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workouts Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following; time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all ont; s, sulked; n, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type THURSDAY, APRIL 1 CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-27AIbanico ... :38h 3-30 Pawtucket .. 58h 3-28 Fair Scanty.. :3654h 3-25 Stands Alone :36 h 3-27 Facula 2S4Ah 3-29 Wise Dora .. :3654h One-Half Mile. 3-28 Bank Nitc... :5354b 3-30 Miss Lily. . :51h 3-28 Honey Roll.. :5354h Ma Hornge. :5354h 3-28 Ivory Tip... :52 h 3-30 Two Sons... :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-29 Arabs Arowl854h 3-26 Morristown .1.-06 h 331Cish Geary.l354h 3-30 Prum l:0754h 3-29Dumvin ....1:13 b 3-28 Petty Taw..l4h 3-30Foyot l754h 3-30 Wha Hac....l3h 3-28 Judge Hten.1:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 3-27AbbyB l:2054h 3-31 Slim Rosie..l:1754h 3-30 Ada W l:1754h 3-30 Suppliance ..l:18541i 3-28Arianna ....1:18 h 3-31 My Grdson.l:1754h 3-30Byrdine ....l:1854h 3-31 My Chicadeel:16h 3-28 Cometo Taw1:16 h 3-29 Vertner ....l:1754h 3-28 Chalk Eye... l:1854h 3-28 Visigoth ....151h 3-29 Dulcimer ...l:16,4h 3-31 Tomy l:1754h 3-30 Encircle ....1:21 h 3-26 Whipstitch .l:17?4h 3-30Saranara ...l:1854h One Milt. 3-29 Glint l:4654h 3-29 tfavarrc ....l:4554h 3-29 Kermay ....l:4554h Glint was accompanied by Dulcimer the first three-quarters. Judge Hasten and Commish Geary were on even terms in their trial. My Grandson was well in hand throughout. Slim Rosie worked very handily. Come to Taw worked exceptionally well. My Chicadee showed good speed. Kermay and Navarre worked a handy mile together. KEENELAND. Weather clear; track fast One-Quarter Mile. 3-2 Lets Win... :23i4h 3-27 Spread 53ih Three-Eighths Mile. Ceiling :42 b Lucky Ducky -3VAh Dickerville . 37 h 3-30 Nimble Pins. :28 h 3-23 Dellor :3854b 3-29 Panene :3754b 3-23 Geo. Gable.. -29 b 3-14 Proph :3854b 3-26 Hilfair :4054b Shdon Qun. 27 h 3-15 Introductory :39 b One-Half Mile. 3-29 Caravel .... :5154b 3-26 Pin Money . -20Mb 3-28 Honor Her.. :494b Play Ki :5054b 3-24 Imprcssario . :5154b Real Play... :4954b 3-29 Katchican .. :50 h Time to Play :5054b 3-28 Lee Wee.... :49b 3-29 Siva :4954h 3-28 Marica -21 b 3-28 Takes Time.. :5154b 3-24 raris Prince. :5154b 3-26 Young Ptime :5054b 2- 23 Pgging Awy :4954b 3-30 Woodberrx :48?h Five-Eiqhths Mile. 3- 29 Airlap 1:02b 3-29 Mt. Sard.... 1:0854b Banola l854b 3-24 Snow Fairy.. 1:1094b 3-29 Dcsgai 1:05 b 3-29 War Minstrell:05 b 3-29 Inspiration ..1:05 b Three-Qjarters Mill. 3-29Ballah 1:1954b 3-29 Maple Ricca.l51?4b 3-27Bning Star.l:1954b Official ....l:1754h 3-27 Gold Flag. . .1:18Kb 3 29 Vitamin B. . .1:1754b 3-29 Josh .......1:1754b One Milk 3-30 Hollyrood ..1:45 h 3-30 Old Nassau..l:45 h 3-29 Motsivad . ..1:5054b 3-30 Preeminent .1:45 h 3-29 Main Man... 1:45 b Lets Win and Spread worked together in their good speed trial. Woodberry worked impressively. Desgai and Inspiration breezed in company. Airlap showed a good effort. Hollyrood and Preeminent accompanied Old Nassau. Main Man was well in hand In his creditable mile. FRIDAY, APRIL 2 ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 3-23 Amazing .... :3954b 3-23 Monks First :3954h Bilkan :38 h 3-30 Mstrcl Show :3654h 3-30 C Note :3654h 3-31 Open Hearth. -29 h 3-30 Case Ace ... 