Latest Workouts From Major Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-18

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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks Figures preceding: horses* names show date of last previous work. Track record after distance. Key: b — Breezing, d — Driving, e Easily, gr— Worked from gate, h — Handily, o — All out. u — Eased up. Names of horses making: fastest time at each distance appear in black face type. TV * FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1949 2 LINCOLN DOWNS Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-8 Valley Poise :37 h 5-8 Singer Face :50%h 5 4-19 Alpine Astarte :39y5h 5-7 Specialist :50%b 5 5-7 Doe Head :37y5h 1-2 MILE 5-6 War Song :51%h *■ 5-8 Dont Toch Me :38y5h 3-4 Abrek :51%h 5-8 MILE — :58% 4-19 Duel De :39y5h 3-30Biair :52%h 5-6 Ariel Gift l:04%h 5-9 Firm Peace :38y5h 5-7 Dukes Gold :52%h 5-9 Two Ten l:06%b Q 5-7 Hi Lucille :38%h 5-9 Free Valley :50 h iu 4-22Mattewan :39y5h Granizo :50%h 3-4 MILE Z 4-21 Pretty Kitty :37%h 5-9 Happy Me :50%h 3-28 Aircraft l:21%h g 5-9 Smarty Bones :38 h 5-9 Liberty Nane :52 h 5-9 Black Brat l:19%h 1-4 Wise Wonder :36%h 4-28 Lord Duncan :54y5b 5-9 Walloon l:20%h 1 SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1949 - 2 LINCOLN DOWNS Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-8 Spooky Time :37%h 5-7 Stars at Night :52 h 4-3 Aristopur :39y5h 1-2 MILE 5-10 Sunday Beau :51%h ± 4-30 Dale Maedic :38 h 5-10 Cross Lu :50%h 5-10 Tick Tack :50%h J 5-6 Eddies First :38y5h 5-2 Hill Fox :53y5b 5-6 Young Scamp :51%h 5-6 Faraway Islad :38%h 5-10 Irmas Jim :53%b 5-8 MILE — :58% 4- 28 Good Timer :38ysh 5-10 Lost ad Found :55 b 4-21 Away Yonder l:05%h ►r 4-29 Halberdine :39 h 4-16 Out Bound Jr. :55 b = 5-10 Khams Hour :40 b Psychic Fancy :50%h 3-4 MILE § 5-7 Maepal :39%h 5-10 Ruddy Glow :50%h 5-12 Last Tower l:19%h SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1949 LINCOLN DOWNS Track Fast ,3"?, MILE 5-5 Sislike :38%h 5-10 Matador John :51 h 5- *n 9 ConcilmnBen ~ :39y5h 5-8 PenntOWar :50 h 4- 29 Dancing Gob :38%h 1-2 MILE 5-9 Siversel :50 h 5- 12 Fosters Pride :36%h 4-22 Borachita :51%h 5-8 MILE— :58% 3- 25Gavilan :38 h 4-13 Dai Yit :52y5h 3-30Hyade l:04%h 4- 3 Hadoyou :38y5h 5-6 Devils Luck :504/5h 5-9 Helen Red l:05%h 4- 27 New Rochelle :40 b 5-6 Galaxy :51%h 5-9 WackeyWrld 1:05 h 5- 4 Pickle Beets :38 h 5-9 Haggerty :5iysh 1 MILE— 1:37% 5-4 Reno Unique :39 h 5-13 Lord Duncan :54 b 5-5 Fred Cody 1:50 h MONDAY, MAY 16, 1949 LINCOLN DOWNS Track Fast 3,"8 mLE 5-8 Rakemup :39 h 3-31 Tee Midge :53 b r .n 5-13. Abrek :38%h 5-13 Specialist :39y5h 5-8 MILE— :58% 4- 21 Cinder Foot :40 b 5-13 Walloon :38%h 5-13 Dont Toh Me l:07%b Granizo :38%h 1-2 MILE 5-12 Glory Esprit l:05%h £"i3 5.1 LRcllle :38%h 5-9 Freedom Ring :50%h 5-13 Happy Me 1:06 h i"?o ?a«h0,?? :38y5h 3-29 Grandpa Max :53y5b 5-12 Stormy Mate 1:05 %h 5- 13 Pretty Kitty :37%h 5-8 