Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-07

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A Absinthe— 3d G.S Acquaint Me— 2d Spt Active Crater— 7th Spt After Seven— 5th G.S Agricola — 4th Suf Ahmic Lake— 8th G.S Air Buddy— 6th Suf Air Grip — 1st Suf Air Romance— 8th Spt Al Tanteo— 4th Suf Alfred John— 1st CD All Comers— 5th Suf All Joy— 7th CD All-New— 7th CD Amalie H— 2d Spt Andys Beacon— 9th Jam Angareth— 1st G.S Angry Mood — 1st G.S Annville— 5th G.S Anxious Miss— 4th G.S Arabian Lad — 4th Spt Arctic Discovery— 3d G.S At Sea— 7th Jam Athenal— 4th Suf Atropos— 2d Pirn Aunt Pearl— 2d Jam Auratum — 8th G.S Azalea Town— 5th Suf B Backbone— 7th G.S Bally Rocket— 4th G.S Barrs Reward— 3d Pirn Basil Bee— 4th Jam Batalini— 7th Spt Bay Leaf-4th Spt Beesabuzzin— Gth Pirn Bells Well— 2d Spt Benedicto— 6th CD Berthold— 1st Spt Better Depth— 1st CD Better Goods— 9th Spt Big Ability— 4th Suf Big Coupon— 5th Spt Big Missile— 5th Pirn Big Result— 4th CD Big Winner— 9th Spt Bill 0 Lading— 1st CD Billtown— 6th Spt Black Question— 1st Suf Blazon— 4th CD Blue Bill— 1st Pirn Blue Mignon— 3d G.S Blue Safari— 2d Spt Bolinda— 1st Spt Bombadare— 2d Suf Bombeau— 7th Pirn Bonaparte— 2d Spt Bonne Espoir— 8th Spt Boomtown — 5th Suf Boots Darling— 1st Spt Bridlewood— 3d Spt Brother Doge— 4th Suf Buddy— 9th Spt Bully for You— 4th G.S Bushes— 1st Spt Buy Me Now— 1st Spt Byvote— 4th Suf c Cadru— 9th Suf Calais Dover— 6th Jam Cameo— 5th Suf Camerica— 2d CD Capt. Billings— 2d Pirn Captain Dick— 4th Spt Captain Sam — 1st Suf Carolmel— 3d CD Castolon— 1st Pirn Catchall— 7th CD Challataw— 2d Spt Charcoal Fiddle— 5th Pirn Checkered Flag— 9th Suf Cheryl K.— 8th CD Chickarene— 1st Suf Choicell— 8th CD Christain— 9th Jam Cobul— 7th Jam Coindot— 1st G.S Collision— 9th Suf Colna— 6th Spt Color Plate— 1st G.S Combat Fleet— 9th Suf Combound— 4th CD Commander Lee — 1st Spt Confetti Lady-th Spt Connie Lou— 3d Spt Copper Doll— 6th Spt Cork Screw— 4th CD Corny Gossip— 1st Pirn Cotocton Prince— 4th G.S Count Nero— 5th Jam Countercheck— 7th Pirn Ccurt Trial— 8th G.S Coylind— 4th G.S Cozy Ada— 9th Spt Crafty Sailor— 2d Jam Creamnik— 6th Pirn Credit— 9th Jam Cute Countess— 3d G.S D Daddys Doe— 9th Spt Dantes Stage— 1st CD Dapper Dandy— 8th CD Darbin— 2d Pirn Dark Look— 2d Jam Davids Pride— 7th CD Decapitate— 4th Spt Dee Vee Tee— 5th Spt Denver King— 2d Suf Devils King— 1st Suf Dharjet— 8th CD Dianthus— 7th Jam Dilly Dally— 1st Suf Dinner Winner— 6th Spt Dixie Dynamite— 2d CD Djmila— 3d CD Doctor Tony— 2d Suf Dont Fail Me— 8th Spt Dont Spank— 2d Spt Dopplich— 1st Pirn Double D. Gal— 3d Spt Double Lorrain — 5th Spt Dublin Knight— 1st CD Dynamo Dave— 2d Spt E Eburone— 5th Suf Edas Star— 6th Suf Ednas W.