Planning Recovery Board: Secretary Hopkins Contemplates the Formation of Federal Board of Directors--Asks Appropriation., Daily Racing Form, 1939-05-17


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PLANNING RECOVERY BOARD Secretary Hopkins Contemplates the Formation of Federal Board of Directors — Asks Appropriation. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 16.— Formation of a federal board of directors charged with the task of co-ordinating various business recovery plans is contemplated by Secretary of Commerce Harry L. Hopkins. Sources close to the secretary revealed today that he has requested the budget bureau for a supplemental appropriation with which to hire industrial experts and business leaders who would compose the group. Hopkins informed the budget bureau that the duties of his department have multiplied materially during the past year and that it is necessary to engage the services of a panel of outstanding business experts. Since his elevation to the cabinet, Hopkins has received numerous proposals designed to accelerate the recovery movement. Back at his desk after a ten weeks illness, the secretary is anxious to initiate some concrete program foe business betterment. NEW POST. Several weeks ago Hopkins induced the President to ask Congress to create a new post of undersecretary of commerce. This position will be filled by Edward J. Noble, candy manufacturer and former chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. Originally Hopkins had hoped to obtain the services of outstanding business men on a temporary basis and acting in an advisory capacity. This method has proved unsatisfactory, since many business men find it .difficult to divide their time between government and private work. Robert E. Wood, Chicago industrialist who served as Hopkins adviser for a short time, resigned last week, pleading the pressing of personal affairs. If the budget bureau approves the new plan Hopkins intends to hire men from the business world on a full-time salaried basis. It is the hope of the secretary that some outstanding business personalities will obtain leave of absence from their private organizations.

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Local Identifier: drf1939051701_1_8
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