Play Pretty :51%h 5-13 Two Ten 1:0? h CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Fast A~£,MILE 4-26 Mite :37 b B.T.Lou :50%b = - « 5-1 Cadet Tom :37%b 5-12 Olea :37 h EngclsMille :36%b 5-3 Prince Tom :36y5b 4-23 Ballacolas :49%h * « 5-9 Fifteenth :37 b 5-10Ramona :37ysb 5-12Richwall :51%b 5-4 Impersonator :36%b 5-12Tordar :37%b 4-30Favonian :51%b LeonieGirl :37y5b 1-2 MILE— :46% 4-20 Zaca Girl :50y5b DELAWARE PARK Track Fast „.,A~8 MILE Golcoh :50 h 5-7 OSilver l:02%h e ™ 5~L£lbster, :35%h 4-13Morengo :50 h 5-4 Perplexity l:02%h 4-30 Scandal :35%h 5-12 Intercept :50 h 4-30 Tartan l:02%h 4-26 Sails :35%h 5-8 MILE— :58 3-4 MILE— 1:10% V2?ILE 4-17Eddieow 1:03 h 5-13 Useless 1:15 h 3- 16 Center Piece :47%d 5-13 Ned Luck 1:03 h 1 MILE 4- 29 Come Across :50 h 5-12 Out of Sight 1:04 h 2-2 MotieSrand l:47%b LAUREL PARK Track Sloppy 3- 8 MILE 1-2 MILE 5-8 MILE— :59% 5-9 Impentiable l:08%b o?,ost?nHero :39%b „, 5"7 CyDart :52%b 5-12 Spring On l:09%b 5- 13 Mor Hope :40y5b 5-14 Markability :54%b. 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 5??.?lay :39%b 5-5 Plantagenet :54y5b 5-12 Altona Fox l:19%b 5-14Wmtime :38%b 5-13 Vobiscum :52%b 5-12 Diana Lee l:20%b PIMLICO Track Muddy mLE 5-14 Bay Orders :55 b 5-9 Dollys Image 1:05 h 5-14 r n Cab T-i"8 Sir :38%b „, 5-14 Glacial Run :55%b 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 5-5 Drem America :37%h 1-29 Gray Twin :50y5h 5-6 Pied Piper l:20%b 5-14 Grand Player :38%h 5-6 House Dick :50%h 5-10Lenea :40 b 5-6 Make Hay :50%h 1 MILE— 1:37% 4- 9 Pictura :39 b 5-7 Satin Blue :50 h 5-12 Lew Kelly l:47%h iTu BPE~*:47%Mw 5-13 Deferment l:46%h 5- cc 5 Albert Mac :50y5h 5-8 MILE— 1:00% 5-13Kospal l:46%h TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1949 WASHINGTON PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-13 Verona Sands :39 b 5-11 Go Jeep Go l:00%h . 3- 16 Ben Davis :38%b Visional :36%h 5-10 Historian l:034/5b Bleu Mantle :38%b 4-20 Valdina Date :374/5b 5-15 Ivy Boy l:01%h l~l BiUTwig :37 bg 4-23Whammo :38%b 5-12 Leavenworth l:04%b 5-9 Bobs Pal :37 h 1-2 MILE 5-13 May Ply l:03%h * « SM?yattie :37 h 5-10Appeaser :51 b 5-3 MyMandan 1:06 b 5,!ISelh5„. :36%hg 5-9 Belcrest :5iysb 5-9 Never Stop l:03%h 5-10 Button Shoes :39 b Busy Sis :55 b 5-16 One Alone l:01%h 4- 25 Casey Jones :38 b 2-26 Campaigner :52%b 5-12 Proud Ruler 1:07 b Curtice :37 b 5-llDiextol :52%b 5-6 Ration Book l:01%h 5~on£ulver£°"Ed :39„b 5-12 Florizan Ace :51%b 5-10 Sigh Man l:0"l%hg o~?!£ew£y?;, :39/and 5-12 Fire Dog :53 b 5-3 Sudden Scare l:02%hg "Sy!,Cat?her :38/sb 5-1 Fe Dust :49y5h 5-11 Subscriber 1:05 b 5- 12Endowah :38%b 5-2 Feudin Fightin :50 h 4-20 Sir Bim l-01%h 5-14 Frank Ashley :37%t 2-10Joyant :52%b 5-2 Wary Mary l:04%b 5-7 Fair War :37%b 5-7 Jousting Match :52%b 5-10Wamego l:05%b 4-27 Futuramatic :37%b 5-12 Keep Happy :55 b 3-4 MILE— 1:09% 4- 30 Frisk :37 b Kanza :52%b 5-10 Big Casino 1:16 b 5- 13 Gay Gunner :37%b 5-7 