-3d Pirn Eileen C— 4th G.S Eldoit— 3d Spt Ellen Van— 2d CD Engagement Ring— 2d Pirn Episode— 1st Jam Equitack— 9th Suf Erie County— 7th CD Errards Damozel—6th Jam Etc General— 1st G.S Etobicoke— 8th Suf Etude— 1st CD Exception— 8th Pirn F Fabulous Fox— 8th Jam Faded Amber— 2d Suf Faila Fair— 3d Suf Fait Cadet— 4th Suf Fair Cause— 1st Suf Fair Dame — 3d Suf Fair Lina— 3d CD Fast and Loose— 6th Pirn Federal Judge— 7th G.S Felix Arabia— 6th Pirn Fendy — 4th Pirn Feridoon— 8th CD Fidelite— 6th Jam Field of Glory— 6th Suf Field of Honor— 8th Jam Fiesta Fair— 3d CD Fighting Russ — 4th Spt First Pic— 5th G.S First Rock— 2d G.S Flaming Susie— 9th Pirn Flash Can— 7th Pirn Fleet Contessa— 9th Jam Fleetbelle— 2d Spt Fleeting Day— 8th Pirn Flopnicht Mere— 3d Spt Flying Mowlee— 2d Pirn Foolish Fellow— 9th Pirn Fort Bull— 4th Spt Fourth Attempt— 5th Suf Francis M. L. — 3d Suf Frank Zero — 5th Spt Fratello— 8th Jam Freedoms Peace— 2d G.S French Fry— 2d G.S Fresh and Fair— 2d Suf Friendly Witch— 3d Jam Fun Lover— 9th Spt G Gailstar— 1st CD Galnews— 3d G.S Gambia — 4th Suf Game Style— 2d G.S Garrison— 7th Spt Gawain— 5th Jam Gay Rig — 2d Jam Gay Tommy— 1st CD Ge He We— 3d Suf Geechee Lou— 7th Pirn Gees Dena— 3d Pirn Georges Folly— 1st Pirn Getahead— 7th CD Ginas Pet— 8th Suf Golden Eva— 4th CD Goodnight Ladies— 4th Pirn Goyalba— 8th Spt Grandherst— 3d Pirn Gray Ace— 2d CD Gray Jan— 2d Spt Grecian Lake— 5th CD Greek Guard— 2d G.S Greenocks Music— 4th CD Grey Novel— 5th Pirn Gun Fire— 9th Pirn H Half Rate— 3d Spt Halloween Imp— 2d Pirn Harbour Hussy— 3d Suf Healthy— 8th Pirn Helequest— 6th CD Helio Blue— 1st CD Heliotide— 4th Jam Hello Ace— 7th Suf Her Worship— 4th Pirn Heros Return— 8th G.S Hi Fi Gal— 3d Spt Hidalgo Co.— 4th Spt Hidden Charm— 3d G.S High Bid— 7th Jam Hill Country— 4th CD Hill Top Gem— 5th G.S Honey Ann— 9th Jam Honey Bird— 8th Suf Hotepa— 1st Spt Hustling— 4th G.S Hy Marshall-4th Suf I I Double— 8th Suf Icee Ken— 7th CD Imon— 5th Jam Impressionable— 2d G.S In Par— 9th Suf Ina Battle— 1st Jam Inescapable— 6th G.S Inset— 4th G.S Inside— 8th Suf Instrumental— 7th CD Irish Spark— 6th Spt Its a Beauty— 3d Jam J J. L.s Pride— 4th Suf Jac-a-Muffin— 4th Pirn Jamaica— 2d CD Jay Dee Jay— 8th Suf Jennies Joy— 6th G.S Jewel Box— 1st Suf Jing Jing — 9th Suf Jce Jr.— 5th Spt Joes Master— 5th Jam John B. P.— 9th Suf Joyce Roberta— 4th Spt Joys Daphne— 9th Jam Jr.s Ruin— 2d G.S Jungle Maid— 3d CD Juniper Time— 4th G.S K Kathryn Ann— 2d CD Katys Khal-2d Spt Kaz-4th CD Keep Pitching— 4th Jam Kentucky Bandit— 7th Suf King Dare— 9th Pirn Kingbird— 1st Suf Kismiss— 2d Suf Kissim — 4th Suf Knight-King— 4th Pirn Knockavoe — 7th Pirn Knotty Problem— 4th Jam Know It— 5th CD L La Four— 4th Suf Ladle— 6th Spt Lady Devorguilla— 3d Pirn Landrover— 8th Pirn Laughing Loon— 3d Spt L Audacious— 8th Pirn Le Mieux— 8th Jam Leonard F. — 1st Spt Level Land— 6th Jam Lil Rascal Eli -8th Pirn Lil Susie— 7th Suf Lindy Hop— 3d CD Little Art— 8th G.S Little Bouquet— 8th CD Little Chic— 2d Spt Little Dorrit— 5th Pirn Little Fitz— 6th CD Little Gil— 2d Jam Litte Reaper— 6th CD Lively Jet— 2d G.S Loisel— 2d Jam Long Strider— 6th Spt Longwood — 5th Suf Lost Holiday— 8th G.S Lost Jewel— 2d G.S Lovely Dice— 8th Suf Lovely Hildy— 9th Jam Lucko th Irish— 6th Pirn Lucky Ballot— 7th Suf Lucky George— 7th G.S Lucky Lena— 6th CD Lynns Birthday— 1st Pirn M Mabe Trader— 3d CD Maggie McGraw— 5th Spt Maiden Auntie— 2d Jam Mama Mac — 4th Spt Mamas Trouble— 4th CD Mamma Rose— 1st Spt Man Dave— 5th Spt Man of Quest— 2d CD Maraine— 1st G.S Mark Ed— 2d Pirn Marless— 5th CD Marys Boy— 4th CD Merrell L. F.