Daily Racing Form Charts: Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1939-05-12

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CHURCHILL DOWNS I LOUISVILLE, KY., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939.— Churchill Downs 1 mile. Eleventh day. Churchill-Latonia, Inc. Spring meeting of 19 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Kuprion Camera. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, C. F. Price. Stewards, W. H. Shelley and C. B. Head. Judges, J. T. Clark, H. B. Lindenberger and L. C. Bogenschutz. Starter, W. Hamilton. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley Racing starts at 2:00 p m. Chicago time, 3:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. FIRST RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Gallant Knight, May 16, 1931—1:16— 7QS9 4—114. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of 4do«D two races since April 28. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners since April 28 May-11-39-C.D allowed S lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. f.et value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 734B62JURABOY w 4 114 1 4 In l2 14 11 RosenJ K Daingerfield Jr . 630-100 731422*GOLDEN ARIEL w 5 107 10 9 8£ 6= 43 1 OrosJE J C Miller 140-100 73183*SOUND WAVE b4108 7 11 3" 2" 23 I- CharltonC Le Blanc Bros 820-100 67014 GEN. GREENOCK w6113 3 1 2» 32 32 4 HankaW Mrs D E Bryant 450-100 68168STAIRS w5108 6 3 7* 7 7£ 5* ParisoN J B Respess 600-100 72120 TRANSFUN w 6 107 5 8 ll2 ll2 8* andn HanfordI Cornhuskor Stable 3780-100 73282*SURVEYOR wb 7 105 2 7 42 51 5« 72 ThomasE Mrs R G Borman 11340-100 72995 UNION wb 9 113 11 12 92 84 93 8* CallahanH Mrs J D Moonoy 29570-100 60477*HENRIETTA C. w 4 103 8 5 54 4h 6h 91 WaliaceG Mrs J R Collins 3960-100 68566*BUSY GIRL w 5 105 12 6 62 9£ ll2 lOi HuffWC O H Pike t 73178*1 CHASE wb5103 4 10 12 12 12 11" HankeE B W Stivers 5830-100 725363JUST BUCK b 9 110 9 2 103 103 10*- 12 SwainC Mrs F Swain t tMutuel field. Time, :24, :47%, 1:13, 1:20%. Track fast. . S2 MUTTJELS FAIand , OFF1C1AI BOOKING ODDS JURABOY 4.60 $ 4.80 $ 3.20 630—100 140—100 60—100 GOLDEN ARIEL 3.00 2.20 50—100 10—100 SOUND WAVE 4.80 140—100 Winner — B. g, by Chatover — Jura, by Broomstick trained by K. Daingerfield, Jr.; bred by Mr. O. F. Woodward. Winner entered to bo claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 2:05. AT POST — 5J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. JURABOY, in close quarters after a fast beginning, was hustled to the front, drew clear when SOUND WAVE carried GEN. GREENOCK wide entering the upper turn, responded to strong urging when tiring and, holding GOLDEN ARIEL safe, finished with nothing left. GOLDEN ARIEL, away slowly and outrun early, improved her position steadily on the outside and, moving up rapidly after reaching the stretch, closed in resolute fashion. SOUND WAVE, a factor from the start, swung wide at the turn and held on well. GEN. GREENOCK began fastest of all from outside of the stalls, was forced wide at the upper turn and, after losing ground to the final eighth, came again near the end. STAIRS was in close quarters the greater part of the sprint. SURVEYOR was unable to keep up. HENRIETTA C. quit. JUST BUCK was outrun. - Scratched— 73441 Miss Lizzie. 103; 72364Hindu Princess, 105; 73358High Polish, 105; 73358 Imperial Jones, 105; 672513Ducah, 108; 67568 Pawn Ticket, 110; 73486 Cup Defender, 110; 73486 Solar Hawk, 110. Overweight — Juraboy, 1 pound; Golden Ariel, 4; Transfun, 2; Union, 3; Busy Girl, 2; I Chase, 3. _ Corrector weight— Union, 110. SECOND RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Coldstream, May 4, 1935— :52%— 2— 113. