Vertex at 128, Cohoes 125 in Toboggan Cap: Latter Expected to Be Starting Highweight at Belmont Monday, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-07


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Vertex at 128# Cohoes 125 in Toboggan Cap j j Latter Expected to Be Starting Highweight at Belmont Monday I ; By Staff Correspondent JAMAICA, L. I., N. Y., May 6.— Brunetti and Piarullis Vertex has been given top weight of 128 pounds for Mondays 5,-000 added Toboggan Handicap at 6 furlongs j at Belmont Park. This will be the j I first time in recent years that the open- j ing-day fixture will be run on the main track, it having been disputed mostly on I j the discontinued Widener straightaway since 1928. Vertex is given two pounds less in this dash than his assignment in Saturdays 5,000 Grey Lag Handicap at Wb miles. The son of The Rhymer is expected to start on the week end in the richer race. Greentree Stables Cohoes is the probable starting top weight in the Toboggan with 125 pounds and will also probably be favored. The son of Mahmoud returned to action here at Jamaica on Monday with a smashing score at the Toboggan distance and last year won the Whitney stakes and Sysonby Handicap. Claiborne Farms Nadir, a recent arrival from Kentucky, is third in the Toboggan weights with 123 pounds. He breezed a clever 5 furlongs this morning and may go postward. Irving Gushens speedy Bumpy Road, Brookfield Farms Paumonok winner, Isendu and Mrs. Mabel C. Scholtz erratic Warhead have each been given 122 pounds. All three may start, though no j j I ; j j I j I j definite word has been received as yet concerning Bumpy Road and Isendu, who are in New England and New Jersey, respec- tively. Howell E. Jacksons Tick Tock. who recently narrowly defeated Warhead here at Jamaica in his seasonal debut, is another probable under 122 pounds. He finished a good third to Bold Ruler and Clem under 116 pounds in last years Toboggan. Other possibilities in the Toboggajiin-clude Jewels Reward, 119; Itobe. Jimmer and Yemen, 115; Lofty Peak, 113; Viscount, 112, and Egotistical, 110 pounds. Complete weights for the 5,000 added Toboggan Handicap at 6 furlongs follow : Horse. Wt. Horse. Wt. Vertex 128 Yemen 115 Cohoes 125 Lofty Peak 113 Nadir 123 Viscount 112 Bumpy Road 122 Egotistical 110 Isendu 122 Village Idiot 110 Tick Tock 122 Pundit 109 Warhead 122 Nans Mink 108 Jewels Reward 119 Slaipner 108 Backbone 118 Four Fathoms 105 Kentucky Pride 118 Golden East 105 Itobe 115 Jets Alibi 104 Jimmer 115 Page Seven 100

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