— 1st G.S Merrie Vee— 9th Jam Merrion Square — 1st Suf Mess Hall— 2d Suf Mia Gal— 1st Spt Mibizness— 5th CD Mid Erin — 4th Jam Midday Sun— 1st Jam Midland Star— 1st Suf Mighty Tom— 8th G.S Miljay— 3d Jam Miss Fan— 8th CD Miss Frio— 4th Spt Miss Grissim— 1st Spt Miss Hamps — 3d G.S Miss Hips— 1st Spt Miss Myrtle M.— 5th G.S Miss Piedmont— 5th G.S Miss Primate— 3d CD Miss Telephone— 5th Spt Mister Storm— 2d Spt Mistral— 1st CD Moby Dick II.— 9th Pirn Model Borough— 3d G.S Mohegan — 4th Jam Monkey Waltz— 5th G.S Mousefoot— 1st CD Moya— 3d G.S Mr. A.— 1st G.S Mr. Fantastic— 6th CD Mr. Hickey— 6th Spt Mr. M. J.— 5th CD Mr. Toodle— 9th Pirn Mr. W. R.— 4th G.S Mrs. T.— 7th Suf Mrs. W.— 1st Spt Mumbo— 4th CD Muraibec— 5th Spt My Dare— 5th Suf My Saralee— 4th Pirn Mythical Land— 2d Suf N Nabe— 1st Jam Nahodah— 7th G.S Nancys Chance— 1st Jam Nancys Queen— 3d G.S Naom Padraig— 2d Jam Nap Time— 7th Suf Nawor— 5th G.S Newport— 5th Jam No Man— 1st CD No Moss- 8»h G.S Noble Swyn— 7th Spt Norbob— 9th Suf Norcly— 3d Jam Normas Baby— 8th Suf Norrsken— 5th Spt North Pole II.— 4th Jam Nothing Ventured— 5th Pirn o Occupied Lady — 4th Pirn Oil Heiress— 5th Pirn Onaga— 5th G.S One Crack— 2d CD One Way Out— 2d Suf Opinion— 6th Suf Oriental Silk— 1st Suf ORiley — 4th Spt Orrtrack— 9th Spt Our Answer— 3d G.S Our Bob— 4th Spt Our Boy John— 8th CD Our Lia— 8th Spt Our Margobee— 6th Jam Our Rea— 3d Spt P Pa Bull— 2d Suf Pacesetter— 2d Jam Palisade— 8th G.S Paper Wait— 4th Pirn Pappy Carter— 1st CD Pasamayo— 9th Suf Pat Weed— 1st Spt Pats Baby— 2d CD Patsy L.— 1st Jam Patuxant Prince— 3d Pirn Pay Mike— 1st Suf Peace Ship— 5th Pirn Pennies Collect— 1st CD Pentameter — 4th Pirn Perch— 9th Suf Personal Regards— 8th Suf Phebe Gee— 2d Spt Phi Flash— 2d Jam Phil ipeep— 8th Jam Phyllis Bev— 6th Suf Phyls Rocket— 4th G.S Picafriend— 8th Spt Pie Crust— 3d G.S Pildoron— 4th Jam Play Pilot— 8th G.S Playful Nurse— 1st Pirn Ponda Rose— 3d Spt Popocatepetl— 1st CD Pousse-On— 1st Jam Powder Horn — 4th G.S Praise Bee— 3d Suf Presented— 9th Spt President Dares— 6th Pirn Prince Quill— 4th G.S Prince Torch— 6th CD Prince Weeper— 1st Pirn Princess Gail— 1st CD Princess Ham-2d CD Professor Sam— 2d Pirn Puffy— 9th Jam Punta Gorda— 6th Jam Puritonion— 3d Spt Purple Haze— 5th G.S Q Quatty— 8th CD Qudel— 9th Spt Queen Cessna— 4th Suf Quick Kippy— 3d Suf Quick Master— 7th Spt Quill— 7th Jam Quitzies Star— 2d Spt R Rare Glory— 3d Suf Rebel Prince— 4th CD Recite— 6th Jam Red Cadet— 8th Jam Redbird Wish— 7th Spt Replys Image— 9th