LernersGirl :50 hg Cacamo l16%b 5-14 Good Slave :38%b 5-12 Listen to Me :52%b 5-12 Corydon l-17%b 5i2?e»01S?T :ln%% 5-2 Mr. Pilate :W%hg 5-10 Detroit Tiger 1:18 b t??PiMcL- :37sb 1-18 My Julie :52 b 5-5 Evening Story 1:18 b 5-13 Lady Lureen :36%h 5-12 Newsworthy :52%b Fast Mail l:15%h 5-5 Lord George :37 b 5-13 No Strings :50%h 5-15Royat l:20%b "5ft Mid,channel :36%h 4-30 Ol* Skipper :51%b 5-13 Silver Mine l:18%b 3- 19Peola :40 b Oncuponatime :52 b 4-30 Sam Street 1:18 b SfettyIs :38 b 4-30Racso :52 b 5-15 Teddy Reigh l:16%b 5-14 Pleasemenow :38 bg4-30Sulie :50%h 5-llWeedyone 1:16 b 5-14 Provocative :38%b 3-18Willwin :49%h 4-15 Wont Talk 1:17 b 4- 22 Pistol Packer :37%b 5-13 Whirlg Dough :50%h 5-10Favorito 1:20 b Robert Y. :37 h 5-8 MILE — :58% 7-8 MILE — 1:22 5- 6 Sabson :37 h 5-13 Cap Rock 1:06 "b 5-15 Alsabs Day 1:27 hg 5-5 Son of Peace :38 b 5-9 Fighter Jack 1:04 b 5-3 Thunder Hoof :39 b 5-11 Fred Burrell l:05ysbg 1 MILE— 1:35 5-7 TreVit :37 b 5-12 Great Issue l:02%h 5-12 Saint Nichlas 1:41 y5hg WASHINGTON PARK Track Good 4- 8 MILE 3-9 Sweet Streak :41%b 5-8 MILE— :59 3-15 Fourth Watch :37%h 1-2 MILE 5-11 Arabs Fancy 1:03 y5bg Fair Porter :41%b 4-30 Darby Duluth :51 b 5-11 China Princs 1:03 y5hg 5-12 Hour Al :35%hg 5-6 Dark Lace :48%h 5-8 Haditeasy l:05%h 3-24 Lucky Codine :38y5b 5-4 HiUtopper :51 b 5-13 Miss Stone l:04ysb 5-12 Quatre Blanc :36%h 5-12 Minim :48%h 1 MILE 1:34% 5-6 Santa Fe :373/sh 5-10 Valleys Pal :49%h 5-llTwixt l:53y5b * DETROIT Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-13 Wayne L. :37%b 5-14 Sky Power :54%b . 5-13 Bird Brain :36 hg 5-14 War Special :36%b 5-1 Silver Flight :50 h 5-13 Bosaway :36%hg 4-3 Yoicks :37%b 3-7 The Problem :49y5h 5-15BoisJoli :37%b 5-11 Tawny Lady :49%b 5-14 Big Story :36%b 1-2 MILE UnkiK. :52 b 5-14 Blue Tail Fly :36y5h 5-14 Aristocrat :49y5h 5-12 Vixen Rose :50%h 5-6 Crosswise :37%b ACutie :52%b 5-14 Wish Egan :51%b 5-13 Diamond Dick :37ysb 5-14BrendaNellena :50 h 5-10 Walters Boy :50 b 5-15 Djymy :36 hg 5-11 Bird Whistle :50 b 5-8 MILE — :58% 5-13 Donke Sernade :35%h 5-11 Black Joey :51%b 5-14AhOui 1:03 hg 5-3 Extortion :36%h 5-14 Big Brier :51%b 5-14 Black Tweetie 1:02 h 5-14Epsie :40%b Clean Slate :48 h 5-14 Buck Weaver 1:06 b 5-11 Ghost Ship :40 b 5-14 Chariot Wheels :50%hg Blue Clover l:07%b 5-14 Jail Bait :36 hg 5-4 Coquinet :52%b 5-13Boy-Plin l:02%h 4- 27 Johns Admiral :37 bg 5-11 Excitable Mary :51%b Carola Black l:07%b 5- 14 Johns Joy :36 b Evelyn L. :51%b Carola Frank 1:05 b 5-14 Kings Motive :37 b 5-11 Fighting Irish :51%b 4-25 Devil Star l:07%b 5-llLineback :38%b 5-11 Frere Jacques :48%h Devils Breath l:04%h 5-14 Magnus :37%b 5-2 Fenwell :50 b 5-13 Fifinelli 1:04 h 5-10 Miss Moonbem :35%h 5-14 Fighting Pete :52 b 5-12 Foray Vina 1:03 b 5-3 Not Sorry :40 b Hi Wick :51 b 5-I3Maedina l:03%h 5-14 Nickel :37 b 5-14 Heres Hoping :51 b Maud l:04%h 5-14 Oil Capitol :36%b 4-21 Jacaranda :50%b Roman Fixer l:03%h 5-13 Old