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special weights. jgg2J May-11-39-C.D Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 72953 BETTY SWEEP vll6 2 2 l1 23 14 RosenJ C Van Dusen 530-100 73445 WHIM WHAM w 116 11 7 22 In 24 JohnsonWL J W Parrish 1200-100 73276 DEWY DAWN w 116 9 8 74 44 3" BodiouA . Woolford Farm 490-100 ¥32762*CRUMPET will 6 4 91 6 4JI OrosJE Miss H W Bingham 350-100 HEEL UP wll6 11 % 33 53 RollinsC J W Bell tlOSO-100 72917*SHIPMADILLY w 111 10 6 5* 52 6h CharltonC G Shaw +6540-100 734452LYNN wll6 8 10 82 7* 1° DottcrR L B Mayer 200-100 72953 MISS JUNE BUG w 116 12 9 6» 8£ 82 KurtsgerC Mrs R Carruthers 2240-100 FAIR AND FAST vb 116 5 5 103 10£ 92 GarnerW C C Stable + 73487 DOGGIE PAM wll6 7 11 11= ll3 10* HanfordI S W Ward 9800-100 MISTUCKY wll6 4 12 12 12 14 CallahanH J W Bell J ALPOISE w 116 3 3 3* 92 12 CalvertM A C Ernst 10500-100 fMutuol field. JCoupled as J. W. Bell entry. Time, :23?£, :47?£, :54J£. Track fast. , MTJTUE1S PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . B_ETTY SWEEP 2.60 .00 $ 5.00 530—100 350—100 150—100 WHIM WHAM 14.20 8.20 610—100 310—100 DEWY DAWN 4.80 140—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Sweep All — Betty Derr, by Sir Gallahad III. trained by C. Van Dusen; bred by Mr. C. Van Dusen. WENT TO POST— 2:37. AT POST — 9i minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BETTY SWEEP sprinted into a clear lead during the opening five-sixteenths, gave way after reaching the stretch, then came again under strong urging and won under strong handling. WHIM WHAM rushed to the leaders from her outside position, forged to the front approaching the final quarter and tired in the last stages, but was best of the others. DEWY DAWN moved up rapidly after a slow beginning, was shuffled back approaching the final three-eighths and, coming again when clear, finished strongly. CRUMPET, jostled back on the turn, improved her position when clear and made up ground in the drive. HEEL UP tired. SHIPMADILLY showed an even effort. LYNN was in close quarters early arid showed little when clear. MISS JUNE BUG came over sharply approaching the final three-eighths and tired thereafter. ALPOISE quit. Scratched— 73487=Winklc, 111; Storcky, 116; 732763Roalily, 116; 73487 Wise Maiden, 116; Ten-o-Hearts, 116; 70439 Valdina Babe, 116; 73276 Polly Chilla, 116. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross, May 2, 1936— 1:10%— 4— 115. rTQQOrT Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 4 dOa 4 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 28 allowed 3 lbs.; one race May-11-39-C.D since then, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73488 CAUTIVO wb 4 110 5 1 22 2* 2* li BodiouA Lewin Stables 820-100 73488*ESCOHIGH wb5106 2 3 lh lh ]h 23 YarberrvW Woolford Farm 30-100 67939 SHOELESS JOE wb 7 117 4 4 32 3 3| 3* McTagucC C Smythe 980-100 732813NAUGHTY wb6107 6 5 42 43 42 4£ FowlerG Byrum Bros 790-100 * 69805 UPSLALA wb 4 10b 3 2 53 52 52 5» CowIeyJ W E Snyder 2290-100 73488 NOTICING wb4105 1 6 63 63 63 6* JohnsonWL J Lowenstein , 2760-100 73441 CROUT AU POT wb 8 107 7 7 7 7 7 7 ConleyR Mrs A M Creech 5130-100 Time, :23, :4644. 1:13!. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CAUTIVO 8.40 $ 4.20 $ 3.20 820—100 110—100 60—100 ESCOHIGH 2.40 2.20 20—100 10—100 SHOELESS JOE 3.60 80—100 Winner — B. g, by Livery — Chicaro Jane, by Chicaro trained by H. M. Goldstine; bred by Mr. R. J. Klecburc. Jr.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:12. AT POST — 4 minutes, t Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CAUTIVO, fast to begin, was steadied along when outrun, responded well when called upon and benefited by repeatedly bumping ESCOHIGH during the stretch run, won drawing away. The latter, hustled to_the front, was unable to draw clear, was bothered by the winner when relinquishing the lead and tired rapidly in the last stages. SHOELESS JOE, a strong factor from the start, was taken in hand when outrun and, responding well when called upon, finished strongly. NAUGHTY showed an even effort. UPSLALA had no mishaps. NOTICING and CROUT AU POT were outrun. Scratched— 73665;Bacon, 112. Overweight — Escohigh, 1 pound; Shoeless Joe. 2. FOURTH RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Coldstream, May 4, 1935— :52%— 2— 113. Purse 00. rTQQOG 2-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners of two races since 4 000 April 28 allowed 2 lbs.; two races at any time, 4 lbs.; maidens, 6 lbs. May-11-39-C.D Claiming price, ,000; if for more, 1 lb. extra for each additional 00. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St . % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 731793MAENERVA wb 115 2 6 42 l1 l5 RobortsonA Indian Lake Stable 140-100 73104 WISE GREENOCK wll4 1 1 in 2* 2h RodriguezE Glad Acres Farm 550-100 73141*SOME POLLY wl09 5 3 3h 34 34 OrosJE Friedberg and Axton 300-100 73701*LITTLE JACK w 105 6 4 62 4£ 41 DupuyH C G Baker Sr 340-100 72915*BARTS MAYOR • w 107 3 2 22 5S 5h WaliaceG B Gooch 5010-100 SOUTHLAND REX w 110 4 7 7 7 64 RollinsC F P Lctollicr 5010-100 73701 PERFECT MAID w 109 7 5 52 62 7 RichardJ A McKnight 2570-100 Tims, :23?4 :47%, :54?£. Track fast. , 1IUTUEIS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . MAENERVA $ 4.80 $ 3.00 $ 2.40 140—100 50—100 20—100 WISE GREENOCK 6.00 3.40 200—100 70—100 SOME POLLY 2.80 40—100 Winner — B. c, by High Cloud — Miss Minerva, by Black Toney trained by R. McIIvain; bred by Mr. L. A. Mosclcy. Winner entered to be claimed for ,300. WENT TO POST— 3:40. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MAENERVA, slow to begin and in close quarters early, was rushed between the leaders to take the lead soon after entering the stretch and, drawing clear rapidly, won easily. WISE GREENOCK took command at once, was unable to draw away, lost ground when forced wide by the winner and, after coming Continued on twentieth page. CHURCHILL DOWNS Continued from third page. again, tired in the last stages. SOME POLLY, well up from the start and on the inside, held on well. LITTLE JACK, hustled along from the start, was forced wide at the upper turn and showed nothing thereafter. BARTS MAYOR quit. SOUTHLAND REX was outrun. PERFECT MAID showed nothing. Scratched— 73662 Valdina Miss, 107v FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Ariel Cross, May 2, 1966— 1:10%— 4— 115. ITSQ Yurse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, mL ifc Tt « 118 lbs Non"Winners of two races since April 28 allowed 3 lbs.; one race may-n-da-CD since then, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winners 62.50 each; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73488 +MALEMAN wb5112 4 5 34 33 lh RyanP L Bcyda 370-100 T33963 +BLUEFIELD wb4107a 5 2 4£ -4= 24 is$ OrosJE Mrs E Oros 150-100 66635*ABANICO w 4 100 8 1 5£ 53 6* 3 DupuyH Shady Brook Farm 1130-100 72443 JOT-EM-DOWN wb 4 110 3 7 8 7* 7= 44 BodiouA E B Patterson 2340-100 73106*LTLE EMPRESSwb 5 102 14 1£ 2£ 3* 5£ CharltonC J P Hall 450-100 734883*FREE MONEY w 4 106 7 8 6£ 6* 5£ 6» YarberryW Mrs W C Wean t 950-100 73488 JACQUELLA wb 4 105 6 3 2i lh 41 72 StiffA G M Hendrie 8970-100 73106 LENPOLA w 4 107 2 6 73 8 8 8 HanfordI R A Firestone 830-100 iDeadheat. Time, :23, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. rr— MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKINO ODDS MALEMAN .Tr $ 3.80 $ 3.40 $ 3.00 90—100 70—100 50—100 BLUEFIELD 3.00 3.00 2.60 50—100 50—100 30—100 ABANICO 4.8O 140—100 Winners— Malemah, ch. g, by Misstep — My Premier, by Sir Martin, trained by W. Causey; bred by Le Mar Stock Farm; Bluefield, b. f, by Sun Flag— Playaround, by Blind Play trained by J. Oros; bred by Shandon Farm. Winners entered to be claimed for ,000 each. WENT TO POST— 4:08. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; third the same. MALEMAN, taken in hand after being rushed to the leaders, moved up rapidly after reaching the stretch, forged to the front soon afterward, gave way to BLUEFIELD when inside the final eighth, came again in the final strides and finished in a dead heat with BLUEFIELD. The latter, unable to improve early position, responded well after reaching the stretch, diew clear rapidly after taking command and was listlessly ridden in the late stages. ABANICO, outrun to the stretch, closed with a rush. JOT-EM-DOWN came from well back. LITTLE EMPRESS was done after five-eighths. FREE MONEY- was outrun. JACQUELLA quit. LENPOLA was outrun. Overweight— Bluefield, 2? pounds: Free Money, 1; Lenpola, 2. 