Suf Resolved— 6th CD Restful— 7th Spt Rinflo— 9th Suf Ripopic— 9th Suf Rippey Ruth— 2d CD River Nymph — 1st Pirn Roaming Red— 6th Spt Robins Laurie— 5th G.S Rocky Pone— 2d CD Rosys Sister— 3d Spt Royal Anthem— 6th G.S Royal Greek— 4th CD Run Bobby Run— 3d Jam s Safe Date— 5th Suf Sals Marble— 4th Spt San Catarina— 3d Pirn Sara Anne— 4th Spt Sara Jordan — 6th Jam Sarah Ellen— 4th Pirn Scarlet Mon— 5th Suf Scotch Sister— 1st Suf Scotland— 6th G.S Second Fiddle— 6th CD Seriously— 6th Pirn Shan Pac— 6th CD Shanksy— 8th G.S Shannon Comet— 2d CD Shape Up— 8th CD Sharpsburg— 7th G.S Shiny Bow— 5th Suf Shirley Jones— 7th Jam Shot Cay— 7th CD Showdown Lady— 1st CD Shura— 6th Spt Sibling— 1st Pirn Side Light— 9th Spt Side Pomp— 3d Spt Siesta — 6th Jam Sios— 1st Jam Sir Oliver— 1st G.S Sky Bid— 9th Pirn Sky Mint— 1st G.S Sleepy Man— 4th G.S Slender Red— 8th Spt Slim Penny— 1st G.S Slithy Tove— 3d Jam Small— 3d Pirn Snow Mon— 2d CD So Shy— 1st Suf Solar Clipper— 9th Spt Solid Threat— 4th Suf Some Front— 9th Spt Some Steed— 6th Suf Some Tune— 9th Jam Sonnet — 5th Suf Sonny Dan— 7th G.S Spangdahlen— 2d Spt Spirit of Win— 6th Suf Sporty Gene— 5th CD Stacked— 1st G.S Star Apache— 5th Spt Star Buckle— 3d Pirn Star Cast— 1st G.S Star Toy— 1st CD Starlet Miss— 6th Jam Steerforth— 7th Pirn Stolen Glance— 3d G.S Stoney Creek— 2d Suf Strong Point— 6th CD Stylish Abby— 3d Pirn Subgal— 7th CD Summer Storm— 9th Pirn Sun Better— 7th Suf Sun Jeep— 9th Spt SunN Fun— 1st G.S Sundry— 3d G.S Sunny Lit— 4th CD Sunset Baby— 2d Jam Sweet Scamp — 2d Pirn Sweet Terri— 1st Jam Swoop Down— 8th Suf T Tagama — 7th Jam Tahitian Belle— 4th Suf Tahitian Prince — 6th G.S Take Five — 3d Jam Tempts Image— 2d CD Tender Care— 6th Jam Terrytom— 7th CD Testing Jet— 4th Suf Texas Serenade— 9th Pirn The Axe— 8th G.S Threep— 1st Jam Thru Weeping — 2d Pirn Thumb Nail— 1st CD Thwart— 4th G.S Title Page— 8th Jam Tom ike— 5th Jam Toms Ace— 6th G.S Too Alone— 3d Spt Toolbox — 4th Pirn Top Dresser— 6th Suf Traders Luck— 5th Pirn Trafalgar Square— 3d Pirn Translucent— 6th Jam Tribe Man— 4th Jam Trie ia— 1st G.S Trish — 1st Suf Tropical Miss— 3d Spt Trousseau— 1st Pirn Tu Amiga— 1st Jam Tulsa Twist— 8th CD Tuosix— 8th Pim Tutsie — 5th Pim Two for Tea— 3d Jam Type— 2d CD Tzimis— 1st Spt u Umdoodyed— 7th Suf Uranium Dream— 5th Spt V Vagabond King— 5th Spt Vegeo— 7th G.S Victor H. S.— 3d Suf Vincere— 6th Pim Vique— 3d Spt Vir-Marie— 6th G.S Vite-Jd G.S Voyante— 8th G.S w Walter B.— 1st CD War Ace Boy— 9th Suf War Star— 2d G.S Wary Lad— 7th Pim Wayne Rock— 5th Pim Wee Wiggle— 4th G.S Wes Proud— 3d G.S Wet Back— 5th CD Whats-The-Hurry-7th Suf Wild and Wooly— 8th G.S Will Remember— 1st G.S Wind Drinker— 8th G.S Wine Heim Aire— 8th Spt Winnies First— 2d Pim World Whispers— 1st Spt Y Yardstick— 8th G.S Your Lead— 5th Spt

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Local Identifier: drf1959050701_51_1
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