Tom :35%h 5-14 Lily Perfume :50 hg Regal Maid 1:05 b 5-9 Obstinate Si :38%b 5-14 Love :49 h 3-4 MILE— 1:09% 5-6 Oriskany :39 b 5-14 Late Breeze :49 hg 5-13 Bea Right 1:16 b 5-15 Park Pigeon :37 b 5-9 Meat Ball :51 b 4-17 Charles City l:19%b 5-14 Pagoda :37 h 5-13Misweet :49 bg 4-llFenelane l:15%hg Siama :36%hg 5-1 Oxford Don :49 h 5-12 Glaemel 1:20 b 4- 26 Siamese :36%hg Pharus :52 b 5-11 Lea Flag l:15%hg Sky Blonde :40 b 5-10 Rose of Erin :49%h 5-11 Ms Cranberry 1:16 hg 5- 14 State Charter :36%h 5-13 Reportable :49y5h 5-16Mayram l:14%hg 4- 9 Sues Special :37 b 5-14 Record High :48%hg Swp Swinger 1:16 hg 5- 11 Star Reward :41 b 5-14 Romanelli :49%b 5-7 VeniVici 1:18 b 5-13 Smiling Thru :37 bg 4-29 Sapphire :50%b 5-14 Steady Beau :37 bg 5-13 Sure Did :50%b 1 MILE— 1:37% 3- 22 Uncle Bim :37%b 5-14 Shout About :53 b 5-12 Papa Redbird 1:44 Vsb BELMONT PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-6 In the Pink :49 h 5-llDaiquari 1:00 h 5-12 Beau Nash :37 b 5-12 Italic :51%b 5-14 Dark Favorite l:02%h 5-14Belin :37 bg 5-11 Knht-at-Arms :49 h 5-12 Escarp l:02%h 5-13 Copper Hill :35y5h 5-12Mirabeau :50%b 5-14 Gay Mood 1:02 h 4- 11 Free and Equal :36%h 5-5 Night Bloomg :49 h 5-14 Round Top l:03%h 5- 14 Hoyden :37 b 5-15 Navy Bean :49 h 5-13 Shock l:02%h 5-4 His Lordship :39 b 5-12 Potent :49%h 5-14 Scoop l:02%h 5-9 Ightam :38%b 5-14 Rare Perfume :48%h 5-12 Safe Arrival l:03%b 5-14 New Leaf :36%h 5-1 Raidicat :49%hg 5-10 Tough 1:03 b 5-13 Pity :35y5h 5-9 Royal Son :49 hg 5-10 Wintr Wheat l:02%h 5-12 Suleiman :36 h 5-14 Star Student :49%h 5-14 Wise Cutie l:02%h 5-14 Sweet Breeze :36 hg 5-14Steppen :52 b 3-4 MILE — 1:10 5-13 Syracuse Lad :39 b 5-8 Storm Bird :53 b 5-14Flashco 1:15 h 5-14 Tunic :36 h 5-16 Sob Story :52ysh 5-10Gaffery l:17%b 5-10 The Diver :36%hg 5-14 Silver Crest :48%hg 5-14 Repentance 1:17 b 5-14 Our Tops :35 hgr. 5-11 Schroon :47%hg 5-13 Wine List l:18%b 5-14 Quibble :36%h 5-9 Skyscraper :51 b 7-8 MILE— 1:22 1-2 MILE 5-10 Thunder Jet :48 h 5-16 Black Rover l:30%b 5-14 Bullanguera :49 h 5-12 The Creek :51%b 5-15Boomdeay 1:32 b 5-1 Bonaventure :52%h 5-10Thendara :47%hg 5-14Mahlima l:29%h 5-12 But Why Not :54 b 4-14 Torrent :48%n 4-20 Point Bleu l:28%h 4- 14 Bed O Roses :49%h 5-14 Uncle Remus :49%h 5-13 Storm Hawk l:30%b 5- 14 Bumbashoot :49 h 5-8 MILE— :58% 1 MILE— 1:34% 4- 4 Christpher :49%h 5-14 Acoustics l:02%h 5-11 Clinging Vine 1:45 h 5- 14 Eastborough :52%b 5-14 Brisket l:02%h 5-8 Pibroch 1:42 h 5-14 Famestown :53%b 4-18 Cave Canem l:02%h 4-29 Shes Got It l:43%h 5-14 High Sign :52 b 5-10 Charioteer 1:03 b 5-16 Tide Rips l:40%h WIDENER COURSE 1-4 MILE 3-8 MILE 5-1 East Indies :35y5h Blue Steel :22%h 5-11 Chains :39 b 5-7 More Sun :39 b Tea-Maker :22%h 5-12 Ferd :34%h TRAINING TRACK 3-8 MILE 5-14 By Heart :55 b 5-10 Blue Row 1:03 h 5-14 Bidseven :53 b 5-15 Blue Teal l:02%h 5-16 April Dip :38 b 5-14 Bold Brennan :52 b 5-13 Brick 1:05 b 2- 17 Admiral Lea :37 