1 SIXTH RACE 1 MILE Out of Chute. Peace Chance, May 1, 1934— 1:354/£— 3— 105 1-2. TQSQft Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of ,500 4 OOOU at any time. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of ,005 in 1938-39 allowed 2 May-11-39-C.D lbs.; of three races of 00 in 1939, 4 lbs.; of 00 twice in 1939, 6 lbs.; one race in 1939, 8 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73590*ROBERT L. w 5 111 1 7 3h lh lh 11 m YarberryW Woolford Farm 70-100 736663DIAVOLO BOY wis 4 110 2 8 8 8 63 2h 2* ParisoN Valdina Farms 380-100 73536NOVELETTE w4 108 6 3 5 s 7* 54 4h 3£ DupuyH Mrs J Lowenstein 3690-100 73399BOBS BOYS wb6118 5 6 4MJ 42 5£ 4h HanfordI Superior Farms -180-100 709612*DON CREOLE wb6 105 7 2 74 5h 343452 WallaceG Smith and Homan 1630-100 73491 LAST MESSAGE wb4107 3 4 21 2* 6° 63 CalvertM Tall Trees Stable 1860-100 735363*RIDGE wb4108 4 5 6* 62 8 7* 7° CharltonC G M Hendrie 940-100 73536*MISS BONNIE w5103 8 1 1" 7 8~ 8 HankeE D Lehan 3270-100 Tfme, :239£, :47%. 1:12, 1:37%. Track fast. . MUIUELB PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . ROBERT L $ 3.40 $ 2.20 $ 2.20 70—100 10—100 10—100 DIAVOLO BOY 2.80 2.80 40—100 40—100 NOVELETTE ; 7.20 260-100 Winner— Ch. h, by Noah— Lady Braxted, by Braxted trained by B. A. Jones; bred by Mr. G. B. McCamey. WENT TO POST — 4:37?. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ROBERT L., slow to begin and fast to improve his position on the inside, forged to the front nearing the final half mile, drew clear after disposing of LAST MESSAGE, tired in the last stages, but lasted to outfinish DIAVOLO BOY. The latter, outrun for a half mile, worked his way forward on the outside under strong urging during the stretch run, just failed to get up. NOVELETTE, well back for a half mile, moved forward through the field and finished well. BOBS BOYS, in close quarters for a half mile, showed little thereafter. DON CREOLE, used up in reaching contention and on the inside in the drive, tired under pressure. LAST MESSAGE was done after three-quarters. RIDGE was outrun. MISS BONNIE quit. Overweight — Miss Bonnie, 3 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 MILES. Twenty Grand, May 16, 1931—2:01—3—126. Purse 00. TSI 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 4-year-olds, 115 lbs.; older, 116 lbs. A ,Rf£-h "-winners since April 28 at one and one-eighth miles or over allowed May-11-39-C.D 3 lbs.; two such races in 1939, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 735942SORTIES SON wb4112 4 4 2£ 3" 2* 2* 14 ParisoN Valdina Farms 260-100 73492 *BOY VALET wb8106 2 1 3h 7 lh lh 24 HankeE F P Letellier 240-100 73668*HERMOSILLO wb5 106 6 8 5h 52 42 3* 32 CharltonC Mrs E Haughton 340-100 73363*LAURA KIEV wb 8 101 5 5 6* 6h 6b 44 42 DupuyH J Allgcycr 680-100 73539 TACHEONE wb4 105 7 6 41 Q 3i 5» 5h ConlcyR Le Blanc Bros 3570-100 73493*MARGO G. wb5101 9 7 72 73 72 6* 63 WallaceG Hopeful Slock Farm -890-100 73363 LUCY w 7 106 3 3 8" 8£ 83 73 7° JohnsonWL Susan E Kellogg 1650-100 73668«STORMY OCEAN wb5106 8 9 9 9 9 9 8« FornetteH Montell Farms 35690-100 68000*TIME TO PLAY wb 4 107*1 2 1* lh 5* 82 9 OrosJE H G Shoemaker 6090-100 Time, :25. :4914. 1:16%. 1:42%. 2:09. Track fast. *2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SORTIES SON .20 .60 $ 2.40 260—100 80—100 20—100 HERMOSILLO 2.8O • 40—100 Winner— Br. c, by Sortie— Lyddite, by McKinley trained by J. J. Flanigan; bred by Mr. J. W. Marr. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST-5:05J. AT POST— 1 minute. """Start good and slow. Won easily;: se.ond and third driving. ■*--*.