48 42 63 7* 71 F D Adams 4500 Mrs C E Adams 7.95 £22iUMJ- Wand12142 6 4 6h 61 32 52 825 J Magee 4000 Mrs F A Clark Z30 729074 PRETENDER ws9135 3 7 11 101 0 95 92 91* E A Russell 4000 Mrs R P Kirkpatrick 53.30 74025 BIG BONES Wsb7 130 1 10 10h 11 10 10 10 P WinslwA 4500 W Wickes Jr 39 25 580134 PARADER W7142.4 2 2h 12 Fell. C Peoples 4000 Vera S Bragg 19 85 Time, 3:52%. Track fast. 1— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to v UMi.n-| D-j-/DIABLILLO ■• ■•• 9-10 5.60 4.30 3.55 1.80 1.15 Mutuel Prices; repose 7.40 5.40 270 1 70 l SILVER RUN , 4.40 120 Winner— B. g, by Devil Red— Sallie Bourland, by In Memoriam, trained by E. Roberts; bred by Bluebird Stock Farm. WENT TO POST— 2:20. OFF AT 2:21 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from flag. Won driving; second and third the same. DIABLILLO raced in close attendance to the pace .for the first six jumps, assumed command when ready and drew into a long lead aftAv the eleventh jump, then was put to strong handling in the late stages and stalled off the belated challenge of REPOSE The latter, hard; held for the first eight jumps, rallied under urging to make a bold bid through the last two jumps and was getting to the top one at the end. SILVER RUN raced with the top flight to the eleventh jump and tired. CAIDSTONE passed tiring horses in the late stages. RATCATCHER broke alertly, jumped cleanly to the third jump, where he bobbled and gave way steadily thereafter. GIFT OF GOLD was through early. BOOJUM II. had no mishap. PARADER fell while setting the pace on the eighth jump. • OverweipiaWii4r*ouatis. t i , „ FOURTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Marriage, Sept. 26, 1942—1:48—6—121 Purse ,500. 3-year-ofds 7 A 9 and uPward- Maidens. Fixed weights. 3-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. lr Net value t0 winner 52275; second* S70°; third, 350; fourth, 75. May 17-49— Bel . Mutuel Pool, 95,552. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* V2 % StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds toll 73769 BLACK FOX II. wb3114 1 7 8 76*45 14 12* B James R S Howard 725 743234 FLASH OF LIGHTwb 3 114 2 1 33 34 2h 22 26 D Dodson Wheatley Stable 335 730314 GAY DEFENDER wb 3 109 6 4 54 52 61* 44 31 G Glisson* C Mooers 205 73969 IRRIDESCENT wb3102 8 2 11* 12* 13 34 46 W Bolandl King Ranch 2030 73969 MILK WAR w 3 106 3 6 6* 6* 71051*52 M Danisi* W H Lipscomb • 34 55 739223 GALLANT NURSEwb 3 109 5 3 2* 2h 31*6* 61 J Jessop Brookmeade Stable 305 739693 LITTLE SAINT wb3109 7 5 43 45 5h 78 75 C Picou C V Whitney 590 72967 NAOMI JANE w 3 109 *4 8 73 8 8 8 8 H Woodhse I Bieber 29 80 Time, :23and :46%, 1:12i/s, 1:38%, 1:52%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to Unf..a| Dc f B!"ACK F0X 11 1650 7-20 4.30 7.25 2.60 1J5 iviutuel rrices flash of light 5.10 3.40 1 55 70 I GAY DEFENDER 2.90 45 Winner— Br. c, by Foxhunter— Blackie II., by Congreve, trained by C. Whittingham; bred by Roberts. Howard Argentina. WENT TO POST-2:54. OFF AT 2:54* EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. BLACK FOX II., hard held while being outrun for the first half, began to advance on the inside rounding the turn, came out on the turn to respond readily to mild urging and wore down IRRIDESCENT in the early stretch, quickly drew into a long lead, then won with something in reserve. FLASH OF LIGHT followed in close attendance to the pace from the beginning, saved ground throughout, was under strong handling through the last quarter and while unable to menace the top one, appeared best of the others. GAY DEFENDER improved his position in the last quarter, but could not gain on the to ppair. IRRIDESCENT had speed, raced wide in the run down the backstretch and tired badly on reaching the last quarter. GALLANT NURSE quit badly after racing close up in the first three-quarters. Overweight— Milk War, 2 pounds. FIFTH RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS Widener straight course. Algasir, June 16, 1948— :504/s— 2— 116. 7 A A Blandy Purse- Purse *3 500- 2-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of a sweepstakes * nor three races. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of two races other than claiming May 17-49— Bel allowed 6 lbs.; maidens, 11 lbs. Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 80,281. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V4 StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to MIDDLEGROUND w 104 6 1 2* 1* 1| W Boland? King Ranch a-1.30 F.f£L-MAX wH3 1 3 3* 21 21 J D Gorman King Ranch a-1.30 72414 MONTE wb116 4 5 44 45 35 E Guerin Vera S Bragg 205 71955 HY GINNIS wb122 2 2 In 31 4* T Atkinson D Shaer 345 f!S?,R?J? win 5 4 510 58 - 58 J Jessop Brookmeade Stable 5.75 ™, 74322 SMOLDERING „ will 3 6 6 6 6 R Bernhrdt 0 Phipps 18.55 a-Coupled, Middleground and Beau Max. Time, :22%, :45i/5, :51. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — * , .-Odds to » Miifiil D-I--f MIDDLEGR0UND a-Entry 4.60 4.50 2.90 1.30 1.25 .45 UtUel T riCeS BEAU MAX a-Entry 4.60 4.50 2.90 1.30 1 25 45 v MONTE V.. 2.50 "25 Winner— Ch. c, by Bold Venture— Verguenza, by Chicaro, trained by M. Hirsch: bred by King Ranch. WENT TO POST-3:27. OFF AT 3:27* EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. SJta,rt-„9S?».r£m ?ta" gate- Won easily; second and tmrd the same- MIDDLEGROUND broke alertly, displaced 1 HY GINNIS while under a light hold after a quarter and held his advantage while going easily. BEAU MAX, away with the leaders, improved his position steadily while under a hold and, while finishing strongly, was not persevered with. MONTE was never far off the top ones, raced true and, while under pressure through 5,.SJaALqua,1e.r was not 9°od eno"9h. HY GINNIS gave way after showing good speed in the first quarter. PICADOR could not keep up. SMOLDERING was always outrun. Scratched-739713 Vanetta, 113. Overweight— Beau Max, 2 pounds. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Nusakan, Sept. 13, 1929— 1:10— 4— 126. Roslyn Classified Handicap. 7 A C £ A ,500 added. 4-year-olds and upward. MSrfiandSJ!* * """ th?rd f°Urth 25 May 17-49-Bel Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V2 StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to STANGHICK W5 114 8. 3 34 33 12 14 T Atkinson C T Chenery 3I0 SHS. JrH SF..- wb 6 115 510 10 7 6* 2nk J Li Causi Bermill Farm 8.20 74059 KING RHYMER w4110 4 1 21 1h 21 3" J D Jessop Mrs R Warner 17 20 S 5i?l?«.I5E£!D 5 109 2 4 6* 62 5* 4% H Woodhse S Greenfield 25.35 74059 TAVISTOCK wb5115. 9 6 52 41* 4* 5* C Rogers A F Plock 9 80 73670 PINEBLOOM w 4 114 1 2 1h 2h 32 6U D Dodson H P Headley 660 l,G,KEJJ W£ 6 114 7 8 83 8h 81 71* 0 Scurlock W S Home a-31.0O 731452 RARE JEWEL wb4111 3 5 4h 52 72 8" S Brooks G Ring 6 35 73285 WOODSTOCK wb 4 104 10 7 7 « 93 94 92* j Renick H LaMontagne a-3 100 740594 SALMAGUNDI wb4122 6 9 92 10 10 10 E Arcaro W Helis 60 a-Coupled, Skylighter and Woodstock. Time, :22and :46, 1:10%. Track fast. *— 52 Mutues Paid— , Odds to S1 » M..f-..,i! D-:-«-f MANG0HICK ...»»*...«» • 9.80 4.90 4.00 3.90 1.45 1.00 Mutuel rricesj rug juice 6.50 440 225 1 20 t KING RHYMER. sloo 3 00 Winner— B. g, by Sun Beau— Hildene, by Bubbling Over, trained by J. H. Hayes; bred by C. T. Chenery WENT TO POST-3.-59. OFF AT 3:59* EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. MANGOHICK rallied from the outside ma ro.undi!i19 the sketch turn to take a long lead inside the last eighth and won as if much the best. onn B . r. . . .» , ?.w i° sett,e "to his best stride, found racing room between horses when set down for the drive and finished full of run. KING RHYMER disposed of PINEBLOOM after three-eighths, but had little left when challenged by the winner. HIGH TREND had no mishap in an even effort. TAVISTOCK made a mild rally on »»rSc,h tum aJnd„t,re4 PINEBLOOM was used up early. RARE JEWEL quit after a half mile. SAL- » MAGUNDI gave a dull performance. Scratched— 740592 Top Pilot, 116. Overweight— Rare Jewel, 2 pounds; Woodstock, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Dot, Sept. 7, 1923—1 :42i/s— 3— 100. Smithtown Purse. Purse ,500. 7 A *? I 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of a sweepstakes since they were i t v» J two-year-olds nor four races other than maiden or claiming at any time. Weight May 17-49 — Bel 122 lbs. Non-winners of two races other than claiming since March 31 allowed 3 lbs ; ,250 in 1948-49, 6 lbs.; ,950 or twer races other than claiming in 1948-49, 9 lbs. Net value to winner S2,925; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 18,582. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vt ft % StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 739743 BASIS wb4 116 3 4 12 12 13 16 is e Arcaro J C Brady Z 345 739744 DEEP WATER w 4 113 1 7 7 65 41* 47 2" D Gorman Lazy F Ranch 2795 73974 STRUTIN w4 122 4 2 510 31* 2* 21 32 T Atkinson Short Brook Farm 3*40 73669 IRISH KNIGHT wb4113 7 1 3h 2 * 35 3fr 41* D Dodson Wheatley Stable 240 735663 ISIGNY w4119 .2 6 6* 7 7 53 P C McCreary J J Amiel 270 72482 BRANDY PUNCH wb 4 108 5 5 4h 45 5« 63 64 M Danisi* Mrs S B Steckler 1055 72482 JUSTICE wb4116 6 3 2h 5* 61 7 7 0 Webster Mrs A Schuttinger 20*35 Time, :22%, :45and 1:10%, 1:37, 1:44. Track fast. /— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to . M..t..A| D~:~*r. BAS1S 8.90 5.70 4.70 3.45 1.85 1.35 uruei Prices* deep water 18.50 7.00 825 250 STRUTIN 3.70 85 Winner— B. c, by Bahram— Oasis, by Lucullite, trained by R. Dotter; bred by James Cox Brady WENT TO P0ST-4:31. OFF AT 4:31* EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but DEEP WATER. Won driving; second and third the same BASIS made the pace under clever rating, saved ground throughout, drew into a long lead when soundly shaken up in the early stretch and, under continued pressure, gradually increased his advantage. DEEP WATER was practically left at the break, rallied from the outside on the turn and, while making up ground fast, was no match for the winner. STRUTIN raced prominently to the last quarter and tired. IRISH KNIGHT gave way suddenly in the last quarter. ISIGNY was always outrun. BRANDY PUNCH was through early. JUSTICE was used up early. EIGHTH RACE 7-8 MILE. Roseben, Oct. 16, 1906—1:22—5-126. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and 7 A t uPward- Claiming. Weight for age. Non-winners since November 30 of. four races / t J u u allowed 5 lbs.; three races, 9 lbs.; two races, 13 lbs.; one race, 17 lbs. Claiming May 17-49 — Bel price, ,500. . Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, S175. Mutuel Pool, 13,145. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt and % % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 50969 GOLDEN LIGHT wb4113 10 5 1* 13 12 ij p R Bernhardt 7500 Belair Stud 630 74136 FIGHTING HARD wb 4 117 9 1 22 21* 21* 21* 23 W Mehrtens 7500 B D Chait 205 74136 BLUNT REMARK wb 6 123 3 3 32 34 35 32 31 E Arcaro 7500 F Frankel 4 65 74062 BEACH BOY wb4113 7 10 9h 93 95 6h 4f S Brooks 7500 Elkcam Stable 790 740624 MARTAL wb4113 8 8 84 82 7* .53 5* 0 Scurlock 7500 F Lansburgh * 4*35 73078 MAGIC MOMENTwb4112 4 4 5h 6* 4h 4h 6U C Rogers 7500 J Freedman 745 73495 JINGLE JANGLE wb 6 119 1 2 62 51* 63 7i 72 H Woodhse 7500 Gettinger Stable 28 95 735634 NO BULL wb4121 6 6 4* 4h 5h 84 82* L Olah 7500 H Carr 2770 73210 MISS RECKLESS w 5 105 2 9 10 10 10 10 91 J Delahye* 7500 J W Brown 5705 73210 GOOD SON w7 119 5 7 73 74 82 93 10 C Errico 7500 Mrs S R Shapoff 26*85 * Time, :22%, :46%, 1:12%, 1:25%. Track fast. * , — Mutuels Paid — « , — -Odds to . M..t..A| D:«oC60LDEN L,GHT • 1460 G-M 4.10 6.30 2.40 U5 UtUel rriCeSj FIGHTING HARD 4.40 2.80 1 20 40 I BLUNT REMARK 3 50 75 Winner— Ch. c, by Gallant Fox— Valkyr, by Man o War, trained by J. Fitzsimmons: bred by Belair Stud WENT TO POST-5:03. OFF AT 5;04J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. . ,,?iart 900d frSm. sta" gale for a" but BEACH B0Y- Won drivin9; second and third the same. GOLDEN LIGHT outsprinted his opposition from the start, came to the inside while being steadied rounding the turn, responded gamely to strong handling in the stretch and stalled off FIGHTING HARD. The latter forced the pace in hand, raced on the outside throughout and, under a hard drive through the last eighth, was getting to Uie top one. BLUNT REMARK had no mishap in an even performance. BEACH BOY was practically left at the break and, when set down for a drive in the last quarter, made a belated challenge. MARTAL was never a serious threat. MAGIC MOMENT lacked a closing rally. Scratched— 74136 Comanche Peak, 119; 74062 Althird, 113. Attendance, 19,755; Toft Mutuel Pool, ,477,105. * *

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Local Identifier: drf1949051801_6_1
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