h 5-14 Chanter :52%b 4-30Colosal 1:05 b 5-14Bucyrus :38%b 5-12 Full Back :51%b 5-14 County Town 1:02 h 5-12 Brig :37%h 5-14 Final Trick :52%b 5-14 Doc McGrail 1:09 b 5-16Bobolina :40 b 5-14Febridge :52 b 5-14 Free Strider 1:05 b 4- 28 Budget :37%h 5-14 Fighting Day :49 h 4-3 Fighting Don l:06%b 5- 14 Contract :38 b 5-14 Gin Girl :50%h 5-7 Hyp Home l:08%b 5-13 Coat of Arms :39 b 5-9 I Challenger :52%b 5-12 Miss Moon 1:04 b 5-14 Dream Again :36%h 5-9 Jay Ray :53 b 5-10 Quiet 1:06 b 4- 27 Danada Gift :37%h 5-14 Jersey Day :52 b 5-13 Shifty Play 1:04 b 5- 7 Jersey Bounce :36%h 5-15 Knights Armor :51%b 5-14 Tushs Bid 1:09 b Military Day :37y5h 5-5 La Rimda :49%h 3-4 MILE 5-14 Minstrel Day :37y5h 5-11 La Nappe :50 h 5-10 Darjeeling l:18%b 5-12 Paddleduck :38 b 5-14 Mongoose :50 h 5-15 Night Game 1:21 b 5-9 Pharaday :40 b 5-14 Nepal :50 h 5-14 Roguish Mood 1:24 b 5-13 Promise :37%h 5-14 Pennant Day :52y5b 5-14 The Hoya 1:24 b 5-14 Risky Rhu :38%b 5-14 Par Boy :52%b 5-14Tigrell 1:19 b 5-13 Right Jab ■ :36 h 5-14 Poor Pebble :53 b 5-13 Trapeze 1:20 b 5-9 Silverware :39%b 5-7 Rags to Riches :55 b 7-8 MILE 5-12 Scotch Jewel :39%b 5-14 Stage Bond :52 b 5-11 Barrage 1:31 b 5-9 Two Feathers :38 b 5-9 Sand Run :49%h 5-15 Frosted l:32%b 5-5 Top Honor :38ysb 5-14 Smoky Night :52 b 5-14Valpan :38%h 4-26 Valse Bleue :52 b 1 MILE 1-2 MILE 5-8 MILE 5-15Indique l:44%h AQUEDUCT Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-14Hyblaze :49%h 2-7 Pencell l:06%b 5-1 Brownian . :36%h 5-6 Hrt Mountain :51 h 5-14 Pharalus 1:06 b 5-14Bonefish :40 b 5-9 Impudence :52 b 5-6 Sun Distance 1:09 b 5-7 Haberdashery :40 b 5-13 Laurel Road :51%b 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 3- 23 Hopefully :38 hg 5-14 My Emma :49%h 5-12 Allies Pal 1:19 b 5-14 Jump for Joy :38 hg 5-8 Miss Fleetline :52 b 5-8 Ambitious 1:21 b Note Book :40 b 5-7 Mickey Dazzler :54 b 5-14 Billy Bart 1:20 b 5-11 Passg Through :38%h 5-1 Mighty Casey :50%hg 4-28 Bright Sword l:19%b Question Not :39 bg 5-12 New Challenge :52 b 5-1 Pollys Boy 1:19 b 5-14 Whirling Fox :38 b 5-12Pontalba :50%h 4-28 Pltoon Leader 1:19 b 1-2 MILE 5-14 Spitfire :50%h 4-25 Moon Voyage 1:20 b 5-11 Bubble World :54 b 5-4 Summerlight :51 b Yogar 1:22 b 5-13 Black Swan :53 b 5-8 MILE— :59% . 7-8 MILE — 1:22% 5-7 Crows Bill :52 b 5-12 Applause l:03%h 5-16 Realtor l:30%h 5-7 Golden Vixen :54 b 4-15 Elastic 1:08 b 1 MILE 5-8 Gallalad :52 b 5-5 Gaffer l:06%b 5-9 Myrmidon l:46%h 5-13Flatbush :50%h 5-12 Fire Warden 1:08 b 5-8 Maidez 1:52 b 5-11 Happy West :52 b 3-8 Kader l:04%h 5-8 Rogue l:48%h JAMAICA Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-13 Mystique Hde :49 b 5-10 Helaneius l:03%b 5-14Questus :37 bg 5-9 Miss Nina S. :51 b 5-10Laurania 1:04 b 5-15 Spindle :36%b 5-14 Our Doctor :55 b 5-10Lrd Pathmatel:03 b Sir Hat :37 b 5-13Portsel :51 b 5-15 Ted M. l:03%b 5-13Sanatine :37%b 5-7 Petro :54%b 5-14 Willing Hand l:03%b Search Me :37 bg 3-8 Right