6 b 3-27 Proof :3754h 3 22Cometa .... :3654h 3-21 Quindaro ... -29 h 3-22ChiInore .... :384h 3-26 Quick Getay :3654h 3-23Epinel :3954h 3-22 Red Hay.... :4154h 3-17 Exum -27 h 3-31 Reaping Rd. -26 b 3-23 Fritz W :43 h 3-26 Redress .... :4154b Infiniter ... :395ih Sky Larking. :3654h 3-25 Iaeo -23 h 3-10 Salteo :4154h John One... :3854h 3-25 Sad Knicht.. :38 h 3-27 Law Maker.. 38h Servant Sue. :38 h 3-18 Little Upset.. 23 h 3-31 Ultidue ....:3754b 3-30Mntain Rge :3654h 3-18Wendover .. :3954b 3-llMokcna .... :39 h 3-31 Wise Bessa.. :3854b One-Half Mile. 3-18 Albert Beck. :5254h 3-23 Play-Brage . -21 b 3-25 Born Black.. -22 h 3-24 Pricckan ... :5354h 3-25 Born Lucky. :5354h 3-22 Playmay .... :5254h 3-24Baeen May.. :5254h 3-23 Pen Rolls... -.54 h 3-25 Brbon Rose :5254h 3-23 Pallo :5454h 3-30 Crout au Pot :5054h 3-26 Royal Cote... -24 h 3-31Drombo 23 b 3-23 Rolls Nice.. -24 h 3- 25 Donna Mrza 6 b 3-26 Rifted Clouds -.53 b 2,14 Fair Rance. -25 b 3-30 Reaping .... :5054b 4- 1 Good Soldier :51h 3 25 Safe Porte... 4 h 3-23 Hi Cliff :504h 3-24 Sadie F :5254b 3- 20 His Girl :5554h 3-20 Semicolon .. -22 h 41 Hi-Vic :5154h 3-25 Sir Thomas. -.54 h 3.17 Highomar ... :5054h 3-24 Scythe -22h 4- 1 Joe D -25 b 2-9 Transwynn . :54 b 3-23 Little Wichita -23 h 3-17 Thistle Sis.. :51541i 3-29 Metaurus ... :54 d 3-21 Tug o War. . :5354h 3-17 Miss Hwood 22i 3-19 Whisking ... :53h 3 22Maystick ... 22 h 3-20 Well Heeled. :5354h 3-30 Otra Vez ... :5354b 3-5 Zevphine ... i25h 3-26 Flay Pal.... :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 3 27 Animosity ..1:07 h 3-23 Hair Trigger.1.06 h 3-11 Brides Delhtl:06 b 3-17 Irish Image.l:05 h 3-18 Benefit ....l:0554h 3-24 Khamsoen , .1:08 h 3-30 F.scohigh ...1:08 b 3-26 Manteca ....18 h 3-22Grimaldi .15 a 3-31 Phrixus ,...l:06h . . i .........4 3-31Palan 1:11 b 3-20 Seraphic Ktl.06 h 3-24 Quilt Pieccs.lK6h 3-17 Sprise Box.1.07 h 3-31 Robert L...lKJ6y5b 3 25 Young Lion.l.-08 h Three-Quarters Mile. 3-29Bvcr Cnty.1-24 b 3-26 Jting Lady..l:20 h 3-18 Busby 1:19 h 3-22 Keep Cherryl:19h 3-16 Empty Bottle1:18?b 3-23 Leros l:20?sb 3-14 Forget Not. .1-50 b 3-22 Prince Splorli2 b 3-25 Flabbergast .15754b 3-25 Revonah ...l:19h 3-19 Home Work.l-.25 b 3-22 Wise Player.l:19 h 3- 21 Jolyon 1-55 b . 3-21 World Over.150 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4- 1 Ashen 1:3454b 3-26 Miss Petrina1:32h 3-22 Dyak 1:33 h 3-21 William V...136b One Mile. 3-15 Indian Boy. .1:55 b 3-31 Terpsichore 1:53 b Case Ace and Reaping Reward showed fine speed in their short trial; being cased up the last eighth. Ultidue was breezing. Reaping was going easily in his short trial accompanied by Crout au Pot. Sadie F. was pulling to Miss Hollywood in their work together. . Empty Bottle was under restraint. Dyak was snugged throughout his handy work. Servant Sue, Exum and Jesting Lady worked from the gate. BAY MEADOWS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-14Airglide .... :36b 3-17 IUeanna ... :3854b Beaclmood .:3954b 3-10 Mad Joss... :35b 3 20 Double Kerry :3954b 3-20 My Regards. 25d 3-20 First Lien... -25M6 1-28 Noble Count. :41 b 3-2 Fanion 27 b 3-19 Rickey Roo. 37 h 2- 18 Ggous Hussy :40b 3-14 Sonny Bting :37 b One-Halt Mile. 3- 26 Black Rhody -22 b 1-10 Onwcll ....:5254b 3-27 Georgia Miss :494b Opcng Nht. -22 b 2- 23 Interest ... :54 b 3-26Puako -20 h 3- 17 Lucky Grge :50 b 3-28 Sky Pirate.. 20 b 3-28 Miss Gnier. :49b Five-Eighths Miia. Autumn Crl:03t4b 3-24 Kitty 0Ble.l84b 3-2 Black Tadorl:0554b 3-29 Nicasio .....lfl444b 2- 15 Brillt King.l:10 b 3-15 Pima Girl ..lK3b 3- 14 Captn Gbtl:06b 3-23 Polvos Imagcl:0754b 3-20Diggins ....1:10 b 3-10 Rapid Mgage1:02 b 3- 3 Guidelight ..l.