Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Detroit Race Course, Daily Racing Form, 1953-06-24

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Detroit Race Course J | ST RACE-5 FURLONGS. Purse ,300. 3:45 P.M. 1 2-year-olds. Claiming. PP. Horse. ProbJockey Wt Comment Prob.Odds. 9 HANGOVER M. Basile 116 2 WAR DOTTY W. L. Johnson 119 a-SMOOTH PALM j: Breckons 117 8 STRAWBERRYLANE No boy 119 4*TERRACE J. LaMontagne 108 1 STREET SCENE D. Madden 122 3 MAIDS LIGHT R. Lawless 122 5 XALAPA STREAK R.L. Baird 116 6 ERICE - J. D.Jessop 113 7 GOLD CHEST L. C. Cook 110 ~ / . 10SAMAI No boy 107 . • . • / : . 11 TICKLER No boy 116 - : 12 SKY JEEP D. Madden 116 a-LIGHT LEWIS No boy 116 a-SIR HARVEY No boy 105 a-MISS KIRK D. Bowcut 119 - . - ■ " -» RACE— 6 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,000. . 4:10 P.M. 2ND 3-year-olds. Claiming. 5 MISS NAYLOR - D. Madden 112 Has speed to score 2-1 9*JAY CEE J. LaMontagne 111 Main contender 6-1 a-GRAY DESERT No boy 116 Out to take it all 5-1 -8-HELANA W. R.L.Baird 112 Strong threat here 6-1 7*MANIPULAT0R No boy 115 Likes to so winging 6-1 6*MISS CINDY A. Blache 106 Game foe 10-1 a-SUNNYBROOK SUE L.C.Cook 111 Rates some support 6-1 1*SWATCH A. Blache 106 In tough spot 20-1 2 BESSIE G. No boy 111 Winter form fair 10-1 - 3 WITTLE WESWIE A. Monteiro 111 Lets wait and see 20-1 4 HOLY CATS B. Mills 111 Close at times 15-1 10 GAY INTRIGUE R.Spencer 111 May do some running 12-1 11*GEMI-TWIN H.Ford 111 Would be a surprise 20-1 12 DOCTOR CLIFF C. Bierman 116 Not in here 30-1 a-*C0L. MOE LEE No boy 111 In-and-outer 20-1 a-GOLD FLASH J.Vincent 116 Trying hard in all 10-1 RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. Purse~,000. 4:35 P.M. 3RD 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming.- 10 WHISKEY JOHN C. Bierman 119 Rates top spot 8r5 12 RUSHING B. Mills 116 Just missed last tryl 4-1 8 NAPANGO No boy 116 Fits with these 10-1 5 SLAMARANTH R,L. Baird 116 Speedy at times 8-1 a-*BIM0VER No boy 114 Strong factor here 5-1 a-*ARCHIBALDO D.Holmes 111 May go winging 10-1 9 TORRENT J. Valenti 116 Troublesome foe 10-1 1 BATTLE CLOUD W. L. Johnson 116 Dull in last few 30-1 2 TRANCER , No boy 116 Spot too tough 20-1 3 JUST-MADE-IT C. Bierman 116 Due for improvement 12-1 4 ATTENTION MAC A. Monteiro 116 Tab for later on 20-1 6 WEE HASH W. Carstens 111 Would be an upset 15-1 7*BU0NGI0RN0 H, Ford 106 Slow at present 20-1 11 MULEY. W.Owen 116 Trailer at finish 30-1 a-MYRMIDON No boy 116 More life needed 20-1 a-*BILLCELLA H. Ford 111 Nol to be ignored 15-1 4TH RACE-1 1-16 MILES. Purse ,500. 5:00 P.M. . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 5 HELWAN D. Madden 122 Should go all the way 5-2 4 IRRITATE R.Sisto 116 Close at finish 5-2 7 PAPA FELIX C. Bierman 119 Best of the rest 4-1 6 BATTLEHERO J. Breckons 116 Strong threat today 8-1 3 THISTLE WAR L. C. Cook 116 Always tough to down 5-1 1 DEEP BLUE R. L. Baird 116 Fits with these 8-1 2 GOLDEN PELT J. Nazareth 111 Dull at present 20-1 5TH RACE— 6 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,300. . 