Wing :53 b 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 1-2 MILE "* 5-14 Reynolds Jr. :52%b 5-13 Flying Player 1:22 b 4- 25 Carol Porter :51 b Tin High :52%b 5-9 Flag Isis 1:21 b 5- 6 Fire Point :51 b 5-13 Tick Out :51%b 5-9 Piping By 1:15 h 4- 30 Golf Club :53 b 5-8 MILE— :58 5-12 Pocono "1:22 b 5- 12 Glad Time :48%h 5-llAlsiral l:02%h 4-25 Up Beat 1:15 h 5-9 Julibee :522/sb 5-14 Eyeful Star 1:08 b 5-14Zanella 1:18 b 4-29Joanie :54%b 4-13Eyewin 1:08 b 1 MILE— 1:38% Mara Moo :52%b 5-15 Escrow l:03%b 5-14 Go Chicago l:47%b CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Fast 3-8 MILE Merry Waltz ;36%b 5-12Trixie * :50 ~b 5-11 Aunt Beeba :38%h Prince Joy :36%b 5-14 Wonder Sir :50%b 4-28 Angling :36%h 4-27 Recovered :38%b 5-8 MILE — :59 3- 18 Bank Bandit :363/sh • 1-2 MILE— :46% 5-12Betethel l:04%b 4- 28 Chrombro :36%b Bubble Gum :49 b Gomel l:02%h 5- 14 Dinky Pair :37 b 4-29 Bold Lady :50%b 5-1 Glangolly l:07%b 4- 29 Dark Heather :39%b 5-12Bonrilla :50%b 5-13Jamerica 1:04 b 5- 7 Fanny Welch :Z6Vkb 5-13 Blue Nettie :50 h 3-4 MILE— 1:10% 5-1 French Admirl :36%b 5-12 Clear Request :49%h 5-11 Blue Molly l:18%b HallieBoy :38 b Elderbrook :49%b 5-12 Irish Sun l:16%h 4- 28 Lady Joan :36%h Flagler :5,0 b 5-12PharMon l:16%h 5- 3 MissBeiltro :38y5b 5-14 Grey Scout :52%b 5-15 Tobo 1:19 b 5-10 Martin Whelan :36%b 5-10 Miss Golightly :50%b 5-16 Mite :37%b 5-13 Sir Sweep :50%b 7-8 MILE — 1:236 5-1 Mahplay :36%b 4-30 Sky Music :49%b 5-15 Tetra Breeze l:29%b SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Fast 3-8 MILE 4-19Firesong :49%h 5-15Pittacus 1:03 h 5-6 Attention Miss :37y5hg 5-14 Ftom Venture :51%h Pouting Mac l:04%h 5-11 Allez Oop :38%bg 5-11 Gay Duty :52%hg 5-13 Rosemere Dee l:06y5b 5-11 Boss Well :39%b 5-8 Headwoman :52%h 5-1 Shifty Sue 1:04 h 5-14 Brilliant Ray :37y5hg 5-15 Iron Clad :51 h 5-16 Rabies 1:06 b 5-13 Classmate :38J/Sb 5-4 Khartoum :52%hg 5-13 Three-o-Five l:04%h 5-12 Charing Rock :38 b 5-5 Keener :51 h 5-11 Tetrafettle l:04%h 5-8 Daily Dip :38 b 5-10 Lover :50 hg 5-11 Tempest Mist 1:05 d 5-7 Delia T. :37 hg 5-14 Last Endeavor :51%h 5-13 Tempst Strek 1 :05 d 5-9 Dennis K. :38 bg 5-10 Miss Jordan :51 h 5-10 Vinita Rev 1:04 hg 5-6 Gerham :38%b 3-21 Omar Boy :51%hg 5-13 War Delegate 1:06 b 5-12 Gay Petal :38 hg 5-10 Professor Lee :51%h 3-4 MILE— 1:09% 5-12 Gentle Kay 138 Petes Best :52*/sh 5-13 Camolino 1:17 hg 5-12 Gray Star :36?f,h 5-13 Pacolet :53 h Clean Job l:19%b 5-13 Good Egg :37%b 5-8 Red Flare :53 b 5-9 Cambrge Fair l:19%b " 4- 30 Generals Aide :39%b 5-14 Respire :49%h 5-12 Clare Dauber 1:16 h 5- 11 Hibernian :384/5b 5-11 Sand Piper :50*/5h 5-12 Cadet Dan 1:15 h 5-13 Hutch - :40 b Sweepdown :52y5h 5-14 Eternal May l:16%ri 5-5 Her Gift :38y5b 5-6 Swell Guy :49%hg Flamare l:17%h 5-llHypeace :38 b 5-14 Stan Tracy :52y5h 5-13 Helioptic l:20%b 4-15Headshow :38%b 5-11 Spy High :51 h 5-8 Marblehead 1:18 h 4- 27 Lady Fan :371/5hg 5-9 Seamanlike :50%h