Tuesdays Late Sportsmans Park Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-07

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Tuesdays Late SPORTSMANS PARK Charts „ SEVENTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. Pan. May 2. 1958. 1 : ll4. 5, 120. O r . OOIA B,ue Challenge Purse. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners jpi ~ L.j* 0f a race other than maiden, optional, starter or claiming since Nov. 7. Weight, 120 lbs May 5. 1959 Non-winners of one race since April 17 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 7, 5 lbs.; in 1959, 8 lbs. claiming races of S7.500 or less not considered. Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth. 75. Mutuel Pool, 9,931. ~ Index Horses Eg t A Wt PP St V* Vi Str Fin jockeys Owners Odds to 1979Spt2— Yukon Jake 5112 7 4 1h 1h 12 R Winant Mrs V E Smith .80 5 2207Spt2— Mangam b 4 112 3 1 5* 5h 52 2 R Baldwin Mrs E Denemark 3.60 £ 1979Spt —Admiral Van b5 107 4 3 2J 23 23? J Dotson5 M H VanBerg 10.20 T" 2068GP —Grand Fiesta b 4 112 2 7 7 7 6| 41 A Skoronski Curly Ann Stable 17.00 " 1979Spt3— Prince Gala b 5 112 1 2 3 3J 3J 5I W Chmbers R Danner 500 -„ 71288 —Hue and Cry b 4 112 5 5 4£ 4 4 J 6?1 R L Baird Mrs C Greene 17.00 2039GP4— Lucky Me b 5 112 6 6 6 P 7 7 E Anyon West Wind Farm 12.90 r Time, :22%, :46, 1:11% new track record. Track fast. — Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid , Odds to * kA in- i 7-YUKON JAKE 3.60 2.60 2.40 80 .30 .20 "1 Mutuel Prices? 3-mangam 320 2.60 60 .30 -n l 4-ADMIRAL VAN 3.80 .90 O Winner— Ch. g by Sirius— Spring Chimes, by Balladier, trained by A. W. Rupelt; bred by Mrs. V. E. Smith. IN GATE— 4:58i OFF AT 4:58| CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. 2 Start good. Won ridden out. YUKON JAKE moved up in a rush going to the first turn, came in slightly * but didnt interfere with ADMIRAL VAN who was coming out slightly, took the lead on the turn and, under — mild urging in the last quarter, drew out steadily. MANGAM, slow to settle, closed steadily while between X horses in the final quarter. ADMIRAL VAN had a short lead going to the first turn, made contact with the C winner when he started to bear out slightly but was knocked off stride and held on with good courage J*» thereafter, although weakening. GRAND FIESTA closed some ground. PRINCE GALA weakened even though Q saving ground. An inquiry was conducted into the race, the stewards finding no reason to alter the original . placing of horses, there being no foul committed on the first turn. _ Scratched— 16890P Camelback. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Bernburjtoo. May 10. 1958, 1:44, 5, 121. J Cn*. 99"? Purse ,900. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races since 2 JLJi - mJJ March 14 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs.; one race since Feb. 21. 8 lbs. Claiming price, May 5. 1959 ,500; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs J Net value to winner ,885; second, 80; third. 90; fourth, 45. Mutuel Pool, 5,112. * Index Horses Eg t A Wt PP St 5 Vi 3A Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 3 1992Spt 2— Supreme Buster 112 6 3 6J 5* 4iJ 1J R L Barntt 3500 F C Reed §16 io 2203Spt -Mr. Fidelity b 112 3 5 2J 1J 13 23 2* H Robichx 3500 E J Soper 12.20 1957Spt— Hashco b 117 7 9 83 73 6J 5* 3"k A Skoronski 3500 Mmes Benedetto-Jedding 2.60 1946Spt — Mia Gal b 105 8 4 32 32 3* 3 4JEAnyon 3000 R C McNeill 46.40 1992Spt —March Cross b 112 9 6 53 44 5h 45 J D Jessop 3500 C L Cray 25.20 1946Spti— The Lip 117 4 10 10 9 83 6 6J J Casey 3500 Mrs R J Hulse 3.50 1902Spt —Sunny Ruthie 109 10 7 4h 6 72 83 V S LeJeune 3500 Mrs M Rabin 22.20 1957Spt2— Jovial Miss 107 1 2 7 8* 10 10 8"° J DotsonS 3500 J Bogdan 900 1946Spt — Buy Me Now b 110 5 1 1 23 2 7h 91 K Griffith 3CO0 H C Lay 35.80 1992Spt3— Bank Night 117 2 8 % 10 92 9i£10 W Chmbers 3500 R Boston 5.00 Time, :23%3 :47%, 1:13%, 1:40%. 