5:25 PJvL 3-year-olds. Allowances. 2 JUDGE LANE C. Bierman 116 Fit and fast; choice 6-1 3 DR. ALEX D. Madden 116 Trying hard to score 4-1 1 7 BIG PERRY No boy 116 Stout challanger 5-2 4 FLY LELIA No boy 111 May press leaders 3-1 5 FAIR PILOT W. Owen 116 . In fine form, now 6-1 8 VIE No boy 111 Always tough to down 8-1 1 CRACKLETTE R. L. Baird 115 Showing improvement 15-1 6 WISE PIPPIN. L. Pafundi 116 Outsider this trip , 30-1 6TH RACE — 1 MILE. Purse ,000. 5:50 P.M. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 1 SECOND AVENUE C. Bierman 119 Should repeat last win 4-1 4 SHAG TAILS J. Nazareth 119 In winning stride 4-1 2 THE GINK D. Madden 116 In fine form now 3-1 3 GOLDEN TREND R. L. Baird 119 Strong threat today 5-1 8 LITTLE DONOR H.Craig 119 Threat for all 6-1 5 LIGHT MOON No boy 113 Trying hard to score 10-1 6 SONIC No boy 116 Always a factor 12-1 7*MAD HARE R. Dever 106 Jn light today 15-1 9 ETELKA r. W. Carstens 111 Close at times 15-1 7TH RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. Purse ,000. 6:20 P.M. y 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4 PINSK J.West 111 All set * r best 5-2 8*CHANCES ROLL J. LaMontagne 111 Fit right now 5-1 11 PAPA BEAR No boy 122 Can turn on speed 8-1 a-HALS CHICK No boy 116 Chance if started 5-1 12 LOVELY LOUISE No boy 114 Always a factor 8-1 5 BORDEAUX No boy 116 Good try expected 8-1 9*ROYAL LEADER J. LaMontagne 106 Not to he ignored 15-1 3 HI BOB . H.Craig 116 Threat to leaders 10-1 7 GYPSY GLOW No boy 106 Racing evenly now 10-1 1 DOOLY W.Zakoor 116 Not with these 30-1 2 LAST STRIDE R. L. Baird 111 Could do some running 12-1 6 STAND OFF R.Spencer 116 Close at times 12-1 10 JANE FORST L.C.Cook 111 Would be an upset 20-1 a-MIBELAIRE M. N. Gonzalez 116 Some other day 20-1 a-DIGIT No boy 119 Troublesome foe 8-1 a-UNCLE DREW D. Madden 116, Way back last trip 30-1 COUPLED— Hi Bob and Digit. 8TH RACE— rMILE AND 70 YARDS. Purse ,000. 6:45 P.M. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. v2 BLUE PATH " C. Bierman 114 Choice in nightcap 5-1 10 EMERALD BELLE ,.No boy 111 The runner-up 6-1 8 MIST-O-BLUE L. Pafundi 114 Sharp at present 5-1 3*BELLAN0CH . D. Holmes 109 Strong threat 4-1 a-SON JOSS L.C.Cook 119 Fit for this 8-1 9 DANCE LIGHT No boy 114 Won last; danger 5-1 7 PREACHER W. Zakoor 116 Factor with the«i 10-1 1 BOLTON No boy 116 Outsider in all 20-1 4 STEPENMATE W. Carstens 116 Some other day 20-1 5 KINGS TIP No boy 116 Last try fine" 12-1 6 STORM BIRD W. Carstens 116 Knocking at the door 10-1 11 EAST HILL No boy 111 Dull performer 20-1 12*B MINOR J.Varcarcel 117 .Beat cheaper sort 10-1 a-THANK YOU SIR No boy 117 Lets wait and see 4-1 COUPLED-Bellanoch and Thank Ycu Sir. a-Also eligible.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1953062401/drf1953062401_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1953062401_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800