Merrick Belle 1:18 h 5- 14 Little Etta :39 b 5-9 Swadell :54 b 5-6 O.G.Kelly 1-17 h No Man :41 b 5-14Shellmar :52 h 5-14 Oidenasai l:16%h 5-15 Our Chief :37 b 5-9 Tiger Nip :50Vsh 5-10 Play Tag 1:1916b 5-9 Oceania :38%b 5-16 Tintalate :52 h 5-10Peerless l:17%hg 5-13 Portchester :37%h 4-27 Texas Rnsome :53 b 5-13 Rube - l:17%hg 5-14Paragram :37 h V-Jet :50%hg 5-11 Rip Snort 1:16 h , 5-13 Roy :37y5b 5-13 Wise Vicki :51 hg 5-13 Segunta 1:17 hg 5-14 Shining Deed :38 b 5-4 Snow Whirl 1:17 h 5-10 Seersucker :38%b . 5-8 MILE— :58% 5-12 Surrender l:19V5b 5-14 Supper Date :38 b 5-12Bimover l:05%h 5-7 Stockade l:17%h 5-11 To To Light :373/5b 5-16 Count Steel l:052/5b Tillenny l:20%b 5-14 Whim Wise :37y5hg 5-10 Farmington 1:07 b 5-13 We Hope l:17 hg 4- 19 Wild Cat :37%hg 5-12 Grian l:03%hg 5-15 Ymoth Flare l:21%b 1-2 MILE — :47% 5-10HyhustIe 1:04 h 1 MILE— 1:36 5- 11 Bearing Clear :51 h 5-13 Halbarail 1:05 h 4-5 Air Gee l:47%h 5-10 Bacchante :51 h 5-14 Handy Sort 1:05 b 5-10 1 Forgot 1:45 h 5-6 Copywright :52%b 5-14 Hell Bent l:03%h 5-14 K. Doe-Doe 1:45 h 3- 30 Devil Dust :53%b 5-9 Lefty Jim l:01%h 5-11 Kind Marie l:48%b 5-3 Double Pharos :52y5hg 5-3 Lolling l:04%h 5-14Leamour l:48y5b 5-9 Dime :50 h MicMac 1:07 b 5-13 Easy Al :54 b 5-12 My Dividend l:03%h . 1 1-8 MILES— 1:48% Ethel May B. :51 h 5-12 Overpower l:05%h 5-8 Warior Prince 1:59 h GARDEN STATE PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE Aero Jack :49%b 5-14 Airdrome l:01%h 5-14 Arthur J. :39 b 5-3 Air Tip :48 b AethelsAce 1:05 b 5-4 Ascertain :37%b 5-7 Bronze Medal :51%b 5-10 Brief Whirl l:02y5b Andiamo :36%b 5-10 Bay Leaves :48y5b 5-1 Burgoyne l:03%b 5-9 Andy Handy :37 b 5-11 Bow Spin :52%b 4-21 Black Knight 1:01 d 5-7 Bright Comet :40%b 5-8 Best Go .. .. :47 hb 4-16 Beret 1:04 b 5-9 Buvel :36 b Brest :50y5b 5-2 Carmus l:01%h 5-14Blenlin :37%b 5-12 Blue China :51%b DiagaLee 1:02 hg 5-14 Bases Loaded :38 b 5-16 Bold Knob :48y5b Diana Proof 1:02 bg 5-5 Bullow :34d Beaus Nurse :48y5b 2-28 FudgeXady l:03%b 2-26 Sing :36 b 4-30 Bow Pen :50 b 5-9 Home Brew 1:02 bg 5-10 Brave Leona :36 bg 4-27 Best Behavior :55 b 5-9 Head Stream 1:04 b 2- 13 Conga Boy :40%b 4-13 Cunning Miss :49 b 5-121 Believe l:05%b 5-14 Composer :37J/5b DukeBengay :52 b 5-14 Lighthouse l:02%h 4- 28 Cos Pal :38 b 5-13 Espionage :53 b 5-10 Lady Kathln l:00%d 5- 2 Dart By :35y5h 5-14 Easy Chop :50y5b 5-14 Little Minn l:03%b 5-15 Damson :38 b 5-16 Extra Early :492/5b 5-12 Miss Jersey l:01%h 5-12Dr.Almac -:36 b 5-14 Experimentum :51 b 4-30 Mary Like l:02%b 5-9 Dawn Can :38%b 5-14 Free Crown :50y5b 4-4 Nomorwar 1:04 b 5-14 Eagle Bird :37y5b 5-15 Foxy Cat :49%b 5-14Palau 1:05 b 5-7 Enough :39 b 5-9 Faba :51 b 5-10 Prince Tread l:00%h 5-1 Eternal Flight :36y5b 5-14 Graymr Royal :52 b 5-12 Prediction l:04%bg 5-13 Frank Bandel :37 b 5-12 Gala Sweep :49%b 5-7 Red Herring- l:02%b 5-14 Greek Warrior :37%b 3-31 Grand Actress :49%b 5-13 Sntas Blitzen 1:05 %b 5-14 Gay