1:47%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers r — Mutuels Paid — t Odds to 1 kA m in* 6-SUPREME BUSTER 8.60 5.60 3.20 3.30 1.80 .60 Mutuel Knees? 3-mr. fidelity 10,60 5.20 4.30 1.60 1 7-HASHC0 3.00 .50 Winner— Br. g, by Supremo— Flo Bust, by Buster, trained by C. Blair; bred by R W. Moler. IN GATE— 5:31*. OFF AT 5:31J CENTRAL DAYLIGHT T:ME. Start good. Won driving. SUPREME BUSTER moved up fast while saving ground on the far turn, forged to the front entering the stretch and, under urging, was able to hold MR. FIDELITY. The latter closed steadily while between horses in the last quarter and was making a strong bid in the final strides. HASHCO improved position while on the inside. MIA GAL raced with the leaders while on the outside to the stretch, then weakened. THE LIP made up some ground on the outside. BANK NIGHT was never prominent. Scratched— 1929Spt Boots Darling. Overweight— Mia Gal, 1 pound; Sunny Ruthie, 2; Jovial Miss, 2; Buy Me Now, 1 The Lip claimed by W. B. Warner, trainer W. L. Proctor. Supreme Buster claimed by M. Petsch, trainer same. NINTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES chute. Bishops Light, Oct. 29, 1958. 1:49%, 4. 116. C — f 09 7 A Purse ,750. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since jpi - LL. JO March 14. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 17 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 14, May 5. 1959 5 lbs.; since Feb. 21, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,775; second, 55; third, 80; fourth, 40. Mutuel Pool, 5,906. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V-i % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 1950Spt — Androb b6 112 9 2 34 3J I" 1iJ1iJEAnyon 2500 X McNair i~80 1999Spt3— Miss Elena 5 107 2 5 2 2J 2 24 1 M Weiss an 2500 Reyer-Visans 6.20 1926Spt — Mt. Eden 5 110 6 4 53 41 3* 43 3"° J Dotson5 2500 W D Bernhardt 7.20 1 981 Spt2— George Hosh 5115 10 1 4h 52 52 3* 4| W Chmbers 2500 Nissen-Brock 3.60 2218Spt — B. B. Bull b 6 117 7 7 72 6J 63 52 53 R L Barntt 2500 R Heitzman Jr 28.60 2035GP — Symie Dier b5107 8 3 675 7 BJ 6J C Stone 2500 C C Madden 30.40 1980Spt4— Belated Wave b 5 115 5 10 10 10 8J 64 7i R GoucherS 2500 Alice E Houts 5.00 1980Spt —Hunters Dish b 5 112 3 6 12 4 4 74 8h W Cox 25CO Peyronnin-Autry 107.80 1911Spti-Dilly Whilly b 8 120 4 8 82 82 95 JW 912 R Winant 2500 P J Brady 7.30 1963Spt — Wise Paul b 5 112 1 9 92 9* 10 10 10 J D Jessop 2500 H Gauer 90.60 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%, 1:40, 1:52. Track fast. Official Program Numbers f — Mutuels Paid--- r Odds to . . , n . / 9-ANDROB 5.60 3.80 3.20 1.80 .90 .60 Mutuel PnCeS? 2-MISS ELENA 6 80 4.80 2.40 140 I 6-MT. EDEN 5.40 1.70 Winner— B. g, by Some Chance — Latest Vogue, by Isolater. trained by F Nugent; bred by Mrs. R. A. Firestone. IN GATE— 5:58. OFF AT 5:58 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. ANDROB, close to the pace from the start, moved into the lead while on the outside on the far turn and drew out in the final stages under mild urging. MISS ELENA had speed from the start, forced the pace for most part and held on with good courage. MT. EDEN made up ground while between horses. GEORGE HOSH raced on the outside for the most part and finished strongly. BELATED WAVE improved position in the last quarter while saving ground. HUNTERS DISH tired. Belated wave claimed by W. B. Warner, trainer W. L. Proctor. Attendance, 8,649; Total Mutuel Pool, 98,432.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050701/drf1959050701_49_3
Local Identifier: drf1959050701_49_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800