* v SORTIES SON, well up from the start and steadied along for a mile, was forced to lose ground when wearing down BOY VALET and won with something to spare. BOY VALET, never far back, moved forward when-ready, forged to the front approaching the final quarter, carried the winner wide when he challenged and tired in the last stages. HERMOSILLO improved his position after three-quarters, saved ground after reaching the stretch and tired near the end. LAUIrA KIEV, in close quarters the greater part of the trip, came fast when clear and finished well. TACHEONE crossed over at the lower turn, and used up in reaching contention, quit under pressure. MARGO G. shuffled back at the lower turn and raced wide thereafter. LUCY was outrun. TIME TO PLAY was done after three-quarters. Scratched— 73447 Imperial Jean, 105; 73705 Winged Victory, 111. Overweight — Time to Play, 2 pounds. Corrected weight — Tachconc, 105. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Lady Madcap, May 24, 1022—1:44-—113. Purse 0.0. /TO COO 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since April 28. Weight, * wOt" 116 lbs. Non-winners since April 12 allowed 3 lbs.; one race in 1939, 6 lbs. May-ll-39-C.D Claiming price, ,000; if for ,250, 3 lbs. extra. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third. 0; fourth, S25. Index Horse* Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 73447*FOR ROMANCE w 6 103 1 2 6 4$ 3i 3£ 1" DupuyH Indian Lake Stable 1210-100 73282 ISOLENE w 4108 8 5 l4 l3 l3 l1 2"k JohnsonWL Friedberg and Axton 1430-100 73493xCOTTINGHAM wn6107£ 2 1 2* 3* 4= 43 3 OrosJE Mrs E Oros 550-100 73447 MERRY PETE wn 6 113 5 4 3» 2 24 2* W Bcasyll C A ONeil 270-100 73668*RED TREE wb5105 * 3 4J 53 53 54 53 YarberryW R Hazza 1670-100 73661 PRINCE TORCH wb8110 4 6 7* 8V 82 76 MarinclliJ F Abbate 410-100 68530 SURE SWIFT mvb4113 7 9 9 9 9 9-7* RyanP L Bcyda . 1790-100 727273*TEPIN wb 5 111 6 7 83 7 6 » 6h 8=- CharltonC D H Silberberg 380-100 73706*VERAKEE w4 100 9 8 56- 71 8| 9 WallaccG Mrs J R Collins 2770-100 Time. :24. :48?£. 1:14?£. 1:41?4- 1:48?. Track fast. , 13 MUTUELS PAID . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB . FOR ROMANCE 6.20 3.40 $ G.40 1210—100 570—100 220—100 ISOLENE 14.40 7.40 620—100 270—100 COTTINGHAM . - - 5.20 160—100 Winner— Br. m, by For Fair— Scths Romance, by Seth trained by R. Mcllvain; bred by Mrs. E. Gaar. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST — 5:33J. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FOR ROMANCE, taken under light restraint early and in close quarters on the first turn, improved her position steadily when taken to the outside in the last three-sixteenths and wore down ISOLENE. The latter displayed good speed fronv the start, was permitted to open up a commanding lead, but tired when placed to pressure in the last quarter. COTTINGHAM, a sharp factor throughout, held on with good courage when placed to pressure. MERRY PETE was hard hustled from the beginning, was responsible for the crowding on the turn, gained a contending position after a half mile, but tired badly in the drive. ~ RED TREE dropped out of it early. PRINCE TORCH went to his knees when in close quarters in the first quarter and failed to recover. VERAKEE was fractious at the gate, was placed on the outside at the start and was never a factor. Scratched— 73668;Ebonv Parasol, 103; 73493 Overplav, 110; 73661 Queenie, 105; 73447 Seven Star, 110; 73142 Margaret G., 105; 73492 Flag Cadet, 110. Overweight — Cottingham, 1 pounds. NINTH RACE 6 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Gallant Knight, May 16, 1931—1:16— rTOQOOX — 114. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of 4 OOOu 2, two races since April 28. Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners since Ariril 28 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. DECLARED OFF.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1939051201/drf1939051201_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1939051201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800