Jessica :362/5b 5-14 Hickory :51 b 5-14 Silver l:02%b IdaC. :35%h 5-13 Insider :49%b 5-11 Sun Bud l:01%h 5-4 LadyPam :35 h 5-9 Indelibly :48 h 4-26 Scotch Daisy 1:02 b 5-10 Lion Rampant :36%b 5-4 Irisen :48 b 5-7 Titians Mtch l:03%b 5-14 Merry Risk :37%b 4-26 Jerrys Best :50 b 5-4 Tacaro Briar 1:03 Vsb 5-2 Millstep :362/5b 5-14 Killer Mac :48%b 5-9 Vamanos 1:03 b 5-10 Magic Margin :36%b 5-9 KentmereMiss :52y5b 5-12 War Tempo l:01%h 4- 30Norsma :37%b 5-8 Leo Fair :50%b 3-4 MILE— 1:09% 5- 15 Princess Irene :36%b 5-10 Linwood Blue :50 b 5-15 Balu Mike l:16%b 3- 23 Patty Rock :37%b 5-9 Leadership :494/5b 5-1 Called l:15%hg 5-llPalist :37%b 5-10 Little Harp :48%b 5-12 Devils Broom l:14%hg Patty Sis :39 b 4-12 Mon-Pharo :49 b 5-13Equisun 1:15 y5h 5-14 Plebiscite :36y5b 5-14Motrab :50 b 5-8 Fair Reward 1:16 b 4- 26 Paddock Acres :38y5b 5-5 Miss Rounders :53y5b 5-13 Happy Victor l:15%b 5- 3 Raw Cord :37%b 5-5 Mid Day :53y5b 5-9 Kings Coup l:152/5b 5-2 Rat-Tat :362/5b 1-21 Moms Choice :51%b 5-5 OrphnMallie l:16%b 5-14 Red Sonnet :36y5b 5-7 My Year - :48%b 5-13 Pilaster l:16%h 5-13 Sailing On :39%b 5-9 Mirthmaker :49y5b 5-12 Sugar Dohnt l:16%h 5-15 Saturday :36%b 5-12 Orefield :50 b 5r 12 Samba Step l:14%b 5-14 Susans Card :38%b 5-9 Ocean Front :49 b 5-16 Three Dots l:15%b 5-14 Suzanette :36%b 5-3 Slice :49%b 5-14YoncalIa l:162/sb TinysPal :36 b 5-14 Singing Sue :51 bg 1 MILE — 1:37% 4-30 Three Es :36 b 4-9 Travencore :50 b 5-7 Dual Purpose l:44%b 4- 29 Too Dangerus :372/5b 5-11 Toronto :48%b 5-6 Hidden Fire l:45%b Westwitch :36 b 5-9 Umpydan :53%b Lantern 1:52 b 5- 15 Wickers Wish :37%b 5-15 Vigorous :50y5b 5-15Laran l:39%h 5-14 Whatacard :36 b 5-10 Westminster :48%b 5-8 MissGalbuc l:42%h 1-2 MILE 5-12 Wind Break :52 b 5-1 RioReigh 1:44 b 5-14 Ace Scholar :48%b 5-8 MILE— :58% 5-15 Touch-Contrl l:39%h RANDALL PARK Track Fast 3-8 MILE 5-8 Blue Wise :5iy5b Straw Basket :52y5b 5-12 Burning Chips :39%bg Chief Counsel :53%b 5-6 Tubby B. :51%h 4- 14 B Nineteen :42y5b 5-8 Count Display :50%h Tryanguess :51%h 5- 6 China :37%h 3-15 College Girl :51%h 5-13 Treemontier :50%h 5-14 Dixie Land :38%bg 4-13 Cadet Carl :50%hg Valdina Sash :50%hg 5-14 Foxier Nip :39%b 5-10 Double Whirl :53 bg Watch Sweep :54%b 5-9 Judy Mine :39%b 5-14Donero :52%b 1-3 War Glenn :53%b 5-11 Maintaining :37%h 5-16 Edgelake :50%hg 5-8 MILE 5-13 Oom Paul :39%b 5-8 Hi-Ty :512/shg Beau-Ville l:04%h 5-2 Our Victory :41%b 5-6 H.D.King :50%hg 5-13 Free Throw l:04%h 5-12 Perfect Mark :37%hg 5-7 High Note :50%hg Nellie Joe l:03%hg 4-21 Point Judith :37%h 4-2 Janes Lady :52%bg 5-9 Scotch Luck 1:04 bg 4- 19 Ricca Silver :39%b 4-18 Junie :50 hg Valdina Valnal:04%b 3-15 Stargoo :38%b Joes Mom :50%hg 3-4 MILE 5- 10 Wild Bull :39%b 5-11 Kingstone :50%h 2-16 Boss Me l:19%b 1-2 MILE 5-13 Risky Questin :50%h Bush Picnic l:19%b 3-2 Baby MUler :52%b 5-4 Season Call :53%b 5-9 Paducah l:19%b

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