-039ib 3-27 Shasta Bnerl:12 b Three-Ouarters Mle. 4- 1 Brutus Boy.l:1654b 4-1 Portola Star.l:16b 4-1 Calaveras ..l-5254b Quick FIight.l:25 b Civilian ....15054b 3-29 Sky Glare.. 1:1754b 3-13Chartres ...1:1954b 3-10Tistrue ....l:184h 3-30 Distribute ..1:14 b One Mile. Old Nick ...1:41b 2-llTornilIo ....1:4554b BOWIE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Cirus ...... :36t4d Sure Cloud.. :37 d Flayox :364d Sea Finn.... :3954h Fair Crest... 23 h 3-31 Sundad :3754d 3-30 Jimmy D :3754d 3-18 Sheathe 28 h Quariel -2654d Val X :3954h 3-29 Sylvia G.... :3954h 1-15 Witch Hazel. :3954h One-Half Mile. Busy Kate.. 21 d Totophar ... 5154h 3-22 Benjam :5054h 3-30 Quiet Please. ilh 3-22 Chance King :5154h 3-31 Ranicilla ... 25h 3 27 El Puma.... :55 b 2-26 Rock Point.. -.55 h Fire Star.... :5354h 3-30 Stone Martin 25 h 3-26 Hunterdon .. il54h 3-31 Wise Bun... :50 h Five-Eighths Mile Abotts Lastl:0654h 3-30 Happy Host.Ml h 3-31 Belshazzar . .1:09 h Monroe 15 h 3-30 Fair Time... 13 h 3-30 Timber Lady.1:03Jh Three-Quarters Mile. 3-26 Alads Dreaml:24 h 3-26 Mr. Quick... l:1954d 3-28 Bounding ...l:2054h Meliccnt ..a:19 d 3-30 Droll Story. .1:18 d 3-30 Miss Adelinel:22 h Grey Heels.. 1:23 h 3-24 Popo 1:24 h Irish Drcam.l-5154d 3-26 Sand Cloud.. l:1954d One Mile. 3-27 Brt Emeraldl:49 h 3-30 Prrie Princel:49 h Timber Lady worked handily. Wise Bun likes the track. Droll Story and Melicent worked together from the barrier. Benjam is in his best form. OAKLAWN PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-27 Ariel Flash.. 27 h 3-26 One Night.. :3654h 3-28Coronium .. :3854h 3-31 Smart Girl . :3754h 3-29 Gold Shawl. :36h 3-30Star Bess... :3854h 3-28Hdsome Hal 29 b 3-30 Silverctte .. :3854b 3-31 Ima Grnock. 29 b 3-27Vinaha ..... :374b 3-31 Mary Tito.. -3854b 3-30 Wont Lie . 29 b One-Half Mile. 3-29 Bungler .... :50 h 3-29 Morts Pal., :5354b 3-27 Blackthorn . :4954h 3-21 Mtery Gipsy 25 b 3-25 Crestonian .. :49andh 3-28 Rutland .... :4954h 3-26 Idle Way... :5154b 3-30 Sleep Along. 51 h 3-30 Miss Horton :53 b 3-27 mid Play.. :4954h Five-Eighths Mile. 3-30 Busy Spain.. 13 h 3-30 Hanano 13 h 3-26 Easy Sailingl:0454h 3-28 Spittenimage l4V4h Three-Quarters Mile. 3-26 Gallant Eglel58V4h 3-26 Eastport ...l:28d Gallant Eagle and Eastport worked in company; the latter was under a drive. Hanano showed improvement. Easy Sailing was well in hand. Crestonian showed speed. Morts Pal was only breezing. TROPICAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-28 Idle Along... 23 b 3-20 Open Book.. :38 b 3-30 Margarite I.. 29 b 3-31 Remarkable . :37 h One-Half Mile. 3-27 Clientelle ... :4954h 3-7 Kawagoe ... :5254b 3-30 El Bandido.. 5254b 3-3 Move Faster. :48?4h 3-7 Hornet :4854h 3-30 Mannerly .. . 20 b 3-31 Jack Patches 25 b TANFORAN. Weather clear; track muddy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 3-30 Boxthorn ..29 h 2-24 Gertie :4154b . 3-30 Exclaim 40 b Gallincta :414.4b 3-30 Mter Time. 39 b 3-14 Tip Inn :38?ib 3-30 Peter F..... :37Jsb 3-31 Uppermost .. :39 b 3 29 Rich Daddy. 294,ib One-Half Mile. 3 29 Electric Gaff. 25 b 3-28 Flucky Jack, :5454b 3-31 Game o Dn :5654b Tritoma .... 2S4,lb 3-18 Hadtobe .... :51fb Five-Eighths Mils. 3-29 Com. Conardl:044h 3-29 Ogee 1:04Jh Three-Quarters Mile. 3 28 Fair Cynthial5314b Training was confined to slow galloping this morning due to track conditions.